Subscribe 29K After over 2 years of the BBC allowing smug, unrepentant, millionaire Brextremists to lie, cheat and steal airtime again and again, utterly unchallenged by anybody who might know something about the matter, Jason Hunter from #3Blokes FINALLY has the opportunity to fire both barrels against the torrent of **** being spread by the likes of Brexit Central's Jonathan Isaby.
That was rather scary. They all apart from Jason Hunter seemed to be drifting away in another galaxy. As if a strange brain consuming virus has befallen them. Do they think all this is a game? A joke? As if it matters who is to blame. “For to define true madness, What is't but to be nothing else but mad?” So sorry, my British friends to see your fate in the hands of such lunatics.
Andrew Watson 2 months ago
I notice that Bernard did not want Jason to finish a rational point about how UK exports would cost more to export customers after leaving the EU Trade agreements. Not to mention the other guest falsely accusing the EU of being "disrespectful", just like a drunk on a night out accusing a police officer of being disrespectful for asking everyone to keep the noise down....
Morgan Heijdemann 2 months ago
"Hold on Jason I didn't interrupt you." Proceeds to interrupt him half a dozen times
Helloweener 2 months ago
Oh yeah, mocking Theresa May by imitate her dancing is disrespectful but comparing the EU to a prison or the Soviet Union is just a humorous teasing among friends.
Dan Ellis-Jones 2 months ago
Jason, good effort, but you can see how well versed they are at cutting off, misdirection, undermining reasonable discussion. You’re going to taste the disgusting bile of politics. I know you’re very busy and risking everything. But maybe get some media training if you’ve not already. These guys have loads of it. You’re doing a fantastic job nevertheless!!!
Krisztián Kőrösi 2 months ago
What a brilliant show it was. Jason arrived to BBC and in a few minutes brought more value than the channel did in the past 2 years. Absolutely loved it, especially how silent everyone went when Jason explained rules and law applied. 👌
Fedaykin24 2 months ago
Jenkin complains about being interrupted just after interrupting Jason...what a Prat!
You're Right but... 2 months ago
Politician spent his life in the dusty halls of Parliament, Jason spent his life actually working. Politician should shut up and listen.
Gordon Bradley 2 months ago
" How many lies did the remain side tell " ? You mean BOTH sides were lying ? Then that's DOUBLE the reason to have another vote !
Andrew Scholfield 2 months ago
Jenkins had been warned about Jason and was prepared to interrupt him. Every time he tried to speak he was mumbling and being disdainful.
Wee Gaaby 2 months ago (edited)
Good effort Jason, unfortunately people ignorant to the particulars haven't got the humbleness to listen to someone who knows what they're talking about. The lemmings will proudly walk a nation over a cliff for their Brexfest
Donald McArthur 2 months ago
Jason just needs to get to the punch line... they have to apply import tariffs under WTO rules so all UK exports gets more expensive overnight.
sergio gabriele cossu 2 months ago
The euro is a failure. Really? The 66% of Italians would never abandon the single currency and thus the majority of Greeks. The euro is a strong and respected currency and this is very much appreciated by Europeans who have accepted it. I think this is one of the many lies to be swallowed by the British.
Vernon Smith 2 months ago
the only genuine man is Jason hunter
Plato 77 2 months ago
Brexidiot Jenkin got schooled and then destroyed by Jason Hunter!!!
Patrick Groll 2 months ago
Sad to see that after 2 years the English still seem intent on self destruction, the world is looking on in disbelief.
Peter Brown 2 months ago
Jason for Prime Minister
Staffan Karin Pappila 2 months ago
Blame EU, when UK can’t agree among themselves
Gordon Bradley 2 months ago
What a fecking fiasco ! Exit brexit NOW !
MrPireotis 2 months ago (edited)
For the ignorants claiming referendum as the voice of people is to be respected, let me, an outlander, remind you that this was the SECOND referendum on EU. The first one being at 1996, if I recall correctly, when remain won by around 64%... Rest my case. *Correction - I mean the Referendum Act of 1975.
Em 2 months ago
Jenkins always comes back to the old line, '' We had the vote''. It WAS based on lies and therefore NOT democratic!!!!!!!
MC Arena 2 months ago
And sadly Jeremy Corbyn is well known to be a Brexiteer. No way out my friends.
The moderator really annoys me...he barely allows Jason Hunter to answer because he keeps bringing up his (way weaker because less informed) arguments but allows Gisela Stewart to repeat her BS and then even AGREES with her when she does the typical "we need to be civil to each other" distraction. It is NOT uncivil to call someone a liar when he actually provably lies, and it is NOT uncivil to say that something is wrong when it is objectively plain wrong. Can we please stop acting as if things like "we have no deal we fall out of X-agreements" is an opinion? It is NOT an opinion it is a FACT.
denis brando 2 months ago
Just let Jason talk. He's the only one who knows what he's talking about. Gisela's a liar. The presenter is annoying
Plato 77 2 months ago
The world needs more people like Jason Hunter!!
Simon Wilkinson 2 months ago
She is lying, the woman cannot grasp that she has no idea what she is talking about.
Matt Potter 2 months ago
Love how the presenter calls one guy an intelligent man, but then he goes onto to say he will create civil unrest if there is another democratic vote on the actual deal. I hope the police are listening and taking a note of this individual. He called the fact that people know more information now and having anoter vote being out of Animal Farm, I don't think he's even read Animal Farm, or what an Orwellian future is. He is scared of losing another vote because only 37% of the UK population voted to leave and out of those that didn't vote very few would go that way. I am also hating how he is cutting off Jason from speaking, correcting what Gisela is saying. This just seems to be a soapbox for Gisela and Jason isn't getting a look in. I wish that Jason had actually said he had negotiated trade deals, and asked Gisela what trade deals she has ever negotiated. She may have say in EU discussions, but this isn't negotiating trade deals!!! Let Jason get a word in edgeways!!!
Neil Hedley 2 months ago
Gisela was challenged by Robert Peston about the 350 million for the NHS,she denied it.Peston then showed a photo of her standing in front of the Vote Leave battle bus with the logo behind her. She burst out laughing
casselskeep 2 months ago
What makes one vote "the will of the people" and a second vote by the same people "undemocratic". If, as they say, nothing has changed then they will get the same result. Nothing to be afraid of. The only reason they are scared is because they got lucky the first time. People were complacent, now they are not. The will of the people now is more relevant than the will of the people 2 years ago.
John John 2 months ago
The total GDP of the continent of Africa is half of the GDP of France.
View 6 replies
Chadwick Hall 2 months ago
Gisela talks like a true politician, no facts just opinions and optimism.
UK can't stop Turkey joining EU' says Penny Mordaunt - BBC News
Defence Minister and Vote Leave supporter Penny Mordaunt has denied the UK would have a veto on any Turkish accession to the EU. Speaking to Andrew Marr, she said: "I think with the current situation - the migrant crisis and other issues going on in Europe - we would be unable to stop it." The pro-Leave minister says the EU referendum is British voters' only chance to prevent that eventuality, adding again: "I don't think that the UK will be able to stop Turkey joining."
With May's agreement in balance, ministers warn against no-deal Brexit
Brexit Minister Barclays says only May's deal workable * Environment Minister Gove: no-deal exit would hit farmers * Support for 2nd referendum rising within opposition Labour (Adds Gove, details of publicity campaign)
The future of May's agreement hangs in the balance in the run-up to a parliamentary vote, and calls for a second referendum - which she has consistently rejected - are growing.
Environment Minister Gove said British farmers and food firms would face rising costs in the event of no deal, as export tariffs kicked in and border inspections slowed traffic through ports.
Sterling has fallen against the dollar in recent weeks, in part due to growing concerns over the course of the Brexit process.
Poll blow for PM as more than half of Tory members back no-deal Brexit
Theresa May’s bid to get Tory MPs to back her Brexit plan suffered a set-back as a new poll showed more than half of Conservative Party members prefer a no-deal withdrawal. In a three-way choice, 57% of grassroots Tories said they would support leaving the EU without an agreement, while 23% would back the Prime Minister’s deal and 15% would choose to remain. A total of 5% had no preference
Plans to tackle post-Brexit traffic queues by holding lorries in a disused Kent airport will be tested on Monday, it has been revealed. More than 100 HGVs will travel the 20-mile route from Manston Airport, near Ramsgate, to the Port of Dover. Hauliers fear that a no-deal Brexit will create additional border checks, leading to queues of up to 29 miles.
Brexit: The DUP says there is 'no way' it will back PM's deal
There is "no way" the Democratic Unionist Party will back Theresa May's Brexit deal, a leading figure has said. Sammy Wilson told the BBC he was "more alarmed" than ever about what the deal would mean for Northern Ireland.
Brexit concerns hit the biggest part of the UK economy
The UK’s services industry has been hit by Brexit fears, according to December’s Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI). The PMI reflects the UK services sector’s degree of confidence for the next 12 months and came in at 51.2, the second lowest figure in the last 28 months. Anything above 50 signals expectations of growth, while anything below that level means economic contraction is expected. Respondents to IHS Markit, who carry out the survey, said that Brexit was the biggest worry affecting their confidence.
Graham Hughes
Published on 23 Aug 2018
Subscribe 29K
After over 2 years of the BBC allowing smug, unrepentant, millionaire Brextremists to lie, cheat and steal airtime again and again, utterly unchallenged by anybody who might know something about the matter, Jason Hunter from #3Blokes FINALLY has the opportunity to fire both barrels against the torrent of **** being spread by the likes of Brexit Central's Jonathan Isaby.
He doesn't disappoint.
2 months ago
That was rather scary. They all apart from Jason Hunter seemed to be drifting away in another galaxy. As if a strange brain consuming virus has befallen them. Do they think all this is a game? A joke? As if it matters who is to blame. “For to define true madness, What is't but to be nothing else but mad?” So sorry, my British friends to see your fate in the hands of such lunatics.
Andrew Watson
2 months ago
I notice that Bernard did not want Jason to finish a rational point about how UK exports would cost more to export customers after leaving the EU Trade agreements.
Not to mention the other guest falsely accusing the EU of being "disrespectful", just like a drunk on a night out accusing a police officer of being disrespectful for asking everyone to keep the noise down....
Morgan Heijdemann
2 months ago
"Hold on Jason I didn't interrupt you."
Proceeds to interrupt him half a dozen times
2 months ago
Oh yeah, mocking Theresa May by imitate her dancing is disrespectful but comparing the EU to a prison or the Soviet Union is just a humorous teasing among friends.
Dan Ellis-Jones
2 months ago
Jason, good effort, but you can see how well versed they are at cutting off, misdirection, undermining reasonable discussion. You’re going to taste the disgusting bile of politics. I know you’re very busy and risking everything. But maybe get some media training if you’ve not already. These guys have loads of it. You’re doing a fantastic job nevertheless!!!
Krisztián Kőrösi
2 months ago
What a brilliant show it was. Jason arrived to BBC and in a few minutes brought more value than the channel did in the past 2 years. Absolutely loved it, especially how silent everyone went when Jason explained rules and law applied. 👌
2 months ago
Jenkin complains about being interrupted just after interrupting Jason...what a Prat!
You're Right but...
2 months ago
Politician spent his life in the dusty halls of Parliament, Jason spent his life actually working. Politician should shut up and listen.
Gordon Bradley
2 months ago
" How many lies did the remain side tell " ?
You mean BOTH sides were lying ?
Then that's DOUBLE the reason to have another vote !
Andrew Scholfield
2 months ago
Jenkins had been warned about Jason and was prepared to interrupt him. Every time he tried to speak he was mumbling and being disdainful.
Wee Gaaby
2 months ago (edited)
Good effort Jason, unfortunately people ignorant to the particulars haven't got the humbleness to listen to someone who knows what they're talking about. The lemmings will proudly walk a nation over a cliff for their Brexfest
Donald McArthur
2 months ago
Jason just needs to get to the punch line... they have to apply import tariffs under WTO rules so all UK exports gets more expensive overnight.
sergio gabriele cossu
2 months ago
The euro is a failure. Really? The 66% of Italians would never abandon the single currency and thus the majority of Greeks. The euro is a strong and respected currency and this is very much appreciated by Europeans who have accepted it. I think this is one of the many lies to be swallowed by the British.
Vernon Smith
2 months ago
the only genuine man is Jason hunter
Plato 77
2 months ago
Brexidiot Jenkin got schooled and then destroyed by Jason Hunter!!!
Patrick Groll
2 months ago
Sad to see that after 2 years the English still seem intent on self destruction, the world is looking on in disbelief.
Peter Brown
2 months ago
Jason for Prime Minister
Staffan Karin Pappila
2 months ago
Blame EU, when UK can’t agree among themselves
Gordon Bradley
2 months ago
What a fecking fiasco !
Exit brexit NOW !
2 months ago (edited)
For the ignorants claiming referendum as the voice of people is to be respected, let me, an outlander, remind you that this was the SECOND referendum on EU. The first one being at 1996, if I recall correctly, when remain won by around 64%... Rest my case. *Correction - I mean the Referendum Act of 1975.
2 months ago
Jenkins always comes back to the old line, '' We had the vote''. It WAS based on lies and therefore NOT democratic!!!!!!!
MC Arena
2 months ago
And sadly Jeremy Corbyn is well known to be a Brexiteer. No way out my friends.
2 months ago
The moderator really annoys me...he barely allows Jason Hunter to answer because he keeps bringing up his (way weaker because less informed) arguments but allows Gisela Stewart to repeat her BS and then even AGREES with her when she does the typical "we need to be civil to each other" distraction. It is NOT uncivil to call someone a liar when he actually provably lies, and it is NOT uncivil to say that something is wrong when it is objectively plain wrong. Can we please stop acting as if things like "we have no deal we fall out of X-agreements" is an opinion? It is NOT an opinion it is a FACT.
denis brando
2 months ago
Just let Jason talk. He's the only one who knows what he's talking about. Gisela's a liar. The presenter is annoying
Plato 77
2 months ago
The world needs more people like Jason Hunter!!
Simon Wilkinson
2 months ago
She is lying, the woman cannot grasp that she has no idea what she is talking about.
Matt Potter
2 months ago
Love how the presenter calls one guy an intelligent man, but then he goes onto to say he will create civil unrest if there is another democratic vote on the actual deal. I hope the police are listening and taking a note of this individual. He called the fact that people know more information now and having anoter vote being out of Animal Farm, I don't think he's even read Animal Farm, or what an Orwellian future is. He is scared of losing another vote because only 37% of the UK population voted to leave and out of those that didn't vote very few would go that way. I am also hating how he is cutting off Jason from speaking, correcting what Gisela is saying. This just seems to be a soapbox for Gisela and Jason isn't getting a look in. I wish that Jason had actually said he had negotiated trade deals, and asked Gisela what trade deals she has ever negotiated. She may have say in EU discussions, but this isn't negotiating trade deals!!! Let Jason get a word in edgeways!!!
Neil Hedley
2 months ago
Gisela was challenged by Robert Peston about the 350 million for the NHS,she denied it.Peston then showed a photo of her standing in front of the Vote Leave battle bus with the logo behind her.
She burst out laughing
2 months ago
What makes one vote "the will of the people" and a second vote by the same people "undemocratic". If, as they say, nothing has changed then they will get the same result. Nothing to be afraid of. The only reason they are scared is because they got lucky the first time. People were complacent, now they are not. The will of the people now is more relevant than the will of the people 2 years ago.
John John
2 months ago
The total GDP of the continent of Africa is half of the GDP of France.
View 6 replies
Chadwick Hall
2 months ago
Gisela talks like a true politician, no facts just opinions and optimism.
UK can't stop Turkey joining EU' says Penny Mordaunt - BBC News
Defence Minister and Vote Leave supporter Penny Mordaunt has denied the UK would have a veto on any Turkish accession to the EU.
Speaking to Andrew Marr, she said: "I think with the current situation - the migrant crisis and other issues going on in Europe - we would be unable to stop it." The pro-Leave minister says the EU referendum is British voters' only chance to prevent that eventuality, adding again: "I don't think that the UK will be able to stop Turkey joining."
'Not remotely on the cards' Cameron rules out Turkey joining EU anytime soon
Brexit has already created more than 4,500 jobs in Ireland, the country’s development agency said on Thursday (3 January).
Output in Britain’s construction sector grew at the slowest pace for three months in December as Brexit worries continue to hold the industry back.
Brexit Minister Barclays says only May's deal workable
* Environment Minister Gove: no-deal exit would hit farmers
* Support for 2nd referendum rising within opposition Labour (Adds Gove, details of publicity campaign)
The future of May's agreement hangs in the balance in the run-up to a parliamentary vote, and calls for a second referendum - which she has consistently rejected - are growing.
Environment Minister Gove said British farmers and food firms would face rising costs in the event of no deal, as export tariffs kicked in and border inspections slowed traffic through ports.
Sterling has fallen against the dollar in recent weeks, in part due to growing concerns over the course of the Brexit process.
Theresa May’s bid to get Tory MPs to back her Brexit plan suffered a set-back as a new poll showed more than half of Conservative Party members prefer a no-deal withdrawal.
In a three-way choice, 57% of grassroots Tories said they would support leaving the EU without an agreement, while 23% would back the Prime Minister’s deal and 15% would choose to remain. A total of 5% had no preference
Plans to tackle post-Brexit traffic queues by holding lorries in a disused Kent airport will be tested on Monday, it has been revealed.
More than 100 HGVs will travel the 20-mile route from Manston Airport, near Ramsgate, to the Port of Dover.
Hauliers fear that a no-deal Brexit will create additional border checks, leading to queues of up to 29 miles.
There is "no way" the Democratic Unionist Party will back Theresa May's Brexit deal, a leading figure has said.
Sammy Wilson told the BBC he was "more alarmed" than ever about what the deal would mean for Northern Ireland.
The UK’s services industry has been hit by Brexit fears, according to December’s Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI).
The PMI reflects the UK services sector’s degree of confidence for the next 12 months and came in at 51.2, the second lowest figure in the last 28 months. Anything above 50 signals expectations of growth, while anything below that level means economic contraction is expected.
Respondents to IHS Markit, who carry out the survey, said that Brexit was the biggest worry affecting their confidence.