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the R. N. G.. in 'super variance Mode'

Likkle Ole £5.50 buy in, a bounty hunter, to, boot.

same, mtt, a ten minute, 'Variance Beauty'

1. 08.15,for,bounties,and, to boot, the chip lead (bravo) what with? not much, just pocket AA, all in pre, v JJ!
2. 08.16, take that hit, fire back, what with? not much, pocket 10 10,all pre, v 6s Ah, not a prayer!
3. ten minutes later, exit hand, again, all in pre, guess? Who had what? pocket, A 10 spades, v pocket J 10 hearts.

Silly me, obsessed, with poker mathematics! Just Variance, in super mode!
With the ACES, 81 % good
With the 10s,72% good
With A 10 suited spades 68% good

All cracked, all within ten minutes, Xtra Cornish Double Clotted!

A 2 hour, lay down, dark room, smelling salts, and a bit of, 'can't, simply can't run, this bad, forever, can you?

And, my personal favorite, the early £5.50 bountyhunters, with, that old chestnut, mega stack, big stack bias!
See, the thing is, just because, 'they have chips,' brace yourself' should stacked players, wish to have a gamble, logic, should tell you, the gamble landed, aspect, shouldn't be relentless, summit called probability, as we all know, six handed, no limit hold em, fundamentally based, on mathematic probability, allegedly!

Back to back exits, hmmm

Final Table, in the big blind, fav pre, all in all in pre, flop, improves hand equity, and lo and behold, instently on the turn!

And, final table, the Big Stack you know what,

See, I will even try, to assist, after all, nearly Christmas, your local retail outlets, full, of, Baubbles, Mistletoe, Arc Angels, Mulled Wine, Tinsel, get that wrapping paper ready.
Anyways, the reason, myself, and a raft of other players, dare, question rngs, is, thus;
The old Acorn, that's Variance, is such a tuff Nut, to swallow, as, it relentlessly 'varies, in only one direction! against' all in best, meaning, not much!



  • PKRParPKRPar Member Posts: 2,261
  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    can someone start a fun good thread
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Yep, easy,
    2021 GOLD CUP MINELLA INDHO monumental value, ew, Rachel Blackmore rides.14-1 best now, be, short priced fav, on the day. snaffled huge fancy prices, 'CHAMP, be blundering the last, as Rachel, eases this down, be, the next Best Mate, and better.
    2021 CHAMPION HURDLE SAINT ROI, mullions, absolute machine of an animal 20-1 best now, the old school, ain't the new school, this thing, an absolute TOOL.
    Ebor (this year) will run them ragged, GOSHAN Gary Moore.
    2020 winter handicap hurdles, Tronada
    A King,.. this, will, be smashed up, GAMBLED, (jumps rating, current, a gift)
    this has improved 3 stone, and will translate. and win, by 50 lengths, probably Taunton, that's, direct, from Wayne Hutchinson (plus, no need, for me suggesting, evidence, in plain site)
    have what, you like, split stakes bet, each way each, MAXIMUM BET of your life.
    National League North,
    Brackley Town
    Spennymoor Town
    They, won't see, which way, these two went,.. NAILED ON. Utter, different GRAVY.should get, double figures each, will be, SMASHED UP, as soon as markets open.
    Different class, why, I know, when summit, fail, THE SNIFF TEST XXX
    Hope, that FUN enough, for all, not just Gpc.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Humbling, profusely apologies..
    Goshan, November handicap..!
    My bad, one or two, be, get Stiff. Lnaoff
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Only layer, priced up NLN
    Ironically, is VICTOR
    Brackley 12s,
    Spennymoor 14s,
    EW, a third, 123,..these,are the class teams, score for fun, plenty MoulahBenji
    Want 'it' so bad VALUE TOWN..
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    The, lay, in NLN,
    only one, the team, that makes the market,
    Afc Fylde, 5-2
    Lay lay lay BUBBLE, well burst.
    Genius manager Dave Challinor gone, genius goal machine hero, Danny Rowe, long gone.
    Price, on reputation, not with standing, this team, who were, the Man City of non league, are kapput,check,their kit, have had, EGO, league this, league that, emblazoned on kit, last 3 years.
    Lay lay lay, Lump, Brackley and Spennymoor.
    Misterpj, gambling JENIUS.
  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    it was meant to be run good but now the u have put the whole forum on winners galore(hopefully)good luck with em
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,304
    Always someone else's fault ...... I blame PJ..... until he came along I never noticed all the bad beats..... I was getting. splutter!
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    You see, here is the thing.
    My critics, do not, experience, what the poker experience, of myself, and others, actually is, sustained, and long term, see fellas, as evidenced, for some of us, awfully awfully difficult, to catch Mr MoulahBenji!

    Hence, those who dare, to point that out, get the gangnam style, mob NONSENCE.

    That, of course, is after, the other NONSENCE, long since, put to bed, NONSENCE like, read more books, get 'extra coaching' and the utter, tripe accusation, funnily enough, from one of, if not the best player, apparently on this site,that, simply you are not a very good player, and won't admit it.

    Every, and all excuses, way since, been shown, to be what they were, and are.

    You, tell me,.. Actually, let's hear it, just variance, just run bad, just this, just that, just the other, no doubt, that will echo, but, here is the rub, it does not wash chaps! Get the ten best no limit six handed hold em coaches, on the planet, none of them, can, could, coach improvement, if any one, any one single player, posts here, they would, have got off, these hands,be the forum laugh, of forever.

    Your 'rng'
    For clarity, not played a hand, for ten hours, decided, in my folly, to play two of your £5.50 bounty hunters this morning. Funny, so funny, both hands, exit hands, both hands for bounties, both hands for tournament relative huge pots, it is, poker incredible, for example, flopped sets, 91% good, don't seem to have, a Prayer, of holding, ( this my dear friends, is the norm, not the exception) and you seriously wonder? why players, let off steam!!
    Hundreds of key hands, lost, exactly like this, (variance!) hands like this Won?
    bout once, in a blue moon. Fact.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,796
    "See Ash, what, I 'giggle about' relentless, is flopped sets, in huge hands, for bounties, and mega chips, getting rinsed, when 91% good, relentlessly"

    Good morning.

    Did you forget to post the hand when the fella with a set of threes jammed all in on the flop of 3-5-8 & you called him with 6-2? Turn J, river 4. Were you not extremely lucky there?

    Your luck is no different to anyone else.

    Seriously, instead of wasting time with all these one-sided tales of woe, (nobody cares), invest that time in doing a bit of work on your game - especially short stack play. It would make a huge difference to your results.

    2 weeks ago I spent 20 or 30 minutes researching some good content on short stack play, I then copied the links & posted them for you. I did not want or expect thanks, but you never even acknowledged the effort I'd made, the same as you failed to acknowledge the help many others have tried to give with good intent. And you certainly did not bother to read them, as 3 days later on a FT you made the worst short stack play I've ever seen - & then presented it on the Forum as a bad beat. Want me to remind you of that car crash play? It was so bad I gasped. And yet you tried to present it as a bad beat.

    Look at your own game instead of blaming the site & bad luck, & you'll do much better. And if you are unsure about anything, ask, this Forum is full of people who are helpful & will give you good advice for free.

    I'm happy to continue to try to help with basics & I'm sure may others are, but you need to buy-in to it. If you don't want help, fine, but you need to stop with posting this stuff day after day.
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,402
    Tikay10 said:

    "See Ash, what, I 'giggle about' relentless, is flopped sets, in huge hands, for bounties, and mega chips, getting rinsed, when 91% good, relentlessly"

    Good morning.

    Did you forget to post the hand when the fella with a set of threes jammed all in on the flop of 3-5-8 & you called him with 6-2? Turn J, river 4. Were you not extremely lucky there?

    Your luck is no different to anyone else.

    Seriously, instead of wasting time with all these one-sided tales of woe, (nobody cares), invest that time in doing a bit of work on your game - especially short stack play. It would make a huge difference to your results.

    2 weeks ago I spent 20 or 30 minutes researching some good content on short stack play, I then copied the links & posted them for you. I did not want or expect thanks, but you never even acknowledged the effort I'd made, the same as you failed to acknowledge the help many others have tried to give with good intent. And you certainly did not bother to read them, as 3 days later on a FT you made the worst short stack play I've ever seen - & then presented it on the Forum as a bad beat. Want me to remind you of that car crash play? It was so bad I gasped. And yet you tried to present it as a bad beat.

    Look at your own game instead of blaming the site & bad luck, & you'll do much better. And if you are unsure about anything, ask, this Forum is full of people who are helpful & will give you good advice for free.

    I'm happy to continue to try to help with basics & I'm sure may others are, but you need to buy-in to it. If you don't want help, fine, but you need to stop with posting this stuff day after day.

    WELL SAID @Tikay10 ....and I'd like to thank you for your efforts, and posting them for all to see. Very, very informative, and I have the points you highlighted, written down at the side of my lappy as a reminder :)
    As for LUCK, I know I'm luckier than most.... just ask @HAYSIE . I've even WON flips v @MattBates :D
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    If you are that good a player and your bad results seem to be down to the site, why would you not play on a different site?
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,052
    MISTY4ME Member Posts: 3,257
    Tikay10 said:
    "See Ash, what, I 'giggle about' relentless, is flopped sets, in huge hands, for bounties, and mega chips, getting rinsed, when 91% good, relentlessly"

    Good morning.

    Did you forget to post the hand when the fella with a set of threes jammed all in on the flop of 3-5-8 & you called him with 6-2? Turn J, river 4. Were you not extremely lucky there?

    Your luck is no different to anyone else.

    Seriously, instead of wasting time with all these one-sided tales of woe, (nobody cares), invest that time in doing a bit of work on your game - especially short stack play. It would make a huge difference to your results.

    2 weeks ago I spent 20 or 30 minutes researching some good content on short stack play, I then copied the links & posted them for you. I did not want or expect thanks, but you never even acknowledged the effort I'd made, the same as you failed to acknowledge the help many others have tried to give with good intent. And you certainly did not bother to read them, as 3 days later on a FT you made the worst short stack play I've ever seen - & then presented it on the Forum as a bad beat. Want me to remind you of that car crash play? It was so bad I gasped. And yet you tried to present it as a bad beat.

    Look at your own game instead of blaming the site & bad luck, & you'll do much better. And if you are unsure about anything, ask, this Forum is full of people who are helpful & will give you good advice for free.

    I'm happy to continue to try to help with basics & I'm sure may others are, but you need to buy-in to it. If you don't want help, fine, but you need to stop with posting this stuff day after day.

    WELL SAID @Tikay10 ....and I'd like to thank you for your efforts, and posting them for all to see. Very, very informative, and I have the points you highlighted, written down at the side of my lappy as a reminder :)
    As for LUCK, I know I'm luckier than most.... just ask @HAYSIE . I've even WON flips v @MattBates :D

    I am quite happy for you to call a re-raise and a shove, three handed, with A7, all day long.
    I will not begrudge the very occasional time you hit.
  • TVSpiceTVSpice Member Posts: 1,242
    @MISTERPJ I could no longer care less about your sense of entitlement to win every hand you play but if you are going to write a word in capital letters, several times, please try to spell it correctly. It is NONSENSE.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    It's pretty simple, really, I accept, it is possible, (theoretically) as Nathan tells me, that, you can, run a Poker lifetime career, with a permenant downswing!
    All, I know, is this, restated aim, near 5 months ago, thus far, near 1000 mtts.
    Hence, I keep (oh yes I do, not getting caught again!) full details, of all tournament critical, key spots, key hands, thus, I know, in those specific and key, hands, pots, spots, I have lost, when heavy mathematical favorite, well over 100 defining hands, and won, in equal circumstances, only five, for example, I won, a key tourney critical hand, with my pocket AJ clubs, on a J high flop, top pair, top kicker, snap called a set, 888,big hand, one club, on the flop, turn river runner runner, to particular 'fanfare' from a long term adversary, 'bet you won't post that misterpj' (lol) was even posting it, as that barb, came my way.

    Yes, you are completely 'correct' relentlessly running, like below (today) not just any hand, 6 left, FT, the hand, for a bounty and chip lead. Your correct, sure is frustrating!
    Maybe, if I play everyday, till Xmas (Happy Christmas and a Prosperous 2021 to all!) local big retailers, have aisles, full, already, of your baubles, Christmas crackers, even the local butcher, bit of a punting wide boy,got, order your Christmas Capons and Turkeys, now, sign, in window, with caveat, will be a shortage!.. still plant based, oh yes.. Xxx

    And, another chasing hand, in key spot, gets there, in the canoe! paddling, up the.....

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,796

    Did you raise pre with the A-5 or just limp in?
  • NOSTRINOSTRI Member Posts: 1,459
    Tikay10 said:

    Did you raise pre with the A-5 or just limp in?

    Deep breaths, TK.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
    Tikay10 said:

    Did you raise pre with the A-5 or just limp in?

    hahaha don't be silly bb has just over 2 bigs and he limps with a5 ..there's no hope
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,796
    edited September 2020
    stokefc said:

    Tikay10 said:

    Did you raise pre with the A-5 or just limp in?

    hahaha don't be silly bb has just over 2 bigs and he limps with a5 ..there's no hope
    On a FT last week, he was the shortie with 3.5 Bigs & UTG+1.

    UTG limps, & our hero had A-9.

    A-9, 3.5 Bigs, & a limper, so there's 2.5 Bigs in the pot - and he limped behind. Hard to believe, but true. Then, for the rubs, he posted it as a bad beat when he lost.

    That's a 100% stone cold jam, every time. Get that through & we are up to 6 Bigs. We can now go through the blinds (fold the SB unless we have a hand) & now we have the Button & 5 bigs. The rent is paid for an orbit & there might be a bustout or two.

    Once he stops with the limping these so-called bad beats will lessen dramatically, & we are good to go.

    If you insist on limping Paul, then the beats will keep coming.

    Come on man, you can do it.

  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    Tikay10 said:

    Did you raise pre with the A-5 or just limp in?

    fives on a limp had my 5000 grand on
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