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The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!)



  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited June 2013
    Just realised how annoying poker can be sometimes. £500 BH.....going great, in the top 10 and feeling I can go deep.  Then lose my 70/30 and my 30/70 against the same oppo....given stacks and blinds I don't think either of us did a great deal wrong, tis poker!
    Azzy993 Small blind  200.00 200.00 4685.00
    michea1967 Big blind  400.00 600.00 14790.00
     Your hole cards
    • J
    • A
    mark68 Call  400.00 1000.00 7200.00
    dan210589 Fold     
    WALLI101 Fold     
    waller02 Raise  1200.00 2200.00 13172.50
    Azzy993 All-in  4685.00 6885.00 0.00
    michea1967 Fold     
    mark68 Fold     
    waller02 Call  3685.00 10570.00 9487.50
    Azzy993 Show
    • 9
    • A
    waller02 Show
    • J
    • A
    • 2
    • 6
    • 10
    • 9
    • 4
    Azzy993 Win Pair of 9s 10570.00  10570.00
    michea1967 Small blind  300.00 300.00 8890.00
    mark68 Big blind  600.00 900.00 10500.00
     Your hole cards
    • J
    • A
    dan210589 Fold     
    WALLI101 Call  600.00 1500.00 4145.00
    waller02 All-in  8287.50 9787.50 0.00
    Azzy993 Call  8287.50 18075.00 8082.50
    michea1967 Fold     
    mark68 Fold     
    WALLI101 Fold     
    waller02 Show
    • J
    • A
    Azzy993 Show
    • A
    • K
    • 2
    • 5
    • 10
    • 10
    • 9
    Azzy993 Win Flush to the Ace 18075.00  26157.50
    Oh well, best of luck to Azzy, hope he/she takes it down.......I took one head as a consolation.

    Back to cash I go.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited June 2013

    Massive step backwards........questioning whether or not I'm cut out to play cash. Few beers tonight, tried to be smart, making moves and dumb plays......4nl and moves (especially dumb ones) do not mix!

    Doing my nut in now, I used to be a disciplined nit.....and it worked. Now, I aint got a clue what's going on lol.....I'm trying to be too fancy and it don't wash!!!!


    This should be sooo easy to beat. I need more patience, I miss playing the mains etc. and I'm looking for the quick fix. Miss mtt's, have never really been a cash player but it's a low variance way to build so gonna have to knuckle down!!

    Wrist slapped, dog kicked and strong words had with oneself!!!

    Roll is up and down like a tarts knickers atm.......must stop!!

    BR = £63.82
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited June 2013
    I know they're not to everyone's taste but when I feel that I'm starting with FPS I load up stacks of Dym's.
    They ensure your go back to basics and cut out the spew.
    Disciplined nit = Dym winner
  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited June 2013
    Ryan alcohol and poker don't mix (as slykllist will verify when he sat down with a stack facing Lolufold once I believe)
    Discipline mate !
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!):
    I know they're not to everyone's taste but when I feel that I'm starting with FPS I load up stacks of Dym's. They ensure your go back to basics and cut out the spew. Disciplined nit = Dym winner
    Posted by Jac35
    Hi Jac. I have tried dym's snd was barely break even after quite a lot of games. I should be able to beat 4nl as long as I can stop going through phases of making dumb bets and calls.

    I just wanna get to the £100 mark so I can start playing more mtt's.

    Wd again on your SPT win!
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!):
    Ryan alcohol and poker don't mix (as slykllist will verify when he sat down with a stack facing Lolufold once I believe) Discipline mate !
    Posted by FlyingDagg
    Alright Dale, yeah I learnt that last night. The biggest problem was that I didn't know when to call it a night. I kept thinking "I can win some of the losses back" when in reality I was slowly losing more!

    Ah well I still have more than I deposited, just gotta stop having the odd spewy session.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited June 2013
    Another average session....slightly down. One table in particular was shocking, lost 3 big hands, 2 of them probably my own fault. Will post them below.

    1. Oppo here will not fold any pair.....they got paid off here. Maybe I should have slowed down?? But if they don't fold any pair then I guess I want these calls in the long run
    waller02 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £3.92
    ZedsDeadBa Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £3.87
    colucky Sit out     
     Your hole cards
    • Q
    • K
    Call  £0.04 £0.10 £3.04
    comping33 Call  £0.04 £0.14 £1.62
    dotsmum Fold     
    waller02 Raise  £0.18 £0.32 £3.74
    ZedsDeadBa Fold     
    Call  £0.16 £0.48 £2.88
    comping33 Call  £0.16 £0.64 £1.46
    • 2
    • 3
    • Q
    waller02 Bet  £0.36 £1.00 £3.38
    xCall  £0.36 £1.36 £2.52
    comping33 Fold     
    • 9
    waller02 Bet  £0.96 £2.32 £2.42
    xCall  £0.96 £3.28 £1.56
    • 2
    waller02 Bet  £1.68 £4.96 £0.74
    All-in  £1.56 £6.52 £0.00
    waller02 Unmatched bet  £0.12 £6.40 £0.86
    waller02 Show
    • Q
    • K
    • 5
    • 2
    Win Three 2s £5.92  £5.92
    2. No reads on oppo here. Maybe I can avoid going broke  but TPTK is good sooooo many times at 4nl that I went for it. With a 3 way pot though maybe I should have realised that one of them would have me beat.
    Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £3.71
    comping33 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £3.16
     Your hole cards
    • Q
    • A
    Raise  £0.20 £0.26 £2.32
    dotsmum Call  £0.20 £0.46 £3.06
    waller02 Call  £0.20 £0.66 £4.46
    Call  £0.18 £0.84 £3.53
    comping33 Call  £0.16 £1.00 £3.00
    • Q
    • 5
    • 8
    Bet  £1.00 £2.00 £2.53
    comping33 Fold     
    Call  £1.00 £3.00 £1.32
    dotsmum Fold     
    waller02 Raise  £3.00 £6.00 £1.46
    All-in  £2.53 £8.53 £0.00
    All-in  £1.32 £9.85 £0.00
    waller02 Call  £0.53 £10.38 £0.93
    • 8
    • 8
    a Show
    • A
    • K
    waller02 Show
    • Q
    • A
    • 8
    • 7
    Win Four 8s £9.60  £9.60
    3. This hand looks bad but the oppo has made crazy plays like this with 2nd or 3rd pair hands before so I made the call. Bit of a gamble maybe but was player dependant. I should prob be folding pre tbh though.
    waller02 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £5.05
    ZedsDeadBa Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £4.88
     Your hole cards
    • K
    • 10
    callmepunk Fold     
    Raise  £0.08 £0.14 £2.43
    garner909 Call  £0.08 £0.22 £5.99
    waller02 Call  £0.06 £0.28 £4.99
    ZedsDeadBa Call  £0.04 £0.32 £4.84
    • 5
    • K
    • 2
    waller02 Check     
    ZedsDeadBa Check     
    Bet  £0.16 £0.48 £2.27
    garner909 Fold     
    waller02 Call  £0.16 £0.64 £4.83
    ZedsDeadBa Call  £0.16 £0.80 £4.68
    • 3
    waller02 Check     
    ZedsDeadBa Check     
    xAll-in  £2.27 £3.07 £0.00
    waller02 Call  £2.27 £5.34 £2.56
    ZedsDeadBa Fold     
    waller02 Show
    • K
    • 10
    • 3
    • 5
    • J
    Win Two Pairs, 5s and 3s £4.93  £4.93
    4 Jun '13 at 15:29PokerAxbridge£4.11£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History14 Jun '13 at 15:29PokerDunipace£-10.42£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History14 Jun '13 at 15:28PokerFeinton£3.37£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History14 Jun '13 at 15:28PokerWell Meadow£0.16£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History
    The other tables saved me from what could have been a disastrous session!!!

    Having a break and going to play some more later.

    BR = £61.04
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited June 2013
    Having a break from cash for a few hours. Just playing a couple of mtt's.....£250 BH and £500 BH.

    Just bubbled the £250 BH.......sigh but took 3 heads to make my buy in back

    pttech013£2.56 + £3.19 Head Prizes3 waller02014£2.25 Head Prizes3
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited June 2013
    out the £500 BH in 49th....30 cash

    waller02049£0.94 Head Prizes1

    This hand was the one that broke me. I win this then who knows?????
    Talon Small blind  150.00 150.00 22752.50
    Doc22 Big blind  300.00 450.00 1765.00
     Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    michea1967 All-in  3435.00 3885.00 0.00
    13Silly All-in  1120.00 5005.00 0.00
    waller02 All-in  6510.00 11515.00 0.00
    Pedro1974 Fold     
    Talon Fold     
    Doc22 Fold     
    waller02 Unmatched bet  3075.00 8440.00 3075.00
    michea1967 Show
    • 6
    • 6
    13Silly Show
    • J
    • K
    waller02 Show
    • Q
    • Q
    • 10
    • 8
    • 4
    • A
    • 6
    13Silly Win Flush to the Ace 3810.00  3810.00
    michea1967 Win Three 6s 4630.00  4630.00
    Gonna play cash for a bit......update later

    EDIT: Can't be bothered to play anymore tonight.

    BR = £59.63
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited June 2013

    Nothing to report! Having a mental week at work so haven't had the time to play.

    Looking through the forum I could not help but laugh at my favourite diary (by far).....robbie1992!!! Things are certainly heating up with CCF. It certainly has all the right ingredients for a duel on the tables!!!

    Perhaps I need a war of words on my diary to spice things up!

    Hope to be back on the tables in the next couple of days, miss poker but work is king!
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited June 2013
    Played for the the first time in days tonight. Couldn't wait for a game, really missed it.........really wish I hadn't bothered!!!

    AWFUL time on the tables, truly awful.

    Cash tables were a nightmare. Ran kings into aces, flopped top 2 in my bb and lose to runner runner flush (although I should really have folded on the river!). Get aces....yes come customers! Get AK, have 3 callers and miss the flop. Ended the session with a poor call to lose another 3 quid. NOT GOOD!

    Played the £500 BH, faired slightly better. Down to the last 70 and I 3bet shove my 13 bigs with AJ into the chip leaders A5.......only surprise was that the 5 came down on the flop and not the river.

    ONE OF THOSE NIGHTS.........every table I sat on treated me the same, very unkindly!!!

    Welcome back!!!

    Some happier news: Got caught speeding in my work van on the way home tonight..........FFS!!!!

    Apart from that, all is well :)

    BR = £47.46

    Back on the game tomorrow night. I fear a stressful day coming on tomorrow. Will prob be coming home from work minus my crown jewels as they adapt to their new life as my boss's earings!!
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited June 2013
    I'm not playing well.

    Slowly bleeding money atm so played less tables. Started off the evening with a 12k BH sat, I prob shouldn't but it was only £1.60 and there is always the chance of a good return if I manage to get through......BIG if these days though! Anyway, ran kings into aces in the 3rd hand and that was that. No complaints there though, the hand played itself.

    Finished 16th in the mini freeroll.....10 seats
    Finished 39th in the ascot freeroll.....28 horses (and gtd seat in the mini)

    So, frustrating start but the fact I was getting so close meant I couldn't be playing that bad???? Dunno confidence is pretty low right now.

    Just finished 2 tabling 4nl alongside the £500 BH.

    The BH is going pretty much the same most nights. Getting to the late stages and losing crucial flips or making a mistake.....took 3 heads tonight though so made my money back.

    waller02056£2.72 Head Prizes3

    I'm still struggling on the cash tables atm. Having some bad luck but also don't feel that I'm playing very well either. Will post 3 hands below, one where I am unlucky and 2 that I think I played badly.

    1. Just ul here? No reads on oppo. Is my bet sizing and play ok?
    stagarmy Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £4.48
    waller02 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £3.83
     Your hole cards
    • J
    • J
    cole2009 Fold     
    JFG11 Call  £0.04 £0.10 £3.14
    Call  £0.04 £0.14 £2.97
    TWIG Call  £0.04 £0.18 £2.25
    stagarmy Call  £0.02 £0.20 £4.46
    waller02 Raise  £0.16 £0.36 £3.67
    JFG11 Call  £0.16 £0.52 £2.98
    Call  £0.16 £0.68 £2.81
    TWIG Fold     
    stagarmy Call  £0.16 £0.84 £4.30
    • 10
    • 5
    • 6
    stagarmy Check     
    waller02 Bet  £0.56 £1.40 £3.11
    JFG11 Fold     
    Call  £0.56 £1.96 £2.25
    stagarmy Fold     
    • 9
    waller02 Bet  £1.36 £3.32 £1.75
    All-in  £2.25 £5.57 £0.00
    waller02 Call  £0.89 £6.46 £0.86
    waller02 Show
    • J
    • J
    • 9
    • 9
    • 10
    Win Full House, 9s and 10s £5.97  £5.97
    2. Oppo here is one of the better regs at 4nl. Feel I should be betting the flop after my 3 bet but I'm low on confidence plus the king is def in his calling range. How should I have played this hand??? These are the kind of hands where I am struggling and they all add up over time.
    xSmall blind  £0.02 £0.02 £8.55
    waller02 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £4.56
     Your hole cards
    • A
    • Q
    RedSpartan Fold     
    Superman_ Fold     
    dgw69 Fold     
    Ms_Chips Fold     
    Raise  £0.10 £0.16 £8.45
    waller02 Raise  £0.44 £0.60 £4.12
    Call  £0.36 £0.96 £8.09
    • 10
    • K
    • 4
    waller02 Check     
    • Q
    Bet  £0.48 £1.44 £7.61
    waller02 Call  £0.48 £1.92 £3.64
    • 5
    waller02 Check     
    • J
    • A
    waller02 Show
    • A
    • Q
    Win Straight to the Ace £1.77  £9.38
    3. Oppo unknown here. I just checked pre because I would have been called and been out of position with a high likelyhood of overs on the flop..again, pretty bad??  Don't know what to make of the flop raise, should I be folding or re-raising??? Rest of the hand is calling without having a clue where I am.....Help???
    Ms_Chips Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £3.94
    waller02 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £3.68
     Your hole cards
    • 9
    • 9
    Call  £0.04 £0.10 £2.16
    Superman_ Fold     
    dgw69 Call  £0.04 £0.14 £6.31
    Ms_Chips Fold     
    waller02 Check     
    • 5
    • 8
    • 7
    waller02 Bet  £0.08 £0.22 £3.60
    x Raise  £0.16 £0.38 £2.00
    dgw69 Fold     
    waller02 Call  £0.08 £0.46 £3.52
    • A
    waller02 Check     
    Bet  £0.16 £0.62 £1.84
    waller02 Call  £0.16 £0.78 £3.36
    • 8
    waller02 Check     
    Bet  £0.12 £0.90 £1.72
    waller02 Call  £0.12 £1.02 £3.24
    • A
    • 7
    waller02 Show
    • 9
    • 9
    Win Two Pairs, Aces and 8s £0.94  £2.66
    So, that pretty much sums up where my game is right now. Losing small pots that I could perhaps win if I played them correctly. Losing big pots with my big hands.

    Advice very much needed on the last 2 hands in particular please. Like I said, they are not big pots but they do take their toll over the long run.

    BR = £ me!


  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited June 2013
    Hand 1....the 9 isn't a great card as 7 8 just got there, and also 10 9 is a possible villain holding. The turn bet commits you and I think you're just pretty unlucky as more often than not you'll still be miles ahead with JJ at 4nl. 

    Hand 2... Like to see a c/bet. Have reasonable equity in the hand with the overcard and gutshot to the nuts. He may well still call our c/bet, so we can reassess the situation on the turn in position. I think by not betting that flop, it leaves us in no mans land a little bit on the turn when he bets into us and we've picked up a piece of it. Is he just sensing weakness after the flop check and trying to pinch it? Has he just turned 2 pair? Is he semi bluffing with a pair and clubs? I think a c/bet will take down the pot more often than not, and should we get resistance we have position and outs to the nuts.

    Hand 3...I think a decent raise pre is the better line to take, though I do understand the table tap. It's a great flop for us and our hand is somewhat under represented. I don't mind the lead out, but as soon as its clicked back I'm suspicious. I think I'd do pretty similar and check/call the turn and the river despite knowing the optimal play is probably to fold to the A on the turn; about the worst card in the deck for us as it brings in numerous 2 pair potential plus a top pair for someone drawing to the nut flush. 99 looks distinctly less appealing on that turn card after a flop minraise.
  • OHIMGOODOHIMGOOD Member Posts: 159
    edited June 2013
    I'm rubbish at poker so when reading my comment bare that in mind!!..

    It seems to me you've forgotten about the fun side of poker and you're chasing £ signs to the end of the rainbow and you aren't going to find the big pot of gold when you get there.

    Just chill, have some fun and remember why you started playing poker in the first place. I rarely win, I play (on a different site) about $40 a month. Sometimes that $40 goes into profit and pays for the next month, sometimes it doesn't.

    We would all like to win the big money, but....If you're not good enough then you're not good enough. Sky should start (or maybe they do) some 60 seat 20p buy in tournements. They are great fun, give some good cheap play and they last a while if you're half decent.

    But yeah my main point, You're not playing poker for fun, you're deperately chasing ££££'s and that never works out and will only lead you to BUST!!! An when we're bust we can't play anymore and that sucks.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!):
    but....If you're not good enough then you're not good enough. ........
    ..... you're deperately chasing ££££'s and that never works out and will only lead you to BUST!!! 
    Posted by OHIMGOOD
    but he is good enough - and it can work out - just needs to get his mojo back

    I'm not an NL4 player but:

    1. I would raise much bigger pre
    2. c-bet the flop - will he chase a gutshot? and at least you are making him make the hard decisions
    3. definitely raise with 99 - as you say you don't want to end up in a multiway pot oop - so take it down there and then, or thin the field at least
  • OHIMGOODOHIMGOOD Member Posts: 159
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!):
    In Response to Re: The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!) : but he is good enough - and it can work out - just needs to get his mojo back I'm not an NL4 player but: 1. I would raise much bigger pre 2. c-bet the flop - will he chase a gutshot? and at least you are making him make the hard decisions 3. definitely raise with 99 - as you say you don't want to end up in a multiway pot oop - so take it down there and then, or thin the field at least
    Posted by GELDY
    But do these things really work at this level online? You can go IN BIG with 99 an some clown will follow you in with 7-2 and flop trip 7's. If you're a big name player that's called amazing skill great play, if you're new the same hand is called a DONK. Poker is more luck these days than it ever was. Remember in live casinos when playing tight and only A's and K's guaranteed you a win? Those days are over.

    Type in names on SharkScope, 95% of people are losing, this guy obviously needs a time out, chill relax..But hey what do I know. But the A BROKEN MAN £50 OR QUITS, How about the story of how £50 lasted me months playing 10p tourneys and the fun it was winning £1.50 lol. If its the poker we enjoy, the beating other players then the stakes don't really matter do they?

    Oh and I just won 80p in a freeroll so my advice is now valid, although I did all in with J-3 about 50'000 chips lol...Yeah I lost. But anywyay, if we play with money we can afford to lose poker never becomes a problem to the point it frustrates us.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited June 2013
    Ty for the advice on the hands. When I look back on them I can see the mistakes I'm making, now I just need to stop repeating these errors (which is what I'm struggling with atm)

    @ OHIMGOOD....ty for the post. I agree with most of what you say. However I have not forgotten about the fun side of poker. I still love the game, or I wouldn't play. I'm not having as much fun as I used to as losing is never as good as winning but I am trying to adapt to playing cash rather than mtt's atm so it was always going to be a bumpy ride.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited June 2013
    I'm in trouble!!!

    Last night I hardly payed any cash and mainly focussed on the £250 BH (no cash, 1 head) £500 BH (7 from the money!! 3 heads) and £25 GTD (finished 6th....3 cashed). On the whole the evening was pretty much break even.

    Today has been the problem as for some unknown reason I decided to play some DYM's.....easily my worst format of the game!! Lost all 3! At least I confirmed that I still cannot play them.....although hands like     AQ<K10 and AQ<A10 didn't help matters.

    22 Jun '13 at 15:12PokerDouble Your Money£-1.15£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History22 Jun '13 at 15:00PokerDouble Your Money£-2.25£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History22 Jun '13 at 14:23PokerDouble Your Money£-2.25£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History
    I'm just going to have to stick to 4nl now to try and re-build. Confidence is getting lower and lower.

    BR = £39.38

    I'm going to a 21st birthday party tonight.......drowning my sorrows!

  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited June 2013
    Just had a quick 45mins whilst the missus and kids were in the shower.

    Thanks to a flopped set and then a straight I have bumped my roll back up slightly!

    Going to the party slightly happier. Besides if I can't have fun getting drunk in a room full of 21 yr old women  then something is wrong!!! (glad the missus does not read this haha)

    BR = £42.03

  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!):
    Just had a quick 45mins whilst the missus and kids were in the shower. Thanks to a flopped set and then a straight I have bumped my roll back up slightly! Going to the party slightly happier. Besides if I can't have fun getting drunk in a room full of 21 yr old women  then something is wrong!!! (glad the missus does not read this haha) BR = £42.03
    Posted by waller02
    45 minute shower - jeez your water bills must be huge! lol
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