Excellent effort by Stuart Rutter very nearly got a bracelet see he has had a few cashes as well.
Yes, a stunning performance by Stu.
2nd for, I think, $181,258.
He sold half his action on another Forum, he's playing the whole series, & there were 2 packages on offer.
One totalled $113,750, the other $153,750.
I often take a bit of action in players, but at $1,137.50 for just 1% even in the smaller package, it was a little rich for me.
As it has turned out, all investors are already guaranteed a profit, as he still has around 20 events left on his schedule, and this was his third cash already - $181,258, $14,912 & $4,311.
I stole this from Twitter, but I thought it might make a few jaws drop.
This was some guys stack at a cash table at Aria yesterday.
Count it - I reckon there's north of $3,000,000 there. Just imagine having $3 milly in play on a cash table, the mind boggles. You could do a whole lot with that, you'd never have to work again.
Quite a moody photo of Ambo here, (also stolen from Twitter), the dreaded T Shirt excepted. Not sure, think it may have been taken by Melanie Weisner.
Ambo got off to a flyer in the Milly Maker, 35,000 by dinner on Day 1, so probably chip leader or very nearly, but then the wheels came off. Just standard spots, but it happens.
I play a lot of $1 $2 $5 Big O Cash here at The Rio.
What with so many split pots & complex decisions, each hand can take 5 minutes or more, & if you are not in the hand, you need to amuse yourself one way & another.
This chap took to building twirly chip stacks.
One wiseguy so wanted to see the work of art destroyed he set him all-in so that he had to dismantle his work of art. Twirly bloke won the pot though, & built an even bigger one.
It was this Dealer's Birthday, so she wore a little "Happy Birthday" tiara thing, and a "Birthday Girl" rosette.
Folks - by tradition, I assume - then gave her money - $5, $10, $20 & even $100 dollar bills & she pinned them to her rosette.
Can't make my mind up whether I like the idea or not. Reminds me a little of that utterly disgusting idea of "Wedding Lists" where the bride & groom send you a list of the gifts they want. Err, no thanks.
Quite like this photo I took one night outside Expo.
Expo is the Conference Centre attached to Palazzo & Venetian.
The Vegas hotel economy works on a very unusual basis - the Hotels all have Convention Centres, the idea being big companies hold annual exhibitions events & get-togethers in the conference Centre, & the delegates or players then stay in the Hotel.
And that is the sole reason that Caesars - who own 45% of ALL the Hotel Rooms in Vegas - run the WSOP. It fills hotel rooms, as simple as that.
Anyway, in this photo, you can see Palazzo - where the Sky Poker SPT qualifiers will be staying - on the left, Trump in the far distance to it's immediate right, and far right, the magnificent twins, Wynn & Encore, soon to be joined by a third project.
Oh, & some nice concrete crash barriers at the foot of the photo.
'Tis one place I have always wanted to go and I shall get there...one day I will, I can feel it in my bones. Great pics & stories Tikay, unlucky on your busto in the plopper but good luck & run golden (& Ambo of course) for any others you play
Weill it has 100 minute levels (100 minute levels......), costs $2,620 to enter, & they start with 26,200 chips. Note the "26" references.....
Blinds start at 50-100, which is 262 Big Blinds. Crikey. 100 minute levels & 262 Bigs. Late Reg ends on the afternoon of Day Two, & the whole thing lasts 5 days.
You'd need a bit of patience for that one.
I've been in entire Tournaments that last less than 100 minutes, & I played a Day 2 yesterday that lasted one tenth of that. For me, anyway..... (I'm not disappointed or bitter though, oh no.)
On the other side of me in the same event, sat this man (foreground).
Some people struggle a little with social skills when away from their computer, & if you want a fun table when pokering, you need to sort of oil the wheels, seed the convo. It's amazing what you learn.
Ask them where thy are from or what their day job is, & you get some fascinating stories.
Turns out this chap is named Renier Gonzalez, & he is a Chess Grand Master, & professional chess player.
That car park across the road is 10 storeys - 4 underground, 6 above ground, & the best part of 400 metres long.
It's owned by The Wynn.
For their customers? No no. It's just for their STAFF.
Everything here is supersized.
Oh, & the flyover thing you can see is not a road, it's the track for the Vegas Monorail, which whizzes up & down the Strip serving various hotels. It starts down near Stratosphere, & goes right up to Mandalay Bay or Luxor I think, which are by the Airport.
PS, Please buy Mr Ambo a decent shirt while your out there. Maybe something with trains or concrete on it. Anything but Corbyn.
2nd for, I think, $181,258.
He sold half his action on another Forum, he's playing the whole series, & there were 2 packages on offer.
One totalled $113,750, the other $153,750.
I often take a bit of action in players, but at $1,137.50 for just 1% even in the smaller package, it was a little rich for me.
As it has turned out, all investors are already guaranteed a profit, as he still has around 20 events left on his schedule, and this was his third cash already - $181,258, $14,912 & $4,311.
Impressive stuff.
Me? I'll do a brief update when time permits, though not much to shout about results wise.
First though, & of wider interest, a few random photos from Vegas.
I stole this from Twitter, but I thought it might make a few jaws drop.
This was some guys stack at a cash table at Aria yesterday.
Count it - I reckon there's north of $3,000,000 there. Just imagine having $3 milly in play on a cash table, the mind boggles. You could do a whole lot with that, you'd never have to work again.
Ambo got off to a flyer in the Milly Maker, 35,000 by dinner on Day 1, so probably chip leader or very nearly, but then the wheels came off. Just standard spots, but it happens.
I play a lot of $1 $2 $5 Big O Cash here at The Rio.
What with so many split pots & complex decisions, each hand can take 5 minutes or more, & if you are not in the hand, you need to amuse yourself one way & another.
This chap took to building twirly chip stacks.
One wiseguy so wanted to see the work of art destroyed he set him all-in so that he had to dismantle his work of art. Twirly bloke won the pot though, & built an even bigger one.
It was this Dealer's Birthday, so she wore a little "Happy Birthday" tiara thing, and a "Birthday Girl" rosette.
Folks - by tradition, I assume - then gave her money - $5, $10, $20 & even $100 dollar bills & she pinned them to her rosette.
Can't make my mind up whether I like the idea or not. Reminds me a little of that utterly disgusting idea of "Wedding Lists" where the bride & groom send you a list of the gifts they want. Err, no thanks.
I made Day 2 of an $800 PLO8 thing at Venetian, with 27 (from about 130) returning for Day 2.
The excitement was immense, huge crowds turned up for the 4pm start to rail me & cheer me on.
As it happens, I heard quite a crowd turned up at 4.15pm, but I would not know as I was Busto by then.......
Expo is the Conference Centre attached to Palazzo & Venetian.
The Vegas hotel economy works on a very unusual basis - the Hotels all have Convention Centres, the idea being big companies hold annual exhibitions events & get-togethers in the conference Centre, & the delegates or players then stay in the Hotel.
And that is the sole reason that Caesars - who own 45% of ALL the Hotel Rooms in Vegas - run the WSOP. It fills hotel rooms, as simple as that.
Anyway, in this photo, you can see Palazzo - where the Sky Poker SPT qualifiers will be staying - on the left, Trump in the far distance to it's immediate right, and far right, the magnificent twins, Wynn & Encore, soon to be joined by a third project.
Oh, & some nice concrete crash barriers at the foot of the photo.
A few moments ago, the WSOP "Marathon" started.
Weill it has 100 minute levels (100 minute levels......), costs $2,620 to enter, & they start with 26,200 chips. Note the "26" references.....
Blinds start at 50-100, which is 262 Big Blinds. Crikey. 100 minute levels & 262 Bigs. Late Reg ends on the afternoon of Day Two, & the whole thing lasts 5 days.
You'd need a bit of patience for that one.
I've been in entire Tournaments that last less than 100 minutes, & I played a Day 2 yesterday that lasted one tenth of that. For me, anyway..... (I'm not disappointed or bitter though, oh no.)
You get to sit next to, or share tables, with some right characters here. Some are very interesting, others a bit bonkers.
Here's Leif Force, who I shared tables with for most of the day in the WSOP $565 PLO.
And if you think that's scary, wait until you see what Leif can do with a banana;
On the other side of me in the same event, sat this man (foreground).
Some people struggle a little with social skills when away from their computer, & if you want a fun table when pokering, you need to sort of oil the wheels, seed the convo. It's amazing what you learn.
Ask them where thy are from or what their day job is, & you get some fascinating stories.
Turns out this chap is named Renier Gonzalez, & he is a Chess Grand Master, & professional chess player.
Here's his FIDE rating thing;
And his Chess Database;
No crash helmets required, either.
Got the concrete crash barrier in shot, too.
Vegas is BIG (part whatever).
That car park across the road is 10 storeys - 4 underground, 6 above ground, & the best part of 400 metres long.
It's owned by The Wynn.
For their customers? No no. It's just for their STAFF.
Everything here is supersized.
Oh, & the flyover thing you can see is not a road, it's the track for the Vegas Monorail, which whizzes up & down the Strip serving various hotels. It starts down near Stratosphere, & goes right up to Mandalay Bay or Luxor I think, which are by the Airport.
Vegas is BIG (cont'd).
Look at the size of that croissant and that Danish. (should "Danish" as in pastry have a capital "D"?").
Took me 5 months to lose 3 stone, & I'm doing a fine job of putting it all back on in 4 weeks.