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My story



  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758

    wow, touching story. i hope you have a great time on your holiday! also jealous about the cruise, thats something ive wanted to do since i reached 20 years old. i guess its something to look forward for a golden year of my age. I hope you recover speedingly and we get to play more on these tables. i only play the deep stacks for fun and legit have no intention on winning most times, but it will be good to chat again.

    Hi Guitar ; Is there a story behind your screen name?
    Thanks for the kind words, it was good to chat the other day, passes the time in the deep stacks.
    Cruising is the nuts, you don’t need to wait until your golden years 😊
    Good luck on the felt.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758

    Hang in there Tom. GL with the Vegas sats. Would be great to see you over there again. Praying for good news with regards to your wife.

    Hi James, thanks for the kind words my good man, meeting up in Vegas would be great, I must get my box of luck out of the cupboard.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Good Afternoon
    My memory is a bit hazy about poker stuff this week, only thing of note to report is last night I played on my iPad ~ the good thing about playing on an iPad is I can only play one table at a time, therefore chatting and watching tv whilst playing is much easier 😊 Good old sky.

    I played my usual rubbish early doors, got stacked aipf 99 v QQ
    Then a box came I want to re-buy, well I’m doing nowt else after working for 12 hours, shower, eating dinner, food why not.

    Decided to play less cavalier, built a fairly healthy stack and then decided to revert to cavalier mode again, keeps folk on their toes 😎

    So, two tables remaining and I’m chip leader on my table, not many bounties due to my non cavalier mode ( must play more cavalier in future)
    Bubbled the ft due to rubbish cavalier play

    Life stuff
    Same as previous.

    Picked up some $ for the upcoming holiday today, we are very lucky to be in a position to have a holiday when some folk look forward to having a roof over their heads.

    May play REALLY tight in SPT Vegas semi, may not, depends what’s on tv.

    Have a great weekend all. X
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Morning all
    Good time to update my ramblings methinks.
    Poker is a Funny old game as Greavesy once said ( Pretty sure that’s what he said)
    Overnight I seemed to have turned from an aggressive button mashing loon, to a passive call station, I blame fluctuations in testosterone levels...
    Above statement proved none too fruitful in the Vegas Final, nor Ukops strangely enough where I managed a few min cashes but nothin noteworthy.
    I also seemed to be letting bad beats get to me, now that has to stop so I have decided to have a mini break from the game.
    I may play on and off but in the main I shall be viewing films, watching re runs of old chess games , and generally catching up with normal life stuff.

    It was my dear wife’s CT scan yesterday, so being the awesome husband I am I took the afternoon off work and kept her company.
    Got our ticket for the parking and crossed our fingers the appointments were running on time so we wouldn’t need to take a second mortgage out for the parking charges.

    The good news is, the appointment was on time 😊

    Here we go again.
    It seems someone previously had got sick of the extortionate charges and ripped the barrier off, hence the road out was clear of obstacles.
    The ( Rather elderly) gent driving in front of me somehow didn’t see that.
    He stopped where the barrier used to be.
    Tried to insert his ticket.
    I looked at my wife, she said “ Be patient Tom”
    I was patient.
    Elderly gent tried numerous times to insert his ticket to raise the non existent barrier to let him carry on his way.
    I was patient.
    He then pressed the buzzer for assistance.
    I lost my famed patience.
    Got out of the car, and said “ you can go, there is nothing stopping you”
    He said “ Oh, is the barrier up?”

    It’s me isn’t it.....

    Have fun x
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,365
    Should have knocked his lights out. :dizzy:
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,671
    So he can't see that the barrier's up but he's quite happy to drive on the public highway? Frightening isn't it? Eastbourne by any chance?
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    "Be patient Tom," cracked me up.

    And you've been "watching re runs of old chess games"? This is truly the greatest thing I have read on this forum.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    Ha, great story Tom.

    Never knew you were a Chess bod.

    Any views on the New Kid On The Block, Fabiano Caruana who is about to go to war with the near-unbeatable Magnus Carlsen?
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    mumsie said:

    Should have knocked his lights out. :dizzy:

    Charlie,,tut tut, Tomthugun doesn’t rear his head when the good lady is around 😊
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Enut said:

    So he can't see that the barrier's up but he's quite happy to drive on the public highway? Frightening isn't it? Eastbourne by any chance?

    Hi Paul, yup Eastbourne “ The Sunshine Coast “ where surprisingly there are people even older than me.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    SR23 said:

    "Be patient Tom," cracked me up.

    And you've been "watching re runs of old chess games"? This is truly the greatest thing I have read on this forum.

    Hi Steve,
    This made me smile 😊, they don’t nickname me ‘ Interesting’ for nothing., Steve Davis has nothing on me.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Tikay10 said:

    Ha, great story Tom.

    Never knew you were a Chess bod.

    Any views on the New Kid On The Block, Fabiano Caruana who is about to go to war with the near-unbeatable Magnus Carlsen?

    Hi Mr.K
    I used to play chess when I was at school a couple of years ago, ( well...decades)
    Being a ‘ living in the past’ type of guy, I don’t really follow the new kids on the block.

    It makes me wonder how on earth the top chess players can do what they can, I mean...Magnus played 10 players at the same time..with his back to the boards....😳, so had to remember every move on every board without seeing each board, incredible.

    In other news, I won the megastack last night, feel a bit bad really as my heads up opponent duessenberg was on for winning Waller’s challenge ., he was a real gent at the table, even calling me by my nickname Thug, shows he reads this which is nice 😊.

    It’s my birthday this coming Wednesday, it’s being slightly overshadowed by my awesome grandsons birthday the following week, he’s now walking and getting into all kinds of new mischief., he even played the Greek ‘ smashing all the plates from the kitchen cupboard’ last week, bless him.

    Have a great weekend all.x
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    tomgoodun said:

    Tikay10 said:

    Ha, great story Tom.

    Never knew you were a Chess bod.

    Any views on the New Kid On The Block, Fabiano Caruana who is about to go to war with the near-unbeatable Magnus Carlsen?

    Hi Mr.K
    I used to play chess when I was at school a couple of years ago, ( well...decades)
    Being a ‘ living in the past’ type of guy, I don’t really follow the new kids on the block.

    It makes me wonder how on earth the top chess players can do what they can, I mean...Magnus played 10 players at the same time..with his back to the boards....😳, so had to remember every move on every board without seeing each board, incredible.

    In other news, I won the megastack last night, feel a bit bad really as my heads up opponent duessenberg was on for winning Waller’s challenge ., he was a real gent at the table, even calling me by my nickname Thug, shows he reads this which is nice 😊.

    It’s my birthday this coming Wednesday, it’s being slightly overshadowed by my awesome grandsons birthday the following week, he’s now walking and getting into all kinds of new mischief., he even played the Greek ‘ smashing all the plates from the kitchen cupboard’ last week, bless him.

    Have a great weekend all.x
    Wp in Megastack Tom. Dues needs to win the Mini to win the challenge iirc, so don't feel too bad. I'll post your win on the challenge thread and mumsie will update his spreadsheet.

    Hope both you and your Grandson have a great birthday.
  • DuesenbergDuesenberg Member Posts: 1,750
    Congrats on the win Tom and thanks for the kind words - some of Sky's more 'interesting' characters seem to use a different four letter word to describe me, although it does also end in 'nt'. You played very well indeed.

    Many happy returns for next week and I hope life off the tables starts to run as well for you as it seems to on them :).

    P.S. Waller is right, I need a win in the mini to complete the challenge. Tonight's one should do nicely!

  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,085

    Congrats on the win Tom and thanks for the kind words - some of Sky's more 'interesting' characters seem to use a different four letter word to describe me, although it does also end in 'nt'. You played very well indeed.

    Many happy returns for next week and I hope life off the tables starts to run as well for you as it seems to on them :).

    P.S. Waller is right, I need a win in the mini to complete the challenge. Tonight's one should do nicely!

    That reminds me. I was stuck on the last clue in a crossword the other day.
    The clue was: "female appendage", and I had -unt.

    Took me ages-it was... "aunt"

    Hope your family (and you) are doing well, Tom
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Evening all
    Let’s get the poker stuff out of the way first...I seem to have forgotten how to play PL08, the thing is though ~ due to work and shower / dinner / awesome grandson time, I have been registering for tournaments later than normal ( thank goodness for late reg)

    This little conundrum however has an effect on my mind set of play, so I have to choose my spots with a little more thought than usual.
    Maybe it was the extra effort I put into considering my options, putting opponents on ranges, playing position, etc etc ( you know, how your supposed to play 😊) that helped me last night.

    I managed to get heads up in the £2 deep stack, and the £11 bh., 2nd in chips in the deep stack and chip leader in the bh.
    I was so focused on winning the £2 one that I managed to butcher the other one 🤠
    That may be a tad unkind to my opponent Neenio who played really well to take the bh down.
    The good news is I did win the deep stack, which was nice..

    These may be my last games before we go on holiday this weekend to (even) sunnier climates of Vegas 😎

    The lovely weather seems to have had a beneficial effect to my dear daughter, she has been going out to the park with aforementioned awesome grandson and enjoying the sunshine, it’s so nice to come home to her telling me about their day and having a smile on her face ❤️

    Tomorrow is one whole year since I became a grandad, coincidentally it’s my awesome grandsons birthday 😊
    He brings us so much joy, I have booked the day off work and we shall be taking him ‘swimming’
    He dear grandmother has bought him a new swim suit, he tried it on the other day and looks just grand 😃, really looking forward to this weekend.

    The powers that be in traffic management have had the ingenious idea to close the M23 on the road to the airport over this weekend, My good lady is fretting a bit as our son is taking us to the airport, that in itself may have been not the brightest plan we have had ( he’s a get up 5 minutes before set off type of guy lol)
    Pretty sure it’ll work out fine.

    Well, that’s it for now, if all goes well, this time next week I shall be a rich man #

    # I’m already a rich man in the love that surrounds me.

    Have a great weekend all, love and peace x
  • safc71safc71 Member Posts: 1,544
    tomgoodun said:

    Evening all
    Let’s get the poker stuff out of the way first...I seem to have forgotten how to play PL08, the thing is though ~ due to work and shower / dinner / awesome grandson time, I have been registering for tournaments later than normal ( thank goodness for late reg)

    How can you forget to close your eyes and mash some buttons tom? :)
    Enjoy the grandson's birthday and have a great holiday tom

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    "Tomorrow is one whole year since I became a grandad, coincidentally it’s my awesome grandsons birthday"

    What were the chances of that? Spooky.

    Enjoy Vegas.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Evening all.
    Time flies by, long ago I was updated on a regular basis, must try harder.

    I was considering starting a new thread, titled “Life in remission “ or something similar, but having given due consideration I think it’s best to stick with the one,as it may benefit any new readers ( ha) to read from the start of my (yuk) journey to now.

    Poker has been a bit downswingy, sometimes go fairly deep in tournaments just to scrape into min cash territory.
    Ok, that’s the obligatory poker chat out of the way 😊

    Life stuff.
    There’s been a LOT of ups and downs lately, however I shall be focussed mostly on the ups.

    I posted it was my gorgeous grandsons first birthday in April, well guess what happens round about your first birthday? The wonderful NHS give you ( free of charge-ish) a few vaccinations.
    A few = the same time, I must admit I don’t remember having them, and I recall pretty much everything from my youth.

    It’s a very rare occurrence that you will develop measles after having the measles vaccination.

    Lucian got measles.
    It was pretty horrible.

    On the plus side, he is now over the worst and pretty much back to his cheeky self, he gets into more mischief than Mr Mischief the mischievous man.
    When I finish work and walk through the door he has a huge smile on his face, walks/runs to me, throws his arms round and then gets down, ambles over to his shoes and hands them to me.
    It’s his way of telling me “Take me to the park grandad” ❤️

    My dear wife has got a new car, we needed more space to fit pushchair / shopping/ various child paraphernalia in, we decided on an Audi Q3 ( other vehicles are available) it’s awesome.
    We had a front and rear camera fitted, which you can ‘link’ to your phone ( not mine obv, the good lady does the tech stuff I just drive)

    On the first day of driving we ‘had to’ review a certain situation of a driver pulling out in front of me, to prove who was in the wrong ( according to the wife I was 😊) No damage done as the brakes on our car are pretty new and work just dandy.

    If there is one thing that made my year so far it is the improvement in my dear daughter ❤️
    She is showing signs of getting back to the lovely girl we know and love dearly, she is back at work, albeit on a reduced timetable, taking care of herself ( and gorgeous grandson) and generally making us more proud every single day., to look back say six months it was difficult to see how someone in the space she was in could ever get out of the depression which was dragging her down, We love her so much. summary, life is great.

    Looking forward to Spt Brighton, I shall definitely be going, would be nice to say hi to some of you readers who have been so kind to me.

    Well, that’s all for now.
    Hope you all have had a great weekend and have a fab week.

    Be nice, be good. X
  • ajmiltonajmilton Member Posts: 1,458
    Good to hear things are on the up Tom.
    Keep posting mate always enjoy yeading your thread.

    Regards Alan (plo8 champ)

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