wasnt going to do this but need all the encouragement i can to take on NL4 and i think writing about it helps encousrage myself.
So therefore ive decided to do this again.
Starting BR: £32.34
No targets as such keeping this as small targets, plan to get to £50 then £80 then £100 then work up from there. I think by seeing small targets ill be able to encourage myself a little better again as targets will often seem closer.
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you can do it just dont get fancy play syndrome and try bluffing you should beat it in no time!
I've done it myself before and sometimes (obviously only if you're not completely disciplined) it can lead to chasing that money to meet your target. You don't want a situation where you end up thinking, "if I just call that river bet and win, that'll be me £10 up for today" if it's not the right decision, because inevitably you'll end up down.
Just make the right decisions, keep doing it consistently and you'll win loads at 4NL but I wouldn't give yourself time limited targets.
Also starting with only 8 BIs could be a bit risky.
I suggest you edit your post before the mods do
cracking post Dohhhhhh, lol!
P.S. BT bill paid until octoberr so no worries with that excuse.
P.S.S hungover will start tomorrow
Doh, if Carlsberg made forum posts... 8- />
Don - I'm not a cash player but I've messed around on nl4 - nl30 in the past and I would take heed of what Lambert has posted.
Why are you starting on such an arbitrary roll amount? If you enter into something in a slapdash way, your results will be the same (I've been guilty of this in the past many times so I'm speaking from experience).
Just deposit a ton and make a proper go at this. Stay disciplined, make a concerted effort and you can prove Doh wrong.
Good luck.
Gl to ya don m8y hope it works for ya BUT i would defo NOT start playin cash til ya have 15 buy-ins and im pretty sure ya could easily spin up ure £32 to £60 playin sng's xxx
As Dohhhh says we've been talking on and off the forum for some time and the main goal of that was me being sick of tourny variance and wanting to learn cash. However its meant finding more weaknesses in my game than i could count.
I think the benifits are starting to show, although its taken longer than both i and JJ would have liked. Tbh i think my tilt, tilts him.
At first it's hard as when you lose a BI in a standard hand it hurts quite a lot but once you get up to like £80+ they have hardly any effect on your mindset at all.
I could type my range down here again but I'm sure you've seen it a few times lol, it is ultra tight and will mean you play VERY few hands if any but it also 100% works
Massive good luck mate, you certainly have a lot of drive to succeed so can't see how you can fail.
Stay disciplined and you will crack it.