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DOHHH's TP preperation sit n go specific thread!....



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,824
    edited January 2010

    I was looking for a photo of Ed The Donkey, & came across this photograph of ElsaDog & MereDonkey.

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited January 2010

    Mornin ! - Here goes then 10 sngs in a row! - Ive read the post on the other forum, thanx to the dog and tk for that, very useful, learnt alot about shoving ranges imparticular!

    Just guna play 10 str8 off then post the interesting hands afterwards instead of inbetween! wish me luk! ;)

  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: DOHHH's TP preperation sit n go specific thread!....:
    Mornin ! - Here goes then 10 sngs in a row! - Ive read the post on the other forum, thanx to the dog and tk for that, very useful, learnt alot about shoving ranges imparticular! Just guna play 10 str8 off then post the interesting hands afterwards instead of inbetween! wish me luk! ;) DOHH
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    best of luck m8y !

    remember what mr black said ,

    wax on wax off !

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,824
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: DOHHH's TP preperation sit n go specific thread!....:
    Mornin ! - Here goes then 10 sngs in a row! - Ive read the post on the other forum, thanx to the dog and tk for that, very useful, learnt alot about shoving ranges imparticular! Just guna play 10 str8 off then post the interesting hands afterwards instead of inbetween! wish me luk! ;) DOHH
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Morning Mr Dohx7.

    Did you find all three articles? If so, hope they help, if not, let me know, & I'll sort them out for you.

    I plan to make all three articles avilable to ALL the Mentor Picks, as that's only fair. Many of them may not be interested, or feel they need them, that's fine, but I feel I need to be even-handed with everyone.

    I am trying to arrange for the Articles to be Posted on Sky Poker as one of my Blogs, but I just need to seek the Author's permission first. I'm quite sure I can arrange for permission from the other Site. ;)

    Good Luck in your SNG-athon, I'll drop by on the Rail too see how you are doing in a bit.

    And I've not forgotten your PM - I have a huge backlog, but I want to, & will, reply to it. Just bear with me please.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,824
    edited January 2010

    He's BLITZING the first two!

    It's like printing money.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited January 2010
    Went wrong! Shoved the button with two 4's small blind had AA for 75th time!!! agh 

    Was in mini, playing 2, it was running fine most of the time, until the end of the first game, it stalled for 3/4 hands. Its coz I went from mini to main view. Nevermind. Here goes again....
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,824
    edited January 2010

    I bokked you! Sorry.

    You looked home & hosed in both of them when I last looked.

    When you have finished your sess - & not before - I'd be interested to see that 4-4 v A-A hand. The Blinds, your stack, A-A man's stack, how many left.

    DYM's have a very odd dynamic, unlike a regular SNG or MTT, as you know, & I'm just curious if we needed to shove there, or just got a bit gung-ho. Not being critical, just curious. 
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: DOHHH's TP preperation sit n go specific thread!....:
    DYM's have a very odd dynamic, unlike a regular SNG or MTT, as you know, & I'm just curious if we needed  to shove there, or just got a bit gung-ho. Not being critical, just curious. 
    Posted by Tikay10
    You're not wrong. I ended up playing KK all-in during a game yesterday when I didn't need to, and a player behind me had me covered with AA. Sometimes these holdings have to be ditched for survival, and it gets particularly tricky when there's still a lot of players (5 or 6 even) and EVERYONE is equally short stacked.

  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited January 2010
    This is a great thread for me to read through as well. Like DOHHHH im not a DYM specialist at all, more like a DYM donkey. I'm going to try and play as many regular STT games on my days as possible rather than DYMs, the trouble is I know not as many regs run compared to dym :(. Goodluck to you doh in your buildup, ill will try and play a few low staked games to get the feel for it before I play for real on Monday.

    Reg stt's are more like "Going for the win" mentality that I like. I have always been a ladderer in MTTs but lately have really gone for the wins, in the last 6 MTTs iv cashed in iv won 4 of them, but alot of non-cashes along the way. Its all about finding the happy medium but I think with my new MTT style that should help no end with the stt format.
  • elsadogelsadog Member Posts: 5,677
    edited January 2010
    Having watched the first two (had to pop out so didn't see more) I think you should just remind yourself that in DYM's 3rd is 1st. Otherwise you did fine.

    I'm not sure that DYM's suit your game/mindset and you would be much better suited to straight sng's. Having said that you have the ability to adjust to suit.

    Best of luck JJ
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,824
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: DOHHH's TP preperation sit n go specific thread!....:
    Having watched the first two (had to pop out so didn't see more) I think you should just remind yourself that in DYM's 3rd is 1st. Otherwise you did fine. I'm not sure that DYM's suit your game/mindset and you would be much better suited to straight sng's. Having said that you have the ability to adjust to suit. Best of luck JJ
    Posted by elsadog
    I'm with Woof-Woof here. It MAY have been that the "Blinds/Stack/Players left" equation forced your hand though.

    And I hope you realise we are 100& onside with you in your quest to conquer different Formats.

    We are Tesco like, innit - every little helps.
  • elsadogelsadog Member Posts: 5,677
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: DOHHH's TP preperation sit n go specific thread!....:
    In Response to Re: DOHHH's TP preperation sit n go specific thread!.... : I'm with Woof-Woof here. It MAY have been that the "Blinds/Stack/Players left" equation forced your hand though. And I hope you realise we are 100& onside with you in your quest to conquer different Formats. We are Tesco like, innit - every little helps.
    Posted by Tikay10
    I hate Tesco. They are responsible for more job losses in the UK than any recession. That is all ........ I will get back on thread when I remove the teeth marks from my laptop.
  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited January 2010
     well doh  has 3 out of 4 wins in the double ups so far ,

    wd m8y
  • BlackFish3BlackFish3 Member Posts: 2,418
    edited January 2010
    lets do this doh... bring it on!!!
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited January 2010

    Im finding these really really hard going! - Just played 2 and won them both, but the 2nd of the 2 imparticular was so so hard! - With 3 players left, all with average stacks, (7/8 bb's) - People are folding every hand unless its premium! - So if someone happens to find one of these premium hands on ur bb, u can go from relatively comfortable to desperate!

    It goes against everything I'm used to doing! - As when the table's playing this tight, I always take advantage.

    Nt guna post the hand tk as it can get boring and messy, ill give u the exact situation....

    Blinds 200/400

    UTG, 2,900 FOLDS.
    DOHHHHHH 2,905 JAMS - this is the pocket 4's hand
    SB.1740 (and 200 in the SB) - CALLS - Shows pocket aces
    BB, 4,420 FOLDS.

    Its fold or shove obviously....maybe I should fold? - But as Ive said at this stage theyre playing so tight....

    There was another hand in the last game I played...where I shoved after a limp and a raise...

    4 handed again here....So avg is 3k, I have 2.4k, the short stack has 1.9k. The big stack has 5k and limps utg with blinds at 150/300. The button folds, and the small blind shoves his 1.9k in. I look at AQ. now with the Big stack limping shows strength. But if I pass here, and the big stack passes, Im gonna feel pretty sick as Im now in deep trouble. Wat Im thinking here, is at the beginning of the hand, I had the shortie covered, so If I call and the bb calls too, I/we have 2 chances of winning, as If the Bstack wins, I finished 3rd anyway right?

    Anyway I shoved, the big stack passed and I won the race with AQ v 77 - correct play?

    Thanx, DOHH (trying google chrome so cudnt post the hand properly)
  • BlackFish3BlackFish3 Member Posts: 2,418
    edited January 2010
    yea you have to shove when you get hands in these situations and not wimp out otherwise some donk will double the shorty up stupidly or fold for 100 chips and basically double him up, then your left shoving without a hand and get it in with air v sum1s AT and your out... so in these situation just keep shoving because you need to keep ya chip stack up... be fearless and dont be put off when you walk into a premium.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,824
    edited January 2010

    Thnks Dohx7.

    That 4-4 coup is a pretty tough decision.

    My first reaction, on seeing the stacks & blinds, was "yes, auto-shove".

    Then I saw the Shortie had 1,740. Can we wait/hope he perishes & we cruise through? But we gotta pay our Blinds before he does so again......

    A very awkward one. I think I might have shoved, too, but I'm not 100% sure of the optimal play here. If I had, say, KQ it's a lot easier to shove.

    Amyway, youi seem to be doing OK.

    How's google Chrome working for you Any better than IE or Firefox?
  • elsadogelsadog Member Posts: 5,677
    edited January 2010
    JJ, it would appear you are quickly picking up the dynamics of DYM. I haven't played many but the scenarios you outline are common. Decisions have to be made based on various factors (as outlined so well by Tikay) with narrow margins of success/failure.

    Par for the course in DYM's IMO.

    Chrome is good ........ Safari (apple) is better and faster and prettier.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,824
    edited January 2010

    As an aside, I was watching one of Doh's DYM's, & I saw an extraordinary play. (Doh not in the hand).

    It was 25/50, eveyone was close to 2,000 chips.

    Limp, limp, limp, shove for 2,000, fold. fold, Call.

    Shover had T-T. Caller had K-T.

    Go figure that!

    Buit that's why is good to sit & wait in these. Let the others do the hard work, we'll settle for the soft route.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited January 2010

    Had a nightmare, 2 hands, blind on blind.

    First one have ace 4, got 10 BB's, unraised pot, I shove. I know this was wrong, raise 3xbb n get away. 7 bbs is playable in these.

    2nd one, Same, unraised, blind on blind, king 9 suited, shove, called AK. - 6/7 BBish. 

    Was in winning positions in both, was cruising.

    The early stages r a walk in the park. The later stages r doing my head in. 

    Neway 3/6 2 bubbles. 

    Guna have to win 3 of the nxt 4 - oh I need 7/10 so its all of the last 4! oops! 

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