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.Poker.p. j.Jenuis.,long road,to Poker Redemption.



  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Nostri, I will mark,your card,

    just so, you don't ,get your " pant taken down"

    I, happily, will mark. The Poker Forum's Card.

    Better, than that,..

    All you lot, trust,believe in" Tony " right..

    Well, before, there is ,any, attempted," plot up"

    ..not, doing myself, any favours,here, odds wise,

    Actually,I will , hold fire, and see, if any " hero's ? " Want to price up ? A real,genuine, proposition bet.

    ? Nostri v misterpj

    First to an 80 player rating, and, £10,000 green,sharky,

    Nostri reset Sharky.

    Odds , please.

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    The only conclusion,to reach ,

    Is. Mr Nostri,got zero Poker Kahoona's


    Bet,open, still stands .

    Really,really simple.

    Transparent. Public,

    Not, even. Any, staking restrictions...😁😁

    Laid, down, on my part....Nostri, it, has, to be, Money In the Bank

    Matt, could step in,

    ....Nostri, 😁😂🤣😁😂🤣
  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    1/4 neither achieve this fill ya boots
  • NOSTRINOSTRI Member Posts: 1,459
    Yeah, I'm scared of someone who managed to lose £6k at micro stakes. You got me.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373

    Please, don't " spew" all over ,my obscure , but, full public , help novice players thread.


    If, Nostri bottles it,?

    Lay me, 11-2.., my end of the bet

    I will , pay on, up front .

    To either, Tony Kendall , or Matt Bates.

    Sharky, misterpj, two years to achieve, player rating, 80 minimum

    And green £ 10.000

    V Nozzer. The Bottler, I want, ? Lay me

    Paul Jordan


  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373

    minus. £ 6,500..

    As,you say,micro stakes.

    Makes You, the biggest Poker Certainty, since David v Goliath

    Or ...I will massage your ego. You be Mike Tyson, I will be, Buster Douglas

    All over Vegas....Tyson, was,almost no offers ,..Buster...100-1,..

    What price, ? Your call,..

    Nozzer. The Bottler

    ( Have a bit of Poker fun, " bury me" in public )

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373

    Pretty confident , a Ghost backer , will step in 💃

    Then,just about, agreed Odds...

    "Paid On Poker Proposition Bet, Naturally

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    The, Supreme,bottler,

    Rozzer Nozzer

    2 years, £6.5k minus

    Was not public

    I. Made it public ,....So. ,your a certainty,

    What odds ..

    Are you, gonna , grizzle..?

    If ? I post..( for example )

    My account, where my Favorite SkyPoker, player, cashed , bout, four Sundays ago,?

    15th..of 4,000 runners,? Sunday Major

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Simply,for factual accuracy;

    In, bottler, Nozzer's. World ...

    micro stakes; is...

    £3.31. multiplied by 10,041

    Approaching, £ 35,000 ..thirty five thousand pounds, "" of micro Poker "

    Evidence, in this thread, in plain site .


    You, day, Phenom,Nozzi

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    My number on fans namesake,was a reputed ' Seer ' ?

    thats a person,who can see future events,so the ' Bottler Tag' , hereby removed.

    Old Nostri-damus,simply knows,what is written in the Poker Stars 😀 ,he has taken a look into ' the Poker Future,and,gulped ! All bets are off 😂

    So, gladly, I can get back to,pure heartfelt intention,of this little obscure long Poker winding road.

    I just need, to close ' the issue down '

    Brought to my attention, late yesterday evening, enjoying,UKosp,railing and cheering,for team MisterPJ fan boys,even enjoying,a UKosp deep run myself;

    One of the more senior,respected, ' ubba' witty, successful long term regular players, brought to my attention, a fact, unknown to me.


    every time,Nozzer makes a forum post,about me,he then switches on, his Bose Surround Sound Music System, plays a Dominican Rhumba dance tune,uptempo,called;

    Follow The Leader,and then," Twerks" ( aggressively) for a full two minutes.

    Quite bizarre ? but whatever floats your boat,me ole mucker,and,as Nostri, 'he-self' posted,

    quote, "best thread,on Skypoker" .surely Nozzer won't feel the need,to rock up, D.Trump esc,and claim sarcasm ?

    Just, as that exact news, was whispered ,in p.j.s shell like (ear) T.K, I will qualify every one ,from now on 😀,

    Your PokerJenius, misterpj sat nicely tucked , ukops.33, 672 runners , 28 left ,concentration,a little shaken but not stirred , by thoughts of aggressive Twerks,and as I looked down,in the big blind,5000 chips at two black pocket cards,a 6 and a 6, I thought to myself,' twerk this' , I need to be aggressive, and shipped in the lot,pre, snapped off, by pocket off, A Q,and my 52-48 equity holding,unfortunately,couldnt hold,a Q appeared,on the flop, and a Q appeared on the turn,wish that held,confident I could have done something, with 10,000,but,today,is another day.

    Anyway, for the legion,of both returning and new SkyPoker players,you use, advice offered,enjoy your Poker,dont be fazed,in anyway,by any Charlie big Spuds, suggesting tournament levels played,are micro stakes,they are not, supreme,play t.a.g,..and good luck all,( bar one😂)

    Nearly forgot,Ryan,my respect for you ,gone through the roof,please offer a single kernel,nugget,of tournament game play,advice,a specific tactic,that my boys and girls,can use,to help them in tournament play.

    Best Wishes All , God Bless

    P.oker.J.enuis xxx
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    This is , a genuine question,

    This is a real hand,in a real tournament,this morning.

    £5.50 buy in, bounty hunter

    8 players left

    In the big blind,blnds are 100 200

    You look down at pocket 9 s 8 d, two callers,and you check,to see a ' free flop '

    The Flop, brings the you, the flopped Q high straight , and an opened ended,straight flush draw, board shows, 10, Q, J all spades, I will, happily,gladly show ( of course I will ) how this played out,

    To help, (me) and my small ' legion ' of players,that I am hellbent on helping,I would appreciate, a small range of opinion, from respected,good players,( that includes you Nostri) but only,if you are going to answer,honestly,and discuss,Poker,and play,not,repeat not,personality clashes.

    If possible, Matt,essexphil,T.K. madprof,waller02,Maxally, Mynafrett,engy, et al,

    Genuine hand,genuine tournament spot,;

  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    check jam to a bet if as u say it was a limped in pot ur prob against 2 pair combos or 1 has the a of spades,99%ur in front just gotta swerve a few outs that will get oppo there 2/3 spades or a paired board
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Heartfelt, and genuine thanks,gpc70, I will post, how the hand played out,later,just wanted to get, that sort of insight

  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    good luck I hope the hand held and u went on to win the tornie.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Much appreciated ' gpc'

    The,hand,played out,like this,and I was eliminated.

    Then , straight into the next m.t.t., over two hours deep, 20 players left,I was top 3,
    then this,

    And my exit hand,moments later,my pocket AA pre all in shove,thought I might have a chance!
    Into flopped blinking trip 333, from pocket garbage.

    Oh well.😚
  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    why check ur top set ugotta bet it unless ur trying to induce them to bet but u were on the button so forget that, by giving them a free card ur asking for trouble.when they bet small on turn u have to call or raise big hopping for a paired board .then they potted the river ugotta think ur beat,
  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,461
    Hey Nozzer

    Take a screenshot of your sharky , reset it and take him on FFS

    This will get a bigger audience than JC on good Friday!🤪
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Dear Professor of the Madness

    It just shows,what Pareidolia,can do,to a man,who believes,he " you" , is Poker Mustard .

    In, the nicest possible way, if, you believe,your own words,?

    Which you must do ,right? as,your own hand,wrote them , even hypothetically, if,hypotheticlly, Mr NOSTRI Did accept,here is a suggestion.

    104 weeks,( two years) I am just,completing week one ( 103 ) to go.

    In, the nicest,non offensive possible way,...

    You yourself,could,back ,persaude,Mr Nostri,to take up the challenge.

    The,entire Poker Forum,can see,read,your words,( and mine)

    Now, according,to your good self,I am, an ' absolute rag ' times two.

    According to yourself. (a) a rag,if Nozzer did accept, and (b) a rag to achieve my target.

    If ? You possess ? A " pair" ? That match the size of your mouth?

    It,must be, a no brainier,..

    Price Up ? your own prices,..or,maybe do that,in conjunction,with expert odds compilers,

    And,as I don't want you,to catch a cold,when I fully decloak,I do not want,any ' all bets are off nonsense'

    So,again, on SkyPoker only,in full plain site,within two years, factually,misterpj will be 80 rated player, with an all green , clear £10,000 profit, here only.

    approx, 85℅ tournaments,10℅ dym, 5% cash.

    Let's,see,your prices ?

    misterpj, to do the above..? What are you going to lay me?

    And,,or if Nozzer grows a pair,odds, who achieves that,clear, unambiguous target first.

    Not, to appease you , but,once a week,on Saturday , and only once a week ,I will update.

    God Bless

  • NOSTRINOSTRI Member Posts: 1,459
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Dear Mr Nostri ( and Professor of the Madness)

    Every time,on this forum. When , I have given my word,made promise,to the big boss,I have not,knowingly broken it, on this thread, after today,all, you will see,js a once a week,brief,post,once weekly.

    Slowly, in plain Site, it will gradually,( maybe quicker than gradual) dawn, on the pair of you,this fella is for real,it was not a joke, and,this will be Poker History,..

    And ,A right pair,of " Ghumbass" we both look.

    Every d.y.m, every cash session,every m.t.t., I ever play,I know,I am,the best player,at the table.

    no prices ,from madprof,no Sharky in plain site, from Nozzer , profmad," he hide his sharky "

    😂😂😂 🤣🤣🤣 😁😁😁

    🏧 Ten Gee's,⚛️

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