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Diary of a determined player



  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    Hi Peter

    I echo what everyone says above.

    My advice would be just book 1 lesson and see how you find it, but at the same time carry on with other stuff that doesn,t cost money such as youtube clips, books etc (sometimes you have to look through a lot of **** too find good stuff but you,ll get there in the end)

    You can often get free trials as well with training sites. (keep an eye out for offers)



  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    Thanks for the feedback guys.

    I'm not sure what this nonsense about me not being skillfull enough to gain any benefit from solvers is about. I am extremely good at poker now. I know the hand rankings off by heart and everything.

    Seriously though, based on your feedback I think I will dip my toe into a few hours of coaching next month and re-assess from that point. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    Going in hard with the tournaments this week during mUKOPS, mainly because I know I won't be playing much next week. No major cashes so far.

    Q1 2020:
    Online: Buy-Ins: £566.74 / loss of £58.92 from 83 MTT's / 7 FT's / 4 Wins
    Live: Buy-Ins: £380.00 / loss of £280.00 from 7 MTT's / 0 FT's / 0 Wins

    Q2 2020:
    Online: Buy-Ins: £1304.03 / profit of £222.26 from 188 MTT's / 19 FT's / 4 Wins

    Q3 2020:
    Online: Buy-Ins: £1153.74 / profit of £281.79 from 167 MTT's / 15 FT's / 2 Wins

    Q4 2020:
    Tournaments: 112
    Buy-Ins: £672.70
    Cashes: £631.98
    FT's: 4
    Wins: 3
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    Late stages of tonight's mUKOPS 13.

    You know what? I knew it was AK or KJ, just couldn't fold it. :s
    Jaz28Small blind1500.001500.0072857.96
    BOCKBig blind3000.004500.0087208.24
    Your hole cards
    • Q
    • K
    • J
    • K
    • 4
    • 5
    • 3
    LittleGJUnmatched bet10821.79155318.7610821.79
    • J
    • K
    • Q
    • K
    LittleGJWinTwo Pairs, Kings and Jacks155318.76166140.55
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    Holding the Q you block a lot that he might find a triple bluff with, he's not going to have any value you're ahead of on the river when he shoves imo. 15bb prob better saved for another spot.
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited November 2020
    Is this shove from the late stages of yesterday's mUKOPS 20 event resonable from my side, or stupid? I was one of the tournament short stacks at the time.
    peter27Small blind6000.006000.00187893.48
    snapsBig blind12000.0018000.00394645.76
    Your hole cards
    • A
    • 4
    • A
    • 4
    • A
    • K
    • 3
    • 2
    • A
    • 10
    • K
    snapsWinTwo Pairs, Aces and Kings387786.96600539.24
    Was it the right time to push for a double up with that hand, or do I need to be more patient?
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    Q1 2020:
    Online: Buy-Ins: £566.74 / loss of £58.92 from 83 MTT's / 7 FT's / 4 Wins
    Live: Buy-Ins: £380.00 / loss of £280.00 from 7 MTT's / 0 FT's / 0 Wins

    Q2 2020:
    Online: Buy-Ins: £1304.03 / profit of £222.26 from 188 MTT's / 19 FT's / 4 Wins

    Q3 2020:
    Online: Buy-Ins: £1153.74 / profit of £281.79 from 167 MTT's / 15 FT's / 2 Wins

    Q4 2020:
    Tournaments: 123
    Buy-Ins: £739.50
    Cashes: £697.25
    FT's: 4
    Wins: 3

    Quick review of mUKOPS - a series of tournaments that I took more seriously than ever before. I played in >75% of the tournaments and on the whole it was pretty good. I think overall I did lose money but I had a good number of cashes (around 6/7), it's just a shame that they were all smaller cashes. Most of the time that was due to losing flips, but I have also highlighted a major issue in the mid-late stages where I struggle to maintain my stack. However, I haven't yet pinpointed how to combat that. It's a work in progress.

    My best tournament seemed to be the deepstacks which really surprises me as I always thought I was better playing shallower stacks. My two best finishes came in those deepstack events (11th & 13th).

    Playing from 18:30 - 00:00 (and beyond) most days was quite challenging and on some days I did struggle to maintain concentration for that long. Another thing to work on, although this is something which should naturally improve as I (hopefully) go deeper more regularly.

    Generally pretty happy and encouraged with how it all went though, had lots of fun. Don't intend to be playing much poker next week as the new Football Manager comes out and covid lockdown travel restrictions have presented me with a rare opportunity to do a long save. For those who know this game, yes I know the beta is already out, but I have always preferred to wait for the full game release.
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited December 2020
    Have been playing a few poker tournaments recently after my Football Manager binge, but not anywhere close to the amount I was playing in previous months.

    Q1 2020:
    Online: Buy-Ins: £566.74 / loss of £58.92 from 83 MTT's / 7 FT's / 4 Wins
    Live: Buy-Ins: £380.00 / loss of £280.00 from 7 MTT's / 0 FT's / 0 Wins

    Q2 2020:
    Online: Buy-Ins: £1304.03 / profit of £222.26 from 188 MTT's / 19 FT's / 4 Wins

    Q3 2020:
    Online: Buy-Ins: £1153.74 / profit of £281.79 from 167 MTT's / 15 FT's / 2 Wins

    Q4 2020:
    Tournaments: 129
    Buy-Ins: £770.20
    Cashes: £763.72
    FT's: 5
    Wins: 3

    This was an interesting hand from tonight's mini. Had no reads as it was only my second hand at the table. When calling I knew I was likely behind to the FH or ace with a better kicker, but equally I felt like my hand was just too good to fold in that spot. Any thoughts? Maybe I am just supposed to go broke there? I'm really not sure on this one.
    DONDAPASmall blind1000.001000.0034160.00
    peter27Big blind2000.003000.0032485.00
    Your hole cards
    • A
    • 6
    • A
    • A
    • 2
    • 9
    DONDAPAUnmatched bet675.0076970.00675.00
    • A
    • 8
    • A
    • 6
    • 3
    DONDAPAWinThree Aces76970.0077645.00
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited January 2021
    After my super-extended break, I am ready to hit the tables again in 2021.

    Here were the final 2020 results:
    Q1: Buy-Ins: £566.74 / loss of £58.92 from 83 MTT's / 7 FT's / 4 Wins
    Q2: Buy-Ins: £1304.03 / profit of £222.26 from 188 MTT's / 19 FT's / 4 Wins
    Q3: Buy-Ins: £1153.74 / profit of £281.79 from 167 MTT's / 15 FT's / 2 Wins
    Q4: Buy-Ins: £259.70 / loss of 69.53 from 37 MTT's / 2 FT's / 1 Win
    Live: Buy-Ins: £380.00 / loss of £280.00 from 7 MTT's / 0 FT's / 0 Wins

    It's a relatively small sample size, but I am encouraged by these results. When I really put in the volume in Q2 & Q3, I did seem to suceed.

    I really want to push on in 2021 with the aim of considering myself to be a "good" player by the end of the year. This will be achieved through more focussed study periods, using more streams and YouTube videos. I will also arrange five hours of poker coaching this month, having previously talked about it for a while.

    Specific targets:
    - At least one quarter showing over £500 profit.
    - Minimum 15 tournament wins for the year.
    - Be able to work out who has range advantage much quicker.

    Meanwhile, my year has started excellently and I already have one tournament win, a £5.50 Turbo Bounty Hunter.

    Q1 2021:
    Tournaments: 2
    Buy-Ins: £16.00
    Cashes: £128.06
    FT's: 1
    Wins: 1

    My tournament for winnings for 2021 exceeds that of Daniel Negreanu, probably. Therefore I have undoubtedly become the best player in the World. You may wish to congratulate me in the comments below. Any negativity will be met with personal derision.
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    So far so good in 2021. Absolutely crushing the 22:45 turbo bounty hunters having won two and reached the cash in most of them. Can't seem to replicate that form in the mini, but I believe I am playing better than ever at the moment.

    Q1 2021:
    Tournaments: 25
    Buy-Ins: £152.90
    Cashes: £395.40
    FT's: 3
    Wins: 2

    Meanwhile, just posting this hand as a bit of a brag. My notes on this player made me realise quite strongly that he had missed his flush draw :)
    CaptHardSmall blind150.00150.0010490.00
    lwwlBig blind300.00450.003432.50
    Your hole cards
    • 10
    • 10
    • 5
    • Q
    • 6
    • Q
    • 3
    stav464Unmatched bet411.2611927.482775.01
    • 10
    • 10
    • A
    • 2
    peter27WinTwo Pairs, Queens and 10s11927.4811927.48
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    Interesting day yesterday. I had already arranged some coaching with @chicknMelt, and yesterday's mini was the recorded session that we're going to analyse together. I ended up finishing up in 5th, and was chip leader for a long period of time too. I wonder if that's just co-incidence or if knowing the tournament was being recorded led me to concentrate more.

    Either way, it'll be a good session to go through as I had seperate periods of being totally card dead and also running like god. Plus I got deep and that has been a problem for me in the past. I think for the most part I played well, albeit with a few mistakes which I am sure Melty will pick me up on.

    Q1 2021:
    Tournaments: 33
    Buy-Ins: £207.40
    Cashes: £560.48
    FT's: 6
    Wins: 2
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited January 2021
    I had my first session with @chicknMelt today. Found it extremely useful, and we already identified a few key areas of improvement for the early MTT stages.

    I know there's a lot of rookie players who read this diary, or will read this diary in the future, so based on my one-hour experience so far I would reccomend coaching. It has already been extremely insightful. However, that advice comes with a caveat.

    Some of the concepts myself and Melty explored today are pretty challenging to comprehend. He did a good job of showing me the maths behind each technique to demonstrate why a certain play is beneficial, however it is still sometimes difficult to properly understand the technique because it seems so illogical (despite the maths checking out).

    If you're going to take coaching, you need to go into it with mindset that to be successful in this game you sometimes need to make decisions which feel uncomfortable. Someone mentioned that on here a while back (I think @MattBates?) and it was the best piece of poker advice I ever had.

    I am now making plays which seem totally alien to me, however the maths does say it's the right thing to do, so I will keep on plugging away and, in time, normalise the new strategy in my mind.

    I hope that made sense?
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    Plodding along nicely, balance only going up at the moment :)

    Q1 2021:
    Tournaments: 62
    Buy-Ins: £435.51
    Cashes: £870.93
    FT's: 10
    Wins: 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706


    Yes, I noticed you won a BH on Thursday & just missed the FT of last night's 7 @ 7.

    Keep it going.
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited February 2021
    Disappointed about this hand near the bubble of tonight's mini. At the time I thought a fold was the correct play, but couldn't quite bring myself to give up the jacks. However looking back on it now my shove is probably correct.

    What is MrKey shoving with? AA, KK, QQ, AK, maybe AQ.

    If we include AQ in the equation, we are ahead of 32 combinations and behind to 18.
    If we exclude AQ, we are ahead of 16 combinations and behind to 18.

    On the basis that they had been aggressive with me a few times prior, my shove is probably the right play, but with a disappointing result.

    Feedback welcome.
    brucey1985Small blind400.00400.0015497.50
    MrKeyBig blind800.001200.0017255.22
    Your hole cards
    • J
    • J
    MrKeyUnmatched bet2676.2232758.002676.22
    • K
    • K
    • J
    • J
    • 5
    • Q
    • A
    • 4
    • 10
    MrKeyWinPair of Kings32758.0035434.22
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    Do you feel the coaching you had has helped develop your game, Peter?
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    Any reason you are 3betting non all in here? With your stack size I wouldn't of thought we want to be 3betting and not going all in. Are we often 3b folding?
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited February 2021
    Q1 2021:
    Tournaments: 96
    Buy-Ins: £659.85
    Cashes: £1050.52
    FT's: 11
    Wins: 3
    Tikay10 said:

    Do you feel the coaching you had has helped develop your game, Peter?

    Absolutely, but in a different way than I expected. As you would anticipate, I am getting taught new concepts, but it is not just the concept that's important, but also the opportunity to discuss and debate each theory - something above and beyond what is possible on a text-based forum like this. No disrespect to this community which is superb. However, the nature of a voice call means that it is much easier for me to challenge the suggestions that Melty provides - which helps to aid my own understanding. I always know he is right, but understanding why he is right has been key to helping me correctly apply these new skills. I think I am making good progress.

    I will likely do a more detailed review once the coaching is complete.
    MattBates said:

    Any reason you are 3betting non all in here? With your stack size I wouldn't of thought we want to be 3betting and not going all in. Are we often 3b folding?

    Good point. At the time of playing the hand, I did think the 3-bet fold was the correct play here, and was so close to doing just that. In my gut, I felt that folding to his shove was correct. However, as played, my calculation above shows that calling was correct.

    Since the time of posting that hand, I have learned that there is such a thing as a 20BB shoving range :o , so I totally understand what you're getting at here. If this spot happens again now, I play it differently ;)
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited February 2021
    MattBates said:

    Any reason you are 3betting non all in here? With your stack size I wouldn't of thought we want to be 3betting and not going all in. Are we often 3b folding?

    Just to add to this. I think there was also an element of "JJ is a 3-bet" without considering or even realising that I had under 20BB's.

    The way my thought process has developed recently due to the coaching has meant that I am now naturally thinking about stack sizes in terms of BB's rather than chips. I wish Sky had the option to switch to "BB view" as a few other sites have to be honest.
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited February 2021
    Any of you guys getting off this from tonight's 10:45 Turbo Bounty Hunter?
    DJMIFFSmall blind50.0050.004280.00
    MeekzBig blind100.00150.006995.00
    Your hole cards
    • K
    • A
    MeekzUnmatched bet2985.008490.002985.00
    • A
    • A
    • K
    • A
    • 6
    • 2
    • Q
    • 4
    • K
    MeekzWinPair of Aces8490.0011475.00
    Figured there was a very high chance he had aces when he shoves, but basically obligated to call at that point, right?
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    Such a broad spot that ultimately the answer will be 'it depends'.

    If you're not being results orientated and you genuinely thought in game that there is a ''very high chance'' you're up against AA then the call is baffling based on that logic and thought process.

    I digress...

    Why would you think it's a very high chance he has aces?
    Is this how someone in the average player pool on Sky would usually play aces?

    Holding AK blocks AA.
    3betting all in here with AA isn't generally deemed a standard play (another discussion entirely)
    Although you can't rule out aces, I think there are other much more likely hands in his range, of which AK will play pretty well/ok against some of that range.

    Obligated to call? I don't think so as you're far from pot committed.
    You've put in the minimum and still have plenty behind if you folded. I'm not saying you should fold; spots like this will often depend on notes/history/game flow etc and getting AK all in pre from under a 40bb will likely never be a terrible decision in a vacuum (esp in a turbo).

    But you also don't cover for a bounty and if you think you have a soft table then you might opt to take slightly less high variance spots. Although in this instance you were crushed, I think you'll often find yourself in a flip facing this action, and sometimes you'll crush and sometimes you'll be crushed.

    Out of interest and touching on from the start of this post, if the player had JJ and you win with that K on the river, do you still post the hand?
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