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Diary of a losing recreational player.



  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: Diary of a losing recreational player.:
    In Response to Re: Diary of a losing recreational player. : Ha Ha Ha lol, £50 profit, why was that then? :p That guy was on a mission
    Posted by AMYBR
    Im not going to complain ;) haha was great fun for me anyways

    lets hope he is on tonight too
  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: Diary of a losing recreational player.:
    In Response to Re: Diary of a losing recreational player. : Im not going to complain ;) haha was great fun for me anyways lets hope he is on tonight too
    Posted by YOUNG_GUN

    Was sat watching.  You played perfect as did my HM, as far as i could see.  Except my HM's 80%'s couldnt hold.  Was good to see you play though
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited March 2011

     Won £1.30

    Another 3 hour session with a tiny profit of £1.30. Lat time this happened I went on to have 2 really profitable sessions, so here's hoping.

     Bankroll £405.77
     Profit £190.77
     Cash Profit £350.89
     MTT Profit -£160.12

  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited March 2011

     Lost £56.66

    Another one of those sessions where nothing worked. Got called down a couple of times whem I was bluffing all 3 streets, on different tables, and they called all 3 barrells with A,5 and A,4 on an A high board for one pair. What did they think I had. Frustrating but still felt I played them right as I knew they were weak but gave them the credit to be able to fold. 

     Bankroll £349.11
     Profit £134.11
     Cash Profit £294.23
     MTT Profit -£160.12

  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited March 2011
    Yeah thats one of my great weaknessess.  When the story your telling, combined with table image, would pretty much demand a fold from one pair.  Can be a mistake to give people credit for being good enough to fold in those spots :)
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited March 2011

     Won £66.36

     A good session where the majority of my plays came off, although have to say I found some pretty poor players on the tables this afternoon.
     Played the following, interesting hand and was wondering what people's views were. i was very tempted to call the all-in but resisted as I had so little invested. The villain had played pretty straight forward all afternoon and this move appeared well out of character. I think he must have had the J or AA and was trying a move. Any thoughts.

    taylor79 Small blind  £0.15 £0.15 £29.10
    weaktight Big blind  £0.30 £0.45 £29.70
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • A
    68Trebor Raise  £1.20 £1.65 £56.32
    Ozzie08 Call  £1.20 £2.85 £24.51
    Malkie1 Call  £1.20 £4.05 £22.68
    hfdbull29 Fold     
    taylor79 Fold     
    weaktight Fold     
    • A
    • J
    • J
    68Trebor Check     
    Ozzie08 Check     
    Malkie1 All-in  £22.68 £26.73 £0.00
    68Trebor Fold     
    Ozzie08 Fold     
    Malkie1 Muck     
    Malkie1 Win  £3.84  £3.84
    Malkie1 Return  £22.68 £0.21 £26.52

     Bankroll £415.47
    Profit £200.47
     Cash Profit £360.59
    MTT Profit -£160.12

  • loonytoonsloonytoons Member Posts: 4,270
    edited March 2011
    no way he had pocket aces! he would defo have value bet, i reckon he most likely had a Jack, possibly AK or even a flush draw but doubt it what 2 diamonds would he have as hole cards to call 4 times bb preflop, but defo not worth the call.
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited March 2011

     Won £29.59

    Another good session. I have to sat that something just seems to have clicked lately and I appear to be getting much better at reading other players hands and interpreting their range much better. Long may this last.
     Is there anyway of seeing how many hands of poker I have played whilst at Sky, as I would be interested in knowing what sample size I am measuring my win rate against.
     Aiming for the £600 mark so as I can move up to nl40. I know this is a bit rebellious in terms of BRM but I am happy to play with 15 buy ins and then move back down if I was to dip under £500. 

     Bankroll £445.06
    Profit £230.06
     Cash Profit £390.18
    MTT Profit -£160.12

  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited March 2011

     Lost £22.57


     Played like an absolute idiot for the first 10 mins and was down £70. Got involved with a huge stack to my left, he was sat with £200+. For some strange reason I didn't believe anything he did and lost 2 buy ins in first 10 hands holding poor to mediocre hands. I really must try to play tight for first 10 mins of each session as I seem to be in the habit of playing like a bull in a china shop and then spend rest of session trying to recoup my early losses. Probably would have bankroll in £000's if you didn't count first 10 mins of every session I play.
     Planning to treat myself to entry to the big one at 8pm tomorrow as last night of work tonight until Monday and away for weekend so won't have chance to play.

     Bankroll £422.49
    Profit £207.49
     Cash Profit £367.61
    MTT Profit -£160.12

  • LOL_RAISELOL_RAISE Member Posts: 2,188
    edited March 2011
    you've been steadily profiting for coming upto 4 months now, time to change thread title imo!
  • hurst05hurst05 Member Posts: 1,567
    edited March 2011
    lol i was about to say what lol_raise just said. surely this proves your a winning recreational player.

  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited March 2011

     Thanks for the comments, but won't be changing for a while. Poker has a habit of coming back to bite you. I thonk they call it variance, and I don't want to upset the poker gods.
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited March 2011

     Lost £33

     Just played £15k BH and went out in 74th, top 60 cash. Don't think I did much wrong and went out with following hand, just one of those things. Still strongly believe my time will come in MTT's.

    Blondie8 Small blind  400.00 400.00 5200.00
    hasbeenX1 Big blind  800.00 1200.00 13730.00
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • A
    Y4JAK Call  800.00 2000.00 12567.50
    68Trebor All-in  7170.00 9170.00 0.00
    Lozza1 Fold     
    MOGGY55 Fold     
    Blondie8 Fold     
    hasbeenX1 Fold     
    Y4JAK Call  6370.00 15540.00 6197.50
    Y4JAK Show
    • A
    • A
    68Trebor Show
    • K
    • A
    • 3
    • 6
    • 5
    • 10
    • K
    Y4JAK Win Pair of Aces 15540.00  21737.50
     Bankroll £389.49
    Profit £174.49
     Cash Profit £367.61
    MTT Profit -£193.12

  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited March 2011

     Won £38.54

    Just won my BH buy in back in an hour. Really am running / playing well at cash at the mo. Long may it continue.

     Bankroll £428.03
     Profit £213.03
     Cash Profit £406.15
     MTT Profit -£193.12

  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited March 2011

     Won £37.55

    Bankroll now at highest point since start of thread. Having a break now until Sunday evening.
     See you all then.

     Bankroll £465.58
    Profit £250.58
     Cash Profit £443.70
    MTT Profit -£193.12

  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited March 2011

     Just qualifeied for tonight'd PRIMO through a £12 sat. First time I think I have played in PRIMO, wish me luck. I think this maybe the one I have been waiting for.
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: Diary of a losing recreational player.:
     Just qualifeied for tonight'd PRIMO through a £12 sat. First time I think I have played in PRIMO, wish me luck. I think this maybe the one I have been waiting for.
    Posted by 68Trebor
    Good luck, il give you a rail on the FT!!!!
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited March 2011

     Won £103.75

     Qualified for PRIMO via sattelite and went out very early and stupidly when overpalying 10,10 on a low flop and came up against j,j.
     Played the £2k BH and never really got going finishing in the 70's.
     Then decide to 3 table cash and continued my recent good run, winning just over 4 buy ins. BR now at all time high and as stated earlier in thread once I hit £600 I will jump to nl40 and stay there unless I drop under £500. Hopefully can get there by end of next week.
     Appear to be playing really well at mo and put that down to 3 things. 1. Playing far more aggressively pre and post flop. 2. Reading other players much better. 3. Playing well within my BR.

     Bankroll £569.33
    Profit £354.33
     Cash Profit £570.45
     MTT Profit -£216.12

  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited March 2011

     Won £25.01

      Very quick update as in a rush tonight. BR at all time high and will be moving up to nl40 tomorrow to give it a go, with the provision to drop back down to nl30 if I fall below £500 BR. Will also only 2 table to start with until I get to grips with any differences between nl30 and nl40.
     Any tips for my move up would be appreciated.

     Bankroll £594.34
    Profit £379.34
     Cash Profit £595.46
    MTT Profit -£216.12

  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited March 2011
    yep, like you say just 2 tables is good and be selective on tables mate, you know who you need to avoid. gl , see you there 2morrow   phil
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