This is worth a revisit. If only to listen to Nigel Farages outrageous claims on immigration. He denies all knowledge of a UKIP leaflet, which features a photograph of an American Indian, and the claim that "he ignored immigration and ended up living on a Reservation". He claimed that we would become overrun with more Romanians, and Bulgarians than actually exist, half the Afro Caribbean children in London are unemployed, and he admires Mr Putin. He claims not to be a racist. Why couldn't more people see him for what he is?
Juncker: British planes may be stopped from landing in EU if Brexit talks fail
British planes could be stopped from landing in the EU if Brexit talks fail, according to Jean-Claude Juncker. The European Commission president said at a public meeting in Freiburg: "Sometimes I have the impression that the British think that it's us quitting Great Britain, but it's exactly the other way around. "There never was a real referendum campaign in Britain in the sense of an information campaign. "The British, including government ministers, are only now discovering how many questions it raises. "If talks [on air transport] go wrong, then no more British airplanes can land on the continent.
People didn't know that, and they should probably have been told." There could also be a four-day quarantine placed on pet dogs and cats from the UK into continental Europe with the same on their return journey, Mr Juncker added. "I ask myself what is going to happen to the 250,000 dogs and cats who leave the European continent each year," he said. "Right now they just pass through the customs, all these dogs and cats coming to mainland Europe each year. "There are lots of people in Europe who just want people and animals to just cross borders, but I think we are going to have a four-day quarantine. "If you want to go to Brittany for eight days for holidays, then maybe you need to leave the dog or cat at home, or maybe you will stay home altogether.
..... and then on the other hand we could stop European planes landing here too, and introduce quarantine. These are a 2-way thing. All of this including the weak pound has helped the British holiday industry this year, which is something that is certainly good for the Economy...... as we have definitely noticed down here in Cornwall.
..... and then on the other hand we could stop European planes landing here too, and introduce quarantine. These are a 2-way thing. All of this including the weak pound has helped the British holiday industry this year, which is something that is certainly good for the Economy...... as we have definitely noticed down here in Cornwall.
Just saying
Very Interesting.
Do we really care what Germans do with their dogs?
Not sure how stopping European planes landing will help Brits travelling abroad?
Although it would definitely mean less tourists in Cornwall.
How does more people holidaying in Cornwall help you personally?
You must like traffic jams?
The pound has lost 12% of its value since the referendum, and is likely to lose more value post Brexit, particularly if there is no deal.
This is obviously affecting all our imports, and has increased prices on many products, including food items, which affects everyone.
Not sure that Brits holidaying in Europe, and getting less for their money, will see an increase in the number of tourists travelling to Cornwall as any sort of compensation, unless maybe they own a bar, restaurant, or holiday resort, etc.
I don't find your argument at all persuasive in respect of Brexit.
..... and then on the other hand we could stop European planes landing here too, and introduce quarantine. These are a 2-way thing. All of this including the weak pound has helped the British holiday industry this year, which is something that is certainly good for the Economy...... as we have definitely noticed down here in Cornwall.
Just saying
I think that the real point is that very few people had a clue about how much leaving the EU would affect our every day lives.
We have chosen to leave, none of us were fully aware of the extent of the changes we would have to make, and to blame the EU for all the bad news is silly.
More Germans increasing the heavy Summer traffic in Cornwall means little to those already struggling to make ends meet, when they are seeing their food prices increasing.
..... and then on the other hand we could stop European planes landing here too, and introduce quarantine. These are a 2-way thing. All of this including the weak pound has helped the British holiday industry this year, which is something that is certainly good for the Economy...... as we have definitely noticed down here in Cornwall.
..... and then on the other hand we could stop European planes landing here too, and introduce quarantine. These are a 2-way thing. All of this including the weak pound has helped the British holiday industry this year, which is something that is certainly good for the Economy...... as we have definitely noticed down here in Cornwall.
Just saying
I heard you've got some previous with blow up dolls.
..... and then on the other hand we could stop European planes landing here too, and introduce quarantine. These are a 2-way thing. All of this including the weak pound has helped the British holiday industry this year, which is something that is certainly good for the Economy...... as we have definitely noticed down here in Cornwall.
Just saying
Back on a serious note. When we implemented article 50, it gave the EU two years notice that we intended to leave. That two years is up in March next year. So as it stands we will be leaving in March, with or without a deal. We agreed to the sequencing of negotiations. First the Withdrawal Agreement, then the future trade agreement.
In the 18months that have followed, we haven't been able to come to an agreement on the Withdrawal Bill.
All we had to negotiate was citizens rights, the money, and the Irish Border. The Irish border being the hold up.
If we cant sort out the Irish Border this month, we will not have time to discuss the trade deal. The trade deal would have to be voted on in our Parliament, and ratified individually by the EU 27, all before March.
It is not only the trade deal, there is loads of other stuff has to be arranged, and sorted out.
The clock is ticking, and it is our sides fault.
I am really glad that you are happy to see loads of Germans running around Cornwall with their dogs. Make the most of it, because it probably wont be happening next year.
Open a history book’: EU hits back at Hunt over Soviet comparison
Hunt sparked controversy on Sunday by claiming the EU was trying to “punish” the UK for leaving and accusing them of taking a Soviet-style stance to Brexit talks. He told Conservative conference: “The EU was set up to protect freedom. It was the Soviet Union that stopped people leaving. “The lesson from history is clear: if you turn the EU club into a prison, the desire to get out won’t diminish it will grow – and we won’t be the only prisoner that will want to escape.”
Dear @Jeremy_Hunt I was born in Soviet gulag and been imprisoned by KGB a few times in my life. Happy to brief you on the main differences between #EU and Soviet Union. And also why we escaped the #USSR Anytime. Whatever helps.
Dear @faisalislam , just FYI - Soviets killed, deported, exiled and imprisoned 100 thousands of Latvia's inhabitants after the illegal occupation in 1940, and ruined lives of 3 generations, while the EU has brought prosperity, equality, growth, respect. #StrongerTogether
PC #Conservatives2018 Mr Hunt @foreignoffice@Jeremy_Hunt are you aware of the monumental diplomatic travesty you committed today? Donald Tusk was leader of Student Committee of Solidarity in Gdańsk from ‘81. He literally helped bring down the fall of Communism.
How many advisors and colleagues read through this speech and say ‘Yes, alienating some of our key allies on the EU side is a great idea at this sensitive time in the Brexit negotiations’?
olly Scott Cato MEP Retweeted Andrew Atter Not to mention the deep offensive these remarks were bound to cause to @donaldtusk the *chair of the council* on whose behalf Barnier is negotiating, who personally suffered at the hands of the Soviet Union
I don't think anyone on either side of the debate actually believes that this would ever happen. A lot of scaremongering from both sides I think.
Totally agree, as there was from both sides before the vote to leave, though some of what both sides said has proved to be true.
I do agree with you Tony, that no one knew just how difficult negotiations would be, and what exactly was going to happen. I don't know if it was UKIP who were paying for all those programmes on Channel 5 about Eastern Europeans coming over and being given Council houses, and going on our Benefits System etc, as well as a lot of the Right Wing papers running similar stories, that had a huge influence on the successful 'Vote to Leave', but isn't it amazing how there hasn't been anything on TV since ..... funny that! But the vote has been taken, and what will be, will be, and what we say on here will have no effect whatsoever, but remember it's all down to 'The Old Yoghurts' who made this happen.
Although the pound is weaker and makes our imports more expensive, it also makes our goods to export cheaper, and boosts Tourism into this country, and not only in Cornwall, where the roads have been busier, but with not only your friends the German tourists, but Dutch, French, Belgian and American, Canadian and Australians too, as well as Loads'o'Brits! All of this will help the Economy eventually, and the Pound will recover, as it always does. The Exchange Market investors will make a lot of money on the Currency Markets, as they always do. I'm sure you can remember when the Pound was £1 to $1, and also when it was £1 to $2...... Peaks and Troughs.
I do like listening to what Tim Martin (Chairman of Wetherspoons) has to say on Brexit, and he knows how to run a business. You offer value for money, at the right price, because that's what the majority of people are after.
.... as for the Blow-Up Dolls, I'll refer that to my Solicitor..... "Phil ....Phil"
I don't think anyone on either side of the debate actually believes that this would ever happen. A lot of scaremongering from both sides I think.
The truth is that nobody really knows what will happen, other than most experts predict a disaster, in the case of no deal. It wasn't clear at the time of the referendum how complicated it would be to disentangle ourselves. The Brexiteers are inclined to write off any news they don't like the sound of, as project fear.
The Brexiteers are still lying like hairy frogs. Jacob Rees-Mogg was lying on the telly today. He blatantly said we could save 39 billion if we left with no deal. When he knows full well that half the 39 billion is our normal contribution during the transition period, and the other half is what we legally owe them. So at best, if we left with no deal we could save half the 39 billion, not all of it. Our politicians are allowed to criticise, and abuse the other side at will, yet the EU are expected to treat our side with the utmost courtesy.
I don't think anyone on either side of the debate actually believes that this would ever happen. A lot of scaremongering from both sides I think.
Totally agree, as there was from both sides before the vote to leave, though some of what both sides said has proved to be true.
I do agree with you Tony, that no one knew just how difficult negotiations would be, and what exactly was going to happen. I don't know if it was UKIP who were paying for all those programmes on Channel 5 about Eastern Europeans coming over and being given Council houses, and going on our Benefits System etc, as well as a lot of the Right Wing papers running similar stories, that had a huge influence on the successful 'Vote to Leave', but isn't it amazing how there hasn't been anything on TV since ..... funny that! But the vote has been taken, and what will be, will be, and what we say on here will have no effect whatsoever, but remember it's all down to 'The Old Yoghurts' who made this happen.
Although the pound is weaker and makes our imports more expensive, it also makes our goods to export cheaper, and boosts Tourism into this country, and not only in Cornwall, where the roads have been busier, but with not only your friends the German tourists, but Dutch, French, Belgian and American, Canadian and Australians too, as well as Loads'o'Brits! All of this will help the Economy eventually, and the Pound will recover, as it always does. The Exchange Market investors will make a lot of money on the Currency Markets, as they always do. I'm sure you can remember when the Pound was £1 to $1, and also when it was £1 to $2...... Peaks and Troughs.
I do like listening to what Tim Martin (Chairman of Wetherspoons) has to say on Brexit, and he knows how to run a business. You offer value for money, at the right price, because that's what the majority of people are after.
.... as for the Blow-Up Dolls, I'll refer that to my Solicitor..... "Phil ....Phil"
I do like listening to what Tim Martin (Chairman of Wetherspoons) has to say on Brexit, and he knows how to run a business. You offer value for money, at the right price, because that's what the majority of people are after.
.... as for the Blow-Up Dolls, I'll refer that to my Solicitor..... "Phil ....Phil"
Good Luck at the tables Mr, Hayes
Business leaders have had a nasty tendency to think purely what is best for their own business, while pretending it is for our benefit. so businesses that are almost entirely in the UK, with foreign competitors (like Wetherspoons, Dysons) want Brexit, while ones that are multi-national or rely on exports say that we are all doomed (rather than just it won't suit their business.
Would love to act for you, Misty. Unfortunately, we all know about your penchant for blow-up dolls
I don't think anyone on either side of the debate actually believes that this would ever happen. A lot of scaremongering from both sides I think.
Totally agree, as there was from both sides before the vote to leave, though some of what both sides said has proved to be true.
I do agree with you Tony, that no one knew just how difficult negotiations would be, and what exactly was going to happen. I don't know if it was UKIP who were paying for all those programmes on Channel 5 about Eastern Europeans coming over and being given Council houses, and going on our Benefits System etc, as well as a lot of the Right Wing papers running similar stories, that had a huge influence on the successful 'Vote to Leave', but isn't it amazing how there hasn't been anything on TV since ..... funny that! But the vote has been taken, and what will be, will be, and what we say on here will have no effect whatsoever, but remember it's all down to 'The Old Yoghurts' who made this happen.
Although the pound is weaker and makes our imports more expensive, it also makes our goods to export cheaper, and boosts Tourism into this country, and not only in Cornwall, where the roads have been busier, but with not only your friends the German tourists, but Dutch, French, Belgian and American, Canadian and Australians too, as well as Loads'o'Brits! All of this will help the Economy eventually, and the Pound will recover, as it always does. The Exchange Market investors will make a lot of money on the Currency Markets, as they always do. I'm sure you can remember when the Pound was £1 to $1, and also when it was £1 to $2...... Peaks and Troughs.
I do like listening to what Tim Martin (Chairman of Wetherspoons) has to say on Brexit, and he knows how to run a business. You offer value for money, at the right price, because that's what the majority of people are after.
.... as for the Blow-Up Dolls, I'll refer that to my Solicitor..... "Phil ....Phil"
Good Luck at the tables Mr, Hayes
I understand your argument. It seems that many people voted for Brexit, as some sort of protest vote. These were people unhappy with their lot, that thought, probably mistakenly that their lives couldn't get any worse, and that our EU membership was contributing to their hardship. If there is one thing that has flourished in this country over the last 10 years, it is hardship. Ten years of austerity measures, since the financial crash. There were no foodbanks when I was growing up. There weren't any payday loan companies either. These people that are the worst off, do not benefit in any way by the pound falling in value. They don't own businesses in Cornwall that benefit from increased tourism, but wonder about coping with increased food bills. They don't share in the benefits of our companies that export, and don't invest much in currency markets.
I don't see Brexit affecting many peoples lives in a positive way, but nobody should worry, because we are taking back control. Well we are supposed to be, anyway. They might end up potless and hungry, but inwardly happy that we have taken back control.
I admire you confidence about the pound always recovering. When I lived in Portugal in 2001, I was getting 1.66 Euro to the pound. When I was in school you could get 4 dollars to the pound, that's why 5 bob was known as a dollar. So I don't think it always recovers. Tim Martin talks utter nonsense. He must be a very lucky man.
Good luck on the tables, and I hope your missus doesn't catch the video.
I do like listening to what Tim Martin (Chairman of Wetherspoons) has to say on Brexit, and he knows how to run a business. You offer value for money, at the right price, because that's what the majority of people are after.
.... as for the Blow-Up Dolls, I'll refer that to my Solicitor..... "Phil ....Phil"
Good Luck at the tables Mr, Hayes
Business leaders have had a nasty tendency to think purely what is best for their own business, while pretending it is for our benefit. so businesses that are almost entirely in the UK, with foreign competitors (like Wetherspoons, Dysons) want Brexit, while ones that are multi-national or rely on exports say that we are all doomed (rather than just it won't suit their business.
Would love to act for you, Misty. Unfortunately, we all know about your penchant for blow-up dolls
I do like listening to what Tim Martin (Chairman of Wetherspoons) has to say on Brexit, and he knows how to run a business. You offer value for money, at the right price, because that's what the majority of people are after.
.... as for the Blow-Up Dolls, I'll refer that to my Solicitor..... "Phil ....Phil"
Good Luck at the tables Mr, Hayes
Business leaders have had a nasty tendency to think purely what is best for their own business, while pretending it is for our benefit. so businesses that are almost entirely in the UK, with foreign competitors (like Wetherspoons, Dysons) want Brexit, while ones that are multi-national or rely on exports say that we are all doomed (rather than just it won't suit their business.
Would love to act for you, Misty. Unfortunately, we all know about your penchant for blow-up dolls
Tim Martin, and the mad plumber guy, have become conspicuously absent from the telly lately, they are probably fed up of them.
I don't think anyone on either side of the debate actually believes that this would ever happen. A lot of scaremongering from both sides I think.
Totally agree, as there was from both sides before the vote to leave, though some of what both sides said has proved to be true.
I do agree with you Tony, that no one knew just how difficult negotiations would be, and what exactly was going to happen. I don't know if it was UKIP who were paying for all those programmes on Channel 5 about Eastern Europeans coming over and being given Council houses, and going on our Benefits System etc, as well as a lot of the Right Wing papers running similar stories, that had a huge influence on the successful 'Vote to Leave', but isn't it amazing how there hasn't been anything on TV since ..... funny that! But the vote has been taken, and what will be, will be, and what we say on here will have no effect whatsoever, but remember it's all down to 'The Old Yoghurts' who made this happen.
Although the pound is weaker and makes our imports more expensive, it also makes our goods to export cheaper, and boosts Tourism into this country, and not only in Cornwall, where the roads have been busier, but with not only your friends the German tourists, but Dutch, French, Belgian and American, Canadian and Australians too, as well as Loads'o'Brits! All of this will help the Economy eventually, and the Pound will recover, as it always does. The Exchange Market investors will make a lot of money on the Currency Markets, as they always do. I'm sure you can remember when the Pound was £1 to $1, and also when it was £1 to $2...... Peaks and Troughs.
I do like listening to what Tim Martin (Chairman of Wetherspoons) has to say on Brexit, and he knows how to run a business. You offer value for money, at the right price, because that's what the majority of people are after.
.... as for the Blow-Up Dolls, I'll refer that to my Solicitor..... "Phil ....Phil"
Good Luck at the tables Mr, Hayes
When you next speak to Tim Martin, you should point out to him that his pubs in Cornwall must be busier through the extra Germans. Although I think I read somewhere that they have recently banned dogs. Hes not that clever then is he? Missing out on all these Germans with dogs.
Not going to name him, as "the mad plumber guy" might be the sort of person who loves going to Court.
He has been spending a great deal of time in Employment Tribunals lately, because he seems to have a problem abiding by various employment legislation introduced by Europe....
Not going to name him, as "the mad plumber guy" might be the sort of person who loves going to Court.
He has been spending a great deal of time in Employment Tribunals lately, because he seems to have a problem abiding by various employment legislation introduced by Europe....
Good point. They used to be interviewing the pair of them almost on a daily basis.
If only to listen to Nigel Farages outrageous claims on immigration. He denies all knowledge of a UKIP leaflet, which features a photograph of an American Indian, and the claim that "he ignored immigration and ended up living on a Reservation".
He claimed that we would become overrun with more Romanians, and Bulgarians than actually exist, half the Afro Caribbean children in London are unemployed, and he admires Mr Putin.
He claims not to be a racist.
Why couldn't more people see him for what he is?
British planes could be stopped from landing in the EU if Brexit talks fail, according to Jean-Claude Juncker.
The European Commission president said at a public meeting in Freiburg: "Sometimes I have the impression that the British think that it's us quitting Great Britain, but it's exactly the other way around.
"There never was a real referendum campaign in Britain in the sense of an information campaign.
"The British, including government ministers, are only now discovering how many questions it raises.
"If talks [on air transport] go wrong, then no more British airplanes can land on the continent.
People didn't know that, and they should probably have been told."
There could also be a four-day quarantine placed on pet dogs and cats from the UK into continental Europe with the same on their return journey, Mr Juncker added.
"I ask myself what is going to happen to the 250,000 dogs and cats who leave the European continent each year," he said.
"Right now they just pass through the customs, all these dogs and cats coming to mainland Europe each year.
"There are lots of people in Europe who just want people and animals to just cross borders, but I think we are going to have a four-day quarantine.
"If you want to go to Brittany for eight days for holidays, then maybe you need to leave the dog or cat at home, or maybe you will stay home altogether.
All of this including the weak pound has helped the British holiday industry this year, which is something that is certainly good for the Economy...... as we have definitely noticed down here in Cornwall.
Just saying
Do we really care what Germans do with their dogs?
Not sure how stopping European planes landing will help Brits travelling abroad?
Although it would definitely mean less tourists in Cornwall.
How does more people holidaying in Cornwall help you personally?
You must like traffic jams?
The pound has lost 12% of its value since the referendum, and is likely to lose more value post Brexit, particularly if there is no deal.
This is obviously affecting all our imports, and has increased prices on many products, including food items, which affects everyone.
Not sure that Brits holidaying in Europe, and getting less for their money, will see an increase in the number of tourists travelling to Cornwall as any sort of compensation, unless maybe they own a bar, restaurant, or holiday resort, etc.
I don't find your argument at all persuasive in respect of Brexit.
We have chosen to leave, none of us were fully aware of the extent of the changes we would have to make, and to blame the EU for all the bad news is silly.
More Germans increasing the heavy Summer traffic in Cornwall means little to those already struggling to make ends meet, when they are seeing their food prices increasing.
When we implemented article 50, it gave the EU two years notice that we intended to leave.
That two years is up in March next year. So as it stands we will be leaving in March, with or without a deal.
We agreed to the sequencing of negotiations.
First the Withdrawal Agreement, then the future trade agreement.
In the 18months that have followed, we haven't been able to come to an agreement on the Withdrawal Bill.
All we had to negotiate was citizens rights, the money, and the Irish Border. The Irish border being the hold up.
If we cant sort out the Irish Border this month, we will not have time to discuss the trade deal. The trade deal would have to be voted on in our Parliament, and ratified individually by the EU 27, all before March.
It is not only the trade deal, there is loads of other stuff has to be arranged, and sorted out.
The clock is ticking, and it is our sides fault.
I am really glad that you are happy to see loads of Germans running around Cornwall with their dogs. Make the most of it, because it probably wont be happening next year.
Open a history book’: EU hits back at Hunt over Soviet comparison
Hunt sparked controversy on Sunday by claiming the EU was trying to “punish” the UK for leaving and accusing them of taking a Soviet-style stance to Brexit talks.
He told Conservative conference: “The EU was set up to protect freedom. It was the Soviet Union that stopped people leaving.
“The lesson from history is clear: if you turn the EU club into a prison, the desire to get out won’t diminish it will grow – and we won’t be the only prisoner that will want to escape.”
Vytenis Andriukaitis
Dear @Jeremy_Hunt
I was born in Soviet gulag and been imprisoned by KGB a few times in my life.
Happy to brief you on the main differences between #EU and Soviet Union. And also why we escaped the #USSR
Anytime. Whatever helps.
Tiina Intelmann
EU and USSR not comparable. Soviet regime was brutal, I lived under it, comparison is insulting. @Conservatives @foreignoffice @Jeremy_Hunt @estembassyuk
9:54 AM - Oct 1, 2018 · Kensington, London
Baiba Braže
Dear @faisalislam , just FYI - Soviets killed, deported, exiled and imprisoned 100 thousands of Latvia's inhabitants after the illegal occupation in 1940, and ruined lives of 3 generations, while the EU has brought prosperity, equality, growth, respect. #StrongerTogether
PC #Conservatives2018 Mr Hunt @foreignoffice @Jeremy_Hunt are you aware of the monumental diplomatic travesty you committed today? Donald Tusk was leader of Student Committee of Solidarity in Gdańsk from ‘81. He literally helped bring down the fall of Communism.
How many advisors and colleagues read through this speech and say ‘Yes, alienating some of our key allies on the EU side is a great idea at this sensitive time in the Brexit negotiations’?
olly Scott Cato MEP Retweeted Andrew Atter
Not to mention the deep offensive these remarks were bound to cause to @donaldtusk the *chair of the council* on whose behalf Barnier is negotiating, who personally suffered at the hands of the Soviet Union
A lot of scaremongering from both sides I think.
I do agree with you Tony, that no one knew just how difficult negotiations would be, and what exactly was going to happen.
I don't know if it was UKIP who were paying for all those programmes on Channel 5 about Eastern Europeans coming over and being given Council houses, and going on our Benefits System etc, as well as a lot of the Right Wing papers running similar stories, that had a huge influence on the successful 'Vote to Leave', but isn't it amazing how there hasn't been anything on TV since ..... funny that!
But the vote has been taken, and what will be, will be, and what we say on here will have no effect whatsoever, but remember it's all down to 'The Old Yoghurts' who made this happen.
Although the pound is weaker and makes our imports more expensive, it also makes our goods to export cheaper, and boosts Tourism into this country, and not only in Cornwall, where the roads have been busier, but with not only your friends the German tourists, but Dutch, French, Belgian and American, Canadian and Australians too, as well as Loads'o'Brits! All of this will help the Economy eventually, and the Pound will recover, as it always does. The Exchange Market investors will make a lot of money on the Currency Markets, as they always do. I'm sure you can remember when the Pound was £1 to $1, and also when it was £1 to $2...... Peaks and Troughs.
I do like listening to what Tim Martin (Chairman of Wetherspoons) has to say on Brexit, and he knows how to run a business. You offer value for money, at the right price, because that's what the majority of people are after.
.... as for the Blow-Up Dolls, I'll refer that to my Solicitor..... "Phil ....Phil"
Good Luck at the tables Mr, Hayes
It wasn't clear at the time of the referendum how complicated it would be to disentangle ourselves.
The Brexiteers are inclined to write off any news they don't like the sound of, as project fear.
The Brexiteers are still lying like hairy frogs. Jacob Rees-Mogg was lying on the telly today. He blatantly said we could save 39 billion if we left with no deal. When he knows full well that half the 39 billion is our normal contribution during the transition period, and the other half is what we legally owe them. So at best, if we left with no deal we could save half the 39 billion, not all of it.
Our politicians are allowed to criticise, and abuse the other side at will, yet the EU are expected to treat our side with the utmost courtesy.
I don't think it will end well.
Michael Gove 'shuddered' at UKIP migrants poster
.... as for the Blow-Up Dolls, I'll refer that to my Solicitor..... "Phil ....Phil"
Good Luck at the tables Mr, Hayes
Business leaders have had a nasty tendency to think purely what is best for their own business, while pretending it is for our benefit. so businesses that are almost entirely in the UK, with foreign competitors (like Wetherspoons, Dysons) want Brexit, while ones that are multi-national or rely on exports say that we are all doomed (rather than just it won't suit their business.
Would love to act for you, Misty. Unfortunately, we all know about your penchant for blow-up dolls
It seems that many people voted for Brexit, as some sort of protest vote. These were people unhappy with their lot, that thought, probably mistakenly that their lives couldn't get any worse, and that our EU membership was contributing to their hardship. If there is one thing that has flourished in this country over the last 10 years, it is hardship. Ten years of austerity measures, since the financial crash.
There were no foodbanks when I was growing up. There weren't any payday loan companies either.
These people that are the worst off, do not benefit in any way by the pound falling in value. They don't own businesses in Cornwall that benefit from increased tourism, but wonder about coping with increased food bills. They don't share in the benefits of our companies that export, and don't invest much in currency markets.
I don't see Brexit affecting many peoples lives in a positive way, but nobody should worry, because we are taking back control. Well we are supposed to be, anyway. They might end up potless and hungry, but inwardly happy that we have taken back control.
I admire you confidence about the pound always recovering. When I lived in Portugal in 2001, I was getting 1.66 Euro to the pound. When I was in school you could get 4 dollars to the pound, that's why 5 bob was known as a dollar. So I don't think it always recovers.
Tim Martin talks utter nonsense. He must be a very lucky man.
Good luck on the tables, and I hope your missus doesn't catch the video.
Would love to act for you, Misty. Unfortunately, we all know about your penchant for blow-up dolls
Couldn't agree more. and hes got previous.
Would love to act for you, Misty. Unfortunately, we all know about your penchant for blow-up dolls
Tim Martin, and the mad plumber guy, have become conspicuously absent from the telly lately, they are probably fed up of them.
Although I think I read somewhere that they have recently banned dogs.
Hes not that clever then is he?
Missing out on all these Germans with dogs.
He has been spending a great deal of time in Employment Tribunals lately, because he seems to have a problem abiding by various employment legislation introduced by Europe....