The way they played out the episode, with Kat calling the phone and kept going to Tanya, I actually thought it was gonna be mental and Doh would win with Tanya lol
Played boxing day, was going alright in he daytime, i cashed in maybe 6 out of 10 mtts, which is really good going.
Unfortunately I couldn't convert any into a deep run or final table, just kept busting around 15th-25th. They were effectively 2/3 hour tripple your moneys!
Deepest run was 9th in a sky BH for £55 from £10, so going into the night session I was sitting with a bankroll (in my account) of £1.25k.
Regular readers will have noticed I've been updating my proft/loss in actual £££ this month.
Thats because at the start of the month, I decided to deposit £600, which is 20 buy ins for 30nl (the initial plan for the month) I
Instead of withdrawing profits like usual, I thought I'd just leave it all in, thus making it easier to just give a monetry figure in the updates as it would be balance - 600 = profit!
This was going really well, averaging around £350 profit per 1,000 poker points, albeit only over a sample of 1.8k points, lol. But it's pretty consistant with how this diary has been going for the last 5/6 months.
It got to about 10pm. About the time I'd normally start closing off the session, I was tired and didnt fancy drinking anymore beer.
Made what would prove to be a very expensive decision, and decided that a few V& RBs would see me right for 3/4 more hours and I could grind some HU hypers, prob make another £100 or so if I ran close to expectation with the soft players about.
After cashing the afternoon BH, I had exactly £1250 in my account.
At 11.15pm, after losing 2 successive £21 HU sngs, I had £1,210.
Dunno if it was losing £40 (!) or necking several voddbullz that made me think playing some HU cash was a good idea.
Started 100nl.
Got totally owned by this guy. As you can see from the HH, I'm down loads already, but this hand didn't help!
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceDOHHHHHHH Small blind £0.50 £0.50 £104.95 CELTICFAN Big blind £1.00 £1.50 £290.20 Your hole cards 9 A DOHHHHHHH Raise £2.00 £3.50 £102.95 CELTICFAN Raise £8.00 £11.50 £282.20 DOHHHHHHH Call £6.50 £18.00 £96.45 Flop A 6 9 CELTICFAN Bet £11.00 £29.00 £271.20 DOHHHHHHH Raise £27.00 £56.00 £69.45 CELTICFAN All-in £271.20 £327.20 £0.00 DOHHHHHHH All-in £69.45 £396.65 £0.00 CELTICFAN Unmatched bet £185.75 £210.90 £185.75 DOHHHHHHH Show 9 A CELTICFAN Show J A Turn 4 River 5 CELTICFAN Win Flush to the Ace £209.90 £395.65
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Two Pairs, Aces and Kings
Copy and paste job!....
Got totally owned by this guy. As you can see from the HH, I'm down loads already, but this hand didn't help!
£750 flip. lol.
tbf, just showing 2 hands doesn't even get close to telling the whole story. If I had won both of those hands I'd still have lost the lot as I was way out of my depth.
There are other hands in my HH which just show me spewing off a stack down 3 streets with no pair and no equity.
I've done stuff like this before. Done £300/400/500 on a few occasions.
£1k+ is a new spew record for me though, that's like seriousssssssssssss money. For most people I'd imagine, in poker and life. Can be life changing money for some people.
Pretty worrying that I can be stupid enough to do that. The feeling the day after is the worst.
Nevermind, another poker regret to add to the list! sighhhhhh.
Spose if it had to happen, late December is the best time.
I know why it happened, I have to address the problems that caused me to be so wreckless and care-free.
In a way it's a weight off my mind, if it hadn't happened I'd probably have continued to brush them under the carpet, and they'd get worse.
So yaahhhh, in 2013, putting a blanket ban on redbull in the house!
1 more session left this year, hopefully I can win a couple of hundred quid and start eating in to the huge 1.2k sized hole
I'm not sure if I'm gonna continue this diary after Jan 1st. It's got really stale lately with me just posting the same things most days, lets face it with the exception of blow ups like that, which thankfully are few and far between, not alot happens here!
Coming up to 1k posts, and the end of a calander year, so might be a good time to call it a day. May come back to it in future as I have done before.
Apologies for the huggggeee post, onwards and upwards!
meh... well played for posting this up, i was watching ur spew session live and couldnt do anything about it. I wanted to stop you, but couldnt get hold of you and i couldnt put anything in the chat out of respect for your opponants!
really wanted u to do a bink, was tough watching you spew away.. But, as you know, i did a relatively similar thing last night... At least you have the balls to put it on your diary lol
my diary will be updated at an appropriate moment....
wowwwwwwwwwwwww. awesome. unlucky. it seems you just got unlucky in both big pots. how was the actual hu game going? like the small pots? he owning you or just normal? sooooooooooooooooo sick
I dont ventrue into GPC that much but I do like to read yours and Tommy's diary, and he only updates when hes binked a tourny!!
Very honest post from you above, well done for that, I really do hope you contiue your Diary in the new year tho, best diary on here IMO (mine pushses you close of course).
Sick times mate and a pretty sigh end to the year unless you pull off something special in your last session. I was gonna come on FB and talk to you last night as well while I was playing the £10 Hypers, maybe could have talked you down with my super-nittiness... sigh.
Spec to Acc as you said, and you did get it in good in your £750 flip lol.
Best of luck for your next session and 2013.
Deffo keep the diary imo, maybe just something to mix it up a bit... maybe another lil Hyper challenge between you and me
Unlucky mate. We've all been there and it's just horrible. Every time we get it in, the worst possible run out seems to happen. I really think you're being hard on yourself. With the 5's hand i think his call is close, although i obviously don't know the gameflow and history. Win that and everything seems so different.
I like your comment about having another session and hoping to claw some back. That is in my opinion by far the best way to look at it. Rather than going crazy and playing too high and trying to get it all back in one go, approach it as a blip and as a winning player you know you will turn it round by grinding it out. Will just take a little time.
With regard to your diary going stale, couldn't disagree more. Honest, humourous and really enjoyable to read. Hope you continue with it.
Unlucky mate. We've all been there and it's just horrible. Every time we get it in, the worst possible run out seems to happen. I really think you're being hard on yourself. With the 5's hand i think his call is close, although i obviously don't know the gameflow and history. Win that and everything seems so different. I like your comment about having another session and hoping to claw some back. That is in my opinion by far the best way to look at it. Rather than going crazy and playing too high and trying to get it all back in one go, approach it as a blip and as a winning player you know you will turn it round by grinding it out. Will just take a little time. With regard to your diary going stale, couldn't disagree more. Honest, humourous and really enjoyable to read. Hope you continue with it. Good luck Jac Posted by Jac35
doubt it. getting ak in 100bb deep in most hu cash games is super standard. he can really never 3b/f such a monster 100bb
In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary" : doubt it. getting ak in 100bb deep in most hu cash games is super standard. he can really never 3b/f such a monster 100bb Posted by percival09
Yep, you're probably right actually. Not exactly loving life but yeah it has to go in i guess
i understand you feeling well dohhhhh these all in bet see to cause more losses then wins i myself twice suffered two very simular losses myself where a monster set became a loss due to turn and river card and calling a shove with KK lost to AK i am beginning to think myself of doing a diary and will show my best and worst hand of the day as well as how i did in general
In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary" : doubt it. getting ak in 100bb deep in most hu cash games is super standard. he can really never 3b/f such a monster 100bb Posted by percival09
Completely the normal thing to do in both scenarios, You got the cash in good DOHH, was unlucked to hit both the a and the k, but that is the thing with HU as you probably know, peoples ranges are completely different, especially a player like style, you cant be putting him on AK about 90% of the time.
Unlucky dohhhhhh i think most of us watch the mid/high staks and i dint see that game. But i think you chose one of the toughtest HU opponents. Like most have said w ehave all done it and like you said it eels even worse in he morning gl in the new year bro. you can win your money back easy. Just dont come sit vs me plz :P
Thanx for your posts/support all, I still feel kinda sick about the whole thing it's taking some getting over! Over a week ago now too, sigh. Wish I could erase it from my memory completely.
Just to clear up the HU hands.....
Against both opponents I was thoroughly outplayed. Posting just 2 hands where I appear unfortunate was always going to make it look better than it actually was.
Style getting AK in was absolutely standard, it's not even close to being a dodgy play! lol. The game was vvvvv aggressive he could probably have got like ATs+ in for value pre.
My play with 55 was much worse. I was vvvv tilted by being constantly outplayed, battered, bluffed, value owned and being about £700 down at this stage!!!!
So I'd lost the plot, I just wanted to gamble, shove it in, hope I'm racing, and get there/hold!
I've not played much since. Mainly because most of my money/roll is in a savings account where I don't even have a bank card, literally have to walk into the bank with a bank book and ask them to transfer the money.
I transferred it all early in 2012 to stop me spewing it all off in 1 night. If I'd had access to it on Boxing day night, who knows what might have happened. *shudder*!!!
As the banks have been shut over xmas/new year, today is the first time I've been able to get some funds on Sky.
Thought I had enough to cover xmas & all that comes with it but obv didn't plan on donating a grand.
Have still got a few quid on Pstars and, been playing a few hypers and mtts on there this last week, made about $100 and FT'd a 2euro rebuy the other night for 100 euros. Really shud have won it with 450k stack w/ 7 left, more than double 2nd place. Was a turbo though, so pretty volatile and the flips/spots went against me. mehhh.
What I really need is a decent winning session of £100ish on Sky, although it's nothing in relation to what I lost, it'll just make me feel alot better and get the momentum back!
Hopefully that will come today (if I can be bothered to play), or if not, then Saturday.
2013 goals.
I haven't got any.
I don't think this is a good time to start setting big goals/long term targets. I may well do soon, but as I said in my previous posts I need to sort out things away from the table first, to give myself a chance to succeed on it.
In the short term, the goals are just to consolidate, stop the rot, and get things going in the right direction again.
For the 3/4 months before xmas I'd made a steady profit without putting any sort of volume in. I'll take that again in January and maybe re-assess and set some goals at the end of the month if all goes well.
Thanx again for reading/contributing to the thread throughout 2012.
I spose writing about how I bounce back from a disaster throughout January will be something different.
Not the kind of 'something different' I was hoping for, but something different all the same. Will keep at it, it's no trouble updating, just takes 10 minutes every other day, so as long as people want to read I don't mind writing.
Happy New Year all, hope it starts well for you on and off the poker tables.
hi doh, happy new year, don't post here very often,but pop in to have a brouse every so often. sorry to hear about you recent loss, but i'm sure you will recover and soon be back on track. i can relate to it as in my dym challenge i lost £129 when playing £11's for the 1st time which was over 1/2 my b/roll at the time,and yes it does hurt for a while,but it gets easier by the day and i'm sure you will look at it as a lesson learnt...the hard way,as i did. best wishes for 2013 and building that b/roll up again. dev
Profit = £607.84
Points = 1614
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceDOHHHHHHH Small blind £0.50 £0.50 £104.95 CELTICFAN Big blind £1.00 £1.50 £290.20 Your hole cards 9 A DOHHHHHHH Raise £2.00 £3.50 £102.95 CELTICFAN Raise £8.00 £11.50 £282.20 DOHHHHHHH Call £6.50 £18.00 £96.45 Flop A 6 9 CELTICFAN Bet £11.00 £29.00 £271.20 DOHHHHHHH Raise £27.00 £56.00 £69.45 CELTICFAN All-in £271.20 £327.20 £0.00 DOHHHHHHH All-in £69.45 £396.65 £0.00 CELTICFAN Unmatched bet £185.75 £210.90 £185.75 DOHHHHHHH Show 9 A CELTICFAN Show J A Turn 4 River 5 CELTICFAN Win Flush to the Ace £209.90 £395.65
Got totally owned by this guy. As you can see from the HH, I'm down loads already, but this hand didn't help!
Profit = -£600 exactly.
Points = 1890
really wanted u to do a bink, was tough watching you spew away.. But, as you know, i did a relatively similar thing last night... At least you have the balls to put it on your diary lol
Very honest post from you above, well done for that, I really do hope you contiue your Diary in the new year tho, best diary on here IMO (mine pushses you close of course).
Good Luck
Spec to Acc as you said, and you did get it in good in your £750 flip lol.
Best of luck for your next session and 2013.
Deffo keep the diary imo, maybe just something to mix it up a bit... maybe another lil Hyper challenge between you and me
We've all been there and it's just horrible. Every time we get it in, the worst possible run out seems to happen.
I really think you're being hard on yourself. With the 5's hand i think his call is close, although i obviously don't know the gameflow and history. Win that and everything seems so different.
I like your comment about having another session and hoping to claw some back. That is in my opinion by far the best way to look at it. Rather than going crazy and playing too high and trying to get it all back in one go, approach it as a blip and as a winning player you know you will turn it round by grinding it out. Will just take a little time.
With regard to your diary going stale, couldn't disagree more.
Honest, humourous and really enjoyable to read.
Hope you continue with it.
Good luck
Not exactly loving life but yeah it has to go in i guess
i understand you feeling well dohhhhh
these all in bet see to cause more losses then wins i myself twice suffered two very simular losses myself where a monster set became a loss due to turn and river card and calling a shove with KK lost to AK i am beginning to think myself of doing a diary and will show my best and worst hand of the day as well as how i did in general
You got the cash in good DOHH, was unlucked to hit both the a and the k, but that is the thing with HU as you probably know, peoples ranges are completely different, especially a player like style, you cant be putting him on AK about 90% of the time.
You got balls though so big will soon grind the loss back and laugh about it one day I'm sure
So I'd lost the plot, I just wanted to gamble, shove it in, hope I'm racing, and get there/hold!
happy new year,
don't post here very often,but pop in to have a brouse every so often.
sorry to hear about you recent loss, but i'm sure you will recover and soon be back on track.
i can relate to it as in my dym challenge i lost £129 when playing £11's for the 1st time which was over 1/2 my b/roll at the time,and yes it does hurt for a while,but it gets easier by the day and i'm sure you will look at it as a lesson learnt...the hard way,as i did.
best wishes for 2013 and building that b/roll up again.