How dare a mere pleb argue with Lord Snooty. He's the British establishment, he was in the Beano you know. "It's a question of having the right infrastructure in place" we fuvking have, it's called the EU you silly nob.
Darren Lewey 4 months ago
Ouch. Politician meets expert. Only one winner.
View 91 replies
FG Calzada 4 months ago
In brief, JRM hasn’t got a clue of what he is talking about but “it’s going to be alright”. What a load of ****.
Geert De Coster 4 months ago
"The fears are being overstated" = I'm rich and I don't care
JonnM 4 months ago
Wow. Donovan provides facts from his own personal experience and JRM is just dismissive of his comments with his usual non-evidence based blather. This guy is taking the UK to **** in a hand basket. What a pity the subjects of the UK have been hoodwinked by these people.😭☹️
Anthony Green 4 months ago (edited)
Don't be so horrible to poor Jacob Rees-Moggy. How is he going to be PM if you show him up as being ignorant of real life?
Alexey Gumirov 4 months ago
OMG. Politician answer is "we have someone somewhere preparing something." Pathetic
G. V. Quinn 4 months ago
The arrogance that Mogg assumes is just staggering, he thinks he knows more about it than the man who does the **** job. I’d rather believe the man who does it for a living rather than the man who just assumes he’s smarter than everyone else
dicerevo 4 months ago
The fears may be overstated but the solutions seems to be based on faith and grounded in fantasy 🤦🏽♂️
D Pop 4 months ago (edited)
Jacob Rees Mogg is a blatantly arrogant and ignorant. He speaks with no facts, giving an examples with countries who have a hundreds of agreements with the EU, and counting on the public ignorance not to know all of this.
David Reynolds 4 months ago
Stop making Jacob look stupid. He sounds like a minor character in Downton Abbey. Your average Brexiteer has a Pavlovian response to a plummy voice and a Savile Row suit. Don’t ruin this wondrous time for them. They are showing Johnny Foreigner what for, while tugging their forelocks to their betters, all the while whistling like a cockney chimney sweep. These are halcyon day indeed for them. These sort of “facts” and “truths” are unhelpful and actually hurt their feelings. They get so upset they start projecting and calling everyone a “snowflake”. It’s actually heartbreaking, looking at their ‘orrible, scrunched up little faces while reality cuts through their dull wits every so often
Peter Davidson 4 months ago (edited)
Yet more bluster and disengenuous obfuscation from Rees-Mogg - clearly not remotely interested in the hands-on experience conveyed by the caller. More evidence (if we needed any) of the vacuous, ideological zealotry underpinning Brexit philosophy!
Paul Byrne 4 months ago
JRM has his mind on greater things.... He doesnt want to be concerned with a van driver - that is far beneath him. He really doesnt care if Ciaran is put out of business by the most stupid decision in the history of the UK.
homan2329 4 months ago
It is frightening the lack of expert knowledge JRM seem to have and he is the leader of the Parliamentary Brexiteers
I guarantee this guy has no idea how the EU and WTO work but is adamant that we have to leave one and join the other
TheValeyard92 3 days ago
Well, somebody involved in this conversation is a proto-fascist. But it isn't Anna Soubrey.
Tridhos 6 days ago
Just as soon as they compare someone to Hitler you realise you are dealing with an extremist. Then the start trotting out Soros, Branson. Funny how its never Murdoch, The Barclay Brothers, Lord Rothermere, Dyson, Banks, Farage apparently they are not the globalist elites or how about Mogg the man who spends his time in Parliament voting for tax havens and for cuts in the NHS.
Right from the outset the EU told us that the four freedoms could not be breached. Now we are blaming them for keeping their word and refusing us the umpteenth special deal since we joined 40 years ago. Opt outs, exemptions, refunds, etc. We are already in the single biggest tariff free trade area in the world and now we are withdrawing but we want to keep our cake and eat it.
kope ducati 4 months ago
Mogg preparing D-Day .... soldier : " where are the rifles?" ... Mogg : " the rifles are already on the beach. When we show up , the Germans will capitulate and hand them over..."
Ake Hilding 4 months ago
Who could have known international trade was that difficult .. well, anyone with a brain, I guess.
saiga shotgun 4 months ago
Thanks God! We also have 50 % of stupid people here, but we don´t let them make crucial decisions :-))) Greetings from Prague..
Tamas Marcuis 4 months ago
It is true to say that EU country leaders and others did think there would be a deal. That there would not be one was thought too much to hope for. But their dreams have come true. English delusions of greatness has presented an opportunity undreamed of for Frankfurt and Eastern Europe. The UK deliberately shooting themselves in both feet.
minbuge 4 months ago
Thank you Britain us in Poland and Baltic states will cut nice chunk of you businesses we have got Barclays (was 200 in plans to increase to 400 but still TBC) in Vilnius increasing its workforce,Western union completely moved jobs from Portsmouth to Vilnius (only 950 good paid jobs) OUR COUNTRY'S READY TO ACOMODATE INVESTMENT FROM HONDA,TOYOTA,FORD,NISSAN. HARD BREXIT ONLY NO FREE TRADE DEALS.
Max Harbig 4 months ago
The Commission only works within the terms of the mandate given to it by the EU Parliament (elected) and ultimately by the Council that consists of the elected representatives of the 27 remaining members.Liam Fox couldn't spell bum with three tries.
Seamus Byrne 4 months ago
why would Europe allow Britian to export its lamb to a protected market in europe and sell it there . But european farmers would be trying to sell there beef in britian in competition with cheap unregulated beef trom south america. You cant have your cake and eat it. such an allowance would finish europe . seems like your optimistic brexiteers got it badly wrong.
50043211 4 months ago (edited)
You are aware that this is a classical Greek tragedy. A story of a mighty and rich country that fell into hybris. If the worst really happens, this will be a cautionary tale in Europe for ages to come!
Alan Marr 4 months ago
Most of the Leave voters are decent folk who thought they were doing the best for their country. Unfortunately there is a minority of what one can describe as Brexit Extremists These people are evil and perverted. They are masters at creating hate, pain and suffering to others . They use Brexit as a vehicle to spread Hate and Division throughout our nation. They delight in seeing people hating each other. They create a perverted patriotism which is not a love of one's country but the opposite in that through spreading of hatred they actually want to destroy the country we all love. They have a lots of cheap slogans to induce fear and to create scapegoats to people already vulnerable from years of low pay and Austerity. They have the easy solutions which are all based on hate and lies.They are not real solutions but will inevitably lead to total chaos and suffering, which they want ,because through chaos they will gain power. They don't worry if the NHS falls apart and people are left to die in agony . They don't care if people are worse off . Actually they are mightily pleased by things like this happening because it empowers them . `They will then tell you that they can put everything right. But instead they will create a **** not known since the NAZI take over in Germany YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED DON”T LET THESE PEOPLE DESTROY YOU AND THE NATION YOU LOVE
The truth about Britain's EU divorce bill and why we should pay it The bill would pay for itself through the extra tax revenues the UK would gain through a free trade deal with the EU
“We won’t pay a penny!” scream the fundamentalists of Brexit whenever the subject of Britain’s divorce bill, on which the Brexit talks with the EU are currently floundering, comes up. It doesn’t take much to put the pacemakers of their greying tribe on overtime. The mere sight of a blue and gold flag will usually do the trick.
Not paying; storming off and having a childish tantrum because it’s a big number and Michel Barnier says we should do what everyone else does and pay what we owe? It would amount to a false economy. The UK would be cutting off its nose to spite its face, something the country is acquiring an unfortunate reputation for doing.
Returning to the divorce bill, the other reason we should pay it is because we owe it. It is to cover the cost of programmes we agreed to fund, and salaries and pensions we agreed to pay. To settle our accounts, as a certain Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, better known as foreign secretary Boris, once said. Unfortunately, acting in good faith, and living up to our responsibilities, will always be alien concepts in a Westminster in which he is considered a “big beast”. However, as I’ve demonstrated, good faith doesn’t come into it. We should pay because it is in our economic and national interest to do so.
Peter Kyle, a Labour MP and supporter of the anti Brexit group the People's Vote, said: 'Those who claim we can walk away and pay nothing are selling yet another Brexit fantasy. 'The bulk of the divorce bill represents unavoidable legal obligations. But however much we pay it will be money spent for nothing in return.'
The Office for Budget Responsibility said that while most would be paid over the next five years, the UK will be paying some money into the EU budget until 2064.
Kate Hoey is an embarrassment. As for Susan Evans I question the point of her, she didn't make a single coherent argument, just parroting the same **** as usual.
Dan Sharpe 1 month ago
If Susan Evans was any more stupid she would be Nadine Dorries
on2a 1 month ago
Facts vs faith is painful to watch...
John Smith 1 month ago
British fish now have blue passports. Protected by non existing British "empire".
Blind Freddy 1 month ago (edited)
What bargaining chips did or does the UK have? None, nada, zilch, zero .
Gary Barrett 1 month ago (edited)
10:42 "...the leave campaign actually put forward their vision for brexit and the people voted for it...". Yes, the leave vision was this: 8 May 2016 Michael Gove, BBC interview: "I think the british people want to vote for a deal which you describe as ALL OF THE ADVANTAGES [of the single market] and none of the payouts. That would be a great thing on June 23rd. [Asked why would EU allow it:] It would be in their interests. At the moment the germans and others want us to stay in because it suits them because we pay into the EU and we import far more from them. Its win-win for them at the moment, it should be win-win for us and it will be if we vote to leave and WE CAN THEN MAINTAIN FREE TRADE, stop sending money and also have control of our borders." He then says the UK will not be "punished" for leaving the EU by erecting trade barriers: "THAT WON'T HAPPEN."
Matthew Morris 1 month ago
How is someone like Kate Hoey an MP? She's clearly thick as mince and has no idea what she's talking about.
Former top Bank of England official calls Brexit economists 'charlatans and crackpots
“This leaves the major issues of the day, especially in macro-economics, open to charlatans and fools. A good example in the UK is some of the economists supporting Brexit, who are a bunch of charlatans and crackpots,” he said.
It is not the first time economists in favour of Brexit have come under fire, with the Economists for Brexit group accused of publishing a “doubly misleading” study last year. Their report was the only economic model to show material benefits from a no-deal Brexit, but the modelling used was condemned by several leading economists.
In 2016, the Conservative MP Michael Gove, now environment minister, refused to name any economists who had endorsed Brexit, famously claiming that “people in this country have had enough of experts”.
This lady blames everyone but Brexiters. They broke it, they own it .
Samuel 1 month ago
How Carole Malone has a career where her opinion is considered to be valid is beyond me.
Suzanne Nichol 1 month ago
My god carol malone is unbelievable. What rubbish.
Vincent Letzner 1 month ago
This woman is an idiot, she just goes ahead and admits that she voted for something without knowing what it meant, she must be the kind of voter Churchill meant when he said that if you want to find a good reason against democracy, have a five minute conversation with your average voter. She is the kind of voter that makes Tyrants and Monarchies look good
Tom Hayes 1 month ago
Ms Malone's relationship with reality is somewhat tenuous, at best
Gary Burns 1 month ago
Crikey, this Carole Malone woman makes Nadine Dorries look like the Brain of Britain.
Lord Pearson clearly not a man of details... or basic knowledge of the EU it seems. A champion Brexiter indeed!
Mark1963 1 year ago
Lord Pearson doesn't seem to be able to grasp simple facts
Combavski 1 year ago
Theresa May should send Lordy Pearson to Brussels to do the negotiations. He'll sit them down and say "Oi! We hold all the cards here!"... he'll sort it all out and skip all the pesky details with regulators and all the whatevs. It'll work out beautifully. And then the UK can join the US as it's 51st sovereign state!
chestypants78 1 year ago
LORD Pearson talks about the 'real people of Europe'. I hope his Lordship is not trying to lump himself in with regular folk. The brass neck on him. He wants the landed gentry to be back in control "take back control". Not democratic control, but control over the people by their 'betters'. **** toff.
Tom Mannington 1 year ago
Ian Dunt must have been face-palming all the way through this "debate." I haven't listened to Vine in years, I remember he would constantly have crackpot Ukipper Godfrey Bloom on constantly. Don't miss it at all. Killer Kally 3 months ago
I was going to make a comment but I really don't know what to say, I am speechless after listening to Lord Pearson. Ian Dunt is right, with people like Lord Pearson driving hard Brexit no wonder we are in such a mess..
From Twitter;
A caller to James O’Brien’s radio show has claimed he voted for Leave so that he can continue to use three-pin plugs in the UK
Mick Sleight
4 months ago (edited)
How dare a mere pleb argue with Lord Snooty. He's the British establishment, he was in the Beano you know. "It's a question of having the right infrastructure in place" we fuvking have, it's called the EU you silly nob.
Darren Lewey
4 months ago
Ouch. Politician meets expert. Only one winner.
View 91 replies
FG Calzada
4 months ago
In brief, JRM hasn’t got a clue of what he is talking about but “it’s going to be alright”. What a load of ****.
Geert De Coster
4 months ago
"The fears are being overstated" = I'm rich and I don't care
4 months ago
Wow. Donovan provides facts from his own personal experience and JRM is just dismissive of his comments with his usual non-evidence based blather. This guy is taking the UK to **** in a hand basket. What a pity the subjects of the UK have been hoodwinked by these people.😭☹️
Anthony Green
4 months ago (edited)
Don't be so horrible to poor Jacob Rees-Moggy. How is he going to be PM if you show him up as being ignorant of real life?
Alexey Gumirov
4 months ago
OMG. Politician answer is "we have someone somewhere preparing something." Pathetic
G. V. Quinn
4 months ago
The arrogance that Mogg assumes is just staggering, he thinks he knows more about it than the man who does the **** job. I’d rather believe the man who does it for a living rather than the man who just assumes he’s smarter than everyone else
4 months ago
The fears may be overstated but the solutions seems to be based on faith and grounded in fantasy 🤦🏽♂️
D Pop
4 months ago (edited)
Jacob Rees Mogg is a blatantly arrogant and ignorant. He speaks with no facts, giving an examples with countries who have a hundreds of agreements with the EU, and counting on the public ignorance not to know all of this.
David Reynolds
4 months ago
Stop making Jacob look stupid. He sounds like a minor character in Downton Abbey. Your average Brexiteer has a Pavlovian response to a plummy voice and a Savile Row suit. Don’t ruin this wondrous time for them. They are showing Johnny Foreigner what for, while tugging their forelocks to their betters, all the while whistling like a cockney chimney sweep. These are halcyon day indeed for them. These sort of “facts” and “truths” are unhelpful and actually hurt their feelings. They get so upset they start projecting and calling everyone a “snowflake”. It’s actually heartbreaking, looking at their ‘orrible, scrunched up little faces while reality cuts through their dull wits every so often
Peter Davidson
4 months ago (edited)
Yet more bluster and disengenuous obfuscation from Rees-Mogg - clearly not remotely interested in the hands-on experience conveyed by the caller. More evidence (if we needed any) of the vacuous, ideological zealotry underpinning Brexit philosophy!
Paul Byrne
4 months ago
JRM has his mind on greater things.... He doesnt want to be concerned with a van driver - that is far beneath him. He really doesnt care if Ciaran is put out of business by the most stupid decision in the history of the UK.
4 months ago
It is frightening the lack of expert knowledge JRM seem to have and he is the leader of the Parliamentary Brexiteers
Paresh Panchal
6 days ago
I guarantee this guy has no idea how the EU and WTO work but is adamant that we have to leave one and join the other
3 days ago
Well, somebody involved in this conversation is a proto-fascist. But it isn't Anna Soubrey.
6 days ago
Just as soon as they compare someone to Hitler you realise you are dealing with an extremist. Then the start trotting out Soros, Branson. Funny how its never Murdoch, The Barclay Brothers, Lord Rothermere, Dyson, Banks, Farage apparently they are not the globalist elites or how about Mogg the man who spends his time in Parliament voting for tax havens and for cuts in the NHS.
4 months ago
Right from the outset the EU told us that the four freedoms could not be breached. Now we are blaming them for keeping their word and refusing us the umpteenth special deal since we joined 40 years ago. Opt outs, exemptions, refunds, etc. We are already in the single biggest tariff free trade area in the world and now we are withdrawing but we want to keep our cake and eat it.
kope ducati
4 months ago
Mogg preparing D-Day .... soldier : " where are the rifles?" ... Mogg : " the rifles are already on the beach. When we show up , the Germans will capitulate and hand them over..."
Ake Hilding
4 months ago
Who could have known international trade was that difficult .. well, anyone with a brain, I guess.
saiga shotgun
4 months ago
Thanks God! We also have 50 % of stupid people here, but we don´t let them make crucial decisions :-))) Greetings from Prague..
Tamas Marcuis
4 months ago
It is true to say that EU country leaders and others did think there would be a deal. That there would not be one was thought too much to hope for. But their dreams have come true. English delusions of greatness has presented an opportunity undreamed of for Frankfurt and Eastern Europe. The UK deliberately shooting themselves in both feet.
4 months ago
Thank you Britain us in Poland and Baltic states will cut nice chunk of you businesses we have got Barclays (was 200 in plans to increase to 400 but still TBC) in Vilnius increasing its workforce,Western union completely moved jobs from Portsmouth to Vilnius (only 950 good paid jobs) OUR COUNTRY'S READY TO ACOMODATE INVESTMENT FROM HONDA,TOYOTA,FORD,NISSAN. HARD BREXIT ONLY NO FREE TRADE DEALS.
Max Harbig
4 months ago
The Commission only works within the terms of the mandate given to it by the EU Parliament (elected) and ultimately by the Council that consists of the elected representatives of the 27 remaining members.Liam Fox couldn't spell bum with three tries.
Seamus Byrne
4 months ago
why would Europe allow Britian to export its lamb to a protected market in europe and sell it there . But european farmers would be trying to sell there beef in britian in competition with cheap unregulated beef trom south america. You cant have your cake and eat it. such an allowance would finish europe . seems like your optimistic brexiteers got it badly wrong.
4 months ago (edited)
You are aware that this is a classical Greek tragedy. A story of a mighty and rich country that fell into hybris. If the worst really happens, this will be a cautionary tale in Europe for ages to come!
Alan Marr
4 months ago
Most of the Leave voters are decent folk who thought they were doing the best for their country. Unfortunately there is a minority of what one can describe as Brexit Extremists These people are evil and perverted. They are masters at creating hate, pain and suffering to others . They use Brexit as a vehicle to spread Hate and Division throughout our nation. They delight in seeing people hating each other. They create a perverted patriotism which is not a love of one's country but the opposite in that through spreading of hatred they actually want to destroy the country we all love. They have a lots of cheap slogans to induce fear and to create scapegoats to people already vulnerable from years of low pay and Austerity. They have the easy solutions which are all based on hate and lies.They are not real solutions but will inevitably lead to total chaos and suffering, which they want ,because through chaos they will gain power. They don't worry if the NHS falls apart and people are left to die in agony . They don't care if people are worse off . Actually they are mightily pleased by things like this happening because it empowers them . `They will then tell you that they can put everything right. But instead they will create a **** not known since the NAZI take over in Germany
The bill would pay for itself through the extra tax revenues the UK would gain through a free trade deal with the EU
“We won’t pay a penny!” scream the fundamentalists of Brexit whenever the subject of Britain’s divorce bill, on which the Brexit talks with the EU are currently floundering, comes up.
It doesn’t take much to put the pacemakers of their greying tribe on overtime. The mere sight of a blue and gold flag will usually do the trick.
Not paying; storming off and having a childish tantrum because it’s a big number and Michel Barnier says we should do what everyone else does and pay what we owe? It would amount to a false economy. The UK would be cutting off its nose to spite its face, something the country is acquiring an unfortunate reputation for doing.
Returning to the divorce bill, the other reason we should pay it is because we owe it. It is to cover the cost of programmes we agreed to fund, and salaries and pensions we agreed to pay. To settle our accounts, as a certain Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, better known as foreign secretary Boris, once said.
Unfortunately, acting in good faith, and living up to our responsibilities, will always be alien concepts in a Westminster in which he is considered a “big beast”.
However, as I’ve demonstrated, good faith doesn’t come into it. We should pay because it is in our economic and national interest to do so.
'The bulk of the divorce bill represents unavoidable legal obligations. But however much we pay it will be money spent for nothing in return.'
The Office for Budget Responsibility said that while most would be paid over the next five years, the UK will be paying some money into the EU budget until 2064.
Zee Bee
1 month ago (edited)
Kate Hoey is an embarrassment. As for Susan Evans I question the point of her, she didn't make a single coherent argument, just parroting the same **** as usual.
Dan Sharpe
1 month ago
If Susan Evans was any more stupid she would be Nadine Dorries
1 month ago
Facts vs faith is painful to watch...
John Smith
1 month ago
British fish now have blue passports. Protected by non existing British "empire".
Blind Freddy
1 month ago (edited)
What bargaining chips did or does the UK have? None, nada, zilch, zero .
Gary Barrett
1 month ago (edited)
10:42 "...the leave campaign actually put forward their vision for brexit and the people voted for it...". Yes, the leave vision was this:
8 May 2016 Michael Gove, BBC interview: "I think the british people want to vote for a deal which you describe as ALL OF THE ADVANTAGES [of the single market] and none of the payouts. That would be a great thing on June 23rd.
[Asked why would EU allow it:] It would be in their interests. At the moment the germans and others want us to stay in because it suits them because we pay into the EU and we import far more from them. Its win-win for them at the moment, it should be win-win for us and it will be if we vote to leave and WE CAN THEN MAINTAIN FREE TRADE, stop sending money and also have control of our borders." He then says the UK will not be "punished" for leaving the EU by erecting trade barriers: "THAT WON'T HAPPEN."
Matthew Morris
1 month ago
How is someone like Kate Hoey an MP? She's clearly thick as mince and has no idea what she's talking about.
“This leaves the major issues of the day, especially in macro-economics, open to charlatans and fools. A good example in the UK is some of the economists supporting Brexit, who are a bunch of charlatans and crackpots,” he said.
It is not the first time economists in favour of Brexit have come under fire, with the Economists for Brexit group accused of publishing a “doubly misleading” study last year.
Their report was the only economic model to show material benefits from a no-deal Brexit, but the modelling used was condemned by several leading economists.
In 2016, the Conservative MP Michael Gove, now environment minister, refused to name any economists who had endorsed Brexit, famously claiming that “people in this country have had enough of experts”.
Daniel Bones
1 month ago
This lady blames everyone but Brexiters. They broke it, they own it .
1 month ago
How Carole Malone has a career where her opinion is considered to be valid is beyond me.
Suzanne Nichol
1 month ago
My god carol malone is unbelievable. What rubbish.
Vincent Letzner
1 month ago
This woman is an idiot, she just goes ahead and admits that she voted for something without knowing what it meant, she must be the kind of voter Churchill meant when he said that if you want to find a good reason against democracy, have a five minute conversation with your average voter. She is the kind of voter that makes Tyrants and Monarchies look good
Tom Hayes
1 month ago
Ms Malone's relationship with reality is somewhat tenuous, at best
Gary Burns
1 month ago
Crikey, this Carole Malone woman makes Nadine Dorries look like the Brain of Britain.
1 year ago
Lord Pearson clearly not a man of details... or basic knowledge of the EU it seems. A champion Brexiter indeed!
1 year ago
Lord Pearson doesn't seem to be able to grasp simple facts
1 year ago
Theresa May should send Lordy Pearson to Brussels to do the negotiations. He'll sit them down and say "Oi! We hold all the cards here!"... he'll sort it all out and skip all the pesky details with regulators and all the whatevs. It'll work out beautifully. And then the UK can join the US as it's 51st sovereign state!
1 year ago
LORD Pearson talks about the 'real people of Europe'. I hope his Lordship is not trying to lump himself in with regular folk. The brass neck on him. He wants the landed gentry to be back in control "take back control". Not democratic control, but control over the people by their 'betters'. **** toff.
Tom Mannington
1 year ago
Ian Dunt must have been face-palming all the way through this "debate." I haven't listened to Vine in years, I remember he would constantly have crackpot Ukipper Godfrey Bloom on constantly. Don't miss it at all.
Killer Kally
3 months ago
I was going to make a comment but I really don't know what to say, I am speechless after listening to Lord Pearson. Ian Dunt is right, with people like Lord Pearson driving hard Brexit no wonder we are in such a mess..