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the R. N. G.. in 'super variance Mode'



  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    And, I raise you, with this.....
    Ask yourself the Question.
    Do you really? I mean seriously?
    Expect, players to just 'shrug' tell themselves, no bother, when, with e
    mphasis on the relentlessness, of key hands, getting cracked, in key positions, by hands miles behind, in hand Equity.

    Say zero, and curse, ones 'bad luck'
    My friends, summit,......... Is,.... Off..

    £5.50 bounty hunter, again, on the bubble, for bounties, gaurenteed cash, to go second in chips, what is the point? being best? 87% good,..
    With one card, to come.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,796

    You need to learn how poker maths works.

    A-10 was not a 13% chance here, it was a flip, the money all went in pre-flop so it's a standard, perfectly normal, coin-flip. The maths are quite clear, 9-9 loses this roughly half the time.

    You keep repeating the same mistake, your equity is measured when the money goes in.

    So you lost a coin-flip.

  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,090
    edited September 2020
    PS-did you limp with the 99?

    With just 6 bigs.

    Do you routinely ignore all the advice people give you?
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Well, I will just, post the evidence then

  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,370
    Essexphil said:

    PS-did you limp with the 99?

    With just 6 bigs.

    Do you routinely ignore all the advice people give you?

    He wont acknowledge you.
  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,468
    Phil who? 💩

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Not, basing my opinion on what is below (but, it did Provoke, a raging two sided ruchas)

    Am basing, my belief, directly from a current contracted industry 'phenom' not a player, software jenius (yes, my way of spelling it, why, well a propa shoka, never been a Conformist!)
    Bet that shocked ya😁👍💋
    Who, with monumental irony, implored me, never, ever all in pre, with KK, I kid you not!
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    When, your all in (6% hand equity) turn river runner runner takes it down lol

  • PKRParPKRPar Member Posts: 2,261
  • Red_KingRed_King Member Posts: 2,850
    Your(?) historical High Stakes results on Full Tilt seem remarkable, compared to sky👏👏👏
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Interesting deals and run outs, in the breakfast £5.50 bunty hunta's

    As, an aside, take a glance, out of a window, any window will do.
    Now, for online Poker, forget boom-let, fully fledged, mega boom, inbound.
    But, back to that glance, out of the window, that is, your world, my world, everyone's worlds, and it is everyone's World, globally, now 'we, us, are nice and very cosy'
    Think, about your poverty stricken and non developed countries, those suffering, horrendous horrors, 'so the, I'm all right Jack, never cuts it, with me'
    Enjoy, the inbound big boom, might be, the last ever?

    Ponder this, in just over, one short month, it will be, WINTER;
    that's, your clocks back, and four months of long dark days.
    Tuff, enough, and that's without, the great and the good, 'elected leaders'
    Oh 'Boris'.. 2nd full, more severe LOCKDOWN, inbound fast, well my peoples, that is the UK economy, totally BANJAXED, the economy, is being, getting crashed, right in front of your eyes.

    Tell me, your opinion, 2021..
    A bounce back, JIGGY JIGGY Boom.. (not Poker, general life, and economy)
    You, must be Joking... Banjaxed, inbound, fast.
    Survival, and prepare, now, like a whirling dirvish, because, what's coming, only good for online Poker, and, very very bad, for all, everything else.
    As an aside, a very respected, time served, female, cutting edge,medical genius, spoke,in Central London, very very recently, sign of the times, she recruited, a hardcore team, of ex SAS, to ensure, safe passage in, and out, of London, and home, only to Ashdown Forest, not a chance, her wisdom, knowledge, will be put, in front of the General Public, ponder that.

    Anyways, want a lighter note 🙄🤧🤧🎅🎄🌲!

    Breakfast bunty hunta's.. dem deal, dem run out, randomly, frustrating.. 😉😏😏😉😉😏😇😇😇

    ft, Biggy v Smally.. Lol, that's a random lol!

    And then, well, what can I say, 3 way all in, and, top pair top kicker, snap folded by ya poker jenius, and, ladies and gents, it's de ja vue.. Turn River Runner Runner Jackpot, lmao!

    Cant claim, intellectual property rights, to this one, that's Uncles, 'Simon Js' .
    He say, what we got ere then?
    The Sphincter Police 😏🤔😜
    Much love, and best wishes, to each, and everyone, take care, be 'strong' xxx
    P. S. some of the hyper intelligence observers, will get it.
    Have you, any remote idea, right now, as in this moment, today, just how many, of your High Street take for granted 'names'.. BUSINESSES, are totally, right on the ragged edge, those who know, are aware, know, this is pretty darn, scary historical times, we, survive through. Hmmmmm
    God Bless
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,796

    You lost with the A-Q suited because you limped. It's that simple. With 13 or so Bigs that's a shove all day.

  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    Tikay10 said:

    You lost with the A-Q suited because you limped. It's that simple. With 13 or so Bigs that's a shove all day.

    Paul read what tk puts after some of your posts and it will all become much easier for you limping aq is asking for trouble with 13 bigs its the cardinal sin
  • PKRParPKRPar Member Posts: 2,261
    edited September 2020
    I must say, PJ is a troll at it's finest.

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Some, seem under, the serious misapprehension, that 'it bothers me'
    It, certainly, does not.
    2 days ago, in this very thread, I wrote, as advised, do not, get it all in pre, in huge hands, with the 2nd best two, in no limit six handed hold em.
    Here, for the record, is the exact situ, and 2nd time, rinsed, both times 😜

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    See, my dears, and my dearest.
    What you need to do, is thus.
    Look, at both, the thread title, and date of thread commencment.
    Then, put aside, all the 'flim flam'
    Then, in hand order, from start, to this, yet another, 'blockbuster'

    In a light and airy room, print off, everyone, every single one, of my hands, as evidenced, and posted, including, the latest, below, then, after you have done that,and looked, closely, real close. if? You can say, with your hand on your heart
    (naturally, I wish to see you, keeping a bullet straight face?)..
    Paul, you simply cannot play,.. 🤔, and, it is, 'just VARIANCE'

    Then, I will bake, everyone, a free Christmas Cake, avec, Devonshires finest, double clotted, via the Channel Isles xxx

    Two and a quarter hours deep, on that bubble (again)..
    Can 94% good, hold? All in, one card too come?
    You already know, the answer, don't you. 😏👍

    See, the game, is fundamentally based, on summit, know as, mathematical probability
    Not, IMPROBABILITY.. think on that.. 😉

  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    best play of the day
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    So, I simply, buy in, play, and observe.

    06.00 £5.50 Bounty Hunter
    Hypothetically, you observed the following,all hands, between 06.00 and 06.30.

    Hand 1 micro stack pocket AA, v the stacked off, miles clear chip leader who has pocket 9 5
    AA,gets it in, 97% good, the stacked chip leader, 3% chance, takes down the hand, and bounties.

    Hand 2 pocket A7 suited diamonds,plays the hand optimum superb, completes the A diamond nut flush, on the turn, 78% good, the 22% chasing hand takes down the hand, and bounties.

    Hand 3 pocket A 10 suited spades gets taken on PRE, by, pocket 6 8 OFF suit, in a pot worth near 13,000 chips, all in pre, 6 8 off, takes down the hand, by Turning, the up n down straight draw, rivering the 9 high straight.

    Summary, £5.50bounty hunter, all hands within half an hour, 3% chance, cracks small stacks AA, then, the A diamond nut flush obliterated on the River when 78% good, and pocket 6 8 off, gets it all in v A 10 spades, turns the up and down, rivers a straight.
    My question, 'please, how do' they' do it?
    Are you typing away, quickly, to tell me, pj your clueless bout Poker?

    Maybe, maybe not, however, the same player, won everyone of those hands above, from miles behind, in a half hour of poker,nice 'work' very nice work, if available lol.
    3% rag v AA, 22% rag v A diamond nut flush, pocket 6 8 off, up against A10 suited spades, makes a Flush with turn river runner runner when 3% equity v Small Stack, makes a river full house when 22% equity v A diamond nut flush, all in with pocket 6 8 off suit v A10 suited, turns the up n down, rivers the 9 high straight, same player, top quality, Vwp.
    Now, you don't need me, to post the hands, exactly, and to the letter, as described, do you?
    Or do you!

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Against, relentless, for, such a rarity, can't even conceive, the feeling,
    What? is it going take, for all of you, to even, stop, pause, and think it through.

    Yet, another bounty hunter, deep, hand for the crown jewels;
    What with? Flopped SET 79% good,
    Nano second later, all in, 96% good, rinsed by your turn river runner runner.
    The 79% good set, the 96% good all in, both moves misterpj
    the 21% equity, and 4% rag hand, both held, by the same player!

    What, do you seriously expect, the conclusion is?

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