Some of the gamble's he pulled of were stuff of legend's. Do you remember when he backed himself as a trainer to win (i think it was 21races in a jump season maybe slightly less long time ago and my brain's not what it used to be)anyway he hit the target from no more than a dozen horses. Great character RIP
Ned Beatty, who shot to fame in Deliverance and was nominated for an Oscar for Network, dies of natural at 83 at his Los Angeles home
Ned Beatty, the indelible character actor whose first film role as a genial vacationer brutally raped by a backwoodsman in 1972's Deliverance launched him on a long, prolific and accomplished career, has died at the age of 83. Beatty's manager, Deborah Miller, said Beatty died Sunday of natural causes at his home in Los Angeles surrounded by friends and loved ones. The Kentucky-native got his start in the film industry in the early 1970s when he sat down with director John Boorman, his assistant and their wives for a lunch in New York to discuss a potential role in Boorman's upcoming film Deliverance. Beatty doubted he would get the role of Bobby Trippe, the happy-go-lucky member of a male river-boating party terrorized by backwoods thugs, according to The Hollywood Reporter, but decided to spend the night flirting with the wife of Boorman's assistant.
He seemed able to convey the acute agonies and euphoria of life through brutal sometimes painful lyrics.
Certainly wrote the soundtrack to my formative years.
R.I.P. Jim
Barney Curley passed away today. What a character he was.
Do you remember when he backed himself as a trainer to win (i think it was 21races in a jump season maybe slightly less long time ago and my brain's not what it used to be)anyway he hit the target from no more than a dozen horses.
Great character
I certainly do although I thought it was 10 winners.
And here's another Barney story, the Yellow Sam coup;
And here's Barney ripping a young-looking Luke Harvey & John McCririck a new rear end.
And this was probably his greatest ever coup;
Ned Beatty, the indelible character actor whose first film role as a genial vacationer brutally raped by a backwoodsman in 1972's Deliverance launched him on a long, prolific and accomplished career, has died at the age of 83. Beatty's manager, Deborah Miller, said Beatty died Sunday of natural causes at his home in Los Angeles surrounded by friends and loved ones. The Kentucky-native got his start in the film industry in the early 1970s when he sat down with director John Boorman, his assistant and their wives for a lunch in New York to discuss a potential role in Boorman's upcoming film Deliverance. Beatty doubted he would get the role of Bobby Trippe, the happy-go-lucky member of a male river-boating party terrorized by backwoods thugs, according to The Hollywood Reporter, but decided to spend the night flirting with the wife of Boorman's assistant.