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.Poker.p. j.Jenuis.,long road,to Poker Redemption.



  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    as, we are all, now poker buddies,

    and, I will be buying, MrNostri, as much quality Bourbon, as desired,

    Another good (low stakes player) ask the fella yourself, any non believers, was on that final table last night, a player, I been encouraging for ages, and, trying to persuade, to join micromasters.

    The ' boy, can really play' but comfort zone, only up to £2.20..and was not aware, micromasters is that staking level, therefor, must be loads of players, unaware, who don't look at forum

    Maybe, skypoker, NOSTRI, Ryan, could message, email all players? *you could get, hundreds playing.

    ANYWAY, Nozzer 😏❤️❤️❤️

    you do, run, good. W. p. only five left, as below.

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    this one, is for, NOSTRI, Ryan, mumsie, BigBossMan;

    and, all, that ever concluded, misterpj (was) is, a mentalist numpty.

    Generically, for, Skypoker, for Poker, industry sustained, by new blood.

    Off, the top of my head, myself, Guvnor Kendall, essexphil, MattBates, chrisdonkb, NOSTRI, waller02, Aggro Neil Channing, once, upon a time, (even the Genius madprof) had to learn, how too play, not just online, but, for us old boys, in both licensed, and defo! *unlicensed premises.

    Every single one of you (us) got infected with poker, and aspire too be, numero uno.

    Yes, dreams of World Series, you have to set, the bar high,

    But, but but, don't, do not "mock" in any way, lower staking players, which is why,

    I am, Monumental, behind.. micromasters, not for me, for goodness sake, well past sell by date, but, new players, willing too learn, aspiring to play, do, need, to be, taught, helped, 'coached'

    etc. this, will be, hard pill for some to swallow, all of us, should mentor, one player each.

    That's heartfelt.

    I, always remember, when Durr (burst on scene)? Is he still in Macau? *owes! *a bit!

    Go look, find online Dwan, early days,... He, could not, handle a table chip. etc.

    Mr Doyle Brunson's, first instinct, was, totally correct. 😘❤️❤️❤️
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,267
    You little name dropper ......... they all wing it.

    "The Goldon School for Bingo Players." Years free Membership.

    No need to call just turn up " Miranda" is waiting. cough!
  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,461
    Hey Paul, was Nozzer ( @NOSTRI ) coaching you as well?? 💩
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Dear Mr Motivator (madprof)

    my Gary Player approach, to my poker, is not working (yet)

    hand below, to be away, and gone, chipleader, on the bridle.

    I will set the scene, an all in shove, in front, pre

    Pot Size raise next, pre, gets called, flop comes 8 high

    Huge shove, and snap call, have a guess, who got dealt, the best two pocket cards, in poker?

    One Halcyon Day.. I might? win a decent pot, or, God Fordid, dish out a suck out! (post flop) ❤️❤️

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    'prof' good job, I can see, the 'funnyside'

    If this keeps up, be TenBags behind, in real QuickTime ❤️

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    'prof'. p. j. just cracked a rib, as nine high, like a boss said, how? many miles, to Hollywood.

    was going to bake, a pear and peach melba cake, but, have to rest up, now. p.j.
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,290
    Screen shots of this please.

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373

    promise, promise, promise, I will give it a rest,

    genuinely, been toasted, at the tables, bout five days in a row, now.

    difference, between old pj and this one, I play, every tourney, like my life depends on it, and, at the end of the day, the real pj, not too shabby a player.

    Hope, by Xmas, you, and I, both improve, rating and profit. PAUL.

    the straight shown below, the one in the middle, did me up, like a kipper, £5.50 b.h.

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    and, just prove,. p. j. is self depricating, and, that, the Poker Godz, too, have a sense of humour.

    never, well about once, have I been seated, m. t. t wise, with the RaRa.. STAR.

    pj, wrote, as shown, both genuine '' props " too Timmy, and,. p. j. Self depricate, himself.

    Yes, smart ones,.. p. j. Said, depricate..! not a similar sounding word ? is it, a noun or verb.

    pj spied AK suited hearts.. and got stacked... the KJ hand after,.. Snap Fold.

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    only 24 hours ago, NOSTRI and I, were discussing pocket KK, hours deep, into a mtt.

    I complimented, NOSTRI, who's,pocket KK got fired in pre, ( All in, All in) and bolted up, as NOSTRI said to me, ' the hand, plays itself.

    only 24 hours later, exact, role reversal,

    misterpj pocket KK hours deep, in an mtt,

    This adds, from only a handful of mtts, today, to, pocket AA cracked, huge pot, pocket JJ cracked by pocket 10 10, snapping an all in, in front of me, with pocket K 9 suited, turning the K flush with St flush draw, and chinned on the river to A Boat, and to finish of my night.. KK

    personally, unlike others, I actually think, I can play, the game.

  • MynaFrettMynaFrett Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2020
    Ok, I'm going to have one more crack at this and hope it doesn't fall on deaf ears once again. I sent you a similar message last year (I think) and people like Bates and Groggy (and plenty of others) have also tried to help you but you either completely ignore the messages or take offense so, here goes nothing...

    I'll start by saying that I think you're a decent and genuine guy who is passionate about poker (perhaps to a fault). I understand where you are coming from - you're determined to either become a winning player or prove that you always were but things never go your way; there but for the grace of the poker gods goes Mr PJ.
    It's simply not the case.
    Every single player on the site could post the exact same hands you post day in day out. I'll post two of my own for you from earlier, there's nothing particularly special about them, much like your own - equities run closer than we care to believe in this game. You are going to drive yourself mad if you continue to believe that you just run the worst in the world and you have to copy paste every beat to prove it, to show what is slowing your progress on your challenge.

    Please STOP posting the 'bad' beats and start posting hands you're unsure about for analysis and take advantage of the winning players in this community who are generous with their time and (might still be) willing to help you (as they do others).

    I don't mean to preach... hope that wasn't too preachy...

    whatever, here's those hands :D

    The first hand is to have a very nice stack with 8 left in one particular tournament and the second one is for all the marbles at an FT, but, they are just run of the mill hands THAT HAPPEN TO ALL OF US ALL OF THE TIME.

    Please try to understand and remember this PJ.

    Good luck with your challenge and The Micro Masters both. All the best.
  • MynaFrettMynaFrett Member Posts: 789
    scottoxoSmall blind500.00500.0010035.00
    mjpmelBig blind1000.001500.0017800.00
    Your hole cards
    • Q
    • A
    fizzy4444Unmatched bet5483.7534062.505483.75
    • 10
    • K
    • Q
    • A
    • 4
    • 8
    • Q
    • K
    • 6
    fizzy4444WinPair of Kings34062.5039546.25
  • MynaFrettMynaFrett Member Posts: 789
    Tommy68Small blind2000.002000.0055281.25
    NicoPapaBig blind4000.006000.0065408.76
    Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    • 4
    • 4
    • K
    • K
    • 10
    • A
    • 2
    • Q
    • 4
    Tommy68WinThree 4s118562.50118562.50
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,290

    Hand one, ideally you should have more chips to cover opponent , otherwise fine.

    Hand two, remember the mantra, holy holy hold..

    Others may disagree tho.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    think, the misunderstood one (me) was, is, misunderstood, again.

    "others, may be of the opinion" misterpj cannot play no limit hold em poker,

    misterpj. poker. P. J. jenius, the real one, not the cremated Doppelganger, (me) knows, the ability, is there, in Spades ( that one, for TheBigBossMan, a fellow wordsmith) who, I adore.

    Now, I clarify, one final time, adore Poker, adore Skypoker.
    Because, I do not multi table (why?) easy, I simply do not enjoy, Poker multi tabling, can do it, but not in anyway ashamed, I very rarely do, why? because, every single day, every single tourney, ever single hand, whether I am in the hand, or not, I watch, the hand, the players, the play.

    Why? because, I adore Poker, never ever bore, of Poker,

    That, is how, having drawn, several lines in the sand, wiped my chin, of £6,500,made my shark public, reset sharky, and stated, two years, max buy in £11.00,inc satalites, and "winning seats into majors" 😜.. Because, I will 'sat' into at least one, I will win, at least one major, in the next 23 months, gaurentee that.

    Maybe there are more players, who have done it? I know one player (so does the boss man) who span £50.00 into £10,000..and 80 rated, not that long ago, in under a year, difference?

    That player,who. p. j. has oodlems of respect for, pj play with him, hundreds of times, in the past, he is still here now, still well in profit, and did it 'under the radar, unannounced, in under a year, only difference, that player, didn't' play Forum Clown, for two years, or state aim, publically, I did, I have.

    Today, played one (1)..mtt,built a stack, nicely in contention, now, there are flips, and flips, but in poker, context is everything, your poker jenius, looks down, at the third best pocket hand, as a player stacked 6000 ships the lot, in front pre, pj also stacked 6000 chips, and snaps it, now a six handed nonlimit hold em question, define fliiping?

    This hand, tourney defining again, I snap the shove best, I know I am over 15% best, and, because, as explained above, I know for a gazillion percent fact, in one month and a week, I have won, One, just One, huge tourney spot, defining hand, when, I was in the pot, a mile behind, but with a quality hand, spiked the river, for 23,000 chips, against me,?

    How many times? plenty plenty of those hands, in this thread, how many, last few days, alone.

    As, stated, played one sole, mtt, today, exit hand,

    The player who achieved, my target, has a 1 in his player name, and a bit of a 'gym bunny' he do like, pumping a bit of, Any Old Iron.


  • MynaFrettMynaFrett Member Posts: 789
    Yep, I also have a lot of respect for what Ironpump1 did - that was one **** of an upswing!

    Ok, just thought I'd have one more shot at trying to change your mindset.

  • MynaFrettMynaFrett Member Posts: 789
    **** = heII
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    'the boy. pj.' means micromasters biZness tonight,

    Early registration, for two tourneys,!

    Might, just might, attempt triple table, which will 'fry my emotional poker brain'

    What was that, famous? Mohamed Ali phrase,? hold that thought;

    . p. j. The cricketer, silver fox David Steele
    . p. j. The table tennis wonder kid Desmond Douglas
    . p. j. The Sarf Landan football superstar, well, think Mottingham S. E. 9,

    Dave 'ginger' Mehmet, Gillingham captain, thighs like treetrunks, neighbours, drank ourselves silly King and Queen Pub (legendary King and Queen) punted like lunatics A. R Dennis, bookmakers across road, relentlessly wound up, the Orpington Ice Cream Man, otherwise know as Paddy Cascarinho, (Tony).

    Tony Aghana ( Sheff Utd) forward Tony Laing ( Charlton) goalkeeper, my school team ( never went to school after 13) true fact, both them two, school, county, and believe it or not, might be on Google somewhere? and SE London team, that, believe it or not, circa 1978,79, InterFico.

    And, of course, legendary 'naughty' Fisher Athletic, they were, the 1980's Billericay Town Glen Tamplin gig. Ohh, trials for West Ham and Charlton, how so?

    Born Bermondsey, end up Mottingham, the very ruff end! Not the posh end, where, for example, guess who had a house their? at the peak of his career, a certain Mr B Bonds, WestHam captain, legend, blimey, 40 years ago plus, where does time go, I could, easily name, the other West Ham apprentice, as we started school together, aged 5, best mates, football 'superstars' as I sat, in awe, in Billy Bonds ( oh so posh, to me, then,home, front room) with my best pal.

    No, I have not googled it, zero point, I think? it was Landsdown Road Mottingham, up that exact road, towards Sidcup, was a huge M. O. D ( ministry of defence facility) as, was, other direction, only up towards Chislehurst (Caves-Raves).. a rather secretive place.. Aquilla.

    Nearly forgot, at same time, as being courted by WestHam, Charlton came calling, how why?

    Same as Billy Bonds, Charlton legend Colin Powell, ran a Mottingham team, fact fact fact, ask the old footballers, my age, but.. pj. Had,

    The gambling flavour, the nightclub flavour, the drinking flavour, the 'women flavour' the everything naughty flavour, forget training,.. either;

    The Green Man or The Dunn Cow, Old Kent Road, for a proper night out, Lyceum in The Strand, when Gregg Edwards, Capitol Radio legend, soul funk D. J. played live.

    When the football penny finally dropped, one last chance, when Keith BurkenShaw got the Gillingham managers job, circa? when? Guess 1985 ish.. pj's Best and Gazza lifestyle, had done the damage, and, not just me.. at least half of South londons pro, semi pro players, did not live the, life like a monk life, we partied Hard.

    . p. j. the pokerPJjenius Stu Ungar

    for Myna, with ❤️❤️❤️ never had a cross word, with myna ever, total respect, cos myna. one of the very few, who sussed it, from the get go, i. e, we joshed, about table image,..! chatted bout Stu Ungar, etc etc

    One Day, will share,. p. j. the supaSta London Radio dance music DJ.

    the evidence for that, saved on YouTube, but.. £500 prize, to the first person, who names correctly, my d. j. name 😋❤️🤔

    Finally Mr rip Ali, recent anniversary, in that, eclectic drawl, gonna shock the World.

    maybe, not the World, but, defo Nozzer, ❤️❤️❤️

    Next duos comp, gonna be tuff, for..p.j.

    TheBates wants me, but pj reject his advances, on principal
    ditto madprof

    Equal love for, NOSTRI, Stoke. F. C, mumsie, TheEdge949, waller02, rucked hard, with all, love them all, and engy, myna, chrisdonkb, JHOTONE, burger army, essexphil

    for History, pj and BigBossMan.. duo xxx

  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,461
    Paul...I think I would rather shove a hot poker up my ar se than be your partner in a team conp >:)
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