Played some 20NL, decided to try this "TAG" thing out, and it worked. Only played if I had quads pre-flop, and won some money. Might try it again some day, I don't know, folding 96s and 87o is no fun )
Also had a go at the DYM Laddering challenge on the forum (Hence playing a few really low level DYMs today before anyone says "You've got almost £2k, why are you playing 30p DYMs?") - Couldn't be bothered single tabling so reg'd for the 30p one, then reg'd for the 60p one once the 30p one started, etc. Won 3 of them, thought "Brilliant, this is easy", then got crippled in the 60p one with JJ < A3 AIPF. May have another go if I can be bothered, depends what the prize for winning is when it's announced, whether it's worth winning or not.
Had an epic fail in the £12k BH sat - Shoved 20bb on the button with AA, got called by AA in the big blind. Sigh, I've got aces and it's going to be a chop when I thought I'm going to be getting a double up, but at least I can't lose unless there's a 4 card flush on board. Somehow, I did, and there wasn't any flushes on the board. It wasn't until I looked at my HH that I realised I actually had A4. FML.
Nonetheless, I bought into the £12k BH, picked up 2 bounties and would've had a **** of a lot more if a ridiculously bad player getting lucky hadn't halted my momentum - Raised by CO, I 3bet shove with AK as I had notes on the original raiser saying he'd overplay marginal stuff to get a bounty and he had me covered, got called all in from the big blind with 78s, which was really unexpected, cutoff guy snap folds, and villain hits a 7 which crippled me. He knew the 7 was coming ofc. Bleh -_-
Annoying as I would've had a massive stack after winning that pot, we want them situations and to win every time, but Poker doesn't work like that, unfortunately. Had a few chips left but went out in a fairly standard hand, shoving from the Cutoff with an ace and a short stack into JJ which held.
Mini exit came from me picking up AT, UTG limps and Gliterbabe shoved from the Cutoff for 20+bb, I tank called but wasn't really happy about it, the fact I was out of the main and being short probably made me think "Meh, might as well gamble", I think if I'm deeper and/or still in the main, I probably throw it away and wait to either get my chips in first or wait for a better hand, and to not be shoved on by Gliterbabe as that's usually a bad spot to be in unless you have Aces.
A small loss in the end today, but can't help thinking what could've been if my AK had held up in the main against that (horrifically played) 78s. That's tournament Bingo for you, I guess. I should probably stop tilting now )
£0.30 DYM - W1 L0, +£0.20
£0.60 DYM - W0 L1, -£0.60
£1.15 DYM - W1 L0, +£0.85
£2.25 DYM - W1 L0, +£1.75
£3.30 DYM - W0 L1, -£3.30
4 x 20NL, +£13.74
£12k BH Sat (£7.20) - Out
TV Timed Tournament (£5.50) - Out to another limp/caller having a hand... -_-
Wednesday 9th May Really tempted to withdraw my roll, buy a couple of bigger monitors and have a better setup, leave 100BI's in my account and grind it back up by playing £5.50 DYMs. Would give me about £1,300 to spend, which should get me a decent setup and a new laptop, which I need. Having a look on Google to see what I can get for £1,300, will decide whether or not to withdraw anything tomorrow. Posted by EvilPingu
Not going to bother with this for the time being. Still need a new laptop, and I've got my eye on one for £350 that I like, but can't justify buying a desktop which isn't significantly better for Poker than what I already have. Maybe if/when I take down another big tournament, I'll reconsider, but for the time being, I'll just stare at pictures of 27" and 30" monitors on Google.
You can build a really really good desktop for very cheap(buy the parts and put together). Only around £250-£300. Thats the best way to go for poker I think, laptops not ideal....even if they are running external monitors, get very hot.
Can also get very cheap 24 inch 1900x1200 monitors, around £80 I reckin. If you want to go down the higher res 27 or 30inch monitors will cost you a good bit more.
You can build a really really good desktop for very cheap(buy the parts and put together). Only around £250-£300. Thats the best way to go for poker I think, laptops not ideal....even if they are running external monitors, get very hot. Can also get very cheap 24 inch 1900x1200 monitors, around £80 I reckin. If you want to go down the higher res 27 or 30inch monitors will cost you a good bit more. Posted by Spad3s
Had thought about that, although I wouldn't have a clue how to build a computer, or where to look for the bits If I bought a 1920x1200 monitor, I'd need a least 2, and I'd probably want to be able to add a 3rd monitor in due course.
If you can get 24" monitors for £80, I'd love to know where from
In Response to Re: Donk wins some money, at last. [EvilPingu's Diary] : Had thought about that, although I wouldn't have a clue how to build a computer, or where to look for the bits If I bought a 1920x1200 monitor, I'd need a least 2, and I'd probably want to be able to add a 3rd monitor in due course. If you can get 24" monitors for £80, I'd love to know where from Posted by EvilPingu
You can get a 24 inch monitor for around £100 pound on amazon, but it looks like most of they are all 1900x1080 these days which means you lose some pixels.
Putting a pc together is really easy and cheap, and you can put together something with much better specs then any laptop.
evil check out, thats where i got mine you need at least 600 imo for a decent pc + monitor. If you are going for cheap, make sure you get a decent case(get a a custom built pc), so you can add mods to it when you get dosh...
Was going to start the day by playing a few 20NL tables. Unfortunately, I could only get onto 1 full table, nobody else wanted to start any more tables. Doesn't help when certain regs join and sit out, then sit in as soon as a fish joins, which I've noticed happening more and more at 20NL recently. Got fed up with pretty much single tabling and stood, played some DYMs instead.
Main and mini was a disaster - Got a pretty horrific outdraw in the mini which left me short stacked, and I ended up going out in the first hour. Had the biggest station donkey ever on my left in the main, which meant I was very limited in that I couldn't do anything besides play TAG and hopefully getting paid off. Also managed to forget to take the addon -_- S'pose I saved myself £11 in the end.
Exit hand from the main was standard. 20bb and AQ on the button, Pokertrev raises 3x UTG, I jam, get cold called by the Big Blind, and Pokertrev folds. Big Blind turns over AJ, I hit a Q but 4 diamonds on board, he had the Jd, and I'm out.
Uber short 4 x 20NL session, -£3.03
£5.50 DYM - W12 L6, +£21.00
£6k Rebuy Open (1 Rebuy, No Addon, £22) - 194/318
£1k Mini Open (£3.30) - 275/454, got crushed by getting stacks in with K7 vs A2 all in on a 237 board, turn 4, river 5. Was looking for a spot to get my money in thereafter with only about 15bb behind. Eventually found my spot in a 4 way limped pot, I'm in the BB with A3 and check. Flop AQ5, checked around, turn is a brick, I bet, someone sets me all in, I call it off, opponent turns over A5 for flopped 2 pair. I had the other guy covered (just) and was left with about 2bb, got it in with K8 and lost.
Didn't play yesterday, had to look after somebody else's dog. Not sure whether I'm pleased at getting free takeaway for sitting on my bum and watching telly all day, or whether I'm gutted at only getting a few quid of food when I could've won more than that (especially with more bad players at the weekend) playing DYMs instead :P
Again, didn't play much today. Made some money on the cash tables and qualified for the Sky Roller on Friday through the League Stars Freeroll. Maybe, just maybe I can take it down again
20PLO, +£2.44
Master Cash 7, +£1.83
League Stars Freeroll - Won seat into Sky Roller on Thursday
Sunday 13th May Again, didn't play much today. Made some money on the cash tables and qualified for the Sky Roller on Friday through the League Stars Freeroll. Maybe, just maybe I can take it down again 20PLO, +£2.44 Master Cash 7, +£1.83 League Stars Freeroll - Won seat into Sky Roller on Thursday ********** Bankroll: £1,853.80 Today: +£4.27 This month: -£93.08 C4P: 1,943 (£19.43) Monthly targets: £5.50 DYMs played: 152/1,500 £11 DYMs played: 23/500 Priority Club progress: 19.43% STT Leaderboard position: 22nd ********** Posted by EvilPingu
Well done on your roller seat mate and good luck in it on friday.
You gotta get your finger out and pick up the pace for your points though because before you know it the mountain will get harder to climb.
In Response to Re: Donk wins some money, at last. [EvilPingu's Diary] : Well done on your roller seat mate and good luck in it on friday. You gotta get your finger out and pick up the pace for your points though because before you know it the mountain will get harder to climb. GL Daz Posted by _ARAZI_
Yeah, I'm miles behind on the points this month 18 days and 8,000 points to get for Priority, so like, 450 points per day. Pretty tough.
Played some PLO before going to bed, lost a big pot on what was going to be the final hand of the session, got freerolled with 3568 v 589J on a 467 board, and a 10 meant I got stacked
Decided to catch up on my DYM targets and C4P today. Wouldn't have bothered if I'd known that I was going to lose every time, regardless of whether I got my money in ahead or behind. Played 85, won 40. Bleh.
Think there was 3 DYMs where I lost because I sc rewed up, the rest were just sick coolers, or getting owned by people playing badly or playing Bingo. Lost count of how many people massively overplayed QJ or KJ, calling all in, then getting incredibly lucky. Not to mention the guy who cracked my Aces with J4 of diamonds. And the guy who cracked Kings with 95o, both of them calling an all in. Although I don't believe any of this "It's rigged" nonsense, it was one of them days where you'd be excused for thinking otherwise.
The best thing that happened all day was getting slowrolled by someone with QQ, when I moved all in with KK. Surprisingly, my hand held up, too. The villain didn't say anything in the chat box, just left the game quietly with his tail between his legs, which I found rather amusing )
Played some cash too, and won about £35, although that was down to winning a big flip, top pair against flush draw + 2 overs, and my top pair held.
In Response to Re: Donk wins some money, at last. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
evil check out, thats where i got mine you need at least 600 imo for a decent pc + monitor. If you are going for cheap, make sure you get a decent case(get a a custom built pc), so you can add mods to it when you get dosh...
Posted by WHOAMI196
Really love that site, thanks for the link There's something that I'd like for around £1.2k, will purchase it when the money I've withdrawn today appears in my bank account.
Tuesday 15th May
Ran bad, played bad. Think I'm also getting slightly burnt out, which only really occured to me when on the live show, Redmond said something about Jason Mercier playing for 56 out of 66 hours.
As I wrote above, I've decided to withdraw most of my BR to improve my setup - Can't remember the exact specifications, although if anyone is interested, let me know and I'll post them in here when I've bought the computer. It'll cost me around £1200, give or take a few quid if I change my mind about any parts and accesories. 3 x 24" monitors though, once it's set up I'll be able to play a LOT of tables at once
Might pick myself up a Logitech steering wheel with pedals sometime to go with my new computer, I used to love Racing Simulators a few years ago, but the closest thing to that on my Xbox 360 is Forza Motorsport 4, or maybe F1 2011.
I wanted to play the Super Roller on June 3rd, so bought in direct to that for £110, and withdrew £1300 - This left me with a weird amount in my Bankroll, so stuck like, £41 or something on Lotus to win the F1 Constructors title @ 9/2 (Of course, this made much more sense than withdrawing the money instead...) and started again with £200.
I'll probably be playing less over the next few days - Unfortunately, May means exams (sigh), so less time for Poker at the moment. However, I'll still be playing the Sky Roller on Thursday which I satellited into, and withdrawing anything I win, same with the Super Roller which I've paid my £110 for already.
The plan atm is, starting with £200, to start with 4 tables @ 4NL, and slowly build up the amount of tables I'm playing to a point where I can find out what is the optimal amount of tables for me. I suspect that at 4NL, I'll be able to play as many tables as I want tbh, because I'll be folding most of the time anyway.
Looking forward to the "Coach Kendall" freeroll tomorrow too, I want a Sky Poker hoodie
4 x 10NL (Deep stack tables), +£5.25
Action Table 24, -£5.28
Master Cash 9, -£105.03, saw a really loose table with a lot of value and some easy money to be gained from sitting down and playing TAG, got a sick cooler, AT v 88, flop AT8. Ouch.
Main event - Out before mini started so saved myself £3.30, yay lol
IMO 2 monitors is you're going from a tiny laptop screen to 3 24in monitors like I don't see how you are gonna utilise that kind of setup. Just buy 2...redeposit the extra hundy or whatever and then if you need it in the future monitors are fairly cheap
Thats the best way to go for poker I think, laptops not ideal....even if they are running external monitors, get very hot.
Can also get very cheap 24 inch 1900x1200 monitors, around £80 I reckin. If you want to go down the higher res 27 or 30inch monitors will cost you a good bit more.
If you can get 24" monitors for £80, I'd love to know where from
You can get a 24 inch monitor for around £100 pound on amazon, but it looks like most of they are all 1900x1080 these days which means you lose some pixels.
Putting a pc together is really easy and cheap, and you can put together something with much better specs then any laptop.
Well done on your roller seat mate and good luck in it on friday.
You gotta get your finger out and pick up the pace for your points though because before you know it the mountain will get harder to climb.
I'll probably be playing less over the next few days - Unfortunately, May means exams (sigh), so less time for Poker at the moment. However, I'll still be playing the Sky Roller on Thursday which I satellited into, and withdrawing anything I win, same with the Super Roller which I've paid my £110 for already.