See, my dearest, ti's as regular, as a chimming Clock, good judge. Broadway, never a scooby, only 80% good, 'yes, I realise, here, that's considered flipping' Oh, and by the way, here, is a 100% genuine photo, taken on a nasa live feed. That thing, is really really funky, orientate and enlarge, don't forget, 9pm,fri evening, CH63, let, your Jaws, drop. Bless XXX
On, the After Dinner Poker Speaker Circuit. 'the FACTOTUM' likes to relate,............ but! Funny,how 'random go'! A bunty hunta, taking bunty's,like 'shelling peas' for the big stack, being behind,never a bother, back 2 back hands, n all. lmao. Stacked leader, pocket KJ flops KK J kicking it Likkle stack , now he go flop two pair, he thought, his chance to 'fight back'! And after that, 80% v 20% 'overturn, lol' Very Next hand, Mr Big Stack v microscopic stack, guess, who ran out a boat! Nice renumeration,
This is an extract from a fabulous post by @MynaFrett on another thread. Well worth a read, as it will really help you if you put it into practice.
A lot of players seem to play the same way all tournament from 100bb right down to 12/10bb sometimes with no adjustments in between and seemingly no awareness of how the tournament has evolved since it started - they are still trying to play early game, deep stacked ranges and strategy in the late game with shallow stacks and deep blinds... I had an MTT the other night where it was late game (final two tables) and I was sat on 18bb on the button with 77. It folded through to an active player in the cut-off who opened off his 30bb stack. This is a no brainer 3 bet shove (in almost all circumstances) there are no other options - if anyone reading this is just calling in this spot (to hit a 7 or a straight draw or a low flop or a "safe flop to get it in on") you are doing it wrong. Lo and behold I shoved and ran it into his QQ. Cue a weak-tight losing player in the big blind to say "why did he go all-in at this stage for so much with 77? He was only going to be flipping at best and he wasn't even flipping lol".
I'm not saying you share this way of thinking peter, but it is a surprisingly common way of thinking from players who rarely go deep in tournaments unless they run pure or win multiple big pots with premiums. You can't play tight and be risk averse in the late game and wait for clear spots right down to 12/10bb because "that's when I'm allowed to start going all-in pre flop". You should be aggressively shoving and re-shoving when much deeper than this in some spots and it's important to be able to recognise when those spots present themselves. The key to the late game in MTT isn't knowing your push-fold ranges once you have chipped down to 15bb and under, it's knowing which hands are good 3 bets at 40-30bb in different spots and good 3 bet shoves at ~25bb.
Tell ya what, Tony... This one, is ole ole RNG... In, super, I mean ExtremeSuperVariantMode.. FUNNY thing, tourney critical hands............... 98.3% monster good, (but, as Benji n pals state) misterpj will not, admit, he simply cannot play, no limit hold em, and needs; Intesive Coaching!!! Coach this, then Coach. I'm laughing, because I find it, beyond HILARIOUS some protracted downswing, variance, run bad luck, of the Permanent Variety, (stewards please) lmao.
'All Two Gether Now... ; ` that's, JUST your VARIANCE' Your 33 revolutions per minute, extended player, Scratched? Sir.. Oh, look; It's, the Tooth Fairy, holding hands, with Santa Claus they riding a Sleigh, up front Shergar, in the back, tandemed, its Lord Lucan & Elvis.! Singing a go,' It just VARIANCE. pull another, Cracker.. Extra PLUM PUDDING, please.. A capon, extra BRUSSELLS Oh!.. looky, looky, looky, it, dat 2% chance (HEINY, candy, off, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣). getting there, on the Kyber Pass.. All Two Get her Now.. (chorus please)
Dear misterpj 'note to self' When you turn, the A flush, with your pocket A spade Q, Snap Fold, Benji taught me that one 😜😇🙏👍🎅😁 One of them, £5.50 bunty hunta's Oh, and dem Row Botties?!
You seem to believe that your last hand is variance. It's not-it is your bad play.
You are in the big blind. With AQ. There are 3 limpers. It's not clear what exactly you did there, but it is either a check or a min-raise. Terrible.
Then you flop TPTK and a flush draw. On a wet board, with all sorts of drawing hands out there. And you min-raise again. Pricing in all those drawing hands.
You are drawing dead on the Turn. Your check there is fine, although the other guy's check is better. You are always going bust once that turn hits. But it was your bad play that allowed him to see the turn.
You need to learn to make people pay a proper price to see a card. Otherwise, you will keep banging on about "variance" when it is YOUR play that is the cause
Tell you what, Phil and others, the thread title, is the Big Clue. And, the 'one word answer `{variance} so neat, and concise, and Fitz Hall. Funnily enough, here, is some more'Variance' which, the anomaly being, its a One Way cul de sac! not a leafy two way avenue. Forget quality poker, forget your fundamental poker math, and skill Here, yet another, huge relevant tourney hand, cracked, thing is, makes it awfully difficult, 'to progress' when, relentlessly, the best hand, the superior play, is getting River Rinsed.
As, the Factotum, and Doyouns, have 'oft' stated, simple mathematics, matey, and not pocket J 6 off shove, into AA! J 6 on the flop, lol. Below, another huge, hand, tourney lead, flopped Set, Spot the anomaly? in the hand below, does, the 'D' stand for dealer!
Have a read of this, it will help you with short stack play;
Fold Equity
It's, relentless,..
Hilarious, but..
Well, got 'me opinion,like'
but that's, evidence based, lmao. 😁 huge, Tournament defining pot, ho ho ho 4% rag cracks it, 1 card to come,
Broadway, never a scooby, only 80% good, 'yes, I realise, here, that's considered flipping'
Oh, and by the way, here, is a 100% genuine photo, taken on a nasa live feed.
That thing, is really really funky, orientate and enlarge, don't forget, 9pm,fri evening, CH63, let, your Jaws, drop. Bless XXX
'the FACTOTUM' likes to relate,............ but!
Funny,how 'random go'!
A bunty hunta, taking bunty's,like 'shelling peas' for the big stack, being behind,never a bother, back 2 back hands, n all. lmao.
Stacked leader, pocket KJ flops KK J kicking it
Likkle stack , now he go flop two pair, he thought, his chance to 'fight back'!
And after that, 80% v 20% 'overturn, lol'
Very Next hand, Mr Big Stack v microscopic stack, guess, who ran out a boat!
Nice renumeration,
This is an extract from a fabulous post by @MynaFrett on another thread. Well worth a read, as it will really help you if you put it into practice.
A lot of players seem to play the same way all tournament from 100bb right down to 12/10bb sometimes with no adjustments in between and seemingly no awareness of how the tournament has evolved since it started - they are still trying to play early game, deep stacked ranges and strategy in the late game with shallow stacks and deep blinds...
I had an MTT the other night where it was late game (final two tables) and I was sat on 18bb on the button with 77. It folded through to an active player in the cut-off who opened off his 30bb stack. This is a no brainer 3 bet shove (in almost all circumstances) there are no other options - if anyone reading this is just calling in this spot (to hit a 7 or a straight draw or a low flop or a "safe flop to get it in on") you are doing it wrong. Lo and behold I shoved and ran it into his QQ. Cue a weak-tight losing player in the big blind to say "why did he go all-in at this stage for so much with 77? He was only going to be flipping at best and he wasn't even flipping lol".
I'm not saying you share this way of thinking peter, but it is a surprisingly common way of thinking from players who rarely go deep in tournaments unless they run pure or win multiple big pots with premiums. You can't play tight and be risk averse in the late game and wait for clear spots right down to 12/10bb because "that's when I'm allowed to start going all-in pre flop". You should be aggressively shoving and re-shoving when much deeper than this in some spots and it's important to be able to recognise when those spots present themselves. The key to the late game in MTT isn't knowing your push-fold ranges once you have chipped down to 15bb and under, it's knowing which hands are good 3 bets at 40-30bb in different spots and good 3 bet shoves at ~25bb.
This one, is ole ole RNG...
In, super, I mean ExtremeSuperVariantMode..
FUNNY thing, tourney critical hands...............
98.3% monster good, (but, as Benji n pals state)
misterpj will not, admit, he simply cannot play, no limit hold em, and needs;
Intesive Coaching!!!
Coach this, then Coach.
I'm laughing, because I find it, beyond HILARIOUS
some protracted downswing, variance, run bad luck, of the Permanent Variety, (stewards please) lmao.
` that's, JUST your VARIANCE'
Your 33 revolutions per minute, extended player,
Scratched? Sir..
Oh, look;
It's, the Tooth Fairy, holding hands, with Santa Claus
they riding a Sleigh, up front Shergar, in the back, tandemed, its Lord Lucan & Elvis.!
Singing a go,'
pull another, Cracker.. Extra PLUM PUDDING, please..
A capon, extra BRUSSELLS
Oh!.. looky, looky, looky, it, dat 2% chance (HEINY, candy, off, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣).
getting there, on the Kyber Pass..
All Two Get her Now.. (chorus please)
Industry, leader
The Cottingly Fairies, Chaperoned by two DODO'S and a Pterodactyl, Extra protect.
'note to self'
When you turn, the A flush, with your pocket A spade Q, Snap Fold,
Benji taught me that one 😜😇🙏👍🎅😁
One of them, £5.50 bunty hunta's
Oh, and dem Row Botties?!
You are in the big blind. With AQ. There are 3 limpers. It's not clear what exactly you did there, but it is either a check or a min-raise. Terrible.
Then you flop TPTK and a flush draw. On a wet board, with all sorts of drawing hands out there. And you min-raise again. Pricing in all those drawing hands.
You are drawing dead on the Turn. Your check there is fine, although the other guy's check is better. You are always going bust once that turn hits. But it was your bad play that allowed him to see the turn.
You need to learn to make people pay a proper price to see a card. Otherwise, you will keep banging on about "variance" when it is YOUR play that is the cause
`he's in a 'randomly' "funny mood" 😁😁😁
and what's that?
A strawberry mivvy, and two 99's.
And, the 'one word answer `{variance} so neat, and concise, and Fitz Hall.
Funnily enough, here, is some more'Variance' which, the anomaly being, its a One Way cul de sac! not a leafy two way avenue.
Forget quality poker, forget your fundamental poker math, and skill
Here, yet another, huge relevant tourney hand, cracked, thing is, makes it awfully difficult, 'to progress' when, relentlessly, the best hand, the superior play, is getting River Rinsed.
As, the Factotum, and Doyouns, have 'oft' stated, simple mathematics, matey, and not pocket J 6 off shove, into AA! J 6 on the flop, lol.
Below, another huge, hand, tourney lead, flopped Set,
Spot the anomaly? in the hand below, does, the 'D' stand for dealer!
Did you limp with the 6-6?