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  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,911
    Jac35 said:

    HAYSIE said:

    goldon said:

    Your Argument to remain is very "Haysie" years of decline said leave.

    I am being completely serious, not taking the mickey, or trying to embarrass you, but as a leave voter, forgetting about the rhetoric, could you name one aspect of your life that you expect to improve after we leave?

    You’re not normally shy
    Hes gone very quiet.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,911

    UK Brexit minister: we are making progress with EU; deal in sight
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,295
    I have already exceeded my quota of "Brownie" points & badges for this year, with my quality, ingenuity, interesting content stand alone comments & having been the Leader in Threads to ignore have nothing else to prove. You also have done well to "Remain" here in Poker Chat for so long with non poker content begs the Question do you have ears in high places or the God's that look down on us ..... fallen asleep.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,911
    goldon said:

    I have already exceeded my quota of "Brownie" points & badges for this year, with my quality, ingenuity, interesting content stand alone comments & having been the Leader in Threads to ignore have nothing else to prove. You also have done well to "Remain" here in Poker Chat for so long with non poker content begs the Question do you have ears in high places or the God's that look down on us ..... fallen asleep.

    That's a bit of a cop out.
    When you voted to leave, you surely must have thought that something in your life would change for the better.
    You surely do it didn't thinking you would be worse off?
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,295
    You poke the Mad dog with stick ...... know your place in the Rail.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,911
    goldon said:

    You poke the Mad dog with stick ...... know your place in the Rail.

    You obviously did then.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,295
    No Poker content no place here.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,295
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,911
    goldon said:

    No Poker content no place here.

    Ok, but why bother voting at all?
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,911
    goldon said:


  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,295
    HAYSIE said:

    goldon said:


    You're trying to remain in place you don't belong ....... get out now.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,911
    we will have to have a vote on it.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,295
    Sky rules ......... leave
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,295
    if you don't like to lose then ....... don't kick the Mad Dog.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,295
    If Sky Poker allow you to "Remain" then their integrity is in Question.!
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,911
    edited September 2018
    goldon said:

    If Sky Poker allow you to "Remain" then their integrity is in Question.!

    Sky are obviously clever enough to know that remaining will always be the best option.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,295

    Your Thread has " Nothing" to do with Poker Questions so why is it still here.!
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,295

    Leave this place .... join the Rail .... and save face
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,911
    goldon said:

    Leave this place .... join the Rail .... and save face</block

    Leavers being unable to answer any questions and moaning is par for the course

  • The--DonThe--Don Member Posts: 393
    Most leave voters have ran out of reasons to stick by the decision.

    It is obvious it is going to be incredibly damaging and anyone with any common sense wouldn't have any problem with having another vote on the final deal before it is signed.

    Sadly, a majority of our MP's aren't looking like they're going to have the stones to jeopardise their careers by coming out in favour of another vote on the matter.

    I'm very left wing and in many ways I am opposed to the EU but this has been so badly handled by the government ever since they invoked article 50 before they had even agreed an exit strategy among themselves, they have left us in a pretty dire situation.

    They ether risk career suicide and back away from it, or they put the country in an impossible position, safe in the knowledge that they're never likely to personally need to use a foodbank and deliver a huge FU to those that do and the many that are likely to need them in future.

    I have a very healthy dislike of people like Chuka Umunna but I sincerely hope that they're successful in changing Labour's position to one where they push for a people's vote, or whatever they end up calling it.

    I am convinced that there would now be at least a 55% majority that would vote in favour of calling the whole thing off should we have another vote. It could be even higher if the polls coming out of the North of England are to be believed.

    If we truly do live in a democracy, there shouldn't be any objections on having a vote to ratify or reject the final deal. We're a lot better informed now as to what a post Brexit Britain would look like than we were for the original vote and people should be given the opportunity to change their vote in the light of new information.

    For a handful of people, this was never about politics. For a significant, probably vote swinging minority, it was about voting to stop EU immigration because they don't like Pakistani's/Indians/refugees/brown people in general.

    Not all leave voters were racist. Probably not even 25% of them but I would guess nearly all racists voted leave. We shouldn't allow ourselves to be railroaded into a terrible outcome because it will upset some of the worst people in the country.
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