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The Edges £100 to £1000 challenge.

TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
Starts with tonights 23.15 £2.30 deepstack.

Will keep you updated on progress but not every day because well lets be honest. It's boring

Yours in hope



  • dobiesdrawdobiesdraw Member Posts: 2,793
    edited February 2019
    zzzzzzzzzz :D

    On a serious note , best of luck with this.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Well after a couple of deepstacks, bountyhunters, dym and a few cash sessions Im currently £99.58 Lowest was £87.45 Highest £104.48

    Dont really seem to have an edge anywhere tbh and although i enjoy dyms i dont think the rake at smaller stakes makes this a viable prospect for a bankroll challenge. So it looks like its going to be centered around deepstacks, freezeouts and bounty hunters at up to £5.50

    I have little confidence in my 6 max cash game at the moment so Im not going to play too much and certainly no multitabling. It feels like I just cant adjust to the pace and action of 6 max cash.

    Im not setting a time limit for the challenge mainly due to the fact that I just feel it adds unnecessary pressure and the fact that the optimum time to play Fri thru Sun is the time Im at work and therefore I often play when theres more regs than recs.

    Any observations, advice, criticism etc always welcome. You guys in Sky Poker Land are nothing if not knowledgeable.

    Yours in poker

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited March 2019
    Why does the rake put you off at low stake Dyms? It’s 10% at £1 games. I assume you wouldn’t be playing lower than that. They’re very low variance games and hugely beatable at the low stakes.
    Off a small bankroll i think they’d be the perfect game to increase a roll.
    I could never one table them though. It’s dull enough playing dym when 10 tabling so a single table would be horrific
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Current bal £106.66
    Highest £111.92
    Lowest £ 86.34

    Ok. It would appear that this isnt as easy as it appears lol. No seriously in a week where work and family have decimated my opportunities to play Im happy just to be above starting point.

    Took Jac35s advice and guess what he was right dyms do offer a low variance and are certainly beatable. Although I need to play the same stake constantly as winning several £2.20 only to lose a couple of £5.50 isnt +EV.

    Oh well on with the plan

  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,464

    Current bal £106.66
    Highest £111.92
    Lowest £ 86.34

    Ok. It would appear that this isnt as easy as it appears lol. No seriously in a week where work and family have decimated my opportunities to play Im happy just to be above starting point.

    Took Jac35s advice and guess what he was right dyms do offer a low variance and are certainly beatable. Although I need to play the same stake constantly as winning several £2.20 only to lose a couple of £5.50 isnt +EV.

    Oh well on with the plan


    Hi Mark

    Similarly to you, I started this year with a DYM target of 'doubling my money'! So no matter what I stake across the year as long as I double up my stake, i'll be happy..So I've been playing mainly HeadsUP/ Turbo and standard DYM with the occasional 6 max thrown in BUT THEN
    Sky throw in the SPT's and Vegas sats so I've sidelined this until I've got these out of mys system! Currently about -£220 for DYM's/ only but 3 seats for Glasgow makes up for it BUT not in real £ terms so will push on

    I found that playing 2*5.50 worked well, then progressed onto 2*11 then 2*£22.00-no higher...not winning a big enough ratio of games tho

    GL and look foward to your posts


  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Hi all,

    Welcome to the latest exciting episode of deal or mis-deal

    Current bal £106.68
    Lowest £ 92.35
    Highest £133.60

    Well the week was going swimmingly until about 11.25p.m. on Friday night when for some strange reason I morphed into misterpj and could only giggle maniacally to myself as the fickle finger of variance rampaged like some drunken viking horde over my game.

    Deepstack, wasnt for long, freezeouts, yup certainly was and dym's a plenty left bloodied and battered on the battlefield of 6 max mayhem.

    But here's the thing. I expect these things and even embrace them as vital to eventually getting the better of these games. To be honest at one point I even got a perverse delight in correctly predicting the runout when my all in Aces got called for his tournament life by 8 3 off. Mystic Meg pah! nothing to it.

    So in summary a horrible session means my net profit over the week is 2pence plus 5 freerolls and a £2.30 ticket

    Until next time, rungood


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285


    Ha, very nice piece of writing.

    2p profit? Beats a 2p loss.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    edited March 2019
    Hi all,

    Current bal £65 and change
    Highest £106.68
    Lowest. Your'e looking at it.

    Difficult to imagine a worse run of results really. Still getting the downside of variance although its getting harder to put a pragmatic face on things as the downswing shows little sign of arresting.

    I got tilted for the first time during the challenge which probably accounted for several exits from £2.30 mtts as I volcano spewed chips with oversets into pots knowing that the villains were drawing to fl and str8 only to see them get there. I was working on the surely one of these has to miss and pay me off theory. However like many theories it doesn't really stand up to close examination and they just lol'd away into the chatbox as I spent the next ten minutes trying to avoid subverting the swear filter and stop from throwing the laptop across the room.

    I'm going to revert to a grind over the next few days but with one difference. I am going to play like the result and the bankroll don't matter (which lets be honest they shouldnt). The money already on deposit is lost and lets face it anybody can look at my Sharkey and realise that there are good players, average players ,bad players and then there's the Edge.

    Hey great idea, maybe what poker needs for the really bad players to enjoy it is a handicap style tourney. Surprised stars havent devised one tbh.

    Til next time rungood guys n gals


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    Hi all,

    Current bal £65 and change
    Highest £106.68
    Lowest. Your'e looking at it.

    Difficult to imagine a worse run of results really. Still getting the downside of variance although its getting harder to put a pragmatic face on things as the downswing shows little sign of arresting.

    I got tilted for the first time during the challenge which probably accounted for several exits from £2.30 mtts as I volcano spewed chips with oversets into pots knowing that the villains were drawing to fl and str8 only to see them get there. I was working on the surely one of these has to miss and pay me off theory. However like many theories it doesn't really stand up to close examination and they just lol'd away into the chatbox as I spent the next ten minutes trying to avoid subverting the swear filter and stop from throwing the laptop across the room.

    I'm going to revert to a grind over the next few days but with one difference. I am going to play like the result and the bankroll don't matter (which lets be honest they shouldnt). The money already on deposit is lost and lets face it anybody can look at my Sharkey and realise that there are good players, average players ,bad players and then there's the Edge.

    Hey great idea, maybe what poker needs for the really bad players to enjoy it is a handicap style tourney. Surprised stars havent devised one tbh.

    Til next time rungood guys n gals


    That's never going to happen, as in poker there are always some who exploit these sort of things, & get round it by Account Sharing, M-A-ing or ghosting.

    Unforch, poker is not a "Widows & Orphans" pursuit, it attracts some dodgy sorts who will do anything to win.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Hi all just finished playing the £5.50 bh prior to the drive back home and thankfully have been able to get a 5th place finish with a couple of bounties.

    Current bal £76.38
    Lowest bal £56.30
    Highest bal £76.38

    Well I finally managed to get the reserve chute to open and stop the plummet to the beckoning abyss of go broke. Spent most of the week fluctuating between winning and losing with equal portions of both.

    Im finished with cash completely online. I cant play it with any confidence so I may as well not play it and concentrate on games that I enjoy. Its really not good for a challenge when you grind up a tenner profit on dyms over a couple of hours then lose 2/3 buy ins at .02 / .04 in the space of a few minutes.

    So its more dyms and bounty hunters in future. Starting to enjoy the bhs now I have more of an idea on how I should approach them and hopefully this will pay dividends.

    Will keep playing the deepstacks (work permitting) but for some reason I've gone backwards in these. Time was I'd bink one a month, now I'm so far outta the money I'm in a different postcode. Don't think I've changed my style too much so maybe the player pools just gotten better and I need to make a few tweaks.

    Until next time. Rungood.


  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    If you want any help with certain spots or ranges drop me a pm and I will be happy to help get your fundamentals correct
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Itsover4u said:

    If you want any help with certain spots or ranges drop me a pm and I will be happy to help get your fundamentals correct

    Thanks I will probably take you up on that in the near future.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    Itsover4u said:

    If you want any help with certain spots or ranges drop me a pm and I will be happy to help get your fundamentals correct

    Lovely to see Danny @Itsover4u

    On this very forum last week, we saw someone write "why should I help my competitors?", which was a little sad to see.
  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    Tikay10 said:

    Itsover4u said:

    If you want any help with certain spots or ranges drop me a pm and I will be happy to help get your fundamentals correct

    Lovely to see Danny @Itsover4u

    On this very forum last week, we saw someone write "why should I help my competitors?", which was a little sad to see.
    If your always studying which you should be to stay ahead of the curve then it really makes no odds either way as your game is always evolving.

    However there are certain parts of the game that need to be correct or close to correct to turn a profit and I am more than happy to help anyone with that.

    The hardest part is having the discipline to continue to implement it when things are going wrong!
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Is over for the time being and to be honest its a relief. I ended up playing the £33 main on Thursday and have to admit it was great. I really enjoyed it and it made me realise that I'd rather be a rec who can bink the occassional tourney (small buy ins admittedly) than somebody grinding for a small hourly return.

    I find that my personality isnt suited to the disciplined regimen of a small stakes mtt grinder and to me if you cant enjoy the game you may as well not play.

    That doesnt mean im going to stop trying to improve my game, to me being a rec shouldnt mean you merely make up the numbers and donate, but I'm going to play as I would in a live situation. that means find a tourney i want to play, pay the reg fee, open a beer and have fun.

    I dont know if I can explain it but having the challenge on a forum kind of distracted from my game. I was more concerned about what people thought about me through the challenge and became almost soley focussed on having to post winning sessions to prove myself. NOT the way to play well or improve.

    In hindsight I am glad that I attempted it because I think Ive learned more about myself as a player and the fact that I realise that I cant grind might just be a big positive for my game.

    Yours in poker

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    See what I mean. First deepstack after I close the challenge I final table.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    Sod's law never fails.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Ha was leading the mini with 138,000 chips and 74 runners left and managed to bubble 53rd. Really bad hour but still believed in my game so fired up the late £500 bh and got a 10th place and heads for £22+ change total.

    Crazy really since I stopped the challenge I can suddenly play poker. Like who knew.

  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,921

    Ha was leading the mini with 138,000 chips and 74 runners left and managed to bubble 53rd. Really bad hour but still believed in my game so fired up the late £500 bh and got a 10th place and heads for £22+ change total.

    Crazy really since I stopped the challenge I can suddenly play poker. Like who knew.


    Only in your head mate ;)
    i,m yanking your chain Mark
    well played on your cashes onwards and upwards

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Grabbed a 3rd place in the 2.a.m. freezeout for £20 should have been the win but the RNG got freaky on me.

    Happy with my game atm. playing for fun takes all the angst out of the process.

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