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ONE TIME!.....another diary.



  • calcalfoldcalcalfold Member Posts: 978
    edited July 2013

    A few points all imho

    1) Sky has the weakest playerbase around, long term you will win most here as long as you are playing players worse than you and have good brm & mental stability

    2) Use a cable rather than wireless, will reduce lag

    3) Do not use your laptop for anything else while playing music/surfing web etc. All uses up memory and adds to lag

    3) If your using a laptop make sure it keeps cool, elevate it by the corners so the battery has a continous airflow

    4) No player wins every session, if the bets players never lost and the bad players never won, your action would dry up fast - as all the bad players would get fed up of constantly losing and stop playing.

    5) Winners never quit and quitters never win

    6) All players have downswings - ALL

    7) If you cant adapt to aggros find another table. This is all about poker ego and realising its -ve. If you cant beat somebody then quit them. Dont focus on them specifically and get into a personal vendetta.

    8) You said you played well but also spewed, then you didnt play well. Playing well is about the complete article. Anybody can bet monsters and say they played well. Playing well comprises of so much more than making +ve decisions with the cards you hold. Playing well includes paying attention when you are not in the hand, retaining emotional control when you have had a bad beat, knowing then to move tables, knowing when to end a session etc etc
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    Robbie, A few points all imho 1) Sky has the weakest playerbase around, long term you will win most here as long as you are playing players worse than you and have good brm & mental stability 2) Use a cable rather than wireless, will reduce lag 3) Do not use your laptop for anything else while playing music/surfing web etc. All uses up memory and adds to lag 3) If your using a laptop make sure it keeps cool, elevate it by the corners so the battery has a continous airflow 4) No player wins every session, if the bets players never lost and the bad players never won, your action would dry up fast - as all the bad players would get fed up of constantly losing and stop playing. 5) Winners never quit and quitters never win 6) All players have downswings - ALL 7) If you cant adapt to aggros find another table. This is all about poker ego and realising its -ve. If you cant beat somebody then quit them. Dont focus on them specifically and get into a personal vendetta. 8) You said you played well but also spewed, then you didnt play well. Playing well is about the complete article. Anybody can bet monsters and say they played well. Playing well comprises of so much more than making +ve decisions with the cards you hold. Playing well includes paying attention when you are not in the hand, retaining emotional control when you have had a bad beat, knowing then to move tables, knowing when to end a session etc etc
    Posted by calcalfold
    Wow a nice post well done :) yeah I don't do anything else while playing as I feel I need my full attention to play. Although last 2 days I recorded my sessions so maybe that hasn't helped.

    No I'm not going to quit I'm just struggling with the situation I'm in atm, just don't enjoy playing when imnrunningnbad. The I didn't tilt today I worked on that last night seems to have helped. 

    The table thing ha  nothing to do with ego, I just feel that any player should be able to profitability adapt to th  player  types at there table. Moving table s will solve it problem  today but in the future if things go well and u move up stakes an  come across this player on every table then what? I'd rather  get advice on how to adapt when implanting 10nl than 20/30nl
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited July 2013

      I just wrote a long post and my internet refresh and I hadn't copied it yet so ill give you the brief version of what that was.

    I lost again, -2.5.  Played decent pre flop, bad post flop.  Im so easy to exploit im getting floated, raised etc and never have a hand to raise back, and I don't want to be bluffing at 10 nl so im folding. I try to cb less and stuff, but I end up raising with AK hit a 2 8 j flop, and c/f and it makes me feel so weak.  I don't no what else to do.  I tried shoving on the flop when I got raised with flush draw against aggro player, but he called with tp and won and I didn't even want to shove tbh, just felt I need to show that I realise what your doing.  My betting pattern is -ev but I don't really no how to change it.

    The past few days have been awful, im not going to say I don't care and its poker because I do care, a lot.  I care about the money, the competition , the self satisfaction , the respect from fellow players etc.  So when I have a downswing it feels awful.  A lot of it is running bad and a lot of it is -ev play.  Cant believe im the same player whos made profit every week for about 6 weeks and had best day of the day just 3 days ago.

    The positive of today is I don't hate poker.  The other days I really did, but now I just want to get working and improving.  Im not one of these players you see once saying how his soo unlucky and poker is a bad game, and then never works on his game.  I do a lot of work of the table and a lot of work these last few days and I still just feel clueless when im playing sometimes.  My confidence is shattered and the worst thing is this is only 10nl:(

    I really believed I could play full time.  It wasn't a silly idea, it was a difficult idea but you have to start somhwere.  Poker was perfect for the current situation I was in, and I would play full time and say this is how I will make my living, but only if I can prove to myself first that im good enough, like 12 months of consistency.  These last 3 days shows me that idea was a myth, ill keep going but normal job normal life, seems the reality.

    Im thinking of taking ym BR out taking my profit, as motivation.  Starting a new BR on 888, play this week and then deposit £400 for next week and start fresh.  Fresh br, fresh player, fresh confidence? just an idea.

    I must also say that I didn't get on with lambert when I first started posting on the forum.  We sorted things out and I can almost gtd that he will post on my diary everytime, which I am thankful for.  The fact his had a downswing aswell lately means his prob the one who will help the most,

    Where do I go from here tho, how do I improve?

    Im thinking of asking someone if they want to do work on there game about 3 times a week and talk strategy a few times on Skype, but literally everyweek, if anyones up for it pm me.

    BR: £345

    Day: -2.5 buy ins (£25)

    Cant post HH, the software is a pile of ****
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    Update   I just wrote a long post and my internet refresh and I hadn't copied it yet so ill give you the brief version of what that was. I lost again, -2.5.  Played decent pre flop, bad post flop.  Im so easy to exploit im getting floated, raised etc and never have a hand to raise back, and I don't want to be bluffing at 10 nl so im folding. I try to cb less and stuff, but I end up raising with AK hit a 2 8 j flop, and c/f and it makes me feel so weak.  I don't no what else to do.  I tried shoving on the flop when I got raised with flush draw against aggro player, but he called with tp and won and I didn't even want to shove tbh, just felt I need to show that I realise what your doing.  My betting pattern is -ev but I don't really no how to change it. The past few days have been awful, im not going to say I don't care and its poker because I do care, a lot.  I care about the money, the competition , the self satisfaction , the respect from fellow players etc.  So when I have a downswing it feels awful.  A lot of it is running bad and a lot of it is -ev play.  Cant believe im the same player whos made profit every week for about 6 weeks and had best day of the day just 3 days ago. The positive of today is I don't hate poker.  The other days I really did, but now I just want to get working and improving.  Im not one of these players you see once saying how his soo unlucky and poker is a bad game, and then never works on his game.  I do a lot of work of the table and a lot of work these last few days and I still just feel clueless when im playing sometimes.  My confidence is shattered and the worst thing is this is only 10nl:( I really believed I could play full time.  It wasn't a silly idea, it was a difficult idea but you have to start somhwere.  Poker was perfect for the current situation I was in, and I would play full time and say this is how I will make my living, but only if I can prove to myself first that im good enough, like 12 months of consistency.  These last 3 days shows me that idea was a myth, ill keep going but normal job normal life, seems the reality. Im thinking of taking ym BR out taking my profit, as motivation.  Starting a new BR on 888, play this week and then deposit £400 for next week and start fresh.  Fresh br, fresh player, fresh confidence? just an idea. I must also say that I didn't get on with lambert when I first started posting on the forum.  We sorted things out and I can almost gtd that he will post on my diary everytime, which I am thankful for.  The fact his had a downswing aswell lately means his prob the one who will help the most, Where do I go from here tho, how do I improve? Im thinking of asking someone if they want to do work on there game about 3 times a week and talk strategy a few times on Skype, but literally everyweek, if anyones up for it pm me. BR: £345 Day: -2.5 buy ins (£25) Cant post HH, the software is a pile of ****
    Posted by robbie1992
    You HAVE to realise how brutal variance is in poker.

    It simply doesn't matter how good you are, you're gonna lose pretty regular. Think about the game on a smaller scale, the best aren't the people who win the most pots, they're the ones that win the biggest pots! In a session, we don't try to win every pot, we try to make sure when a big pot is going off then we're likely to win it.

    Likewise we don't sit and think we can win in 100% of sessions cos it's physically impossible, we just want our winning sessions to be bigger than our losing sessions.

    This isn't having a dig at you but just to show an example, I know cash players who are FAR better than you and yet have lost 20+ BIs in 1 week. Sometimes you just can't avoid it. 3 days is a meaningless sample size.
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited July 2013
    hey buddy see ya have been having a few losing sessions but honestly this happens to us all and I know when you lose your confidence and you don`t play your a-game prob not even your b or c game either and you really feel it only happens to you, honestly i`ve been there loads of times buddy but there few things I have done in past may or may not work for you but it gives you ideas.

    1-just take a break go and enjoy the weather,just do something you enjoy doing yourself or with friends and family then come back and play when ready.

    2-just keep playing if you feel you are honsetly playing your best game(be honest) maybe drop down a level or two though so if running bad does not dent the bankroll.

    3-stop playing cash for a bit and try some other format like mtts if you play maybe 5-6 in night may only cost you like 2-3 of your normal buyins but you could have a couple deep runs which passes a few hours and may get a big score.

    4-withdraw your cash and try a new site just for a bit you prob come back to sky I always do lol.I have done this several times but not just because I`ve had horrid time at tables just to try something different sometimes playing the same games,same players and same site can become boring if things not goin too well,so sometimes a little change can be good.

    they prob more ideas but I have forgot but they will come back to me lol.also if you want my advice on hands,stategies,downswings etc not sayin I`m great or the best but if you ever want help or advice just pm me because I played 10nl for quite a while in the past so happy to help.also pretty much 95% of my poker is cash and I do ok.

    one last thing a got my deucescracked renewed only went for the 1month for now so if its possible don`t know if I can download  and sent you videos i`m sure someone let me know if I can.

    gl whatever you choose to do buddy
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    Update   I just wrote a long post and my internet refresh and I hadn't copied it yet so ill give you the brief version of what that was. I lost again, -2.5.  Played decent pre flop, bad post flop.  Im so easy to exploit im getting floated, raised etc and never have a hand to raise back, and I don't want to be bluffing at 10 nl so im folding. I try to cb less and stuff, but I end up raising with AK hit a 2 8 j flop, and c/f and it makes me feel so weak.  I don't no what else to do.  I tried shoving on the flop when I got raised with flush draw against aggro player, but he called with tp and won and I didn't even want to shove tbh, just felt I need to show that I realise what your doing.  My betting pattern is -ev but I don't really no how to change it. The past few days have been awful, im not going to say I don't care and its poker because I do care, a lot.  I care about the money, the competition , the self satisfaction , the respect from fellow players etc.  So when I have a downswing it feels awful.  A lot of it is running bad and a lot of it is -ev play.  Cant believe im the same player whos made profit every week for about 6 weeks and had best day of the day just 3 days ago. The positive of today is I don't hate poker.  The other days I really did, but now I just want to get working and improving.  Im not one of these players you see once saying how his soo unlucky and poker is a bad game, and then never works on his game.  I do a lot of work of the table and a lot of work these last few days and I still just feel clueless when im playing sometimes.  My confidence is shattered and the worst thing is this is only 10nl:( I really believed I could play full time.  It wasn't a silly idea, it was a difficult idea but you have to start somhwere.  Poker was perfect for the current situation I was in, and I would play full time and say this is how I will make my living, but only if I can prove to myself first that im good enough, like 12 months of consistency.  These last 3 days shows me that idea was a myth, ill keep going but normal job normal life, seems the reality. Im thinking of taking ym BR out taking my profit, as motivation.  Starting a new BR on 888, play this week and then deposit £400 for next week and start fresh.  Fresh br, fresh player, fresh confidence? just an idea. I must also say that I didn't get on with lambert when I first started posting on the forum.  We sorted things out and I can almost gtd that he will post on my diary everytime, which I am thankful for.  The fact his had a downswing aswell lately means his prob the one who will help the most, Where do I go from here tho, how do I improve? Im thinking of asking someone if they want to do work on there game about 3 times a week and talk strategy a few times on Skype, but literally everyweek, if anyones up for it pm me. BR: £345 Day: -2.5 buy ins (£25) Cant post HH, the software is a pile of ****
    Posted by robbie1992
    Seriously, get this idea out of your head. What percentage of poker players do you think play full time for a living??? I don't know myself but I would guess that it is <1%.

    You do get a lot players who still live at home with their parents, CBA to get a job and play poker and claim to be "pros" but in the real world they are far from that.

    I would have loved to have been a pro football player but there comes a time when you realise that it aint gonna happen. Just keep playing the game you love and don't even think about playing full are playing 10nl ffs. If you get to 100nl+ and are crushing, then there may be a case.

    Don't run before you can walk and all that! Just play, learn, enjoy playing and what will be will be. Do not put pressure on yourself because that can only have a bad effect on your game.

    Love your diary and I have always been routing for you........just enjoy the game for now mate.
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary. : You HAVE to realise how brutal variance is in poker. It simply doesn't matter how good you are, you're gonna lose pretty regular. Think about the game on a smaller scale, the best aren't the people who win the most pots, they're the ones that win the biggest pots! In a session, we don't try to win every pot, we try to make sure when a big pot is going off then we're likely to win it. Likewise we don't sit and think we can win in 100% of sessions cos it's physically impossible, we just want our winning sessions to be bigger than our losing sessions. This isn't having a dig at you but just to show an example, I know cash players who are FAR better than you and yet have lost 20+ BIs in 1 week. Sometimes you just can't avoid it. 3 days is a meaningless sample size.
    Posted by Lambert180
    Yeah I understand all that and im fine, over the course of the diary iv had losing days and days where things havnt gone well for me but I understand the variance. Saying that im not saying I deal well with it but im always working off the table to try and impove it.  Just hard because now I know it will take ages to win back like 13? buy ins...just annoying when things were going so well .

    Today annoyed me because I think my post flop strategy was poor and I didn't balance my range, just need help fixing it, because I don't know the answers.
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    hey buddy see ya have been having a few losing sessions but honestly this happens to us all and I know when you lose your confidence and you don`t play your a-game prob not even your b or c game either and you really feel it only happens to you, honestly i`ve been there loads of times buddy but there few things I have done in past may or may not work for you but it gives you ideas. 1-just take a break go and enjoy the weather,just do something you enjoy doing yourself or with friends and family then come back and play when ready. 2-just keep playing if you feel you are honsetly playing your best game(be honest) maybe drop down a level or two though so if running bad does not dent the bankroll. 3-stop playing cash for a bit and try some other format like mtts if you play maybe 5-6 in night may only cost you like 2-3 of your normal buyins but you could have a couple deep runs which passes a few hours and may get a big score. 4-withdraw your cash and try a new site just for a bit you prob come back to sky I always do lol.I have done this several times but not just because I`ve had horrid time at tables just to try something different sometimes playing the same games,same players and same site can become boring if things not goin too well,so sometimes a little change can be good. they prob more ideas but I have forgot but they will come back to me lol.also if you want my advice on hands,stategies,downswings etc not sayin I`m great or the best but if you ever want help or advice just pm me because I played 10nl for quite a while in the past so happy to help.also pretty much 95% of my poker is cash and I do ok. one last thing a got my deucescracked renewed only went for the 1month for now so if its possible don`t know if I can download  and sent you videos i`m sure someone let me know if I can. gl whatever you choose to do buddy
    Posted by liamboi11
    Yeah iv run bad but iv played bad aswell.  I didn't deal well with how things are going and I think that affected my confidence and my game.  It was very weird playing when I felt like that after being confident for a long time.  Nice to get a reality check once in a while, not just a 3 day -13 buy in reality check lol

    Yeah going to take tomorrow off as I have to go to funeral of distant relative.  Then going to watch some videos, talk to some people and just look at HH.  Then deposit on 888 try build that up this week.  Then deposit again on sky.

    Cheers I appreciate that I may do that if I come over some HH that im abit stuck on, how did u do at 10 nl? guess not bad seeing as you play higher.

    I brought a month one aswell, think ill just do that and miss out on any money off I would of got if I brought a 6 months subscription.  Most months my c4p will pay for it so its like its free anyways.
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary. : Seriously, get this idea out of your head. What percentage of poker players do you think play full time for a living??? I don't know myself but I would guess that it is <1%. You do get a lot players who still live at home with their parents, CBA to get a job and play poker and claim to be "pros" but in the real world they are far from that. I would have loved to have been a pro football player but there comes a time when you realise that it aint gonna happen. Just keep playing the game you love and don't even think about playing full are playing 10nl ffs. If you get to 100nl+ and are crushing, then there may be a case. Don't run before you can walk and all that! Just play, learn, enjoy playing and what will be will be. Do not put pressure on yourself because that can only have a bad effect on your game. Love your diary and I have always been routing for you........just enjoy the game for now mate.
    Posted by waller02
    Yes I know that but if I could make money consistently over a big sample I would take a gamble at trying to do it, iv got a lot of time free these days so im prepared to dedicate it to poker and try to improve.

    Ahh the pro footballer dream died ages ago with me :( I realise now I wont score a 90th minute winner against arsenal and jump into the Tottenham fans in celebration :(

    Yeah true, that why I said I have to prove to everyone and myself before I can even seriously think about it.  TBH earning good money would please me, not being a pro or playing full time but like maybe £600 a month I would be proud with and I know a lot of good reg at maybe 20-30 nl would earn that as just playing for fun.

    Cheers waller I enjoy your diary too, and uv run bad and not moaned so nor should I, just struggling and want to get back playing good poker lol thanks a lot mate.
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited July 2013

    Just to keep everyone updated....well those who care  updated lol I wen  ahead with withdrawing and taking my.140 profit which isn't amazing but it's 140 more then I had sooo, I also achieved some personal things which I'm.proud of. 

    deposited on Tue in 888. It was really nice to play on a different site more traffic, better software etc. Deposited 400 and won 5 buyins by this morning played about 4 hours today an  lose most of it so down to 406, Its annoying I keep having  these massive losing days. I think my attitude  when I lose or losing in th  session is bad and it causes more losses, back to the mental game lol. I did study a few days and watched some sweat sessions/ done son  work on balancing my range. On the whole I got th  idea but I'm not fully confident  I'm applying it correctly... hopefully trial and thing? Going to work with Liam (liamboi) on it at some point. Going to deposit 400 in sky on Monday and go again, I'm so determined to move up the levels I'm just not very good which is a bit of a problem lol I missed thenforum an  people's advice. I didn't miss the moaning about software an  promos tho.


    Thought I'd add a life bit, sorry to  the underline and bold , I'm on the kindle and its not happening lol done  play Monday as I went to.  Family funeral of a great uncle.  First family even  thing I've been too in ages as I feared going I have  a lot of symptoms that make going out and being social a challenge. Disorderly.too bad tho a bit dizzy at points an  spaced out but it was  hot, it was  uncomfortable sitting there in the pub agreement it's a step in the right direction.

    Unfortunately  by plan to start a community group for balance disorder  has hit the rocks. All the fund in  and help has been stopped  due to the financial climate and the fact  my idea doesn't make a profit didn't help. Shame as I'm a fitness instructor that can t do that job so I was..hoping.I could link that into.the group somehow, unless  a secret millionaire  drops by in north London then the idea is dead. leavy pleas  sign some player  before  the season starts. We need a solid squad by the first game  not by 31 August. A left back, a centre back, a left mid, and 2 strikers please. We're not even gettin  linked to players anymore :( 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited July 2013
    Hey Robbie,

    I haven't replied to your PM yet cos it's a massive pain replying to PMs on Sky for me, for some reason the browser doesn't let me, but yeah I'm happy to do that thing.

    In short though, I'd say it's unnecessary on Sky, it's a bit too much and probably isn't needed but I'll discuss more on Skype or something. If I don't already have you then PM your Skype name thingy.
  • calcalfoldcalcalfold Member Posts: 978
    edited July 2013
    Robbie, how you going on the other site? How does the standard comapre to Sky?
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    Robbie, how you going on the other site? How does the standard comapre to Sky?
    Posted by calcalfold
    Was + 5 buyins after 2 days, - 5 buyins after 5 days, now about -2 buyins down.  Prob the same standard there mostly loose passive or bad lag at 10 nl.  Just nice having no lag and people on all times of the day.
  • FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited July 2013
    "Deposited 400 and won 5 buyins by this morning played about 4 hours today an  lose most of it so down to 406, Its annoying I keep having  these massive losing days."

    Massive losing days yet ending up 6 (dollars? pounds? euros?) in profit? I wish my losing days would be like that!
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited July 2013

    Had planned to deposit £400 on sky today.  I looked in the morning and there was 1 10nl table.  Really struggling to find reasons to play on sky tbh.  The other site has packed tables all the time which means if I want I can get up at 7 play a lot of hours and still have the rest of the day to myself.  The tables are re sizable aswell which is a big help. 

    Been fairly disappointing, deposited $400 on tue, was up to $455 by Friday, then had 3 bad sessions in a row meaning I was down to $365 on Sunday, went to $393 after 3 hours grid in morning, lost all in profit of sundayin the first hour of 3 hours evening grind but won enough to get me back to $380.  Just finished 2 hours session , its hot and I spent loads of time over weekend playing and my Br looks unimpressive still so thought ill just do other stuff.  Worked on my game a lot, mentally aswell and I feel im slowely getting there.  Think im going to give it until 1st September to start making money, atm im a break even/small winning player but I play a fair amount and study quiete a lot so its not really a good enough effort:reward ratio.  I like poker.....but not enough to spend so much time on it and not achieve what I want.

    Not sure if I should deposit a br on sky, maybe 30 buyins for 10nl and try grind it up? Surprised I don't hear about other peoples BR on various sites in there diarys not sure everyone only plays on sky.

    How has everyones poker been going last week update me on what I missed......
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited July 2013
    I've mentioned 'BRs' from other sites but there really just tiny amounts of money I splash about with and nothing I'd consider to be a BR. I've got bits of money on stars, full tilt, .fr and soon to be black belt poker but we're talking tiny amounts of money, and I only really use it to play the odd MTT, I don't grind cash anywhere else. If I ever binked a decent win I'd mention it but it doesn't happen lol.

    I'm not really sure why you left Sky to be honest, with the exception of maybe 4NL, 10NL and 20NL are probably by far the busiest levels on here where you can near enough always get a game. Are you playing at odd hours like 9am or something?

    And as FCHD said starting with $400 going up to $450 then down to $406 is not a losing day, it's a winning one. lol

    I'm back at cash anyway, been playing mostly 20NL, only been back for 2 sessions but about +£80 so far and got the roll back above £1k now. Tonight I'll be playing the DTD
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    "Deposited 400 and won 5 buyins by this morning played about 4 hours today an  lose most of it so down to 406, Its annoying I keep having  these massive losing days." Massive losing days yet ending up 6 (dollars? pounds? euros?) in profit? I wish my losing days would be like that!
    Posted by FCHD
    Yeah that day I was 5 buy ins down tho, it's more the fact that I must of played around 25/30 hours last week and went no where. What is it average losing day I u don't mind me asking. I play 4/5 tables and losing days are anything between 2-6 buy ins  
  • FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited July 2013
    A losing day of 6 buyins on cash is not a massive losing day, particularly on the volumes you say you are playing. If you play every day for a month and have say 20 winning days and 10 losing days you're doing extremely well, but even that is still a miniscule sample. Don't think about your swings over a single day so much, unless you get down 20 or 30 buyins, then you need to re-assess your game, take a break, drop down for a while or whatever.

  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    I've mentioned 'BRs' from other sites but there really just tiny amounts of money I splash about with and nothing I'd consider to be a BR. I've got bits of money on stars, full tilt, .fr and soon to be black belt poker but we're talking tiny amounts of money, and I only really use it to play the odd MTT, I don't grind cash anywhere else. If I ever binked a decent win I'd mention it but it doesn't happen lol. I'm not really sure why you left Sky to be honest, with the exception of maybe 4NL, 10NL and 20NL are probably by far the busiest levels on here where you can near enough always get a game. Are you playing at odd hours like 9am or something? And as FCHD said starting with $400 going up to $450 then down to $406 is not a losing day, it's a winning one. lol I'm back at cash anyway, been playing mostly 20NL, only been back for 2 sessions but about +£80 so far and got the roll back above £1k now. Tonight I'll be playing the DTD
    Posted by Lambert180
    Never? havnt heard of anyone having a big bink on those sites, suppose with such big fields it's highly unlikely. I finished 3rd out of about 2000 in small buy in tourney for 500. How do u contribute the Time to build both br on both sites? One week on one then other week on a different one? It's nice  playing on different sites just for a change 

     Black belt, having played on sensi channings site yet

    Good to hear , why did u nice to drop to 20nl?

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited July 2013
    Thats what I mean though, the other sites aren't really proper BRs, they're literally just like $20 here, €30 there etc. I don't put any effort into building my roll on them sites really, I play like 98% of poker on Sky. I don't even think of it like that money exists, I might play like 1-2 MTTs on another site maybe once a month.

    Tbh, I don't really play the MTTs with enormous fields, you've gotta run SO good to FT one and the payouts are so top heavy that I can't really be bothered to sit there for 8 hours and come like 120th out of 3000 people and probably lucky if I treble my BI. So I've had a few like <€100 binks and stuff on other sites but nothing major. First time I ever started playing online was on Full Tilt and I played a 10 cent MTT (lol), back then I was completely clueless about poker but managed to luckbox a 2nd place out of like 3500 runners for $200. Took me something like from 8pm until 6am the next morning.

    Well I had a brutal June didn't I and dropped from like £1800 to £700ish. Spent a few weeks playing MTTs and HU SnGs that got me back to about £950, then started playing cash again and just thought I'd ease myself in at 20NL cos imo it's SO much softer than 30NL. I was playing 4 tables of 20NL and 2 tables of 30NL though, but seems like there's hardly any games running at 30NL these days.
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