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Diary of a losing recreational player.

68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
edited April 2011 in Poker Chat
 Firstly let me tell you a bit about myself. I started playing poker approx 5 years ago and within the first 3 months I won 2 decent MTT's on Pacific netting $4k and $3k for $20 buy ins. This was possibly the worst start to my poker career that I could have made as I suddenly thought it was the easiest game in the world and I just needed to log on to win vast sums of money. Since then the reality of poker has kicked in and I have muddled along playing MTT's, SNG's and cash. Although I rate myself a half decent player I probably haved lacked the focus to be a consistent winner. Hence the reason for this thread. I have played on numerous sites and have now come to the conclusion that i am going to focus on Sky Poker. My aim is to become a more focussed player and believe that by updating this thread every time I play this will help with this goal. I intend to mainly focus on cash, as the variance of MTT and SNG drives me insane. I will play the odd MTT as I do enjoy them every now and again. I will start with £200 in my account and will be playing the £20nl games. Yes I know my bankroll says I should be playing lower but the £200 is not my entire roll and I have the money in reserve to be able to play this limit comfortably, I also find that playing at a lower limit does not give me the motivation to succeed. I would rather have the extra bankroll in my account than Sky's anyway.
 Hope that people will enjoy the thread and will be able to give me advice as I will post hands of interest and ask for feedback.

 Bankroll £200.
 Profit £0.



  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited November 2010

     Quick question. What's the easiest way to post a hand on the forum. Used to usint PT3 hand grabber and wondered how to do it on Sky.
  • Kiwini4uKiwini4u Member Posts: 3,830
    edited November 2010
    Hi 68Trebor, welcome to the forum, and good luck in your quest.   Take a look here for instructions on how to post a hand on the forum.

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited November 2010

    These threads r kool if u keep it goin - they normally fizzle out after a week or so.

    Post hands - strategy, big pots, weird calls, and bad beats!!! I've got a bad beat fetish.

    Check the poker clinic for instructions on how to post a hand, or Barry will probably build a link in for u.

    Good luck, will probably see u at the tables when u get carried away 1 friday night after a few sherbets, and go to the dizzy heights of 30nl ;)

  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited November 2010

     Session 1
     Won £6.09

     Played 3 tables for approx 1 hour and ended up winning £6.09. Played small ball and gradually built up to £6.09. No major talking points as biggest pot involved in was for £4.60. Have to say find it very different to William Hill / Full Tilt with a lot more limping and what appears a lot less bluffing.
     Is there anyway of knowing how many hands I played in a session without physically counting them from my hand history. Also is there any easy way of working out BB/100. Have to say I do miss being able to use PT3 just to track my performance, never mind the use of a HUD.

     Bankroll £206.09.
     Profit £6.09.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,143
    edited November 2010

    Keep it up Trebor, this could/should be a good thread.

    If you are good enough, you just need patience & discipline.

    Keep an Excel Spreadsheet with your daily balance on it - it's a terrific psychological/motivational tool.

    When I have difficult targets in life to meet, "challenging myself" is always the key to success.

    I dieted earlier this year, & lost 5 stone in 4 months. To help me zone in, I weighed myself DAILY, & kept a graph of the weight loss, & I carried around with me - everywhere, 24/7, always by my side - a packet of crisps & a Snickers bar, to "test" my resolve. It was more fun than you can ever imagine. There were other tricks of the mind, too, lots of them if you are inventive  & imaginative. Reverse psychology is a thing of wonder.

    Nothing beats the satisfaction of challenging ourselves. And winning.

    Good luck Sir.  
  • darichdarich Member Posts: 969
    edited November 2010
    Very good luck with this Trebor.

    Willpower ftw
  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited November 2010
    hi trebor, i played on a table with you today on nl20, and you have the game to continue this quest. good luck phil
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited November 2010

     Firstly thnaks for all the messages, particularly pod1, gives me great encouragement.

     Session 2
     Won £1.92.

     Another good session with only 3 losing hands over £2 and the biggest £2.60. Largest winning hand £11.60 when villain tried to bluff his way to the pot by betting all three streets of an A,3,8,3,8 holding 5,7 against my A,J. 
     As you will notice I tend to play a lot of short sessions due to family. e.g. took daughter sledging this afternoon as school closed.
     One real hand of interest is shown below. Have tried to copy / paste it from HH but not sure if it will come out right. Basically I raised it up with Q,Q and got called by the button. Flop comes A,10,5 rainbow and lead out 3/4 pot to see if my Q,Q any good. Button just flat calls. I put him on an A at this point and on a 8 turn just check it, expecting villain to bet and I would fold. He also checks. River comes another 8 and again I check. Villain puts in overbet of 1.5 x the pot. At this point I put villain either on a monster A,8 perhaps or a complete bluff. I am sorely tempted to call but decide against this. I still wonder if this was correct decision as surely if he had 2 pair on the turn or A,K he would have value bet with me having bet out the flop to represent the A. Thoughts please.

     Bankroll £208.01
     Profit £8.01

      Tried to post Hand History but it came out all weird. Copy / pasted from hand history but not having it, any ideas.

  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Diary of a losing recreational player.:
     Firstly thnaks for all the messages, particularly pod1, gives me great encouragement.  Session 2  Won £1.92.  Another good session with only 3 losing hands over £2 and the biggest £2.60. Largest winning hand £11.60 when villain tried to bluff his way to the pot by betting all three streets of an A,3,8,3,8 holding 5,7 against my A,J.   As you will notice I tend to play a lot of short sessions due to family. e.g. took daughter sledging this afternoon as school closed.  One real hand of interest is shown below. Have tried to copy / paste it from HH but not sure if it will come out right. Basically I raised it up with Q,Q and got called by the button. Flop comes A,10,5 rainbow and lead out 3/4 pot to see if my Q,Q any good. Button just flat calls. I put him on an A at this point and on a 8 turn just check it, expecting villain to bet and I would fold. He also checks. River comes another 8 and again I check. Villain puts in overbet of 1.5 x the pot. At this point I put villain either on a monster A,8 perhaps or a complete bluff. I am sorely tempted to call but decide against this. I still wonder if this was correct decision as surely if he had 2 pair on the turn or A,K he would have value bet with me having bet out the flop to represent the A. Thoughts please.   Bankroll £208.01  Profit £8.01   Tried to post Hand History but it came out all weird. Copy / pasted from hand history but not having it, any ideas.    
    Posted by 68Trebor
    Hi Trebor

    What Browser are you using please?
  • gaza559gaza559 Member Posts: 49
    edited November 2010
    As tikay said keep a spreadsheet of your bankroll, and update it daily filling in if you've made a profit or a loss. Note how long you played for and an overall summary of the session. Really is worth doing. Gl.
  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited November 2010
    Hi trebor,

    Best of luck in your quest i look forward to ur updates
  • bryan1960bryan1960 Member Posts: 205
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Diary of a losing recreational player.:
     Firstly let me tell you a bit about myself. I started playing poker approx 5 years ago and within the first 3 months I won 2 decent MTT's on Pacific netting $4k and $3k for $20 buy ins. This was possibly the worst start to my poker career that I could have made as I suddenly thought it was the easiest game in the world and I just needed to log on to win vast sums of money. Since then the reality of poker has kicked in and I have muddled along playing MTT's, SNG's and cash. Although I rate myself a half decent player I probably haved lacked the focus to be a consistent winner. Hence the reason for this thread. I have played on numerous sites and have now come to the conclusion that i am going to focus on Sky Poker. My aim is to become a more focussed player and believe that by updating this thread every time I play this will help with this goal. I intend to mainly focus on cash, as the variance of MTT and SNG drives me insane. I will play the odd MTT as I do enjoy them every now and again. I will start with £200 in my account and will be playing the £20nl games. Yes I know my bankroll says I should be playing lower but the £200 is not my entire roll and I have the money in reserve to be able to play this limit comfortably, I also find that playing at a lower limit does not give me the motivation to succeed. I would rather have the extra bankroll in my account than Sky's anyway.  Hope that people will enjoy the thread and will be able to give me advice as I will post hands of interest and ask for feedback.  Bankroll £200.  Profit £0.
    Posted by 68Trebor
    Hi Robert,yours is a story that mirrors so many pokerers up and down the pokerworld.Our advice,Bryan and i ,is to forget about all these spread sheets profit n loss type stuff and just enjoy the game without complications.You know in time things will go against you as they have before,and youll get sick of advertising your bad beats and losses.Sorry to sound a tad blunt,but Bryan and i have took many, many confused and disillusioned players under our wing before .Take it from us Robert,you can try,but you cannot fight against the "L" word in this game we love.Variance this,variance that,pot odds this ,pot odds that,implied this ,open ended plus flush draw that.Dear Robert,if the cards you get dealt are to your eye good,and when the flop marries them,your in with half a chance,only half.You can play a perfect game of tactical poker,with all your moves and perceptions perfect,but that never has done ,and never will make you a certain winner in this game of LUCK.and skill.How many times have you cried out loud to yourself,"HOW THE XXXX COULD HE CALL WITH THAT,WHEN IVE GOT THIS,N THAT".How many times have your aces been burst when u bet x5 the bb and he calls you with 23 suited and flops a23.Dear Robert ,Bryan and i advise you that next time you win about a quid on this sed site,nip round to the corner shop and get urself a good old bag o crisps and a snicker bar,and enjoy.Good luck at the tables,youllneed it like us all,yours Bryan and i.
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited November 2010

     Hi Ace Barry,
      I am running latest version of IE.
  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited November 2010
    wp again mate,esp as you were sat between 2 very agg players (1 boardering on maniac). keep going, phil
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited November 2010

     Session 3
     Won £6.78

     Final session of day as off to work now. Played 3 tables and will start to download some hands once ace barry has helped me figure out why not downloading properly. Please Barry, if you don't mind.
     Good start to challenge having played 3 sessions, all in profit and having boosted bankroll by 7%.
     Have to say ty to allthe posters so far and have to say I have found table chat very friendly compared to other bigger sites I have experienced. Think I am going to enjoy myself at Sky Poker.

     Bankroll £214.79.
     Profit £14.79.

  • FlutNushFlutNush Member Posts: 371
    edited November 2010
    Hi 68Trebor,

    Controversially, I disagree with all the Bryans (in fairness to them, I rarely understand half of what they’re banging on about... they could do with some paragraph breaks). 

    But first; thanks for sharing. It takes a lot of confidence and chutzpah to kneel in the cold, harsh crucible of public scrutiny – I applaud you for that. 

    Second; if you want to keep a spreadsheet and monitor results, then go for it. Garnering opinions and ideas – as you have done on this forum – is a good idea... but so is the ability to ‘tune out the white noise’ and edit those answers to fit your circumstances.

    In summary; you instinctively know what will keep your senses sharp; follow that plan. If you want to embrace the discipline of a spreadsheet – fine, go for it... sounds like diligent bank-roll management to me.  

    I look forward to reading about your results and successes. Good luck.

  • -ACERAG--ACERAG- Member Posts: 180
    edited November 2010
    Hi Trebor

    Would be could to see some hand histoy, see what starting range you have, how many times u c-bet etc. Should be a good posts and interesting. Good Luck
  • bryan1960bryan1960 Member Posts: 205
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Diary of a losing recreational player.:
    Hi 68Trebor, Controversially, I disagree with all the Bryans (in fairness to them, I rarely understand half of what they’re banging on about... they could do with some paragraph breaks).  But first; thanks for sharing. It takes a lot of confidence and chutzpah to kneel in the cold, harsh crucible of public scrutiny – I applaud you for that.  Second; if you want to keep a spreadsheet and monitor results, then go for it. Garnering opinions and ideas – as you have done on this forum – is a good idea... but so is the ability to ‘tune out the white noise’ and edit those answers to fit your circumstances. In summary; you instinctively know what will keep your senses sharp; follow that plan. If you want to embrace the discipline of a spreadsheet – fine, go for it... sounds like diligent bank-roll management to me.   I look forward to reading about your results and successes. Good luck.
    Posted by FlutNush





                  throw the microscope away and just play the darn game.
  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited November 2010
    he is tight and well discplined, can put hands down. should go far
  • billybootsbillyboots Member Posts: 1,197
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Diary of a losing recreational player.:
    These threads r kool if u keep it goin - they normally fizzle out after a week or so. Post hands - strategy, big pots, weird calls, and bad beats!!! I've got a bad beat fetish. Check the poker clinic for instructions on how to post a hand, or Barry will probably build a link in for u. Good luck, will probably see u at the tables when u get carried away 1 friday night after a few sherbets, and go to the dizzy heights of 30nl ;) DOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
     RE ;Trebors thread
    PMSL when I saw this connection DOHHHHHHHHH...or was it genuinely missed by everyone.

    Am I not mistaken but didn't Trebor make sherbets...........I'm sure someone could tell me.
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