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Diary of a losing recreational player.



  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited December 2010
    Great stuff Trebor, your cash results look excellent so far, keep up the good work.
  • dublin-updublin-up Member Posts: 33
    edited December 2010
    It's a great thread. Please keep the updates
  • mike1975mike1975 Member Posts: 420
    edited December 2010
    That was a good read, keep up the good work Trebor.
  • goodylad21goodylad21 Member Posts: 693
    edited December 2010
    Hi there,

    Dont lose heart pal there will be alot of people who read your thread but dont want to hijack it !!

    Keep up the good work & reports i for one am enjoying reading it ! (a very drunk goody lol)

    ps im not aloud to play most weekends, i dont have big enough trousers :)
  • OMahonyOOMahonyO Member Posts: 1,883
    edited December 2010
    Good thread trebor.  I started a similar one a few months back but never kept it up.  I see a bit of myself in this.  Nice steady profit there.
  • NODEALNODEAL Member Posts: 608
    edited December 2010
    hi trev

    even if people dont post they will read, it is an interesting thread, my advice would be..  dont fear any player no matter how good they are,  I  realy believe the game is more simple than most poker players would think.

    avoid being put to the test on hands, if you believe you have best get the money in first, if you lose the hand you gave yourself the maximum chance of winning it.

    I have played on this site since day 1,  I play mostly ABC poker,   You can have a horrid bad run for two weeks with many trips getting cracked but it always changes.


    Good luck

  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited December 2010
    just got back from rome and see you are still going strong. will catch up later on tables. keep going phil
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited December 2010
    read through this.

    Fantastic page and a good read.
  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited December 2010

    great read mintser, i have just caught up please keep posting great results so far keep it up also re: mtt try satelite only if you fail obviously not meant to be

    keep up the good work, i will be reading but only will post occasionally


  • DarntootinDarntootin Member Posts: 1,521
    edited December 2010
    Yeah keep it up Trebor, this is a good read.
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited December 2010

     Won £8.36

    Firstly, thanks for all the messages of support, really appreciated. Played a quick 1hour session before tea, spag bol for those who are interested. PLayed one really strange hand against an unknown, see below. Looking back probably a bad call by me as what could the villain reallistically have that one pair was beating. The lure of AA was too strong and I got lucky. 

    Richy-G Small blind £0.10 £0.10 £26.94
    68Trebor Big blind  £0.20 £0.30 £18.47
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    dogcharlie Call  £0.20 £0.50 £43.37
    PURPLE_AKI Fold     
    jazzyj Fold     
    Richy-G Fold     
    68Trebor Raise  £0.40 £0.90 £18.07
    dogcharlie Call  £0.40 £1.30 £42.97
    • K
    • J
    • 5
    68Trebor Check     
    dogcharlie All-in  £42.97 £44.27 £0.00
    68Trebor All-in  £18.07 £62.34 £0.00
    dogcharlie Unmatched bet  £24.90 £37.44 £24.90
    68Trebor Show
    • A
    • A
    dogcharlie Show
    • J
    • K
    • Q
    • A
    68Trebor Win Three Aces £35.64  £35.64
     Also had a problem with a hand that ended up costing me £7. I basically raised with J,K suited, got re-raised and I would probably have folded. I am playing 3 tables with them cascaded and as I was just preselecting fold on one table this table popped up and I pressed raise by mistake. He shoved all in and I had to fold. Has anyone else suffered this when multi tabling and what is the answer. I prefer to cascade my tables as I find that tiling them makes them too small.
     Will be playing again in a bit after my spag bol.

     Bankroll £319.08
     Profit £119.08
     Cash Profit £136.78
     MTT Profit -£17.70

  • pryce6pryce6 Member Posts: 1,058
    edited December 2010
    Lol I've played against him before, so bad. He shipped 100bbs in to win 6 with a monster lols.

    Saying that I would have raised more pre and c bet 100% of the time if I was you.

    Nice thread though

  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited December 2010

     Lost £11.85

    Played for about an hour and lost my money on the following hand. Payray had been playing very erratic and appeared to be tilting a bit, he had been all in a few times in the last few hands. I was half expecting him to push. When he pushed he was on a very wide range, when Dollie called I knew he knew that Payray was playing a wide range and this then opened up Dollie's range. These 2 factors made me call as I believed I was getting value over their ranges.

    outbk Small blind  £0.10 £0.10 £60.22
    chriggy Big blind  £0.20 £0.30 £16.31
    GoSamyGo Sit out     
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • 10
    payray10 Call  £0.20 £0.50 £14.29
    Dollie Raise  £0.60 £1.10 £18.20
    68Trebor Call  £0.60 £1.70 £18.30
    outbk Fold     
    chriggy Call  £0.40 £2.10 £15.91
    payray10 All-in  £14.29 £16.39 £0.00
    Dollie Call  £13.89 £30.28 £4.31
    68Trebor All-in  £18.30 £48.58 £0.00
    chriggy Fold     
    Dollie All-in  £4.31 £52.89 £0.00
    68Trebor Unmatched bet  £0.10 £52.79 £0.10
    payray10 Show
    • A
    • K
    Dollie Show
    • J
    • J
    68Trebor Show
    • 10
    • 10
    • K
    • J
    • Q
    • Q
    • 5
    Dollie Win Full House, Jacks and Queens £50.99  £50.99
     How wrong could I be, LOL. Looking back I was always going to be up against over cards but still not sure whether call was right in the situation. Off to work in a min, will probably play the 8pm MTT tomorrow as night off.

     Bankroll £307.23
     Profit £107.23
     Cash Profit £124.93
    MTT Profit -£17.70

  • DollieDollie Member Posts: 706
    edited December 2010
    As I said in the chat box when we played earlier, this is a great thread.  I am not sure that I expected to feature on it though.  I think in that particular hand you were ul.  Yes we both had the same read on the other player, but had you had the JJ and me the 10 10 you would have been patting yourself on the back.  When I saw the cards from the 3 hands I thought I was likely to lose as I had to avoid the 8 outs you had between you, so I felt that I was the underdog even though I was ahead going in.  I was fortunate to hit the Jack as our opponent did hit a King.
    Good to see you in profit overall and I look forward to crossing your path again.  I think we have been on same table a couple of times in the last week.  You have a solid game (not that I am a very good judge - lol).
    Good luck
  • garyK1972garyK1972 Member Posts: 15
    edited December 2010
    In Response to Re: Diary of a losing recreational player.:
      Session  Lost £11.85   Played for about an hour and lost my money on the following hand. Payray had been playing very erratic and appeared to be tilting a bit, he had been all in a few times in the last few hands. I was half expecting him to push. When he pushed he was on a very wide range, when Dollie called I knew he knew that Payray was playing a wide range and this then opened up Dollie's range. These 2 factors made me call as I believed I was getting value over their ranges.   Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance outbk Small blind   £0.10 £0.10 £60.22 chriggy Big blind   £0.20 £0.30 £16.31 GoSamyGo Sit out           Your hole cards 10 10       payray10 Call   £0.20 £0.50 £14.29 Dollie Raise   £0.60 £1.10 £18.20 68Trebor Call   £0.60 £1.70 £18.30 outbk Fold         chriggy Call   £0.40 £2.10 £15.91 payray10 All-in   £14.29 £16.39 £0.00 Dollie Call   £13.89 £30.28 £4.31 68Trebor All-in   £18.30 £48.58 £0.00 chriggy Fold         Dollie All-in   £4.31 £52.89 £0.00 68Trebor Unmatched bet   £0.10 £52.79 £0.10 payray10 Show A K       Dollie Show J J       68Trebor Show 10 10       Flop     K J Q       Turn     Q       River     5       Dollie Win Full House, Jacks and Queens £50.99   £50.99  How wrong could I be, LOL. Looking back I was always going to be up against over cards but still not sure whether call was right in the situation. Off to work in a min, will probably play the 8pm MTT tomorrow as night off.  Bankroll £307.23   Profit £107.23  Cash Profit £124.93   MTT Profit -£17.70
    Posted by 68Trebor
    u say at the end, "iwas always against over cards - even if it did widen their range, it was going to be 2 over cards at least (one each), which makes it a flip - should u really be calling off £18 (u reraised but no one was folding) with tens / and the flip?
    so far 100 quid up this seems a waste of 18 of it patience is a virtue.
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited December 2010

     Lost £28.00

     Played 5 MTT's tonight.
     £5k Open finished 177/288
     £750 Guaranteed 38/85
     £500 Guaranteed Velocity 8/63 won £34.25
     £1500 BH 140/211
     £2K TSP 59/255

     Lesson learnt was don't play when tired. Do think long term I could be a winning MTT player but need to up my concentration and willingness to lay down a big hand.

     Bankroll £279.23
    Profit £79.23
     Cash Profit £124.93
    MTT Profit -£45.70

  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited December 2010

     Lost £19.63

     Didn't play well at all, looking to chase draws etc and probably lucky to only lose £20, majority of which I lost when running KK into AA preflop. One of those sessions when you sit down and know you are not playing well but continue to play for some reason. I really must stop playing these sessions and make sure I only play when in the right mood. Off to work in a bit and may give it a break for a couple of days to recharge batteries before I begim my assault again, then again I may be on the tables tomorrow, we will have to see.

     Bankroll £259.60
     Profit £59.60
     Cash Profit £105.30
     MTT Profit -£45.70

  • SDodgerSDodger Member Posts: 141
    edited December 2010
    same as that Treb, right mood / frame of mind does alot...

    nice thread, good stuff, keep it up.
  • walesboywalesboy Member Posts: 993
    edited December 2010
    enjoying the thread m8
    one of my failings too, not stopping when i should. some days you just know it's not going to go right
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited December 2010

     In the middled of a session and just played this hand. What would you do, bearing in mind the villain has a tendancy to push all in a lot and is not afraid to put his stack on the line.

    68Trebor Small blind  £0.10 £0.10 £19.50
    Pgooner4 Big blind  £0.20 £0.30 £19.80
      Your hole cards
    • 9
    • K
    ronnieb Fold     
    dogcharlie Call  £0.20 £0.50 £25.06
    Ms_Chips Fold     
    68Trebor Call  £0.10 £0.60 £19.40
    Pgooner4 Check     
    • 5
    • 3
    • 7
    68Trebor Check     
    Pgooner4 Check     
    dogcharlie Check     
    • 6
    68Trebor Check     
    Pgooner4 Check     
    dogcharlie Check     
    • 8
    68Trebor Bet  £0.60 £1.20 £18.80
    Pgooner4 Fold     
    dogcharlie All-in  £25.06 £26.26 £0.00
    68Trebor Fold     
    dogcharlie Muck     
    dogcharlie Win  £1.71  £1.71
    dogcharlie Return  £24.46 £0.09 £26.17
     My thoughts were that at best I am chopping, at worse he has 9,10.
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