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Every Don has its day



  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited March 2015
    Thanks Hendrik

    On unrelated news. About to do my first proper non-tester stream. Spent a chunk of last night and this morning doing bits and peices to make it possible. Would be nice if some of you could give me a shout.

    will be starting in 10-20 mins 
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,727
    edited March 2015
    Lemon key face! Brilliant.

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited March 2015
    OK so i think stream went ok. money wise made a small lose but nothing worth writing home to my mother about. took a small break will be back around 3.30 
  • stuarty117stuarty117 Member Posts: 1,395
    edited March 2015
    Hi Don

    Dont think i have ever posted, but watched u for a bit how did you finish in the 11 doller one you were going well in.

    Last i seen u doubled with K8 

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day - TWITCH BABY:
    Hi Don Dont think i have ever posted, but watched u for a bit how did you finish in the 11 doller one you were going well in. Last i seen u doubled with K8  Stuarty
    Posted by stuarty117
    Hi Stuarty

    Finnished 1129 according to my emails. Exit was a huge error tbh leveled myself v a spewy opponent. he had it, but tbh my two pair didnt really beat anything by the river, should have been a routine fold and try and re-spin 20bb again. 

    Cash was meh +9p for second stream of the day, -£1.43 overall. 

    Hope you enjoyed the stream, happy to have all feedback, positive and negitive. 

  • S7NS7N Member Posts: 61
    edited March 2015
    Had a little watch yesterday, interesting stuff, if your on today ill pop on again.

    Good job :D
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day - TWITCH BABY:
    Had a little watch yesterday, interesting stuff, if your on today ill pop on again. Good job :D
    Posted by S7N
    12.30 start in accordance with the 4 max Micro Millions. Was supposed to be a 10am start but had awful sleep. 
  • S7NS7N Member Posts: 61
    edited March 2015
     better get this painting finished then....
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited March 2015
    Just about to go live again with 4 min delay should be set and onboard by 5.03
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited March 2015

    Improvement and development. Its a strange world. last week i could barely put in a few hours of poker a day. Right now I've just finnished a mega day, half asleep typing this, and got to a stage where i had to reduce tables, because i was so drained, i couldn't focus on 4 tables, work out what was going and talk about it in plain English. 

    That is a huge difference. Just to empise the point i will now share my excel sheet in detail from before and then after starting. Just from the dates after I came out of my staking deal.

    08/03/2015 1hr 15mins £4.42
    09/03/2015 1 hr -£4.12
    10/03/2015 50 mins -£10.27
    11/03/2015 2hrs 20 mins £5.48
    13/03/2015 1hr 55mins £11.73
    14/03/2015 2hrs 10 mins -£0.52
    15/03/2015 2 hrs £22.22
    16/03/2015 2hr 45mins £7.84

    Now thats pretty meh volume. Not bad if i was just chilling playing a few hours a day, but right now having been accepted into college I'm attempting to boost savings as much as possible. Since we started twitch however the results are mammoth. admittedly i do have mtts on the side which helps grind volume aswell, but these stats don't even include the times I've reduced to just the mtts. also admittedly it has been less tables often just 2/3 rather than the 5 last week but we've had mtts alongside that so wouldn't call it too big a hit to volume if at all.

    20/03/2015 5hr 40mins -£1.43
    21/03/2015 4hr 30 mins £28.07
    22/03/2015 3hr 30 mins £16.42
    23/03/2015 7hr 10mins £5.76
    The winrate remains similar, but the volume has increased, even the smallest session day is longer than the largest session previous. Its a huge difference. 

    Ontop of that I'd like to thank all of you who are tunning into watch. Its massively apprechated. I believe today at peak viewers i was one of the highest viewed poker streams on the web. That was vastly helped with a deep run in a tournament. when i finnished i compared to other streams and only 4 streams had more viewers, we're hovering around mid table without the boost of a deep run, but even still i think its very positive signs for a fledgling stream. And to add to that the feedback I've had privately has been phenominal. 

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited April 2015
    Family, Twitch, Having Fun, and generally good times.

    Been a while since i updated this thread. Tbh while twitching I don't really have a need to. Expessially for poker things as everything is tere in plain site to see. 

    Being honest its going ok, I mean first week had me for hopes id be on slightly more views for now, but i know theres a couple of things i need to iron out. Thats not a biggy and I'm working on that. I also no longer have the excitment of mtts on channel which seems to be a much more attractive thing. Although i am considering setting 1 day a week aside for mtts and selling action. Most likely a Sunday.

    I also want to say i believe its been a very positive step on my mental game. I'm being forced to talk through decisions and it's helping massively expessially after a beat/cooler to get back straight into the action and rezone. I havent had a major losing session since starting however and that means its hard to judge. However I'm enjoying the game as much as i did when i first got bit by the poker bug again.

    Family/Poker matters, Me and Mel have agreed to write down a schedule again. It worked brieftly last year before some personal issues knocked me off and i think it will work again. Recent withdrawls have made a huge boost to our income and have taken alot of pressure off us at various times. Im currently working on a withdrawl target before i set on moving on up. At the same time Mel loves poker, unfortunetly current shes a net losing player. Thats nothing to be ashamed of however as most players are of course. However I recently gave her some videos i had lying around and suggested she watched them. I also mentioned to a couple of friends I had done so. I guess part of its frustration that now I'm withdrawing loads I'm frustrated shes asking for account top ups to enjoy the game more often. She took a tonne of notes on the videos, they wheren't the most detailed but covered a load of basics. One of the friends i spoke to also offered to watch over a session and take notes. He did that but as of yet neither party has had time to discuss said notes. I think this is a really positive thing, and its really, really nice to see mel smiling rather than moaning that shes giving chips away like sweeties.

    One last matter, feels like just the other day i was sat in the hospital while mel was going through labour. But apparently that is now 2 years ago. His birthday isnt til tomorrow as he wasn't born till after midnight, but still can't believe its been as long. 

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited April 2015
    Sunday MTT schedule

    Don't normally like updating the pokers but think a good brag is in order. 

    Sold a "bankroll" package for Sunday mtts. Wanted to play the Sunday storm but at the same time didn't commit myself to a regid schedule. So i went for this option and just regg'd up though out the day. The first 2/3 hours i couldn't find anything but turbos, and being nice we ran f word brutal. 

    Then there was a momentum switch, at one point i felt like i didn't even wana continue playing. Momentum started to switch slowly and I regained focus and admittedly started playing better.

    Eventually i was down to 3 tournaments - Sunday Storm special, Bigger 8.80 and $1 game. 

    Managed a small cash in the bigger 8.. before getting coolered in te Storm. Standard reship with AK on the button and a blind waking up with aces. 

    That left th $1 game. QQ v KK twice and KK losing to A5 it was starting to feel like it wasn't my night. However I never felt under pressure. Just picked spots, i felt was right and stack was never short short. Even 12 remaining i was 12/12. Had around 20bb at the time and just found an extra gear, expessially on te bubble of FT. We did win a flip which helps TT v AQ in and around there, but from then on in I dont think i seen a showdown till 5 handed when i called a shove with Kings pre and held. That pot made me chip leader. I never looked back. 

    Easily some of the best poker I've ever played. I walk away not only satisfied I won a tournament, not only satisfied I got a very nice return on my backers investment, but i also feel like i played some phenominal poker late on. Which traditionally is a part of my game I ain't happy with, expessially with ante's in play. 

    One smal step for Don... One giant leap for Dons bankroll.
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited April 2015
    Vwp sir! Interesting hand 5 handed when you opened the AQcc on button, think I might call there v both shoves but such a close spot
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day - TWITCH BABY:
    Vwp sir! Interesting hand 5 handed when you opened the AQcc on button, think I might call there v both shoves but such a close spot
    Posted by Matt237
    TY matt. I think the hand your refering to we had KQ of said suit. Not quiet as close. I'll go back an review it later as i want to review the full final table. 

    From memory folds to us in the btn we open min as our standard open plan to call off. SB shoves and BB snaps. 

    I think i snap v SB on his own, and sigh call v the BB on his own. Once both do it i think we have a pretty sigh laydown to make. Expessially considering how te final table was playing out. We wheren't really having to work too hard to gain chips, no one was really putting up much of a fight vs our aggression. 

    I felt in game it was close. and it probably is, but now the day after when i break it down and consider how the table was playing, I'm really happy with folding there. 
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day - TWITCH BABY:
    Family, Twitch, Having Fun, and generally good times. Been a while since i updated this thread. Tbh while twitching I don't really have a need to. Expessially for poker things as everything is tere in plain site to see.  Being honest its going ok, I mean first week had me for hopes id be on slightly more views for now, but i know theres a couple of things i need to iron out. Thats not a biggy and I'm working on that. I also no longer have the excitment of mtts on channel which seems to be a much more attractive thing. Although i am considering setting 1 day a week aside for mtts and selling action. Most likely a Sunday. I also want to say i believe its been a very positive step on my mental game. I'm being forced to talk through decisions and it's helping massively expessially after a beat/cooler to get back straight into the action and rezone. I havent had a major losing session since starting however and that means its hard to judge. However I'm enjoying the game as much as i did when i first got bit by the poker bug again. Family/Poker matters, Me and Mel have agreed to write down a schedule again. It worked brieftly last year before some personal issues knocked me off and i think it will work again. Recent withdrawls have made a huge boost to our income and have taken alot of pressure off us at various times. Im currently working on a withdrawl target before i set on moving on up. At the same time Mel loves poker, unfortunetly current shes a net losing player. Thats nothing to be ashamed of however as most players are of course. However I recently gave her some videos i had lying around and suggested she watched them. I also mentioned to a couple of friends I had done so. I guess part of its frustration that now I'm withdrawing loads I'm frustrated shes asking for account top ups to enjoy the game more often. She took a tonne of notes on the videos, they wheren't the most detailed but covered a load of basics. One of the friends i spoke to also offered to watch over a session and take notes. He did that but as of yet neither party has had time to discuss said notes. I think this is a really positive thing, and its really, really nice to see mel smiling rather than moaning that shes giving chips away like sweeties. One last matter, feels like just the other day i was sat in the hospital while mel was going through labour. But apparently that is now 2 years ago. His birthday isnt til tomorrow as he wasn't born till after midnight, but still can't believe its been as long. 
    Posted by The_Don90

    good post m8 - I know from doing my own diary on here how it can re-focus you onto something more positive than personal problems and helped me a lot . Its a gr8 hobbie if done right 

    Enjoyed the twitch show last week. Totally agree about helping when explaining your thoughts - Did a cpl of low quality vids for youtube and found the same
    Are you going to be updating your shows on here? times -dates etc
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day - TWITCH BABY:
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day - TWITCH BABY : good post m8 - I know from doing my own diary on here how it can re-focus you onto something more positive than personal problems and helped me a lot . Its a gr8 hobbie if done right  Enjoyed the twitch show last week. Totally agree about helping when explaining your thoughts - Did a cpl of low quality vids for youtube and found the same Are you going to be updating your shows on here? times -dates etc
    Posted by MP33
    Plan is to sit down with Mel and have regular slots, like ur average tv show. lol. Think will help. Will post that here, on my channel and in the twitch updates thread once i sort that, been meaning to do it for about 3/4 days but we haven't got round to it. 

    Sunday MTT's looks like it will feature though as a lock. think that will offer me a decent break from the cash grind. 
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited April 2015
    Ok so as requested the Twitch Schedule is now here. Withdrawl from the mtt win means we've paid off stuff i wanted to for withdrawl targets. Thus we are now officially on the road to nl10. So thats what I'm naming current cash streams. Ofc its not very origional  and will hopefully need renamed within 2 weeks but its a start. 


    Sunday: NOON - late MTT SUNDAYS
    Monday: 10am - 2pm and 7pm - 11pm The road to NL10
    Tuesday: 10am - 2pm and 7pm - 11pm The road to NL10
    Wednessday: 7pm - 11pm The road to NL10
    Thursday: 10am - 2pm The road to NL10
    Friday: 10am - 2pm and 7pm - late The road to NL10

  • BenchmarkBenchmark Member Posts: 297
    edited April 2015
    I drop in for a look every now and again. Will no doubt be around next week to catch a bit. Good luck.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited September 2015

    So since the last update loads has happened gonna try and get as much is as i can here.


    So far its started really well and is really the reason why I've delayed this post. The course is pretty much perfect for what I want, and ontop of that I think I've picked a great college to go to. The tutors, staff and fellow students are all very friendly. More importantly for me, and really what i had issues with in past education, you're treated like an adult. The learning pace at the moment is pretty good aswell. History and Politics right now are incredibly enjoyable.

    Baby Number 2

    Mel feel pregnant again, currently around the 21 week mark and due in early February.

    Current little one

    Hes well, acting up a little but we have some minor child care issues at the moment (due to be sorted very soon) which I think is the core of the reason. Hes getting passed around grandparents who have time at present and while he loves them theres no real routine or stabability to it. Add to that hes used to having me and mel around at all times, and hes hit the terrible twos. 

    Poker / Twitch

    Covering both of these in the oner. A reasonable successful broken move up the NL10 has finally happened and took the odd shot at NL20 of late. Volume has been something of a mystery and been very inconsistent. I felt Twitiching was taking up too much time with not enough money comming back in hense stopping streaming for a while. I think I'm going to bring it back maybe 2 days a week (wednessday night and sunday) but nothing too consistent or official. While i think its a good motovation and i enjoy it, its hard work keeping to a schedule with a family and now with study added in. 

    On another note joined a local pub pool team. been thinking about it for years but not the easiest thing to get into. Currently playing in the highest divison in the area, which being honest I'm not really ready for so its a steep learning curve, but the team I'm is is a group of really nice lads, and dad plays in one of the other teams. So far i haven't won a game but feel its close, although next week we play the league joint leaders and favourites for the title. But even when its going wrong alot of the pubs do a £2 a pint on a monday, who can complain at that. 
  • chrispipchrispip Member Posts: 342
    edited September 2015

    Great to see you back and doing ok Don.
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