WOW I want to be in Italy right now in all that's happening right now all over great to see that especially in a lock down situation... I'm guessing the UK will be on a 15 day lock down as of Friday morning I've heard it applies to all non essential personnel.. government will be making announcement Thursday evening if true then hope to see you all on the other side but every one look out for your elderly neighbours help out if you can lets not be selfish … gl every one
WOW I want to be in Italy right now in all that's happening right now all over great to see that especially in a lock down situation... I'm guessing the UK will be on a 15 day lock down as of Friday morning I've heard it applies to all non essential personnel.. government will be making announcement Thursday evening if true then hope to see you all on the other side but every one look out for your elderly neighbours help out if you can lets not be selfish … gl every one
Will? You still doing that big roll and hand sanitizer deal? @HANSON
WOW I want to be in Italy right now in all that's happening right now all over great to see that especially in a lock down situation... I'm guessing the UK will be on a 15 day lock down as of Friday morning I've heard it applies to all non essential personnel.. government will be making announcement Thursday evening if true then hope to see you all on the other side but every one look out for your elderly neighbours help out if you can lets not be selfish … gl every one
Sorry.. @HANSON@MISTY4ME you 2 boys must have been non essential personnel for year..the length of time you’ve been in lockdown...👿🤪👹💩
O SOle Mio Pavarotti song ...... English Version swap Cornetta for Coronavirus sing along ...... Just one Corona virus give it to me delicious virus from Italy you get one you give one free go tell you GrandMa come back to me. All Together.
my Mrs decided to self isolate she's not got it but does not want to get it so she's refusing to leave the bedroom which is fine by me we got spare bedroom so I'm alright .. anyway last night I cook dinner me and my son had a nice ribeye steak with the usual bits.. I take the Mrs her dinner up and pass it to her by the time I got downstairs she's texting me " WHAT THE **** IS THIS " I reply " PANCAKES and FLAT FISH " Her reply " WHY THE **** YOU GIVING ME THIS WHEN YOU GOT STEAK" I reply "ITS THE ONLY THING I CAN SLIDE UNDER THE DOOR "
WOW I want to be in Italy right now in all that's happening right now all over great to see that especially in a lock down situation... I'm guessing the UK will be on a 15 day lock down as of Friday morning I've heard it applies to all non essential personnel.. government will be making announcement Thursday evening if true then hope to see you all on the other side but every one look out for your elderly neighbours help out if you can lets not be selfish … gl every one
Will? You still doing that big roll and hand sanitizer deal? @HANSON </blockquote to late m8 keeping my left over stock for me …
Food hoarding stories from around it’s not just us..
GERMANY- Panoc buying of sausages and cheeses.. It’s the Wurst Kase scenario GREECE- Running out of hummus and Taramasalate, leading to a double dip recession NETHERLANDS- people stocking up on toilet paper and weed...for **** and giggles
2 Indian midwives talking outside a Maternity Unit. One says
"I am sure it is "voom"-w o o m". The other says
"No,no,no, it is "voombe"-w o o m b e"
English Matron walks by, and says
"Look, I'm sorry to be English and more knowledgeable, but it is definitely "womb" -w o m b", and walks off.
1 midwife turns to the other, and says:-
"Typical English know-it-all. I bet she has never heard the noise a water-buffalo makes far ting under water"
sing along ...... Just one Corona virus give it to me delicious virus from Italy you get one you give one free go tell you GrandMa come back to me. All Together.
I reply " PANCAKES and FLAT FISH "
Food hoarding stories from around it’s not just us..
GERMANY- Panoc buying of sausages and cheeses.. It’s the Wurst Kase scenario
GREECE- Running out of hummus and Taramasalate, leading to a double dip recession
NETHERLANDS- people stocking up on toilet paper and weed...for **** and giggles