Construction Manager Admits He’s Now “Ashamed” He Voted Brexit
Conran Thomas 13 hours ago
I worked in security management, I had probably 20 British people working for me, and about 10 immigrants to the UK (Ugandan, Polish, Ukrainian etc). Every single weekend one or two of the British staff would call in sick after getting wasted the night before, or just not turn up, it was the immigrants who would gladly take over and do whatever needed to be done to keep things running smoothly. It was worse with the younger workers. I knew that if a 20-something British lad started working for us one week, he would be missing by the Saturday morning and I would be calling one of our great Polish, Ukrainian or Ugandan staff to come and do the job instead, and they would, without complaint, without any hassle, they would be there on site within an hour. This insane notion that people are coming here to "steal jobs" is a lazy excuse by lazy Brits who don't want to work
Do you not think the above is just lazy stereotyping - see a lot of this in the media and no one seems to question it. Imagine a right wing media figure coming out with something similar but the other way round, there would rightly be outrage. Yet this view seems accepted as fact but never seen any stats to back it up
This is probably part of the reason a lot of the traditional working class vote went to brexit
This wasn't a media person. I included in my post, an array of comments that individuals had posted in response to the video, on youtube.
This particular comment was therefore one persons view.
It has become crystal clear in the last 2 years that many of the reasons why people voted to Leave, will not be rectified by leaving The EU.
I have said a number of times on this thread that for many people it seems that this was a protest vote. Yet many of the things they were protesting about, will be made worse by Leaving.
ps This comment is not the construction manager, he appears on the video.
The only way an English person is entitled to an Irish passport is if they have Irish parents or grandparents. That's it. That MP is utterly clueless. The reason why people in NI are entitled to an Irish passport, is because they are constitutionally a part of the Irish nation. I'm just dumbfounded at how ignorant even the elected politicians in Britain are about Ireland.
badgersgetabadname 2 months ago
As someone who looks out of my kitchen window and sees the Ireland border I can confirm that not one of these fools has the first clue what they are talking about. Not including waterways, fields or tractor trails there are over 250 crossing points in just one county. Nobody has been able to answer how any of it can be policed but then again there are only two police stations in the county anyways because we have been hit with austerity like across the water. The only way the DUP will be happy is with either a hard border or a return to direct rule and tories cant afford to lose them so that is the end of that. Will fighting back against having our country ruined be made a criminal act?
Adam 2 months ago (edited)
"Rees-Mogg said the EU's opening position on the transition was unacceptable. Said laws had not been imposed on Britain since the Norman conquest in 1066. EU says UK must abide by new laws during transition with no role in making them." The despicable JRM has just admitted, with this statement that we actually had control of our laws all along! Well done Brexiteers, you've just brought about a situation where for the first time since 1066, we no longer have control of making our own laws! So much for more control eh!
Denisa Sokolova 2 months ago
I would Like to thanks to people like James, I didnt know so many important things about EU. If Brexit didnt happened we know NOTHING about Eu. Our children they teach them in schools about EU, I saw it in the notes of my son,later I looked, but you know youngsters they care about theirs friends and girlfriends. The whole brexit is crazy and some people you should LET go resposible for this mess. Country 2 years arguing insteed to start solve more urgent problems, this has to idealogy. WHAT ELSE
James O'Brien, What Trading On WTO Rules Actually Means: An Expert's Alarming Explanation. After this expert told James O'Brien exactly what would happen if Britain starts trading under WTO rules, his response was really concerning. "I knew this wasn't going to be pretty," he said, "but I didn't think it was going to be this ugly." Bryce Baschuk, a Bloomberg Correspondent writing specifically about the World Trade Organisation, explained the process for trading on WTO, which Britain would need to do if we leave the EU without a trade deal. Leading Brexiteers insist that this would be an opportunity for the country, as many countries already trade on these rules with no problem. But Bryce explained how it would work - and as James says, it isn't pretty. Describing the positives of WTO rules, he said: "Ideally, the UK would be able to strike new free trade deals with countries such as the US that it believes it wouldn't be able to do with the European Union. "In addition, it would have the freedom to not be beholden to the European Court of Justice and have more independence or sovereignty over its trading relations." But the method of getting there seems particularly difficult. Yesterday, both the UK and the EU filed documents in Geneva outlining the terms they will use to trade with the rest of the world after Brexit - and the two submissions are fundamentally different. Bryce explains: "The UK is currently a WTO member in its own right. The issue is it does not have an independent schedule of concessions for the WTO - that's the menu upon which Britain trades with the rest of the world. "It needs to have that if it's going to strike trade deals. And the way that its approach is different from that of the EU is the UK wants to replicate its current trade WTO commitments by making just a few technical changes and then submitting it to the WTO for certification." The problem is that the UK's terms at the WTO are enshrined in our membership of the EU, so this approach seems optimistic as our market will be smaller than the EU's market. Uk Politics World News GE2018 Brexit G20 OJW Donations Welcome.
What sort of collective insanity brings a nation to the brink of disaster, where it looks over the edge, ponders the wisdom, but continues to consider jumping a sound idea. How did the likes of an 18th Century caricature like JRM with masses of wealth, offshore accounts and companies persuade voters in the poorest areas to vote to be even worse off. How did unelected, unaccountable people like NF with a long time hatred of the EU, yet willing to pull an MEP salary and soon a pension from it get taken seriously. How could any nation (except the US) consider people like self seeking buffoons and failed Foreign Secretary such as BJ fit for primeminsterial office? Truely ... maybe the Dail Mail, Express and Trumps et al of this worldl have it right .... you can fool the people all too easily with repeated lies and distortions by pandering to their worst instincts .... it's a lesson that winds down through history, but never was it easier. Personally, I'd be so F***ing angry that I was being taken for a fool and used - the trouble is too many are totally unaware and hooked on that diet of pure fabrication. We are really entering the new world of idiocracy
Brexit is just a load of empty slogans from a bunch of people who never thought they would win the referendum.
Gaelan McCann 4 months ago
To me it seems like Britain is being held hostage by "little Englanders" who still think the British Empire exists. I would not be surprised if they think Britain can get a trade deal with China by blockading Hong Kong again.
Andrei Sopon 4 months ago
Lol the Brexiter was all rhetoric and zero facts. When ever the trade expert would cite verifiable facts the other clown would just go " take back control". You guys are in whole lot of trouble O_O
TorianTammas 4 months ago
How uninformed can one be? It is shocking to listen to that leavers from Brexit Central. He is still one of the cargo cult members who belief in silver birds bringing magic deals.
499PUCK 4 months ago
I love the interchange that starts with, Are you telling me The EU has control over us making an agreement with Japan? Response, yes have you read their agreement? Siliance. The reality is the world has passed Britain by and he can't see it from that ivory tower. I ask this question and no one can answer it. Exactly what does the UK produce that the EU can't buy from a member state cheeper?
I think these callers are pretty much typical of a large swathe of leave voters. We are now in a situation where it doesn’t matter how bad the outcome is it will be fine if they can take everyone else down with them. It’s a sort of jihadist mindset that involves blowing yourself up and taking the crowd with you to secure your place in paradise or, in their case, Britain circa 1870. Not sure what the Brexit equivalent of 70 virgins is. Possibly 70 sovereigns?
Michael Rowsell 4 months ago
I'm ashamed to be British.For the whole of my life I was proud of our past . What happened to the Education in Britain.They swallow lies from Tax Dodgers and crooks and spives without filter.
treach50 4 months ago (edited)
Good grief. I think anyone who listens to these two numpties is going to end up a bit thicker than they were before. These are the ‘adults’ who are allowed to vote, without having the slightest grasp on their own thoughts, let alone the workings of the world around them....
Chadwick Hall 4 months ago
I laughed when the man said he was getting his facts from THE SUN.......a comic!
eightboll 4 months ago
Never a straight answer from these clowns... "What about what they're going to lose" well THEY didn't vote for Brexit and THEY have no say on how WE do it so stop blaming THEM! THEY have always told us not to do this and are still trying their best to prevent US from self harm so Mary needs a long hard look in the mirror FFS!
hauskalainen 4 months ago
What is she talking about when she says ".. where they are putting us"? They are not putting us anywhere! We are putting ourselves into this **** awful situation. Unless parliament sees sense and tells the government to withdraw Art 50. Germany voted for Hitler. That too was a democratic decision. But it was a mistake of historic proportions. Undoing a bad decision is never a bad thing. Sadly, Hitler became a dictator. I don't think Theresa May is a dictator and she could undo all this when she realizes that she cannot make "a success if it" as she promised.
England never gave up anything by joining Europe, gained political influence, economic influence and relevance beyond its size and borders, and now, because of the lies of Farage, Johnson and others, will throw it all away for a lie, that things will get better apart from Europe rather than a part of the Union. Sovereignty was never, isn't and will never be a problem which justifies it. England never surrendered its sovereignty, it still has it. England was never a vassal state, it was a major player in a European state. It was a major player in the biggest trading bloc of the world with the brightest future in the world.
Mika Rehman 4 months ago
Can't wait for my blue passport along with my blue ration book
Rowdog Does Politics! 4 months ago
Can I just state the bleeding obvious here. WE ALREADY HAVE SOVEREIGNTY!!! We are an independent nation ruled by an independent parliament. Anyone who got bought by the lie that Brussels somehow has dominion over all that we do is sorely mistaken.
OMG the Brexiters are so stupid, ignorant and uneducated that it's mind boggling;-))) As one said 'a Polish bricklayer could be an engineer in UK'. What Farage has done do their small brains;-))) Can't wait until March to see their faces and then they will blame everything on the EU or immigrants ;-))) It's like watching a comedy. YOU'RE NOT AN EMPIRE ANYMORE YOU 'LEAVING' IDIOTS!!!!! ;-))
Geffo Me 4 months ago
And yet another expert that Brexit zealots tell us to ignore. Leave may well mean leave, but bolloxed also means bolloxed.
Patrick H 4 months ago (edited)
Speechless! Just speechless! Brexit morons are going to destroy my country.
PatchesRips 4 months ago
I love it when I hear May and the people who support her say "we need a customs union with the EU, with common rules made by everyone"... Yeah. It's called THE EUROPEAN UNION. That's exactly what that is. And leaving it, you're losing it. Oh, yeah, you'll be fine. You'll be back to living in 1970 again, but I don't think you'll all actually go extinct or anything. You'll only WISH you had.
truthpig 4 months ago
Brexit is a huge **** sandwich and we're all gonna have to take a bite. Thanks for that, Little Englanders, nice one.
Shane Ryan 4 months ago
But we will have blue passports!!!!!😂😂😂
JonnM 4 months ago
Really, what the **** will they do? 17 to 20 miles of a traffic jam at Dover, that’s not to mention, Holyhead, Fishguard and Pembroke. And then you have the 300 odd crossing over the Irish border. This is absolutely nuts. Had nobody considered these matters before taking this ludicrous decision?
Sean Ó Briain
2 months ago
The only way an English person is entitled to an Irish passport is if they have Irish parents or grandparents. That's it. That MP is utterly clueless. The reason why people in NI are entitled to an Irish passport, is because they are constitutionally a part of the Irish nation. I'm just dumbfounded at how ignorant even the elected politicians in Britain are about Ireland.
2 months ago
As someone who looks out of my kitchen window and sees the Ireland border I can confirm that not one of these fools has the first clue what they are talking about. Not including waterways, fields or tractor trails there are over 250 crossing points in just one county. Nobody has been able to answer how any of it can be policed but then again there are only two police stations in the county anyways because we have been hit with austerity like across the water. The only way the DUP will be happy is with either a hard border or a return to direct rule and tories cant afford to lose them so that is the end of that. Will fighting back against having our country ruined be made a criminal act?
2 months ago (edited)
"Rees-Mogg said the EU's opening position on the transition was unacceptable. Said laws had not been imposed on Britain since the Norman conquest in 1066. EU says UK must abide by new laws during transition with no role in making them."
The despicable JRM has just admitted, with this statement that we actually had control of our laws all along! Well done Brexiteers, you've just brought about a situation where for the first time since 1066, we no longer have control of making our own laws! So much for more control eh!
Denisa Sokolova
2 months ago
I would Like to thanks to people like James, I didnt know so many important things about EU. If Brexit didnt happened we know NOTHING about Eu. Our children they teach them in schools about EU, I saw it in the notes of my son,later I looked, but you know youngsters they care about theirs friends and girlfriends. The whole brexit is crazy and some people you should LET go resposible for this mess. Country 2 years arguing insteed to start solve more urgent problems, this has to idealogy. WHAT ELSE
James O'Brien, What Trading On WTO Rules Actually Means: An Expert's Alarming Explanation. After this expert told James O'Brien exactly what would happen if Britain starts trading under WTO rules, his response was really concerning. "I knew this wasn't going to be pretty," he said, "but I didn't think it was going to be this ugly." Bryce Baschuk, a Bloomberg Correspondent writing specifically about the World Trade Organisation, explained the process for trading on WTO, which Britain would need to do if we leave the EU without a trade deal. Leading Brexiteers insist that this would be an opportunity for the country, as many countries already trade on these rules with no problem. But Bryce explained how it would work - and as James says, it isn't pretty. Describing the positives of WTO rules, he said: "Ideally, the UK would be able to strike new free trade deals with countries such as the US that it believes it wouldn't be able to do with the European Union. "In addition, it would have the freedom to not be beholden to the European Court of Justice and have more independence or sovereignty over its trading relations." But the method of getting there seems particularly difficult. Yesterday, both the UK and the EU filed documents in Geneva outlining the terms they will use to trade with the rest of the world after Brexit - and the two submissions are fundamentally different. Bryce explains: "The UK is currently a WTO member in its own right. The issue is it does not have an independent schedule of concessions for the WTO - that's the menu upon which Britain trades with the rest of the world. "It needs to have that if it's going to strike trade deals. And the way that its approach is different from that of the EU is the UK wants to replicate its current trade WTO commitments by making just a few technical changes and then submitting it to the WTO for certification." The problem is that the UK's terms at the WTO are enshrined in our membership of the EU, so this approach seems optimistic as our market will be smaller than the EU's market. Uk Politics World News GE2018 Brexit G20 OJW Donations Welcome.
Ed Cleasby
4 months ago (edited)
What sort of collective insanity brings a nation to the brink of disaster, where it looks over the edge, ponders the wisdom, but continues to consider jumping a sound idea. How did the likes of an 18th Century caricature like JRM with masses of wealth, offshore accounts and companies persuade voters in the poorest areas to vote to be even worse off. How did unelected, unaccountable people like NF with a long time hatred of the EU, yet willing to pull an MEP salary and soon a pension from it get taken seriously. How could any nation (except the US) consider people like self seeking buffoons and failed Foreign Secretary such as BJ fit for primeminsterial office? Truely ... maybe the Dail Mail, Express and Trumps et al of this worldl have it right .... you can fool the people all too easily with repeated lies and distortions by pandering to their worst instincts .... it's a lesson that winds down through history, but never was it easier. Personally, I'd be so F***ing angry that I was being taken for a fool and used - the trouble is too many are totally unaware and hooked on that diet of pure fabrication. We are really entering the new world of idiocracy
Peter Venables
4 months ago
Brexit is just a load of empty slogans from a bunch of people who never thought they would win the referendum.
Gaelan McCann
4 months ago
To me it seems like Britain is being held hostage by "little Englanders" who still think the British Empire exists. I would not be surprised if they think Britain can get a trade deal with China by blockading Hong Kong again.
Andrei Sopon
4 months ago
Lol the Brexiter was all rhetoric and zero facts. When ever the trade expert would cite verifiable facts the other clown would just go " take back control". You guys are in whole lot of trouble O_O
4 months ago
How uninformed can one be? It is shocking to listen to that leavers from Brexit Central. He is still one of the cargo cult members who belief in silver birds bringing magic deals.
4 months ago
I love the interchange that starts with, Are you telling me The EU has control over us making an agreement with Japan? Response, yes have you read their agreement? Siliance. The reality is the world has passed Britain by and he can't see it from that ivory tower. I ask this question and no one can answer it. Exactly what does the UK produce that the EU can't buy from a member state cheeper?
tom johnson
4 months ago
I'm a New zealander and yes our massive 4 million population and customer base will save Great Britain after brexit. lol
Jan Mardi
4 months ago
New Zealand 4.6 million and on the other side of the world, Ireland 4.7 million and next door
Stephen Jones-Williams
4 months ago
I think these callers are pretty much typical of a large swathe of leave voters. We are now in a situation where it doesn’t matter how bad the outcome is it will be fine if they can take everyone else down with them. It’s a sort of jihadist mindset that involves blowing yourself up and taking the crowd with you to secure your place in paradise or, in their case, Britain circa 1870. Not sure what the Brexit equivalent of 70 virgins is. Possibly 70 sovereigns?
Michael Rowsell
4 months ago
I'm ashamed to be British.For the whole of my life I was proud of our past . What happened to the Education in Britain.They swallow lies from Tax Dodgers and crooks and spives without filter.
4 months ago (edited)
Good grief. I think anyone who listens to these two numpties is going to end up a bit thicker than they were before.
These are the ‘adults’ who are allowed to vote, without having the slightest grasp on their own thoughts, let alone the workings of the world around them....
Chadwick Hall
4 months ago
I laughed when the man said he was getting his facts from THE SUN.......a comic!
4 months ago
Never a straight answer from these clowns... "What about what they're going to lose" well THEY didn't vote for Brexit and THEY have no say on how WE do it so stop blaming THEM! THEY have always told us not to do this and are still trying their best to prevent US from self harm so Mary needs a long hard look in the mirror FFS!
4 months ago
What is she talking about when she says ".. where they are putting us"? They are not putting us anywhere! We are putting ourselves into this **** awful situation. Unless parliament sees sense and tells the government to withdraw Art 50. Germany voted for Hitler. That too was a democratic decision. But it was a mistake of historic proportions. Undoing a bad decision is never a bad thing. Sadly, Hitler became a dictator. I don't think Theresa May is a dictator and she could undo all this when she realizes that she cannot make "a success if it" as she promised.
Tas Tapsas
4 months ago
England never gave up anything by joining Europe, gained political influence, economic influence and relevance beyond its size and borders, and now, because of the lies of Farage, Johnson and others, will throw it all away for a lie, that things will get better apart from Europe rather than a part of the Union. Sovereignty was never, isn't and will never be a problem which justifies it. England never surrendered its sovereignty, it still has it. England was never a vassal state, it was a major player in a European state. It was a major player in the biggest trading bloc of the world with the brightest future in the world.
Mika Rehman
4 months ago
Can't wait for my blue passport along with my blue ration book
Rowdog Does Politics!
4 months ago
Can I just state the bleeding obvious here. WE ALREADY HAVE SOVEREIGNTY!!! We are an independent nation ruled by an independent parliament. Anyone who got bought by the lie that Brussels somehow has dominion over all that we do is sorely mistaken.
Rafael p
4 months ago
OMG the Brexiters are so stupid, ignorant and uneducated that it's mind boggling;-))) As one said 'a Polish bricklayer could be an engineer in UK'. What Farage has done do their small brains;-))) Can't wait until March to see their faces and then they will blame everything on the EU or immigrants ;-))) It's like watching a comedy. YOU'RE NOT AN EMPIRE ANYMORE YOU 'LEAVING' IDIOTS!!!!! ;-))
Geffo Me
4 months ago
And yet another expert that Brexit zealots tell us to ignore.
Leave may well mean leave, but bolloxed also means bolloxed.
Patrick H
4 months ago (edited)
Speechless! Just speechless! Brexit morons are going to destroy my country.
4 months ago
I love it when I hear May and the people who support her say "we need a customs union with the EU, with common rules made by everyone"... Yeah. It's called THE EUROPEAN UNION. That's exactly what that is. And leaving it, you're losing it. Oh, yeah, you'll be fine. You'll be back to living in 1970 again, but I don't think you'll all actually go extinct or anything. You'll only WISH you had.
4 months ago
Brexit is a huge **** sandwich and we're all gonna have to take a bite. Thanks for that, Little Englanders, nice one.
Shane Ryan
4 months ago
But we will have blue passports!!!!!😂😂😂
4 months ago
Really, what the **** will they do? 17 to 20 miles of a traffic jam at Dover, that’s not to mention, Holyhead, Fishguard and Pembroke. And then you have the 300 odd crossing over the Irish border. This is absolutely nuts. Had nobody considered these matters before taking this ludicrous decision?