Hi all,
I am looking for someone who is a bit more tech savvy than myself to help me with upgrading my laptop/internet browser for the new tables. I'm afraid although I know my way around the poker software, I don't know my way around a computer or my google chrome very well.
I use a Windows 7 Acer Aspire V 17 Nitro (its a decent-ish large and powerful laptop) and I use chrome - not sure which version. I also use the download version of Skypoker (not the browser).
The problems with the new tables I have are numerous - firstly it takes more than one click to make an action on the function buttons, secondly though and perhaps more importantly - every 45 minutes the software cuts out.

This is ontop of the bright colours and general functionality which I don't think is very good - but first it would be nice to see if it will work better if I have the right upgrades?
I tried getting help from the live chat - but they were utterly useless (no clue, and said there was no technician who could help me - even suggested asking a friend or family member to help haha!).
I absolutely loved the old tables and could multi table 12 of them with ease - but I am struggling with even 6 of the new tables.
If anyone could help me with where to go, what to download, etc to avoid these cut outs and misclicks I would be very grateful.
Ps My apologies to VIallia who bubbled a DYM after I misclicked fold (due to problems above).
I don't think you'll ever get a fix for that (other than hopefully the new software that's coming along). I've not tested it for a little while, but I assume there's still a memory leak problem with the DC.
If you do a search for 'memory leak' you'll see a few posts by me over the years.
Basically the more tables you run the quicker the available memory will get gobbled up by the leak until the program crashes as per your post. You can watch it happening using Task Manager.
Thank you for the reply... It is so so so frustrating having the software close down every 30 minutes.
When is the new software out, and how will that help? What is 'DC'?
Are you sure there is no fix for this? Anyone else got any advice? I'm about to take my bankroll elsewhere for the summer!
Thankyou x
Is that memory leak ram specific, i.e single channel? Because my client almost never crashes. It has crashed a handful of times in a year or so.
Jacquelyn the only thing I can suggest is uninstalling the software with revo or something similar, and then reinstalling. It's so difficult to know why this happens without more info.
Does anyone know if the sky software produces error reports?
Firstly, apologies to those inconvenienced by this issue. I will pass the thread (together with the other, now closed thread) up to the Techies in the Office.
I'd like to say reassuring "it'll be sorted soon" words, but in truth, I'm not confident, as the problem seems to have affected a relatively small but significant % of users for some considerable time.
I am not an IT expert, nor any many who have reported the issue, but simple logic explains why it is such a difficult problem to fix - some players - most, I would say - are not affected by it at all.
As @kapowblamz notes above, it almost never affects him, just a handful of times in a year or so.
For a slightly better sample size, look at the DYM Challenge, where the leading players are playing monstrously huge volume. A quick look at Sharkscope tells us that, for example, Vlallia played 260 DYM's in 8 hours yesterday, whilst GSmith13 played 350 (approx.) in 12 hours. So those guys are playing 30 games per hour for sustained periods every day. It would be simply impossible to do that if they were experiencing these issues.
And, I suspect, THAT is why it is proving such a difficult problem to solve. If it affected everyone it would be easy, or easier, but it is not.
It's real hard, using logic, to explain why it affects some users & not others.
Anyway, let's hope the mystery can be solved soon & the problem sorted.
Again, apologies to those affected.
To be fair it's a new problem on my end since I've been playing more tables than usual for the SPT micro madness challenge, it did happen before when I played only 6-8 tables but very rarely. I've been keeping all other applications and programs closed except Sky poker but it hasn't seemed to have made a difference.
I know a fair few people who play on Sky. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t get kicked out on a nightly basis when multitabling.
People do workarounds to combat it as best they can such as logging out and back in again on Mtt breaks. Obviously as a dym player this isn’t an option for me. If I play 8+ tables and haven’t had the chance during a quiet period to shut down sky and reload, I will be kicked out at least once a night.
I take your point about some of the high volume players but disagree a little. Reflex put in extraordinary volume last week. There were s fair few occasions when he was ‘away’.
I would say that it has improved a bit. There was a period where even if we weren’t kicked out then there would be terrible lag. That seems to have been rectified and I rarely experience lag now
It’s not the end of the world though. I can normally get back in within a minute and so it’s only the odd occasion when I’ve made the bubble that it can be really problematic
I think quads nails it
If people don’t report then it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Unless I’ve been kicked out for a significant amount of time I don’t bother reporting it. It’s fairly tiresome to be told each time that it must be a problem with my end and to clear my cookies
I’m confident it applies mainly when multi tabling
Saying a small % are effected is a bit misleading as its effected by the number of tables so the issue isn't relevant for the majority of players who are playing the odd table. I would suggest of the mass tablers the % effected is extremely high.
It has been an issue for an extremely long period of time. Players just need to know what workarounds work for them and grin and bear it until the new software comes in.
I don't know how much you play but if you have some spare time then try launching say 8 active cash tables to view only, then just minimise them and keep an eye on the amount of memory skypoker.exe is using in Task Manager in the Processes tab. On every single PC I've ever tested it on it goes up and up and up until it eventually soils itself
The time required varies depending on how many concurrent tables you test with, and how much available memory you have. One table + considerable amounts of free memory and you may never see an issue.
Gsmith has been crashing this week aswell and I’m sure johnmonty is, its very very difficult to do something like this weeks promo when this constantly happens. Next week after upgrading my desktop components this week I still fully expect to crash every 2 hours I’m playing but hopefully manage my way around it to limit the damage. I know it’s not intentional on skys front but I’m amazed it’s still happening after 5 years. It affects people that turn over a lot of games like dym players particularly worse than say a cash player playing the same 6-10 tables I think.
The software freezes/ crashes every 2 1/2 or 3 hours for me.
It's extremely frustrating and a bit ridiculous that it's ignored to a large extent.
I don't think it's a coincidence that every other site I play on has regular software updates that you have to download.
Sky software updates are about as common as a jac35 mtt win.
I'm not usually one to rant but saying this happens to only a small % of players is extremely ignorant (not a dig at you TK, it's not your job to know).
Hopefully this thread leads to something getting done
What is the benefit of the download client again?
Naturally, adding more tables will use more RAM and with probably slightly imperfect software code/design causing memory 'leaks'.
Devs can profile the Sky Poker app and potentially find out how to cut out the memory issues but as this is probably outsourced and with work on the whole new software underway I'm going to hazard a guess that this issue won't be fixed.
Was there a rumor that Sky were putting a table cap of 6 in? Might be a fantastic idea!
My son builds my computers, I just use them, but I would be willing to share any spec details that might help to point out why I don't get the same problem if this would help.
Someone would have to tell me where to look though.