Good afternoon. No, it's not Orford's Thread, you are stuck with me doing the Show Thread.
How so?
PRODUCER - (to me) - "can you do the Show Thread please, Orford is running late?"
ME - "Again?, he's always late"
PRODUCER - "He's awfully sorry"
ME - "He's just awfully awful, imo".
PRODUCER - "That good?"
So, tonight's Show will feature........
0 ·
Orford when he gets there
The SHOW does not start until 9pm, & before that, Rich & I will be doing no less than THREE Pre-Records, 2 for "Challenge TV", & one for Channel 865. Very similar Shows, but for legal & OFCOM reasons, they have to be scripted & delivered with subtle differences. Like Orford understands "subtle". He's about as subtle as a half-brick through the front window.
Tonight's Live Show will feature coverage of PRIMO, which starts at 8pm. (EIGHT PM), but note the Show does not start until 9pm, though.
Coverage also of tonight's VLV Semi-Final, which already has 17 runners, with more to come from the 5pm Q-F, & Direct Buy-Ins. The 17 already saeated are.......
themoose172500 swiper2500 roy19522500 penguin72500 mcg8992500 kidgrimsby2500 howkie2500 grimreap252500 evilfsh12500 cookie832500 chepstow2500 bromley042500 bazbazbaz2500 NoFinAce2500 Massoud102500 HAPPYNIGE42500 Cardbeater2500
Plus....some Updates on tonight's 9.30pm SPT Semi-Final. Seats for that are going at a rapid rate, & at present, only 100 are "on offer", so get in quick if you plan to try & qualify.
Coverage, too, of some 50p-£100 Cash Action, probably from MasterCash Tables 11 & 12.
Hopefully, we'll be spared Orford's dreadful DisasterMind, but I fear he'll want to be the most annoying quizmaster since Noel Edmonds & Anne Lemon Barley yet again. Ho hum. So, if you want to be on the Show, or in DisasterOrf, the Show e-mail address is......
I think.
And tonight's Show Thread theme(s)?
Next Post......
So, tonight's first Show Thread theme.
1) Dumb expressions, or things people say.
When your Mum or Dad need to give you a clip round the ear.
"This will hurt you more than it will hurt me".
Oh rly?
At the Supermarket checkout.
"Would you like to come to this till".
Err, if I wanted to, I'd have stood there. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Nagging wife to hubby, who wants to go to the pub tonight.
"You don't want to go to the pub tonight"
Err, I do.
Hairdresser to customer....
"Shall I take a bit off the ends?"
Nope, take it off the middle.
And worst of all....
"Was that photo taken when you were younger?
Nah, it was taken tomorrow.
Or the Cashier in the shop, when you give them a £10 note.
"Do you have any smaller at all".
At all, AT ALL, wtf does "at all" mean?!?drtyyu,t6futf7i7i6xdeaarrggh
Best example wins a TSP Classic Seat.
Enter as many times as you like, but a SEPERATE POST for each Entry, please. I want a nice longggggg thread, so that Orford gets jealous.
AND another TSP Classic Seat will be on offer for the second theme, which is.......
Thread theme 2.......
Poker expressions which make you cringe.
"Thought so, I knew you had aces when I called."
"One time" (frtilgk,ijkidoxjp[lhfykhp[lkx[pj,p[hl,[p,t)
"Let's gogogogo"
"I was so unlucky"
"So, the flop came......."
"Guess what he called me with"
"Show one, show all". g.f,c[jp.dlptflfp[clyk00u6krdokdr0[yk0[yd5kra[0kr
"There's no Small Blind, it's not worth stealing".
"Low limit players are so bad, if I could afford to play higher stakes, I could be a winner".
"Sort it out, Sky Poker". vlgok.[pro6=-p4mkpu-]oppp[lp]pylrd][;7-]lupaarrrdgghdfsiour5uin
You get the idea. Best one read out gets a TSP Classic Seat. SEPERATE POST for each suggestion, please.
Let's gogogo - whoops, I mean, OK, let's get started.
We need FIFTY replies before the Show starts. Err, please?
That'll teach Orford to turn up late.
when you misplace something someone will always utter the immortal words..............
"It's always in the last place you look".
Of course it is.
Why the **** would I keep looking after I've found it ?
Another supermarket one when the checkout operator asks if you would like help packing your bags ?
I've got three items !......why would I need help ?
PS- I am NOT late! I've actually been in the studio gallery for the past hour and a half polishing the scripts for tonight whilst Mr. Saga has been faffing about on the internet in the office.
Good topics though: one of my pet hates expressions in poker is:
"Alright then, I'll give you a spin!"
Argh! No, don't give my AK a spin with your 7-2 for my tournament life!!!!!!
on a serious note tho I hope you enjoyed your birthday present from all us Scousers yesterday dedicated to the Baggies no1 fan
Looking for something you lost, such as car keys.....
Wife - "where did you leave them?"
Or "I got caught speeding today"
"That was a daft thing to do"
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Hi Tikay............going to miss the show 2nite (off to work shortly) but i luv your replies to the dumb questions even here yells out to young boy...... 'Oi, I'll **** teach you to throw stones at my greenhouse' and gets the classic cheeky reply,.... 'Awww,......cheers mister, I keep missing'.
Have a good show ,........bfn Billy.
And your opponent says 'just a full house'
JUST! are you joking that clearly beats my 10 high.
your wife always says 'lets just go home'
Does she not realise were lost?!
No, you can have one, because I'm sure as **** not likely to be wanting it back.
The show is scripted? You mean Tikay's grumping isn't spontaneous?
poker expression
"I know i'm losing, but i call!"
If you know your losing FOLD!
"can i ask you a question?"
just flippin ask it!!!
my mum saying to me after climbing a tree, if you break your leg, don`t come running to me !!!!!