I think one of the main reasons people voted for Brexit was their seemed perception that this country was being ruled more and more by the E.U. and that this was their chance to oppose that. Contrary to some people's beliefs not all Brexiters are "knuckle dragging bigots" who haven't got an independent thought between them. The referendum was badly run with not enough actual facts being given by both sides but that horse has now bolted. We now need a strong leader and government (none of them at the moment) that will stand up and get the best deal for the country regardless who it upsets. The country is divided and will remain so for the foreseeable future. What a mess we are now in,if only Cameron knew what he was creating when he promised a referendum.
James O'Brien's Brexit Call Labelled The Funniest And Scariest Yet
The European Commission says it has started to implement its preparations for a no-deal Brexit - in case the UK leaves the EU without a plan.
The Commission says these measures should not compare with EU membership, or the transition period on offer in the Withdrawal Agreement - which the UK Parliament has yet to vote on
The commission has also urged its 27 remaining member states to take a "generous" approach to the residency rights of UK citizens in the EU following a no-deal Brexit, "provided that this approach is reciprocated by the UK".
And it warns that the following will occur from the date of a disorderly UK exit from the EU: Transport of goods delays because of the need for checks on all UK livestock exports, and the application of customs duties and taxes on goods moving between the UK and EU; End of the guarantee of the continuation of all existing air transport links under the same terms as they are supplied today; Financial services operators in the UK lose the right to provide their services in the 27 EU member states under the EU financial services passports scheme; EU pet passports issued to owners in the UK will no longer be valid
The EU has been slightly more generous than expected in its planning for a no-deal Brexit. Its proposal that British truckers can carry on trucking in the EU for nine months before they have to apply for scarce international permits will be welcomed by the industry.
On Tuesday, the cabinet said it had decided to "ramp up" preparations for a no-deal Brexit. The government has sent letters to 140,000 firms urging them to plan ahead, while 3,500 troops will be put on standby to maintain essential services.
Amber Rudd Says Second Brexit Referendum Is 'Plausible' If Stalemate Continues
A Cabinet minister has suggested there would be a “plausible argument” for a second Brexit referendum if the deadlock over Theresa May’s deal continues. Amber Rudd, who recently returned to the ministerial benches as Work and Pensions Secretary, indicated support for a fresh vote if parliament “fails to reach a consensus”
Top EU law professor says it's time to cancel Brexit
Phil Syrpis, a professor in EU law at Bristol University, argued that the time had come to abandon negotiations for Brexit, under a plan of “revoke and reconsider.” Syrpis set out why he believed there was little credible alternative to halting Brexit in a blog for the London School of Economics. He highlighted two key issues – the ruling by the European Court of Justice that the United Kingdom can unilaterally revoke Article 50, and the EU’s stance that they are not prepared to renegotiate the Withdrawal Agreement
Corbyn faces furious Labour backlash over backing Brexit
Jeremy Corbyn is facing a storm of criticism from Labour activists and MPs after suggesting he would press ahead with Brexit if the party won a snap general election. In a sign that he is losing backing among overwhelmingly pro-Remain Labour supporters, Corbyn was also accused of betraying the party membership by appearing reluctant to back the idea of supporting Remain in a second referendum.
“Jeremy Corbyn is in danger of betraying and losing the support of millions of young people and students who very nearly propelled him to Downing Street last year, and whose support he needs if he is to ever to become prime minister. “Students and young people will not forget or forgive politicians who sell them down the river by backing a Brexit that limits our life opportunities and makes us poorer,” he said. Labour MPs who back Remain said they were planning to issue a statement within days insisting that the leadership must take its lead from members over Brexit, and be ready to campaign for Remain in a second referendum if the party cannot force a general election.
Drive them around, leave them back exactly where they were and charge them a packet. This is what's actually happening.
sebastian ochenkowski 4 days ago
Sadly you need all this analogy's to explain brextrimists what is going on
Kevin Breslin 4 days ago
Just dump them back at the house.
The direction but they don't want to tell you, is to various forms of nationalism as the UK aspires to relive the last century only it thinks it can win where the **** failed.
Maajid Nawaz won praise from LBC listeners for this Brexit analogy in which he compared Britain’s departure from the EU to a taxi driver not knowing the destination of his passengers.
The LBC presenter made the comparison after Jeremy Corbyn tabled a motion of no confidence in Theresa May.
It’s after the Prime Minister delayed a “meaningful vote” on her Brexit deal until the new year.
The Labour leader said the PM had led the UK into a “national crisis”, but Downing Street accused Mr Corbyn of playing “silly political games”. Mrs May has also dismissed growing calls from MPs to hold another referendum in a bid to break the Brexit deadlock.
But, Maajid used his taxi analogy to explain why he thinks we need one.
In his hypothetical monologue he cited a family going on holiday but refusing to tell the driver which airport to Brexiteers not explaining how they want to leave the EU.
It won praise from LBC listeners, with one tweeting: “Maajid’s taxi analogy is PERFECT! Who’s paying the fare? Will Cabby May be expecting a tip? How about “Nice try but it’s time to Leave politics””
kaptain kopter 3 days ago
Drive them around, leave them back exactly where they were and charge them a packet. This is what's actually happening.
sebastian ochenkowski 4 days ago
Sadly you need all this analogy's to explain brextrimists what is going on
matchbox555 3 days ago
Just tell thick brexi-tards we have left and carry on as normal they won't know the difference.
Kevin Breslin 4 days ago
Just dump them back at the house.
fuckfannyfiddlefart 4 days ago
The direction but they don't want to tell you, is to various forms of nationalism as the UK aspires to relive the last century only it thinks it can win where the **** failed.
ictfc 4 days ago
spot on...
TheCaster26 18 hours ago
We wanted to leave and have all the EU countries give us what we had as an EU member without any strings attached, nor having to support the various EU programmes with our money, nor have any johnny foreigners coming into our country, and of course our own blue passport. Also to trade with the worlds countries we are all trading with already but in a different way ?
Lester Falcon 3 days ago
"Stop trying to divert the will of this taxi!"
Mike Jones 3 days ago
Always sort out the money up front when you have idiots in your cab or make sure they can't just do a runner .
saiga shotgun 15 hours ago
Why is everybody putting Norway model on the table when Norway doesn´t want the Norway model? LOL
Spiritual Anarchist 23 hours ago
LOL great one...
robertbslee 22 hours ago
Leave means leave! The family will buy a ticket to where ever from the airport? Is it so hard to understand... Leave means LEAVE
Hansie's Ma 3 days ago
Brexit Analogy for Dummies. [Dummies don't bother it's too complicated.]
Marko Henry 11 hours ago
So the family got in the Taxi and told the driver where to go but he took them somewhere completely different to where he promised and was contracted to take them. That is exactly what happened when we joined the Common Market as it was known back in 1975 we agreed to join a free trade block that is not what the EU is now it has morphed into a United States of Europe governed by Brussels so we have decided to return to where we were before we got into the Taxi.
Paul 7 hours ago
I love Brexit. Brexit for breakfast washed down with a nice cup of steaming hot remainers tears. Yummy!
gary dunn 3 days ago
voted to leave the eu! thats what people voted for and they would have told the taxi driver that...absolute twaddle.
Dan Castle 7 hours ago
Don’t let terrorists into taxis. Leave the uk
BioCapsule 1 hour ago
This is the perfect analogy. And so simple too.
Common Sense 1 hour ago
That was actually the most perfect analogy of the current situation.
Alan B'Stard M P 3 days ago
Source: Register of Members' Financial Interests (as of 03/12/2018)
Dominic Grieve owns building land in France and receives donations from German businesses. Anna Soubry owns property in Portugal and gets donations from the Ulster Unionist Party (a Remain group). Chuka Umunna gets hospitality and payments (along with Grieve) from the Franco(French)-British Colloque and he also took a £50,000 donation from Farr Vinters Ltd, whose main business is, in their own words, "the purchase and sale of top Bordeaux wines" as well as "an in depth range of wines from other French regions including Burgundy, the Rhône and Loire valleys, Champagne and Alsace." Joanna Cherry, the SNP's gob in Westminster, is yet another beneficiary of the Franco-British Colloque and also has received donations and hospitality from the Public Diplomacy Council of Catalonia (you know, that region of Spain that voted for independence which was later criminalized) . Ian Blackford, another SNP hypocrite, has shareholdings in Commsworld - a telecoms company that relies on sub-sea links to mainland Europe. Vince Cable receives hospitality from IBEC, which is an organisation representing business interests in the Republic of Ireland. Source: Register of Members' Financial Interests (as of 03/12/2018)
These traitors are only interested in their own selfish affairs, not democracy or the UK as they profess publicly. Vocal Leave supporters like Rees-Mogg, Boris, Raab, Davies and Barclay don't have anything invested in the EU (except for one fund in Ireland that exists only to facilitate business with Northern Ireland). Farage has a German wife and still thinks leaving is right! Funny that...
The truth is plain to see - you need only open your eyes. Read more
James Denny 9 hours ago
A very simple analogy and far too complex for the average brexiteer who sympathises with the dad yelling "leeeeeaaaave"
john canning 21 hours ago
after reading the comments here i have to wonder, just who are the fools because it is this sanctimonious, condescending and elitist attitudes that ha ve got us in this position in the first place, you all have learnt nothing from the last two years, yes take the fare back home and carry on as normal, that is exactly what the sleazy powers that be want, just who are the blind fools
I worked in security management, I had probably 20 British people working for me, and about 10 immigrants to the UK (Ugandan, Polish, Ukrainian etc). Every single weekend one or two of the British staff would call in sick after getting wasted the night before, or just not turn up, it was the immigrants who would gladly take over and do whatever needed to be done to keep things running smoothly. It was worse with the younger workers. I knew that if a 20-something British lad started working for us one week, he would be missing by the Saturday morning and I would be calling one of our great Polish, Ukrainian or Ugandan staff to come and do the job instead, and they would, without complaint, without any hassle, they would be there on site within an hour. This insane notion that people are coming here to "steal jobs" is a lazy excuse by lazy Brits who don't want to work
Graham Strouse 4 days ago
I have a lot of respect for a man whose willing to admit he was wrong.
Krisztián Kőrösi 5 days ago
"we are stronger together" - what a nice end note, thanks for the upload.
JonnM 4 months ago
Really, what the **** will they do? 17 to 20 miles of a traffic jam at Dover, that’s not to mention, Holyhead, Fishguard and Pembroke. And then you have the 300 odd crossing over the Irish border. This is absolutely nuts. Had nobody considered these matters before taking this ludicrous decision?
Construction Manager Admits He’s Now “Ashamed” He Voted Brexit
Conran Thomas 13 hours ago
I worked in security management, I had probably 20 British people working for me, and about 10 immigrants to the UK (Ugandan, Polish, Ukrainian etc). Every single weekend one or two of the British staff would call in sick after getting wasted the night before, or just not turn up, it was the immigrants who would gladly take over and do whatever needed to be done to keep things running smoothly. It was worse with the younger workers. I knew that if a 20-something British lad started working for us one week, he would be missing by the Saturday morning and I would be calling one of our great Polish, Ukrainian or Ugandan staff to come and do the job instead, and they would, without complaint, without any hassle, they would be there on site within an hour. This insane notion that people are coming here to "steal jobs" is a lazy excuse by lazy Brits who don't want to work
Do you not think the above is just lazy stereotyping - see a lot of this in the media and no one seems to question it. Imagine a right wing media figure coming out with something similar but the other way round, there would rightly be outrage. Yet this view seems accepted as fact but never seen any stats to back it up
This is probably part of the reason a lot of the traditional working class vote went to brexit
Edit - just to avoid confusion I’m not anti immigration or UKIP supporter etc, would have rather we not had the referendum in the first place - just think this whole debate has become so negative/vitriolic with neither side willing to climb down or give any ground, just resorting to rhetoric to hammer the same points over and over
The European Commission says it has started to implement its preparations for a no-deal Brexit - in case the UK leaves the EU without a plan.
The Commission says these measures should not compare with EU membership, or the transition period on offer in the Withdrawal Agreement - which the UK Parliament has yet to vote on
The commission has also urged its 27 remaining member states to take a "generous" approach to the residency rights of UK citizens in the EU following a no-deal Brexit, "provided that this approach is reciprocated by the UK".
And it warns that the following will occur from the date of a disorderly UK exit from the EU:
Transport of goods delays because of the need for checks on all UK livestock exports, and the application of customs duties and taxes on goods moving between the UK and EU;
End of the guarantee of the continuation of all existing air transport links under the same terms as they are supplied today;
Financial services operators in the UK lose the right to provide their services in the 27 EU member states under the EU financial services passports scheme;
EU pet passports issued to owners in the UK will no longer be valid
The EU has been slightly more generous than expected in its planning for a no-deal Brexit.
Its proposal that British truckers can carry on trucking in the EU for nine months before they have to apply for scarce international permits will be welcomed by the industry.
On Tuesday, the cabinet said it had decided to "ramp up" preparations for a no-deal Brexit.
The government has sent letters to 140,000 firms urging them to plan ahead, while 3,500 troops will be put on standby to maintain essential services.
A Cabinet minister has suggested there would be a “plausible argument” for a second Brexit referendum if the deadlock over Theresa May’s deal continues.
Amber Rudd, who recently returned to the ministerial benches as Work and Pensions Secretary, indicated support for a fresh vote if parliament “fails to reach a consensus”
Phil Syrpis, a professor in EU law at Bristol University, argued that the time had come to abandon negotiations for Brexit, under a plan of “revoke and reconsider.”
Syrpis set out why he believed there was little credible alternative to halting Brexit in a blog for the London School of Economics.
He highlighted two key issues – the ruling by the European Court of Justice that the United Kingdom can unilaterally revoke Article 50, and the EU’s stance that they are not prepared to renegotiate the Withdrawal Agreement
Jeremy Corbyn is facing a storm of criticism from Labour activists and MPs after suggesting he would press ahead with Brexit if the party won a snap general election.
In a sign that he is losing backing among overwhelmingly pro-Remain Labour supporters, Corbyn was also accused of betraying the party membership by appearing reluctant to back the idea of supporting Remain in a second referendum.
“Jeremy Corbyn is in danger of betraying and losing the support of millions of young people and students who very nearly propelled him to Downing Street last year, and whose support he needs if he is to ever to become prime minister.
“Students and young people will not forget or forgive politicians who sell them down the river by backing a Brexit that limits our life opportunities and makes us poorer,” he said.
Labour MPs who back Remain said they were planning to issue a statement within days insisting that the leadership must take its lead from members over Brexit, and be ready to campaign for Remain in a second referendum if the party cannot force a general election.
kaptain kopter
3 days ago
Drive them around, leave them back exactly where they were and charge them a packet. This is what's actually happening.
sebastian ochenkowski
4 days ago
Sadly you need all this analogy's to explain brextrimists what is going on
Kevin Breslin
4 days ago
Just dump them back at the house.
The direction but they don't want to tell you, is to various forms of nationalism as the UK aspires to relive the last century only it thinks it can win where the **** failed.
Maajid Nawaz won praise from LBC listeners for this Brexit analogy in which he compared Britain’s departure from the EU to a taxi driver not knowing the destination of his passengers.
The LBC presenter made the comparison after Jeremy Corbyn tabled a motion of no confidence in Theresa May.
It’s after the Prime Minister delayed a “meaningful vote” on her Brexit deal until the new year.
The Labour leader said the PM had led the UK into a “national crisis”, but Downing Street accused Mr Corbyn of playing “silly political games”.
Mrs May has also dismissed growing calls from MPs to hold another referendum in a bid to break the Brexit deadlock.
But, Maajid used his taxi analogy to explain why he thinks we need one.
In his hypothetical monologue he cited a family going on holiday but refusing to tell the driver which airport to Brexiteers not explaining how they want to leave the EU.
It won praise from LBC listeners, with one tweeting: “Maajid’s taxi analogy is PERFECT! Who’s paying the fare? Will Cabby May be expecting a tip? How about “Nice try but it’s time to Leave politics””
kaptain kopter
3 days ago
Drive them around, leave them back exactly where they were and charge them a packet. This is what's actually happening.
sebastian ochenkowski
4 days ago
Sadly you need all this analogy's to explain brextrimists what is going on
3 days ago
Just tell thick brexi-tards we have left and carry on as normal they won't know the difference.
Kevin Breslin
4 days ago
Just dump them back at the house.
4 days ago
The direction but they don't want to tell you, is to various forms of nationalism as the UK aspires to relive the last century only it thinks it can win where the **** failed.
4 days ago
spot on...
18 hours ago
We wanted to leave and have all the EU countries give us what we had as an EU member without any strings attached, nor having to support the various EU programmes with our money, nor have any johnny foreigners coming into our country, and of course our own blue passport. Also to trade with the worlds countries we are all trading with already but in a different way ?
Lester Falcon
3 days ago
"Stop trying to divert the will of this taxi!"
Mike Jones
3 days ago
Always sort out the money up front when you have idiots in your cab or make sure they can't just do a runner .
saiga shotgun
15 hours ago
Why is everybody putting Norway model on the table when Norway doesn´t want the Norway model? LOL
Spiritual Anarchist
23 hours ago
LOL great one...
22 hours ago
Leave means leave!
The family will buy a ticket to where ever from the airport?
Is it so hard to understand...
Leave means LEAVE
Hansie's Ma
3 days ago
Brexit Analogy for Dummies. [Dummies don't bother it's too complicated.]
Marko Henry
11 hours ago
So the family got in the Taxi and told the driver where to go but he took them somewhere completely different to where he promised and was contracted to take them. That is exactly what happened when we joined the Common Market as it was known back in 1975 we agreed to join a free trade block that is not what the EU is now it has morphed into a United States of Europe governed by Brussels so we have decided to return to where we were before we got into the Taxi.
7 hours ago
I love Brexit. Brexit for breakfast washed down with a nice cup of steaming hot remainers tears. Yummy!
gary dunn
3 days ago
voted to leave the eu! thats what people voted for and they would have told the taxi driver that...absolute twaddle.
Dan Castle
7 hours ago
Don’t let terrorists into taxis.
Leave the uk
1 hour ago
This is the perfect analogy. And so simple too.
Common Sense
1 hour ago
That was actually the most perfect analogy of the current situation.
Alan B'Stard M P
3 days ago
Source: Register of Members' Financial Interests (as of 03/12/2018)
Dominic Grieve owns building land in France and receives donations from
German businesses. Anna Soubry owns property in Portugal and gets
donations from the Ulster Unionist Party (a Remain group). Chuka Umunna
gets hospitality and payments (along with Grieve) from the
Franco(French)-British Colloque and he also took a £50,000 donation from
Farr Vinters Ltd, whose main business is, in their own words, "the
purchase and sale of top Bordeaux wines" as well as "an in depth range
of wines from other French regions including Burgundy, the Rhône and
Loire valleys, Champagne and Alsace." Joanna Cherry, the SNP's gob in
Westminster, is yet another beneficiary of the Franco-British Colloque
and also has received donations and hospitality from the Public
Diplomacy Council of Catalonia (you know, that region of Spain that
voted for independence which was later criminalized) . Ian Blackford,
another SNP hypocrite, has shareholdings in Commsworld - a telecoms
company that relies on sub-sea links to mainland Europe. Vince Cable
receives hospitality from IBEC, which is an organisation representing
business interests in the Republic of Ireland.
Source: Register of Members' Financial Interests (as of 03/12/2018)
These traitors are only interested in their own selfish affairs, not
democracy or the UK as they profess publicly. Vocal Leave supporters
like Rees-Mogg, Boris, Raab, Davies and Barclay don't have anything
invested in the EU (except for one fund in Ireland that exists only to
facilitate business with Northern Ireland). Farage has a German wife and
still thinks leaving is right! Funny that...
The truth is plain to see - you need only open your eyes.
Read more
James Denny
9 hours ago
A very simple analogy and far too complex for the average brexiteer who sympathises with the dad yelling "leeeeeaaaave"
john canning
21 hours ago
after reading the comments here i have to wonder, just who are the fools because it is this sanctimonious, condescending and elitist attitudes that ha ve got us in this position in the first place, you all have learnt nothing from the last two years, yes take the fare back home and carry on as normal, that is exactly what the sleazy powers that be want, just who are the blind fools
Conran Thomas
13 hours ago
I worked in security management, I had probably 20 British people working for me, and about 10 immigrants to the UK (Ugandan, Polish, Ukrainian etc). Every single weekend one or two of the British staff would call in sick after getting wasted the night before, or just not turn up, it was the immigrants who would gladly take over and do whatever needed to be done to keep things running smoothly. It was worse with the younger workers. I knew that if a 20-something British lad started working for us one week, he would be missing by the Saturday morning and I would be calling one of our great Polish, Ukrainian or Ugandan staff to come and do the job instead, and they would, without complaint, without any hassle, they would be there on site within an hour. This insane notion that people are coming here to "steal jobs" is a lazy excuse by lazy Brits who don't want to work
Graham Strouse
4 days ago
I have a lot of respect for a man whose willing to admit he was wrong.
Krisztián Kőrösi
5 days ago
"we are stronger together" - what a nice end note, thanks for the upload.
4 months ago
Really, what the **** will they do? 17 to 20 miles of a traffic jam at Dover, that’s not to mention, Holyhead, Fishguard and Pembroke. And then you have the 300 odd crossing over the Irish border. This is absolutely nuts. Had nobody considered these matters before taking this ludicrous decision?