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The Edges £100 to £1000 challenge.



  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710

    Well managed to blow a certain cash in the £500 deepstack when sitting in first with 31 left and 20 to cash I decided that my KK were good against a 4 bet all in on a J high rainbow flop.

    Obvs villain has JJ and I'm left with about 15 bb which I shove with J Q suited pre gg me NOT.

    Now I could probably put this down to one of those things had I not done the exact same with KK on a 4 bet 10 high rainbow in the mini main.

    Obvs villain had 10 10 and I'm on life support which goes all in 3 hands later with a A K off and gets smashed by J Q off and gg DURRR

    Now to be fair in the mini, I had been playing really well. I never limped either raising first in or raising behind limpers with good hands. In fact I didn't limp a single hand and I can now see the difference it makes.

    This however created a dynamic between myself and the player immediately to my left, who having seen me raise, re raise and 4 bet, him without mercy tries to get sticky with sub optimal hands on several occasions.

    Therefore when he shoves a 4 bet on the 10 high board I'm actually reading him for A 10, QQ, JJ as with the flopped set I'm figuring he should just call my 3 bet and let me hang myself as I could have folded to his 4 bet and still had 50% of my chips.

    The real **** punch for me though is that in the deepstack it was the exact same scenario me and the player to my immediate left. The problem this time was me, as the betting followed the same raise, 3 bet, 4 bet shove pattern I thought "What are the odds in back to back comps".

    Turns out they're 100%

    Apart from those 2 very big errors I was really happy with how I played and now I understand how not playing pretty and marginal hands, being aware of position and never limping really reduces "difficult situations", I'm super happy to be playing again.

    Til next time.

    Rungood, love each other, have fun and smash the granny out of it yeah.

    Stay safe


    Hi, not sure if you want discussion but its in the clinic so I think you should think aboout the following:

    1. Just because you were beat doesnt mean it was a bad play
    2. Following from this just because the 1st one showed top set doesnt mean the 2nd one will
    3. They dont seem like the same scenario from info given
    4. The decision point in both hands is probably when you face the 2bet and are deciding what to do

    You probably know all this , if you want me to elaborate I will. If you are just using as a diary and dont want to get in to it that's cool too

    GL at the tables

    Please elaborate away @grantorino , I consider myself a poor rec who occasionally stumbles into a cash. Always willing to learn so I can become an average rec who occasionally stumbles into a cash.
    Well re my 1st two points you are playing v a range. To simplify an example Im going to make two assumptions v the TT hand (which may or may not be valid for this hand).
    1. villain cannot have a draw with good equity
    2. villain cannot have 2 pair

    This means we are WA/WB on the flop

    So a range he might have that GII on flop that beats you might be
    9 combos of sets
    Im going to give him 2 combos of AA slowplayed pre

    Thats 11 combos.
    Im going to guess at some other combos he might have
    AT 12 combos
    JJ,QQ which didnt 3bet pre, maybe 4 combos
    random bluffs lets give him 3 combos

    In this case your play would be make a significant profit. Now my range could be completely off (probably is, you are in a much better position to construct one), but unless you have the nuts you can run into top of villains range no matter how +EV your line is.

    Obviously it all depends on ranges, your line may or may not be profitable the above is just an example (and a pretty simplified one at that) . All this obv applies to your other exit hand.

    I'll come back on other two points later
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Well its been a bit odd lately, running deepish but not cashing and crashing and burning when maybe laddering would be an option.

    I know that I should cut the afterburners once I'm established in the top 10 of the deeps and the freeze outs but I just cant get into the mind set of playing for a cash.

    So it was the usual bunch of mtts last night with one exception, using my £25 token courtesy of the Monday Triple Takedown, I opted to play the mega stack b / h.

    Ok a 30th spot was well out of the money but a £7.50 head meant that as a freeroll it worked out ok and following a few micro dym I managed to get the old bankroll up to a healthy £ 341.

    Looks like I may be back at work from June 5 so that's the Fri / Sat mega stacks out of my reg list. However If I go back its only for those 2 nights a week so everything else is still playable.

    I know I'm struggling with the bigger fields currently in the deeps and the freezies. I used to bink 2/3 a month, now I cant even get cashed. I think a tighter style might be the answer and probably folding more to 4 bet shoves.

    Anyway, in the grand scheme of things, life's good. Rents paid, cars paid, gas and leccy is all paid for, freezers full as is the fridge and I have people who love me.

    Actually, I guess that makes me a winner.

    Til next time, rungood, have fun, love each other, smash it.

    Stay Safe.


  • Shelley7Shelley7 Member Posts: 128
    Just read through this from the first post, what a cracking diary. So much excellent material.

    Huge respect for the early posts on some of the issues in your past, such a positive example to follow and will undoubtedly provide hope to anyone that may be in a similar situation.

    Congrats on the big win too, that's a great result.

    Kind wish I had read this before posting my diary today, makes me think being upset or **** off about losing £100 or not having the motivation to play sometimes is a non issue, and should definitely look at the positives more, so thanks for that. As you said with this "Anyway, in the grand scheme of things, life's good. Rents paid, cars paid, gas and leccy is all paid for, freezers full as is the fridge and I have people who love me.", there are some things far more important than poker, and this diary has personally helped me to improve my perspective on things.

    All the best and hope you run good. Hopefully see you at some FT's over the weekend.



  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Thank you for those very kind words Shelly.

    To be honest the diary has kind of floundered a little lately although that's probably just a reflection on my own aimless drift through the days and weeks of lockdown.

    The only real aim I have regarding this thread is that I always post with integrity and honesty. It is I hope a real reflection of my feelings and thoughts, sometimes irreverent, self effacing and humorous, and at other times reflective, introverted and circumspect.

    If nothing else, it stimulates my brain and gives me an excuse to focus. Which says everything about my poker at the minute.

    Regarding a final table I fear at the moment that's only happening if less than 10 people reg for a comp and 8 of them sit out.

    Oh well.

    Stay safe and gl.


  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Well, I thought I might try something a little different last night.

    As I was excited about the upcoming mtt comp I thought I'd do a little experiment and try to multi table some of the qualifying tournies.

    So by the time the 20.55 scheduled break appears I'm 5 tabling the micro, the Orfy, the 19.15 deep, the £100 deep and the mega stack.

    As experiments go it was worth it just to prove I cant 5 table or actually really 4 table but it was fun frantic and oh how I laughed when I did an action on the wrong table, when the table behind popped up, and I hit call and wondered what the rest of the table thought of this moron, calling a huge 3 bet with 4 9 offsuit for 80% of his stack.

    Finishes of 55th, 14th, 86th, 15th (min cash) and 83rd respectively, also meant that it wasn't a financially rewarding experiment either.

    As I often play some of the qualifying games anyway I don't feel that any great volume adjustment is necessary and in my case may well prove counter productive. Also as a rule I don't play bounty hunters so that eliminates some others from the schedule.

    Hope everybody is safe, healthy and happy.

    Til next time, rungood, love each other, smash it.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Finally managed to slip the noose of failure and blag a 6th for £35 in the £300 £2.20 rebuy. Really should have placed higher but you cant legislate for losing some hands.

    So that managed to rescue a dire day and left me with the old bankroll nudging £350 and so a break even week means a happy bunny.

    Wont play much tomorrow, maybe a couple of deeps and the micros. Monday however, poses a dilemma. Should I go straight for the mtt leaderboard or just play the forum triple takedown.

    Kind of leaning towards the FTT, still the best fun for a fiver on the site and deep runs and cashes are very do-able.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    Til next time etc, etc, etc,

  • thedazzmanthedazzman Member Posts: 950
    I have now managed to read the majority of this thread, and skimmed over the other parts. I just want to give you massive respects for how you have opened up and handled parts of your life. Very admirable.

    You also seem to be a very genuine and charitable person. What excellent traits to have.

    The way in which you shared some of those brilliant tales about your old working life were brilliant.

    On the poker front, I wish you the very best. Hope to see you at the tables some time soon.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789

    I have now managed to read the majority of this thread, and skimmed over the other parts. I just want to give you massive respects for how you have opened up and handled parts of your life. Very admirable.

    You also seem to be a very genuine and charitable person. What excellent traits to have.

    The way in which you shared some of those brilliant tales about your old working life were brilliant.

    On the poker front, I wish you the very best. Hope to see you at the tables some time soon.

    Thank you so much for your kind words. Really enjoying your diary and donating to you on the £2 dyms.

    At the minute I'm suffering from brutal runout syndrome in almost everything I play, but, and I think this is something that as I understand more about poker, that simply means that the positive side of variance gets closer.

    The bankroll is about £20 down over the Bank Holiday weekend but its not time to press the panic switch just yet. Happy with my game, just waiting for the fickle finger of variance to point my way.

    Allow me to use this thread to record my thanks to @NOSTRI and @waller02 for the formation of the mtt league, it's going to be a riotous success.

    Anyhoo got a story coming up in the next week which I hope you will all find amusing, but until then.

    Rungood, love each other, have fun coz you all deserve it and smash it. Just stop fkn rivering me ;)


  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Ok that's it, cant get anything going at all on here atm. It doesn't matter if its cash dym or mtt its just not happening.

    See you all in 2 days.

    Take care and gl
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Ok enough of this aimless drifting, it really is about time that I constructed some solid poker goals in order to concentrate the mind and stop being carefree about what I play.

    Starting Monday June 1st I aim to play;-

    25/30 dym a day. Not a lot I know but as I don't really multi table, trust me it's enough. These will be 1.10 and 2.20 which should ensure I get enough points to qualify for the freerolls

    Some off the mtt league events up to a total of £10 buy ins per day. This gives me some choices regarding what I might want to play. Thank goodness they've included the 21.15 deepstack.

    Any freerolls that I am eligible for.

    Any other event that I qualify for through tickets etc.

    I am starting off a £250 bankroll which may mean I'm slightly under rolled for this but that's what I feel comfortable with.

    There is no target, profit wise to this. But rather a time target in that I want to play this schedule for 6 months and see where I stand bankroll wise at that point. Assuming I haven't punted it all off that is.

    There is I hope the knowledge that having laid all this out I am now committed to following this through which should mean that I regain some discipline in my game selection ( much needed ) and also that it curbs my self destructive tendencies. I'm less likely to go punt off £20 playing 20/50 spin ups whilst tilted if I'm accountable to you guys via this thread.

    So there we are, til next time. Rungood, have fun, love each other.

  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    Hi Mark, GL with this.
    I noticed in Tikays Betting comp that you always back Horses ending in O and was wondering why. I also do this due to my Grandmothers influence who always extolled the virtue of any horse ending in O and especially if it is a grey.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789

    Hi Mark, GL with this.
    I noticed in Tikays Betting comp that you always back Horses ending in O and was wondering why. I also do this due to my Grandmothers influence who always extolled the virtue of any horse ending in O and especially if it is a grey.

    I wasn't aware that I did that. It certainly isn't any deliberate choice. Must just be an anomaly .

    Thanks for the good luck wish.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    The challenge got off to a very bad start as at about 5pm whilst strapping in for an evening of poker I get a call from 2nd daughter, who asks me to go around about 7pm and take the missus with me.

    Long story short, Son in Laws sister has been given 6 months to live and so consequently everybody was shattered. She has been told to have her last Christmas with her daughter and partner now as the experts feel even if she is still with us come December she wont be in any condition to enjoy her daughter opening gifts etc.

    Now when we got back home at about 10 I thought I might play a little just to take my mind off things but it would appear this is not good. Made a note of what I played with the intention of posting but to be honest I can't be bothered.

    Its currently 01.45 and I'm sitting here with a beer and a whisky trying to come to terms with my own reactions.

    I am, as many of you know, a Christian and yet I feel unworthy of that title. Not because I've allowed this to undermine my faith, but because whilst praying for the young (33 years old) lady in question, I was also thanking God that it wasn't one of my children / grandchildren.

    I feel so utterly selfish, hypocritical and terrible. What kind of a person thinks that and yet I have to admit it was an honest thought.

    I don't know what kind of few days I'm going to have with myself and my God, but I hope he forgives me and I can continue my walk with him.

    Maybe tomorrow when I've had time to process my thoughts and emotions things will be clearer.

    until next time

    Love each other and take care

  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,051

    You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.
    Terrible things happen. To people who don't deserve them.

    It is easy to think of some things as remote-they normally happen to people outside our knowledge.
    But there is a "sweet" spot. Where such things happen right on the edge of impacting us. Like here. It is not your daughter. It is not your son-in-law. But it is only 1 step away from that.

    In that situation, every single one of us silently gives thanks that it is that 1 step away, rather than directly impacting our family. On 1 level, we all feel guilty about that. But on another, we are profoundly thankful. Because that is the way it should be.

    So-be there for your daughter/son-in law and his sister. Help where you can. But never think your God has anything but compassion and understanding for the very natural thoughts you are having. Being selfish might be "it could be worse, it could be me", but never "It could be worse, it could be my family".

    I'll leave you with something lighter, that I heard from an old Jewish comedian, many years ago.

    "God, you say that we are your chosen people.
    Would you mind choosing someone else for a while?"

    Take care-more important things in life than poker

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,356

    I don't really have the words Mark, but like so many others here, I'm with you. The pain will pass but you will always be a good man.
  • CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397

    Bankroll totally busto.

    Yup guys n gals, that's the truth, I've managed to go busto on all the sites I play on. Now I'm not going to cry about it coz lets be honest its all part of the game and for every winner theres a loser blah blah blah.

    I cant even moan about bad luck, yes I had some outrageous beats but then again I also got very lucky on occasions so that kind of balances out methinks.

    In truth towards the end I just got bored / fed up / cant be arsed, toward the idea of playing. Now I still love the game and will definitely be back to play here, I cant imagine life without poker no matter how bad I am, I love the cut n thrust, the banter, the feelings of elation and desperation, that gut churning moment when you realise the villains going to river his 1 / 2 outer, I love it all.

    The main reason for not immediately reloading is that whilst I can afford it, the money can be better utilised helping the more vulnerable and those in crisis in my local community at this time. Does God have a problem with me playing poker? Heck no, but I sure think He'd have a problem with me doing it when I can use that £25 / £30 to help others.

    So for the next few weeks my bankroll top ups across the sites I play on are going to council schemes in the community to help those who cant help themselves.

    As far as the Stories from clubland go I intend to post one a week starting this weekend and hopefully have enough of them to get through til the end of the lockdown period.

    So that's where I'm at right now, Im healthy, happy and have everything that I need.

    See you back at the tables shortly and stay safe and stay healthy.

    God bless.


    If I am reading this right and I know you are a believer in God, giving to the community is a great credit to you as a human being and says a lot about your character.

    I would question though, whether or not charity begins at home religiously, mentally and spiritually. You could maybe help others more effectively later on in life.

    Does it help you to help others I guess is what I am getting at. :)

    For the record I am agnostic although open. You may have known that already.

    Take it easy mate!

  • CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397

    Good call as I manage a 13th place and a min cash of £11 in the deepy and then somehow stumble into a 4th place finish in the main Event for £781 and my biggest online score to date.

    Well at least my "Sharky" wont be as much of a train wreck now lol.

    Ok. I'm going to stop now, I need to come down off the adrenalin rush. Perhaps a tramadol and a Stella will do the trick.

    Until next time.

    Rungood, love each other, stay safe and smash it


    I know I am late to the party however big congratulations in this score.

    Poker is discipline, discipline and more discipline. Would be handy to have some of it some of the time :)

    Wish you well today no matter what you are doing with your day.

  • cenachavcenachav Member Posts: 2,682
    Thinking that doesn't make you a bad Christian or bad person. It just makes you human. My ex father in law is a preacher, if you want me to ask him to say a few prayers for them then just let me know.

    Stay safe.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    cenachav said:

    Thinking that doesn't make you a bad Christian or bad person. It just makes you human. My ex father in law is a preacher, if you want me to ask him to say a few prayers for them then just let me know.

    Stay safe.


    I will always take prayer for myself thank you Mark. Sometimes I think that I'm so busy trying to pray for others I forget to ask for my own requirements.

    If he would say a prayer for me then that would be wonderful. Thank you for your kind offer, I know its not easy putting stuff like this on a forum.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    edited June 2020
    The challenge eventually got underway some 48 hours late and £20 short on the bankroll.

    The first was because apparently I have the emotional stability of a bag of rats in a burning meth lab ( maybe a little harsh but not entirely without merit ), and the second came about because trying to play poker in a burning meth lab is not conducive to profitability.

    So began the quest.

    0.55 dym played 5 lost 5 won 0
    1.10 dym played 10 lost 6 won 4

    1.10 rebuy 3.10 total stake xxxx
    0.55 micro xxxx
    £1k freeroll xxxx
    1.10 deep xxxx
    2.20 deep £26.85

    Total Stakes £20.70
    Total Won £30.85
    P/L + £10.15

    Starting bal £230.03
    Current bal £240.18

    Well if you simply shoved every 6th hand I doubt you could find a worse run of dym and at one point I was starting to believe in conspiracy theories as everything I played was smashed by garbage and after losing seven in a row I stopped playing to avoid tilt and just finished with the 21.15 deepstack.

    Thank Heaven I decided to play it, I wasn't going to but it saved the session from complete disaster as I managed to get a 4th place and recover a little poker dignity in the process.

    Thanks to everyone for the support during my recent wobble. Never underestimate the power of a kind word or two.

    Will play some tomorrow and hope it's slightly better than today.

    Til then.

    Rungood, have fun, love each other and stay safe.

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