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Diary of a losing recreational player.



  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited December 2010

     Lost £56.91

     Was trundling along, playing OK when disaster struck with the following 3 hands in a half hour spell. I will post them on three posts with my comments attached.
     I hate poker, not really. I hate poker when I don't win, not really. God poker is frustrating, really.

  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited December 2010

     First Hand at 19.15

     Couldn't have played it much better but one of those things, hey ho that's poker.

    Louch Small blind  £0.10 £0.10 £51.34
    BIGSHANN Big blind  £0.20 £0.30 £25.24
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    Verbal_Gym Fold     
    4pat5 Raise  £0.40 £0.70 £16.89
    68Trebor Raise  £1.00 £1.70 £30.87
    lynx3ffect Fold     
    Louch Fold     
    BIGSHANN Fold     
    4pat5 Call  £0.60 £2.30 £16.29
    • 5
    • 6
    • 2
    4pat5 Bet  £2.00 £4.30 £14.29
    68Trebor Raise  £5.00 £9.30 £25.87
    4pat5 Call  £3.00 £12.30 £11.29
    • 8
    4pat5 Check     
    68Trebor Bet  £7.00 £19.30 £18.87
    4pat5 All-in  £11.29 £30.59 £0.00
    68Trebor Call  £4.29 £34.88 £14.58
    4pat5 Show
    • 3
    • 3
    68Trebor Show
    • K
    • K
    • 3
    4pat5 Win Three 3s £33.13  £33.13
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited December 2010

     Second Hand at 19.18

     Never put him on the FH and thought he had small pair or a 7. Probably a bit tilty.

    Tycho Small blind  £0.10 £0.10 £16.94
    68Trebor Big blind  £0.20 £0.30 £38.98
    journeyboy Sit out     
      Your hole cards
    • 9
    • 9
    1066AVFC Fold     
    madtaff Fold     
    Verbal_Gym Raise  £0.80 £1.10 £18.80
    Tycho Fold     
    68Trebor Call  £0.60 £1.70 £38.38
    • Q
    • 7
    • Q
    68Trebor Check     
    Verbal_Gym Bet  £1.40 £3.10 £17.40
    68Trebor Raise  £3.20 £6.30 £35.18
    Verbal_Gym Call  £1.80 £8.10 £15.60
    • 4
    68Trebor Check     
    Verbal_Gym Bet  £4.20 £12.30 £11.40
    68Trebor Call  £4.20 £16.50 £30.98
    • K
    68Trebor Bet  £8.25 £24.75 £22.73
    Verbal_Gym All-in  £11.40 £36.15 £0.00
    68Trebor Call  £3.15 £39.30 £19.58
    68Trebor Show
    • 9
    • 9
    Verbal_Gym Show
    • 7
    • 7
    Verbal_Gym Win Full House, 7s and Queens £37.50  £37.50
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited December 2010

     Third Hand at 19.31

     Got it all in on the flop drawing to the nut flush and 2 over cards, would have called his turn bet anyway and still think I played this the right way, just not running well at mo. My luck will turn surely, this is what they call variance I believe.

    Verbal_Gym Small blind  £0.10 £0.10 £22.61
    4pat5 Big blind  £0.20 £0.30 £35.78
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • Q
    68Trebor Raise  £0.60 £0.90 £21.18
    Louch Fold     
    Verbal_Gym Call  £0.50 £1.40 £22.11
    4pat5 Call  £0.40 £1.80 £35.38
    • 9
    • 6
    • 5
    Verbal_Gym Check     
    4pat5 Bet  £0.60 £2.40 £34.78
    68Trebor Raise  £1.80 £4.20 £19.38
    Verbal_Gym Raise  £8.60 £12.80 £13.51
    4pat5 Fold     
    68Trebor All-in  £19.38 £32.18 £0.00
    Verbal_Gym All-in  £13.51 £45.69 £0.00
    Verbal_Gym Unmatched bet  £0.93 £44.76 £0.93
    Verbal_Gym Show
    • Q
    • 7
    68Trebor Show
    • A
    • Q
    • 3
    • 8
    Verbal_Gym Win Flush to the Queen £42.96  £43.89

     Bankroll £202.69
     Profit £2.69
     Cash Profit £48.39
     MTT Profit -£45.70

  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited December 2010

     Bankroll £202.69
    Profit £2.69
     Cash Profit £48.39
     MTT Profit -£45.70

  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited December 2010

     Lost £5.82

     Have been playing far too loose trying to catch the big hands. I have to realise that cash is all about a steady profit and stopp going after the big winn all the time. I have to get into my head that it is better to be £1 up on the session every day then up £40 one session and then down £20 three sessions as you keep chasing that big hit. When will I learn and take notice of this. Really have got to be more disciplined and remember i am in for the long haul and not a short term fix. I am determined that next session is the turning point. COME ON !!!!!

     Bankroll £196.87
     Profit -£3.13
     Cash Profit £42.57
     MTT Profit -£45.70

  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited December 2010

     Won £24.60

     Much better session, never really in danger and played very solid. Had a good chat with Pod1 at tables and think this may have helped me stay focussed, so TY Pod.
     Majority of winning s donated to me in following hand. Could do with one of these every session.

    68Trebor Small blind  £0.10 £0.10 £24.55
    johneff Big blind  £0.20 £0.30 £15.06
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    flick0121 Call  £0.20 £0.50 £27.54
    rawadaa16 Call  £0.20 £0.70 £16.43
    pod1 Call  £0.20 £0.90 £18.70
    ih8limpers Raise  £0.80 £1.70 £16.41
    68Trebor Raise  £1.60 £3.30 £22.95
    johneff Fold     
    flick0121 Fold     
    rawadaa16 Call  £1.50 £4.80 £14.93
    pod1 Fold     
    ih8limpers Call  £0.90 £5.70 £15.51
    • K
    • 5
    • 10
    68Trebor Bet  £4.00 £9.70 £18.95
    rawadaa16 Fold     
    ih8limpers All-in  £15.51 £25.21 £0.00
    68Trebor All-in  £18.95 £44.16 £0.00
    68Trebor Unmatched bet  £7.44 £36.72 £7.44
    68Trebor Show
    • A
    • A
    ih8limpers Show
    • 8
    • K
    • 9
    • 10
    68Trebor Win Two Pairs, Aces and 10s £34.92  £42.36
     Bankroll £221.47
     Profit £21.47
     Cash Profit £67.17
     MTT Profit -£45.70

  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited December 2010
    nh mate, keep going  phil
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited December 2010

     Won £6.95

     Just played a 2 hour session and won a small amount, this is what they call grinding. No major hands to discuss but I did end up playing 1 table of NL30 along with one of NL20. Usually play 3 tables of NL20 but due to lack of players tried my hand at NL30, and have to say didn't notice any difference in standard. Need to move that BR up so I can get on NL30 asap.

     Bankroll £228.42
     Profit £28.42
     Cash Profit £74.12
     MTT Profit -£45.70

  • lMARKllMARKl Member Posts: 254
    edited December 2010
    In Response to Re: Diary of a losing recreational player.:
      Session  Won £6.95  Just played a 2 hour session and won a small amount, this is what they call grinding. No major hands to discuss but I did end up playing 1 table of NL30 along with one of NL20. Usually play 3 tables of NL20 but due to lack of players tried my hand at NL30, and have to say didn't notice any difference in standard. Need to move that BR up so I can get on NL30 asap.   Bankroll £228.42   Profit £28.42  Cash Profit £74.12   MTT Profit -£45.70  
    Posted by 68Trebor

    Nice thread Trebor pleased your keeping it going, when are you planning on moving to NL30 ?
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited December 2010

     Won £11.74

    Mark, I will be looking to play nl30 when I get my roll up to £450. I know this is below the 20 buy in mark but life is a gamble and I honest;y don't think there is much diff between nl20 and nl30 level, maybe wrong we will see.
     Had another decent session, AA held up against villain pushing Q high flop with AQ and that is 3rd time in row my AA has held up when all in, due to have my AA busted soon then. Played one hand stupidly towards end of session, calling his raise on flop of 6,J,Q with my AK, and then calling his raise on turn of K, knew deep down he had me beat and put him on 2 pair but still made call, STUPID. Why do I do that.

     Bankroll £240.16
     Profit £40.16
     Cash Profit £85.86
     MTT Profit -£45.70

  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited December 2010

     Won £5.68
    Was flying for last 5 mins of session and was up £26 and then with 3 hands left to play I decided to play following hand, thinking I was unbeatable and this was a chance to put ny session winnings into the £40 bracket. Played the hand without thinking and very badly. Dohhh.

    68Trebor Small blind  £0.10 £0.10 £39.79
    Frogmella Big blind  £0.20 £0.30 £7.68
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • A
    Loosifer Fold     
    smudge184 Raise  £0.80 £1.10 £20.79
    68Trebor Raise  £1.40 £2.50 £38.39
    Frogmella Fold     
    smudge184 Call  £0.70 £3.20 £20.09
    • 6
    • 6
    • 7
    68Trebor Check     
    smudge184 Check     
    • K
    68Trebor Bet  £2.40 £5.60 £35.99
    smudge184 Call  £2.40 £8.00 £17.69
    • A
    68Trebor Bet  £4.00 £12.00 £31.99
    smudge184 All-in  £17.69 £29.69 £0.00
    68Trebor Call  £13.69 £43.38 £18.30
    68Trebor Show
    • K
    • A
    smudge184 Show
    • A
    • Q
    smudge184 Win Flush to the Ace
     Bankroll £245.84
     Profit £45.84
     Cash Profit £91.54
     MTT Proift -£45.70

  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited December 2010

     Lost £28.49

    Decided to take a break from the grind of cash and played 5 MTT's tonight. Finished 10th in the £500 guarantee for £5 profit and took 2 bountys in the £1.5k BH. Never got into a really strong chip position in any of the 5 and went out in standard ways pushing when down to 6 buy ins and losing a couple of races. Despite my current MTT record I still believe I have the game to beat the MTT scene and may be tempted to play some MTT's tomorrow including the £15K BH.

     Bankroll £217.35
     Profit £17.35
     Cash Profit £91.54
     MTT Profit -£74.19

  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited December 2010
    Hi trebor, thanks for continue to update

    i have just had a catch up, if you do choose to play BH i suggest maybe satelite in? also best of luck im running like death in MTT lately too chin up im sure your get a result soon.
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited December 2010

     Won £5.02

     Lost £15 playing cash but came 6th in £500 BH for a total of £20 with 2 heads. As tonight is my last night off until Christmas Eve due to working in a supermarket, god bless the British public who believe that all supermarkets close for a month not just for 2 days over christmas, I will be buying in direct to the £15k at 8pm. 

     Bankroll £222.37
     Profit £22.37
     Cash Profit £76.72
     MTT Profit -£54.35

  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited December 2010

     Lost £28.14

     Very strange session. Played the £15K BH and finished 75th with one head. Played solidly but I am struggling with the fast structures of Sky MTT's after playing on FT and PS where the structures were a lot slower and suited my tight game better.
     Then fell for the Poker10 promo and decided to try my luck. Was up about £2, playing with a £40 stack on a nl100 table and just needed to rake one more hand. Went to the flop with 99 and saw a flop of 6,7,8 and ended up all in for my £40 against villain holding Q,Q. Got my £10 bonus but it cost me £40 to get. Then had a strong session 3 tabling nl20 to pull back a lot of my losses.
     Been playing for 16 days and showing £4 profit. This is when I realise the rake is killing me. If I were playing on one of my other sites Bet Fair or Will Hill I would be receiving 30% RB and would be making a decent profit as a result. The only 3 things keeping me on Sky are the forum, the best I have experienced by a long way, the general community spirit at the tables, never palyed on a more friendly site where players are human and
    not 16 tabling robots, and the fact I might appear on ch 865, vanity is not a good thing.

     Bankroll £204.23
     Profit -£5.77
     Cash Profit £70.10
     MTT Profit -£75.87

  • MereNoviceMereNovice Member Posts: 4,364
    edited December 2010
    You're probably already aware but you will get "Cash For Points" at the end of the month.
    This is Sky Poker's reward scheme for regular players - it's a rough approximation to rakeback.

    See here for details.

    Don't forget to enter "POINTS" in the Free Bet code before the end of the month if you haven't already done so.
  • N1CKN1CK Member Posts: 1,453
    edited December 2010
    In Response to Re: Diary of a losing recreational player.:
      Session  Lost £28.14  Very strange session. Played the £15K BH and finished 75th with one head. Played solidly but I am struggling with the fast structures of Sky MTT's after playing on FT and PS where the structures were a lot slower and suited my tight game better.  Then fell for the Poker10 promo and decided to try my luck. Was up about £2, playing with a £40 stack on a nl100 table and just needed to rake one more hand. Went to the flop with 99 and saw a flop of 6,7,8 and ended up all in for my £40 against villain holding Q,Q. Got my £10 bonus but it cost me £40 to get. Then had a strong session 3 tabling nl20 to pull back a lot of my losses.  Been playing for 16 days and showing £4 profit. This is when I realise the rake is killing me. If I were playing on one of my other sites Bet Fair or Will Hill I would be receiving 30% RB and would be making a decent profit as a result. The only 3 things keeping me on Sky are the forum, the best I have experienced by a long way, the general community spirit at the tables, never palyed on a more friendly site where players are human and not 16 tabling robots, and the fact I might appear on ch 865, vanity is not a good thing.   Bankroll £204.23  Profit -£5.77  Cash Profit £70.10   MTT Profit -£75.87
    Posted by 68Trebor
    Keep this up and you will be reloading soon, you obviously have no discipline

    But yeah rake is a killer in the micros, a couple of weeks ago a pokersite i used to play on gave me $5 (i have no idea why) well it turned out to be a pretty good move on their part, because for a laugh i thought i would spin that fiver up into a few grand and in the last week they have had $100 rake off me lol
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited December 2010
     Cheers for the insight N1ck you are obviously a very astute guy. I am aware I have no discipline but was just making the point that RB would have helped.
     Mere I am aware of the cash for points offer, but thanks for the tip. The only problem at the Micro levels is that the cash for points promo is nowhere near 30% RB.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited December 2010
    In Response to Re: Diary of a losing recreational player.:
    In Response to Re: Diary of a losing recreational player. : Keep this up and you will be reloading soon, you obviously have no discipline But yeah rake is a killer in the micros, a couple of weeks ago a pokersite i used to play on gave me $5 (i have no idea why) well it turned out to be a pretty good move on their part, because for a laugh i thought i would spin that fiver up into a few grand and in the last week they have had $100 rake off me lol
    Posted by N1CK

    As simple as that eh? Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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