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Every Don has its day



  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited September 2013
    Lovin the vid 
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited September 2013
    For those who liked part 1 we did part 2 yesterday

    Mike i have sed alot of video software but never this specific one, which i found awkward at first. 
    Its also one of the first times ive used poker tracker for this so was unsure on alot of the quick button things. 

    anythoughs on taking this forward as a vlog guys? 

    Also in releation to diary, i didnt play yesterday 
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited September 2013
    Just watched the first vid. Any chance we can get Clare on webcam alongside the hand history?

    wp guys.
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited September 2013
    sent you a Pm m8
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    sent you a Pm m8
    Posted by MP33
    Seen will sort out tomorrow afternoon ill be on then 
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,727
    edited September 2013
    Interesting vids Don, if not a bit too long. I had to create a drinking game to make it more fun. If anyone else wants to play it, every time Andy says "passive fish" have a swig of beer.  Just make sure you're fully stocked up and have no committments the following day :)

    A5o shipping over the raise and 2 calls? I personally let it go, it's one of those where you shove and hope for folds, then get a call, find yourself dominated and hate yourself for not waiting for an easier spot. You'll probably get through the first guy, but any pockets 77+ and AT+ is going to snap you off I feel, don't think you get many Kx hands to run with you there. imo.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    Interesting vids Don, if not a bit too long. I had to create a drinking game to make it more fun. If anyone else wants to play it, every time Andy says "passive fish" have a swig of beer.  Just make sure you're fully stocked up and have no committments the following day :) A5o shipping over the raise and 2 calls? I personally let it go, it's one of those where you shove and hope for folds, then get a call, find yourself dominated and hate yourself for not waiting for an easier spot. You'll probably get through the first guy, but any pockets 77+ and AT+ is going to snap you off I feel, don't think you get many Kx hands to run with you there. imo.
    Posted by bbMike
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited September 2013
    The Honey Badger is a Badass

    So yesterday i planned a long grind. Starting at 11.40ish i planned to play right through till 9/10. However i ended around  5/6. 

    The day seen me playing around 21 mtts, over my 5 sites. At the start of the day it was clear i needed to cash on 2 of those sites. The bankroll i had to them was dwindling. Not that I'm complaining that is standard for a small mtt bankroll and i have the largest bankroll i've ever had spread across 5 sites at present. This makes being an mtt player easier for game selection. 

    Anyways the round up was as follows. With results as best as i can remember. I am also looking at EV graphs, as that tells me exactly how many mtts i played aswell. 

    3 Bounty Hunters on Sky Poker. I failed to cash, 2 near misses but did take about 10/11 quid in heads so not a disaster. One i blew up in but was OOP to this one guy who was running hotter than a fire poker. Annoyingly his range was also any two cards thus he was running that hot while playing every hand, gg me. 

    3 mtts on pokerstars france. I did manage 1 min cash, and a head on another. Run grim tho, ev chart says 200BB -ev. Over 3 mtts thats pretty insane. (EV is based against actual hand when money went in) 

    5 mtts on winamax. All where non-progressive bounty hunters (€1 per head does not change) or deepstacks. 0 cahses here running 140BB -EV aswell. 

    Normal stars was 6 mtts, -80BB in ev but thats pretty standard. Actually suprised this was also low as i got an insane 3 way all in in a 435BB pot. UTG open shoved Q2o. BTN reshoves AJo i snap with KK in the SB. Board runs out Kxxxx all hearts, thus my top set is playing the board, the AJ has the nuts gg me. Obviously thats 3 way all in pre so maybe much less based in equity v 3 random cards and the over. 

    FTp again -50BB in ev over 4 mtts. However i managed to bite the bullet through it on this site, maybe a credit to how i was playing, maybe just abit of other variance running in my favour. But i got HU in an mtt called "Honey Badger" this was basically a non-progressive bounty hunter $1 per head, whiich i took 5/6. Anyways I offered a deal HU (mostly because i haven't seen out an mt in ages) and the chip stacks where close. I got an extra $18 over the other lad.

    As a result of that i ended up being sent several honey badger documentaries on facebook. Hense the title. 

    Sorry for sharing the EV charts if you dont care for them, i done that partially because they where there, and secondly to annoy Greghogg who told me to stop moaning about variance.

    My next update i might test out a VLOG, not sure weather to use a webcam or screenshare for it though. lol. Any suggestions would be welcomes
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2013
    FWIW, all in chip EV graphs aren't the be all and end all (or even a close indication) of whether you ran good or not. Say you raise TT, get flatted by 99, both flop sets and you stack him. The graph will just show it as a win that you're gonna win nearly all the time but doesn't take into account how lucky you were to be in that spot. Or you flat a 3bet with AQ and get it in on AQx against AK... again your all in EV is smashing it but that doesn't reflect how lucky you were to be in that spot.

    The reverse of that is like getting it in KK v AA pre... looks like you're running standard cos you lost the hand and you 'should' have lost the hand but that doesn't take into account how unlucky you are to run KK into AA.

    Nice one on bagging the Honey Badger though.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    FWIW, all in chip EV graphs aren't the be all and end all (or even a close indication) of whether you ran good or not. Say you raise TT, get flatted by 99, both flop sets and you stack him. The graph will just show it as a win that you're gonna win nearly all the time but doesn't take into account how lucky you were to be in that spot. Or you flat a 3bet with AQ and get it in on AQx against AK... again your all in EV is smashing it but that doesn't reflect how lucky you were to be in that spot. The reverse of that is like getting it in KK v AA pre... looks like you're running standard cos you lost the hand and you 'should' have lost the hand but that doesn't take into account how unlucky you are to run KK into AA. Nice one on bagging the Honey Badger though.
    Posted by Lambert180
    yeah i know that Paul, it was more to annoy greg. 

    i think i also tried to address that in post by saying it is v actual hand. meh if not, people can see this.

    p.s. ty. 
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited September 2013

     Was wondering if you would post your aliases on the other sites, just in case I end up on same table as you.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
     Was wondering if you would post your aliases on the other sites, just in case I end up on same table as you.
    Posted by 68Trebor
    888 (rarely player here but will start again soon) - The_Don90

    Winamax - The Don 90 - Thee_Don90

    Stars - The_Donscott (was supposed to be scottish was only when i logged in the second time i noticed)

    FTP - The_donscottish
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day. : 888 (rarely player here but will start again soon) - The_Don90 Winamax - The Don 90 - Thee_Don90 Stars - The_Donscott (was supposed to be scottish was only when i logged in the second time i noticed) FTP - The_donscottish
    Posted by The_Don90
    I see a pattern emerging.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day. : 888 (rarely player here but will start again soon) - The_Don90 Winamax - The Don 90 - Thee_Don90 Stars - The_Donscott (was supposed to be scottish was only when i logged in the second time i noticed) FTP - The_donscottish
    Posted by The_Don90
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day. : I see a pattern emerging.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr

    Strangely enough both Winamax, and full tilt was supposed to be different. Annoyingly it turned out i opened a FTP account 4 years ago and couldn't create a new one :( 

    Winamax i was going to be 'need€formilk' based on a donism. Annoyingly some poor soul actually had that. 

    I am very much bored of this alias and when i find a new site with a decent schedule i will almost certainly be something different. 

    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day. : typo?
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH

    Now, The wasn't allowed so i became THEE. 

    My boxing cat avatar will deal with any further complaints ;) 

    P.S. rumour has it u had a massive day today, will ur diary emerge from the woodwork 
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited September 2013
    A rough day

    The honey badger spirit really had to come out in me today. Im not sure there was that much of it to be honest. 

    I was slow to start, Mel had an emergancy dentist appointment, thus that meant i was home alone with the little one. Obviously i don't mind that, and i did managed to get 2 games in while that was the case, a bh on sky and deepie on winamax. 

    I min cashed the deepie, and came close in the bh, both exits where flips. When Mel got home it was clear this was going to set a pattern. 

    Overall i played 5 games on sky, 4 on, 6 on winamax and 5 on FTP 

    I would make another min cash on i feel kind of dirty i realised the mtt was over for me, past recovery, adding that id bust all but 5 of the other mtts i decided to fold to the min cash to recoop some losses. I also managed another min cash on winamax. 

    I had a further 2 very close calls to a cash. However the best result was on FTP again. 14th this time, was very ul in several spots in this mtt. on nut FH v Quads, and then v the same oppo i 3b shove and he snapped with 8 high. board runs out A9T88 erm yeah well played sir. 

    I feel overall happy with the day, i managed to recoop £40 worth of entries back with the cashes, it was a very horrible day and i feel we could have easily been celebrating another 3 figure score today. Instead things didn't fall our way and we're celebrating keeping losses to a minimum. 

    Onto the next.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited September 2013
    A day of mixed emotions

    So today i woke up around 12noon and started a grind quickly after. I can't remember the full details. Again over the standard 5 sites. 

    I got off to a horrible but standard start. But as the day went on i was getting happier and happier with how i was playing. Eventually i won the 2.30pm bh. From around 10 left i felt i had a good chance of winning it and that turned out the be the case. 

    The 4.30 bh i also came close in finnishing 8/9th i was ul, i spunn 4k into 40k and chip lead seeing very few flops and 0 showdowns. Anyways a few standard spots went against me and i ran out of steam. In hindsight i play one single spot i missed, other than that more than happy with how i played it. 

    .fr sees the disappointment though. I had 100% br (site based) in play over 3 mtts. The last one of those standind was a €1 rebuy, of which i was in for the single €1. Anyways it had 3000 runners, i made a brutal mistake with 60 players left, and then i lost a standard 60.40 comming 57th. Without the mistake its a much much deeper run and potential win. Insteat i broke even on site.

    No cashes on any of the 3 other sites. Pokerstars is starting to worry me i dont think ive cashed for more than $1 in my passed 100 or so mtts there, i know thats just variance but meh. 

    Today also seemed like the softest day ive ever played of poker. but meh.

    A profitable day with an mtt win to boost. Don has remembered how to see these bad boys out. 

    Edit: just checking elsewhere and i tel a lie, it seems i got 34th for a cash in a kill the fish on winamax. A kill the fish event is much similar to a bh bar its €1 per head.

  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited September 2013
    I don't quibble over 0.3%... :(

    Grumpy now.
  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited September 2013
    Anyway Donald, perhaps some time I could join one of your discussion sessions...

    ...not that I'd have anything worthwhile to offer.
  • bolly580bolly580 Member Posts: 603
    edited September 2013
    Sorry scanned thru the diary, came across your hand review session and decided to watch it whilst 2 tabling.

    Absoloutely hilarious and some good insight Ty and Gl
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