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Every Don has its day



  • kidwiz10kidwiz10 Member Posts: 569
    edited January 2014
    Just with hand 2 i think your losing out on so much! , 

    Its like how many times do you ever get KK? so rarely so you wanna max out as much as you can from it.
    Problem with peeling with KK there is if it runs out A xx your gunna completely shut down.

    On that flop you should have at least raised most the time , AK,AQ,KQ,KJ hands will most certainly call you, 
    Now if you 4bet pre(best option) it would have easily have set you up for a nice 2/3 flop bet and then taking them to value town once that turn card hits.

    I understand you dont always have to get really aggresive with big hands , bit with hands like AA im sure you would have defo have 4bet them but im sure that them holding that hand did in fact cross your mind hence the really passive play from your part.

    Also another reason why 4 betting is the main option here is you dont actually seem to know where you stand in the hand.

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Every Don will have its day. Don's quest for a PS4:
    Just with hand 2 i think your losing out on so much! ,  Its like how many times do you ever get KK? so rarely so you wanna max out as much as you can from it. Problem with peeling with KK there is if it runs out A xx your gunna completely shut down. On that flop you should have at least raised most the time , AK,AQ,KQ,KJ hands will most certainly call you,  Now if you 4bet pre(best option) it would have easily have set you up for a nice 2/3 flop bet and then taking them to value town once that turn card hits. I understand you dont always have to get really aggresive with big hands , bit with hands like AA im sure you would have defo have 4bet them but im sure that them holding that hand did in fact cross your mind hence the really passive play from your part. Also another reason why 4 betting is the main option here is you dont actually seem to know where you stand in the hand.
    Posted by kidwiz10
    I would have played Aces the exact same. For the same reasons. I never even considered the panic of him having aces. 

    You defo have a good point about c/r the flop tho. 
  • kidwiz10kidwiz10 Member Posts: 569
    edited January 2014
    The biggest problem with slow playing big holdings is how are you gunna build the pot?

    If you did re raise pre as you act 1st you lead out 2/3 bet and 95% of the time after the pre action that flop hits the ops range im sure.

    If it was an mtt i understand you can play it this way but in cash you can always top up and you wanna maximise the most out of these hands.

    I play NL20 mainly and i know myself that most the regs are ABC players and are only usually 3 betting pre with a small % of hands but id be more than happy getting it in with KK as we can see this aint happening against AQ but bye 4 betting you can most the time see where you are in the hand as you aint gunna get fancy play/players floating most the time unless they have the goods.

    Yea check raising flop in this situation woulda got you to stack them off or at least make a nice profit.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Every Don will have its day. Don's quest for a PS4:
    The biggest problem with slow playing big holdings is how are you gunna build the pot? If you did re raise pre as you act 1st you lead out 2/3 bet and 95% of the time after the pre action that flop hits the ops range im sure. If it was an mtt i understand you can play it this way but in cash you can always top up and you wanna maximise the most out of these hands. I play NL20 mainly and i know myself that most the regs are ABC players and are only usually 3 betting pre with a small % of hands but id be more than happy getting it in with KK as we can see this aint happening against AQ but bye 4 betting you can most the time see where you are in the hand as you aint gunna get fancy play/players floating most the time unless they have the goods. Yea check raising flop in this situation woulda got you to stack them off or at least make a nice profit.
    Posted by kidwiz10
    yeah fair points here. :) wasn't trying to be awkward just get some good discussion going. Ty :) 
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited January 2014
    Hey Don,

    Good luck with the promo, hope you do it buddy.
  • kidwiz10kidwiz10 Member Posts: 569
    edited January 2014
    Not a problem fella easiser said than done lol.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited January 2014
    A moment of silence. 

    Before i do anything today I'd like to dedicate one full post to those who Died in the Ibrox Disaster on the 2nd of January 1971.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited January 2014


    I played for about 40 mins or so last night but I was playing like a right plonker. Thus decided it was best I came off. Was -£23 and only had one major pot, and that was a simple fold too.

    Today I posted up the moment of silence above and played for just over an hour. It was actually a really good session bar being on the end of 3 coolers, 1 or 2 I can get away from, will post up.

    1) In hindsight I think this river is a fold. His range is like flush or air, and people don't tend to have air at these levels.

    The_Don90 Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £10.00
    mickdee Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £11.33
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • Q
    PIEMAN180 Raise  £0.20 £0.35 £16.90
    longman912 Fold     
    TINTIN Fold     
    The_Don90 Call  £0.15 £0.50 £9.85
    mickdee Fold     
    • Q
    • J
    • 2
    The_Don90 Check     
    PIEMAN180 Check     
    • Q
    The_Don90 Bet  £0.20 £0.70 £9.65
    PIEMAN180 Call  £0.20 £0.90 £16.70
    • 8
    The_Don90 Bet  £0.50 £1.40 £9.15
    PIEMAN180 Raise  £1.45 £2.85 £15.25
    The_Don90 Call  £0.95 £3.80 £8.20
    PIEMAN180 Show
    • 6
    • 7
    The_Don90 Muck
    • 10
    • Q
    PIEMAN180 Win Flush to the Queen £3.51  £18.76
    2) Comparing lines to the hand above I actually think this river is a flat in hindsight. Again as above his range is flush or air, admittedly we beat more flushes than we lost too, how many combos or weaker flushes does he have?
    PIEMAN180 Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £4.82
    The_Don90 Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £9.90
    Donttelmum Sit out     
      Your hole cards
    • 4
    • 10
    TINTIN Fold     
    frankie700 Fold     
    PIEMAN180 Call  £0.05 £0.20 £4.77
    The_Don90 Check     
    • 3
    • Q
    • 10
    PIEMAN180 Check     
    The_Don90 Bet  £0.20 £0.40 £9.70
    PIEMAN180 Call  £0.20 £0.60 £4.57
    • 5
    PIEMAN180 Check     
    The_Don90 Bet  £0.30 £0.90 £9.40
    PIEMAN180 Raise  £0.60 £1.50 £3.97
    The_Don90 Call  £0.30 £1.80 £9.10
    • 6
    PIEMAN180 Bet  £1.35 £3.15 £2.62
    The_Don90 All-in  £9.10 £12.25 £0.00
    PIEMAN180 All-in  £2.62 £14.87 £0.00
    The_Don90 Unmatched bet  £5.13 £9.74 £5.13
    PIEMAN180 Show
    • K
    • 8
    The_Don90 Show
    • 4
    • 10
    PIEMAN180 Win Flush to the King £9.00  £9.00
    3) This is the one hand I'm posting here I'm actually happy with, I feel I play this reasonably well. Credit to Tintin who I think was unlucky I seen the river as a danger card. I'd have value bet so many other rivers.
    sneaki07 Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £9.69
    Donttelmum Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £15.57
    longman912 Sit out     
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • 10
    TINTIN Raise  £0.30 £0.45 £13.15
    The_Don90 Call  £0.30 £0.75 £9.79
    sneaki07 Fold     
    Donttelmum Fold     
    • 7
    • 2
    • 4
    TINTIN Bet  £0.56 £1.31 £12.59
    The_Don90 Call  £0.56 £1.87 £9.23
    • 7
    TINTIN Check     
    The_Don90 Bet  £1.00 £2.87 £8.23
    TINTIN Call  £1.00 £3.87 £11.59
    • K
    TINTIN Check     
    The_Don90 Check     
    TINTIN Show
    • K
    • K
    The_Don90 Muck
    • 10
    • 10
    TINTIN Win Full House, Kings and 7s £3.57  £15.16
    4) Filling up in this hand is actually probably the thing that should get me away from this, on the turn we're losing to better sets, and TJ, on the river we're losing to so many two pair hands (as of turn) and only went ahead of TJ. Hate saying it, but I think this FH is a fold.
    PIEMAN180 Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £9.75
    oldgill Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £10.30
      Your hole cards
    • 2
    • 2
    TINTIN Fold     
    supercrazy Fold     
    gemy Fold     
    The_Don90 Raise  £0.30 £0.45 £24.38
    PIEMAN180 Call  £0.25 £0.70 £9.50
    oldgill Fold     
    • K
    • Q
    • A
    PIEMAN180 Check     
    The_Don90 Check     
    • 2
    PIEMAN180 Bet  £0.35 £1.05 £9.15
    The_Don90 Raise  £1.00 £2.05 £23.38
    PIEMAN180 Raise  £1.30 £3.35 £7.85
    The_Don90 Call  £0.65 £4.00 £22.73
    • A
    PIEMAN180 Check     
    The_Don90 Bet  £2.50 £6.50 £20.23
    PIEMAN180 All-in  £7.85 £14.35 £0.00
    The_Don90 Call  £5.35 £19.70 £14.88
    PIEMAN180 Show
    • Q
    • Q
    The_Don90 Show
    • 2
    • 2
    PIEMAN180 Win Full House, Queens and Aces £18.30  £18.30
    However despite all that I finished just shy of £20 up. Overall im about £18 down from when I started and point wise I'm well below my target figure.

    Rangers game is on tv today aswell so probably going to fall further behind. Until its impossible though I will remain in the hunt.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited January 2014
    Head meet brick wall

    Well I don't know what to say.  I 6 tabled NL10 MC for 3 hours, gained just 120 points and lost £51. Mostly in sick fashion. 3 key hands for the session, all of them I'm ahead on the turn, behind on the river. 2 of which where worth £40 each, the other worth just over £25.

    Ontop of that not many situations seemed to go for me. Most of these will be BBY's but just to show I'm not taking the pee. 
     Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £19.40
    Diminuendo Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £44.89
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • 9
    timebomb10 Fold     
    elbows7 Fold     
    djcosmic Fold     
    The_Don90 Raise  £0.30 £0.45 £19.70
     Raise  £0.95 £1.40 £18.45
    Diminuendo Fold     
    The_Don90 Call  £0.70 £2.10 £19.00
    • A
    • J
    • 4
    The_Don90 Bet  £1.20 £3.30 £17.80
     All-in  £18.45 £21.75 £0.00
    The_Don90 Call  £17.25 £39.00 £0.55
    • A
    • A
    The_Don90 Show
    • Q
    • 9
    • 3
    • J
     Win Full House, Aces and Jacks £37.60  £37.60
    wrongjohn1 Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £21.45
     Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £18.27
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    Dodgersc1 Fold     
    KELTY19 Fold     
    AcidMan27 Fold     
    The_Don90 Raise  £0.30 £0.45 £29.44
    wrongjohn1 Fold     
     Raise  £0.60 £1.05 £17.67
    The_Don90 Raise  £1.20 £2.25 £28.24
     Call  £0.80 £3.05 £16.87
    • 9
    • Q
    • 2
    The_Don90 Bet  £1.80 £4.85 £26.44
     Call  £1.80 £6.65 £15.07
    • 7
    The_Don90 Bet  £4.20 £10.85 £22.24
     Call  £4.20 £15.05 £10.87
    • 6
     All-in  £10.87 £25.92 £0.00
    The_Don90 Call  £10.87 £36.79 £11.37
    • J
    • 10
    The_Don90 Show
    • A
    • A
     Win Flush to the Jack £35.39  £35.39
    Dodgersc1 Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £15.67
     Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £10.73
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    AcidMan27 Fold     
    The_Don90 Raise  £0.30 £0.45 £20.64
    wrongjohn1 Fold     
    manasa1 Call  £0.30 £0.75 £34.36
    Dodgersc1 Call  £0.25 £1.00 £15.42
     Call  £0.20 £1.20 £10.53
    • 7
    • 10
    • K
    Dodgersc1 Check     
    The_Don90 Bet  £0.60 £1.80 £20.04
    manasa1 Call  £0.60 £2.40 £33.76
    Dodgersc1 Call  £0.60 £3.00 £14.82
     Call  £0.60 £3.60 £9.93
    • 2
    Dodgersc1 Check     
    The_Don90 Bet  £2.80 £6.40 £17.24
    manasa1 Fold     
    Dodgersc1 Fold     
     Call  £2.80 £9.20 £7.13
    • 3
     All-in  £7.13 £16.33 £0.00
    The_Don90 Call  £7.13 £23.46 £10.11
    • Q
    • A
    The_Don90 Show
    • K
    • K
     Win Flush to the Ace £22.06  £22.06
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited January 2014
    The dream is over

    Literally every backdoor draw gets there, every miricle out hits.

    Thus im done. 

    Done over 50% of my BR, and points to show for it, 378

    GG i quit!. 

    Gl all. 

  • kidwiz10kidwiz10 Member Posts: 569
    edited January 2014
    Hand 1>Q9> Im not gunna say fold there as you got position and you dont wanna be to passive eg once that flop comes and his jam it plays itself just very unlucky.

    Hand 2>AA>Not more you could have done here , guess there is a small % you can fold the river i personally couldnt fold there and all the j10, k10 hands would have missed and just trying to take it down.Just another unlucky hand and you charged them for there draws which was good play.

    Hand 3>KK>Played the hand as good as you can , bet sizing was spot on just got unlucky and nothing more you could have done.

    I would say tho that maybe min raising pre and 3x is to small at nl10. , reason i say this is most the time at nl20 its usally a standard 80p/£1 pre raise as most the time you aint ever getting credit.

    Another thing is don you only get points based on hands you see flops in really if your a ABC player and dont play to many hands then your points are gunna not add up as much as to someone who plays so many hands the points will accumalate very fast.

    I try to keep away from "master cash tables" and happy hours when i can reason bein there so reg infested with ABC players making a profit is very hard and also playing pots is just not easy when getting action is thin.

    Keep goin i know its tilting to find so early on in the month youve lost half your roll but my honest advice is.

    I also used to lose playing mastercash and happy hours just because its so hard to make a profit from the players who play them times,  I know you get 50% increase on points but you would be better off playing 2 extra hours and having a 50% increase in profits than playing them times just my opinion.

    Now that i dont usually do those hours my profits have become great at those levels so its more table selection and players i try not to tangle with eg.

    So dont give up and good luck.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2014
    Hand 1 & 3 are standard imo. Hand 2 we could maybe find a fold on the river, but your 4bet size is way off imo, too small.

    keep at it tho, 2 sessions do not maketh a month
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited January 2014
    I've taken a decent amount of time to think, and although i'll probably continue to play poker. However i find now that this diary makes it harder for me to cool off after sessions and if im honest, setting goals just doesnt seem to help me.

    So for now this is goodbye. Although i will probably still be around on the forums.

    I wish you all the best. 
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited January 2014

    You didn't put a title on that post Donald.

    How about 'Don and Dusted' ?



  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,727
    edited January 2014
    Sorry to read this Don.

    For me,

    Hand 1 is stone cold.

    Hand 2 raise more on the 4-bet. Post looks ok to the river. Can we fold? Not sure tbh, could be slow-playing flopped sets and shoving not expecting you to turn up with the back door flush, otherwise the only other hands he can do that with are KQc and JTc. JTo might have stuck around with the 4-bet sizing (is he 3-betting JTo?), I can't see any other draws that call the flop bet given the action tbh. Think there are more hands that beat us than bluff unless we know the player well (it is a good scare card but the flop is sooo dry).

    Hand 3 goes 4 way to the flop. I'd want to be betting more than 1/2 pot despite us smashing the board. It's very easy for people to improve to better than our hand, and there's so many in there. I'd not want to go 4-way to the turn. As it happens only 1 player makes it to the river, and it is unlucky for him to get there, but think we give him a good price especially with the other players in the hand post flop.  The trouble is with that flop it is easy to think we're always going to end with the best of it.

    Just my thoughts.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2014
    Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls, the diary will not be making a return as stated.

    HOWEVER Dohhhhhh was discussing my playing time and jokingly its the convo went from a jokey laugh to somehow me ending up making a bet with him. 

    He said one thing was unlikely, i said i had a plan to return to poker. That didn't seem likely according to him, so a bet has happened. 

    Now, i wont go into the ins and outs, however it means that i must play poker until a date not announced, although that date will be on sky forums, and i must upload a vlog at least once a week aswell. 

    Episode one will be up tonight, ill link here for that. 

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2014
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2014

    Mon the Don!

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited May 2014

    Well decided to let some life breathe in this old dog. 

    At the end of March I sat down with Mel. I want to sort out hours where i can play poker. I haven't worked properly for a number of years so lets look at it like a job in the meantime. Not like a pro, but sort my sleeping out, while also having a nice balance of Family life. 

    Mel agreed and we sorted out a schedule. Obviously this means 100% cash, where i've historically struggled. 

    I did 1 hour of coaching from a friend and it made a massive impact. I also think the schedule helped a little too. PLaying mostly NL4 (a tiny amount of NL4 too) i finnished +280 for April and my first withdrawl that hasn't gone from 1 site to another for nearly 4 years. 

    Anyways i plan for much of the same this  month, but have decided to start the diary again.

    Roll for may started at £200, played for 2 hours today which is below what the schedule says cause of a few reasons. Anyways +£51. Although £1 ish of that was from playing HU for Larsson's comp. 

  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited May 2014
    gl buddy for this month and wp on last months
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