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Diary of a losing recreational player.



  • N1CKN1CK Member Posts: 1,453
    edited January 2011
    In Response to Re: Diary of a losing recreational player.:
    In Response to Re: Diary of a losing recreational player. : No its not easy mate but once i got it up to $80 i should be able to do it, i got past the playing shortstack on nl$2 without blowing up due to the bordom of it and am now playing 1 table of $6 hu sngs alongside my normal 6max game, the $5 now stands at $230 and il be moving up to $11 hu sng probably tomorrow so it should start to grow quicker now here is graph for the 8 days been doing the hu sngs
    Posted by N1CK

    6 weeks since my $5 BR challange total so far $613
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited January 2011

     Lost £24.27

    Back in the game after a small break and lost £2.27 playing cash and £22 playing the £2k BH and £1k Guarantee. Anyway, here's to a prosperous 2011.
     Aims for 2011

     1. Get to 30nl by the end of March.
     2. Get to 50nl by the end of October.
     3. Build bankroll to £3K by end of year.
     4. Post on thread after every session.
     5. Show a profit in MTT's.
     6. Stick to following Bankroll Management - Minimum 20 buy ins for cash, 30 buy ins for MTT's.

     Bankroll £340.09
     Profit £130.09
     Cash Profit £227.96
     MTT Profit -£97.87

  • garyK1972garyK1972 Member Posts: 15
    edited January 2011
    In Response to Re: Diary of a losing recreational player.:
      Session  Lost £24.27   Back in the game after a small break and lost £2.27 playing cash and £22 playing the £2k BH and £1k Guarantee. Anyway, here's to a prosperous 2011.     Aims for 2011  1. Get to 30nl by the end of March.  2. Get to 50nl by the end of October.  3. Build bankroll to £3K by end of year.  4. Post on thread after every session.  5. Show a profit in MTT's.  6. Stick to following Bankroll Management - Minimum 20 buy ins for cash, 30 buy ins for MTT's.   Bankroll £340.09   Profit £130.09  Cash Profit £227.96   MTT Profit -£97.87
    Posted by 68Trebor

    hi Trebor, does that mean u have dropped from nl20? to nl10, as its below your bank roll management rule?
    as with ur cash profit suggests you are winning dteady at the level. but u have to goto nl10 till u get to £400.
    id stick to nl20 unless u lose to below £300.
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited January 2011


     I have made the decision to ply my trade elsewhere. I have not made this decision lightly but have made this decision for the following reasons.

     1. Rakeback - I receive 30% RB at 2 other sites and believe the fact that Sky only offer the cash for points promo, that is nowhere as good as 30% RB, it is impacting on my overall profit.
     2. HUD - I really miss using my HUD and the ability to analyse my play. I fully understand and respect SKY decision to not promote the use of HUD and understand their reasons but I do miss it.
     3. Traffic - I play at some funny times, early morning, due to working nights and find the lack of traffic at these times means I am tempted to play at a higher level than my BR allows so as to get some action.
     4. MTT schedule - There is a real lack of good guaranteed MTT's at the £5 - £10 mark, due to lack of traffic, and the big TV MTT's buy in seems to be gradually increasing.

     I beleive the new year signals a new start and I would like to thank you all for your support and kind words and hope 2011 proves successful for you all. 
     I may well return one day, especially if I struggle to beat the competition on another site, and if you wish to follow my progress I will be starting a new thread on another well known forum titled "A new dawn".


  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited January 2011
    good luck mate in your quest mate, sorry you couldnt find what you are looking for here. pleasure playing with you (oh er misses) phil
  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited January 2011
    Thats a shame, I do agree that player traffic is very light in the morning. Good luck.
  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited January 2011
    ps  pm me were you gone and how you doing  phil
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited January 2011

     Trebor's home

     I have just spent the past fortnight playing on a couple of the bigger sites and jave decided, once and for all SKYPOKER is the home for me.
     Why I hear you ask.
     It's because of you guys. I have spent hour upon hour sat at tables with non descript robots pressing buttons on 16 tables at a time who have no personality and only use words that can be best described as derogaraty and I have to say I have missed the cheerful banter and chat that only seems to occur on this site. So for this reason and this reason alone I am returning a wiser and more contented person deep in the knowledge this is my home and where I belong.
     So my thread will recommence at the point it ceased, thankfully these robots did no harm to my bankroll and I will take a slight profit and return to the bankroll I left with.

     Bankroll £340.09
    Profit £130.09
     Cash Profit £227.96
    MTT Profit -£97.87

  • iBLUFFiBLUFF Member Posts: 1,244
    edited January 2011
    Great news mate, welcome home :)
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited January 2011
    Welcome back sir, gd luck at the tables.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited January 2011

    Alot harder elsewhere innit?? ;)

    Even if sky is rigged, it's easier to make money here than it is anywhere else.

    I'm back playing cash now at similar levels to you, so you may be sometime soon.

    Good Luck.
  • walesboywalesboy Member Posts: 993
    edited January 2011
    welcome back
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited January 2011

     It's not that I was losing elsewhere it was just like playing soul less poker. I was becoming a robot and it is supposed to be fun. As for sky being rigged I have never once complained and don't believe any site, apart from UB maybe, is rigged. See you at the tables Dohhhhh.
  • hurst05hurst05 Member Posts: 1,567
    edited January 2011
    sky is a UK site afterall, you cant really expect a mass amount of people playing at daft o'clock. i think the traffic has boomed though, 17 tables of 50nl and around 14 tables of 100nl running yesterday evening, and couldnt egt on 1 for about 20 mins, ludacris!!!!!!
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited January 2011

     Lost £40.05

    Played this last night but was unable to post after session for some reason. Well how the Sky Poker god has took revenge for my deserting him. I obviously hurt his feelings by trying to worship a different god and he has had his revenge, I am sorry and have learnt my lesson and will never stray again. Played a bit to loose and wild, probably my excitement at being home, and lost a couple of races for big stacks. Will return tonight more tight and aggressive.

     Bankroll £300.04
     Profit £90.04
     Cash Profit £187.91
     MTT Profit -£97.87
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited January 2011

     Lost £17.60

    Continued to play far too loose and will make a determined effort to tighten up and stop chasing draws when I next play. Did receive a £5 deposit bonus off Sky - Thank you very much. Off to work now for my final night shift before a weeks hols. Flying to Andorra on Sunday morning for a weeks skiing with a few mates so may not be seen on tables for a week or so, then again may get a session in tomorrow evening depending on packing status etc. Can't wait for a week of no work, no kids and no wife (although I do love them dearly - just in case you are reading this). Probably do me good to have a weeks break and come back fighting fit and raring to go.

     Bankroll £287.44
     Profit £72.44
     Cash Profit £170.31
     MTT Profit -£97.87

  • kalooki8kalooki8 Member Posts: 451
    edited January 2011
    Hi Trebor - just read all pages with interest and this has inspired me to do a similair thing but across all betting including poker. Going to start with £100 and see how it goes, won't be posting but will keep a diary. Good luck with your continuous challenge.
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited January 2011

     Won £26.04

     Back to winning ways. The key was playing a much better ABC, tight aggressive game. Played a lot better, playing from position and making some good reads on other players. Also only played 2 tables rather than my usual 3, this could be the future, we will have to see. Glad you enjoyed the thread Kalooki and I, for one, would be interested in a thread if you were to start one, especially if it included other things as well as poker, but good luck with your challenge. Will probably fit another couple of hours session later before a good nights sleep and early rise to set off for Andorra at 8am, can't wait and really looking forward to that Apres Ski.

     Bankroll £313.48
     Profit £98.48
     CashProfit £196.35
     MTT Profit -£97.87

  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited January 2011
    good man, im up and down like a wxxrxs knickers, can run 3 sessions good and then 3 bad, driving me nuts. dohhh said he got some " good notes" on my game, buts its gonna cost me!! if he wernt a northener i might take him up on his offer!!!
  • TRIP5TRIP5 Member Posts: 3,618
    edited January 2011
    Welcome back Minty!!!!!

    Two tables and TAG play seems to the be way forward for you ATM...

    Just wondered if you would be hitting the tables tonight, and if so, will you be playing drunk (like me and Dohhhhhhh) or are you too sensible for those sorts of shenanigans?

    GL at the tables!!


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