Managed to get 2cd place tonight in this one nearly got my losses back for the month, now to try and sat into the sunday 100 (br not sufficient for a direct buy in).WP to Glen who won, u deserved it for sheer aggression on final table.
I havent read the whole post so apoligies if this has been suggested/dealt with, but why not keep the guarentee, halve the buyin and make a big thing about it.
I personally dont play it because of it being out of my BR at this time, but at £11 I would play for sure.
I havent read the whole post so apoligies if this has been suggested/dealt with, but why not keep the guarentee, halve the buyin and make a big thing about it. I personally dont play it because of it being out of my BR at this time, but at £11 I would play for sure. Posted by MrWh1te
There is a nice Tourney every Wednesday at 7pm which may suit you then, Mr White.
The "tikay Sleepstack" has 5,000 chips, 12 minute Blinds, & is on 10 Seater Tables.
£10 + £1 = great value, & it got 98 runners last week.
Regardless of payment this tourney is by far one of the better. Tikay is right, if there isn't enough players to pay out all of the final table then the lucky few will have to go the extra mile to get paid - simples. Always play the Deep Stack, always will. )
Just managed to take down my 1st 500ds, gr8 game with some gr8 plyers. Dont play often but imo is easily the best tourny on sky. Wp 2 every1 who cashed 2nite. Ozzie
Managed to get 2cd place tonight in this one nearly got my losses back for the month, now to try and sat into the sunday 100 (br not sufficient for a direct buy in).WP to Glen who won, u deserved it for sheer aggression on final table.
I personally dont play it because of it being out of my BR at this time, but at £11 I would play for sure.
The "tikay Sleepstack" has 5,000 chips, 12 minute Blinds, & is on 10 Seater Tables.
£10 + £1 = great value, & it got 98 runners last week.
Wednesday night, 7pm.
2nd again! Very well played Greg,well done
Well done Greg, Moooooooo, & NColley.
I really miss playing this Tourmey when I'm working. I'll be back in it on Wednesday, though.
Regardless of payment this tourney is by far one of the better. Tikay is right, if there isn't enough players to pay out all of the final table then the lucky few will have to go the extra mile to get paid - simples.
Always play the Deep Stack, always will.