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Lolpro runs eternally terrible [EvilPingu's Diary]



  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    whats gonna be ur plan for grinding ur roll back up? DYMs or 4nl cash?  btw I hope you keep ur mastercash moves well and truly in the locker for 4nl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Posted by scotty77
    Probably 4NL, yep - And I'll definitely keep the moves in the locker, I made that mistake when I first joined the site, trying to make moves against them and wondering how they could call with bottom pair lol.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    Friday 18th May - Didn't play

    Saturday 19th May:

    Played a couple of forum games:
    £1.15 TYM - W0 L1, -£1.15
    £2.20 SnG - 4/10 (Bubble)


    Bankroll: £199.56
    Yesterday: -£3.35
    This month: -£254.16
    C4P: 2,593 (£31.12)

  • profman15profman15 Member Posts: 1,808
    edited May 2012
    Hi Evil
    Firstly, that monitor set-up sounds more like an apollo mission control room!!! If it works for you then good stuff.

    Secondly, i did maths and further maths at a level and a maths degree at university too before becoming a maths teacher. I was very lucky as i liked the subject at junior school and found a magical teacher at high school called Mike Howarth. Its true that a love for the subject is needed but i would say that the topics you choose to study are important too. I did a degree at Aberystwyth University because it was a unit course. the first year we covered aspects in pure, applied and statistics along with computing. In the second year we chose what to concentrate on. I stdied relativity and quantum mechanics but there were prerequisites with that. I must say, however, that the standard of the a level mathematics has been watered down considerably in recent years. This is probably due to successive governments wanting maths etc to appear on the up, results-wise.
    I'd certainly consider a grounding course so that you can consider specialising in second and third years. Hope this helps Evil. cheers.....
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    Not on the laptop atm and can't be bothered loading it up to access my records, so no exact figures, meh, doesn't matter :P

    Sunday 20th May:

    4 x 4NL, -£0.49

    Time for the inevitable "I tried to triple barrel a fish and guess what, he called!" post. Despite Rancid's warning, we all knew it was going to happen at some point ;)

    Start of a session, waiting lists everywhere and nobody starting tables, so I chose to start a table. The player who joined me sat with a full stack, and was on one of my other tables. Being lazy, I didn't check "Find a Player" to see how many tables he was actually playing, I just assumed he's on more than 1 table, plus sat with a full stack on both = Player with a fold button and some understanding of Hold'em.

    This lead to me triple barreling (Still HU at this point), only to get called on 2 streets then get a load of chips back in my face on the river. I decided against hero calling with J8 high or whatever I had, which was marginal as I rivered the Orford straight, but probably the correct fold. It wasn't until after the hand that I realised he only had those 2 tables open and wasn't particularly fond of using the fold button.

    Note to self: Make notes, then make moves. Not the other way around.

    Also withdrew £23 to pay off the debt I apparently "owe" to my old College as debt collectors turning up about the same time as my new computer doesn't sound much fun to me... (see earlier post for that story) - Will re-deposit this money when I can, or get it back through free bets on Skybet, either way it's going back in my roll.


    Monday 21st May

    No Poker today, but some real life stuff which may be of interest. Had my interview with Cirencester College today, and I'm now guaranteed a place next year, provided that I turn up for the Freshers' day thing at the beginning of July and Enrolment in August. Even better than that, I've managed to convince them to let me do both AS and A2 Further Maths next year (For those who aren't familiar, A level is 2 years, AS is the first year of an A level course, and A2 is the second year), so with any luck, I'll have 3 A Levels by the end of next year and be going to University :D 

    Only drawback is that it takes me 2 hours to get from my house to the College, which means getting up at like, 5am every day next year to get to College on time, which is an epic fail, but it's worth it I guess. I'll just take down the Super Roller next weekend and get myself a car, problem solved.

    Oh, and on a slightly less serious note, I saw a chav on roller skates, smoking a cigarette in the middle of Sainsbury's today )
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    Not on the laptop atm and can't be bothered loading it up to access my records, so no exact figures, meh, doesn't matter :P
    Posted by EvilPingu
    4 x 4NL, -£0.49


    Bankroll: £176.07 (+£23 withdrawn to be re-deposited ASAP)
    Today: -£0.49
    This month: -£254.65
    C4P: 2,601 (£31.21)

  • D_LegendD_Legend Member Posts: 335
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary] : 4 x 4NL, -£0.49 ********** Bankroll: £176.07 (+£23 withdrawn to be re-deposited ASAP) Today: -£0.49 This month: -£254.65 C4P: 2,601 (£31.21) ********** 
    Posted by EvilPingu

    BTW Y U PLAYING 4nl ? 

    waste of time if u ask me ur rolled for at least 8nl/10nl y not play there ?  

    p.s soz if u ready explained ^ i didn't read the whole thing
  • belsibubbelsibub Member Posts: 2,527
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    Thursday 16th May Only played the Sky Roller, which I satellited into through the League Stars Freeroll. My tournament lasted exactly 8 hands, before I got all my money in on the flop with bottom set, only for my opponent to turn over top set.  EDIT: And I lost a flip on the live show for a free seat into the 5k Open.Running bad today. ********** Bankroll: £202.91 Today: +£0.00 This month: -£250.81 C4P: 2,589 (£31.07) ********** 
    Posted by EvilPingu
    I would not worry about it.It seems myself and karlluke the other winner have been forgotten and not registered.
  • SwogSwog Member Posts: 488
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    Hi Evil Firstly, that monitor set-up sounds more like an apollo mission control room!!! If it works for you then good stuff. Secondly, i did maths and further maths at a level and a maths degree at university too before becoming a maths teacher. I was very lucky as i liked the subject at junior school and found a magical teacher at high school called Mike Howarth. Its true that a love for the subject is needed but i would say that the topics you choose to study are important too. I did a degree at Aberystwyth University because it was a unit course. the first year we covered aspects in pure, applied and statistics along with computing. In the second year we chose what to concentrate on. I stdied relativity and quantum mechanics but there were prerequisites with that. I must say, however, that the standard of the a level mathematics has been watered down considerably in recent years. This is probably due to successive governments wanting maths etc to appear on the up, results-wise. I'd certainly consider a grounding course so that you can consider specialising in second and third years. Hope this helps Evil. cheers.....
    Posted by profman15
    Yeah i agree, there is a huge jump from A-Level mathematics to Degree level mathematics. I think i've got in the swing of things as the first year draws to a close. For your interest the fist year consisted fo the following modules: Calculus, Sets, Probability, Linear Algebra, Statistics, Mechanics and Sequences/Series.
    I think in my 2nd year we get a little flexibility modules-wise. Probably going to go for alot of mechanics with it being the most interesting.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary] : BTW Y U PLAYING 4nl ?  waste of time if u ask me ur rolled for at least 8nl/10nl y not play there ?   p.s soz if u ready explained ^ i didn't read the whole thing
    Posted by D_Legend

    Playing TAG, I wouldn't need as many buy-ins. I wouldn't be able to play as many tables at 8NL though, because I'd have a fairly large % of my bankroll in play, so for the time being, I think 4NL would probably be the better option.

    Also, once I get my new computer, I want to find out what is the optimal amount of tables for me to be playing. Whether that's 4 or 24, I don't know, but the cheapest place for me to find out is 4NL.

    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary] : I would not worry about it.It seems myself and karlluke the other winner have been forgotten and not registered.
    Posted by belsibub
    Check lobby again, you're in now :) Gl.

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    hi Evil,
    when does your new computer arrive,
    and which one did u decide on?
    my optimum no. 4 cash is 6 tables
    and 4 dym,s 9/10 atm.
    gl buddy
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    hi Evil, when does your new computer arrive, and which one did u decide on? my optimum no. 4 cash is 6 tables and 4 dym,s 9/10 atm. gl buddy :-) dev
    Posted by devonfish5
    New computer arrives in 10-12 working days from when I ordered it, so I'm expecting it at the beginning of June.

    I posted the specs a couple of pages back, it's custom built from and cost around £1.3k - Was previously playing between 9 and 12 DYMs, but with so much overlap that I could only see my own cards, and loads of lag because the RAM on my current PC is rubbish. 

    The new computer should be able to play 24 tables with no problems, whether I'll be able to or not though, we'll find out :P
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    Tuesday 22nd May

    Started off with a short but frustrating 4NL session, kept missing everything or hitting one pair and then having to sigh fold ¬_¬ Got bored of sigh folding, and bleeding money every time I raised and missed, so I tilted and snap called a 3bet shove from a random with 88, he had JJ. Decided to stand shortly after.

    Not sure whether to be gutted or delighted with the main and mini. Got into the main for free, and registered for the mini. Felt like I played really well, I was in the top 20 or so of both for a long time, and there was a time when I was chip leader in the mini and in the top dozen or so in the main when I thought the jackpot was mine. Unfortunately bubbled the main JJ < AA all in pre flop, then had my Kings cracked by 4s in the mini with 9 left.

    Delighted with how I played but at the same time, only £20 to show for it, which is really disappointing and also shows why I'm probably never going to be a tournament grinder any time soon )

    4 x 4NL, -£7.09

    £5k Open (Free) - 31/263, £0.00. Bubbled, sigh.
    £1k Mini Open (£3.30) - 9/332, £20, KK < 44 AIPF, first card on the flop was a 4.


    Bankroll: £185.68 (+£23)
    Today: +£9.61
    This month: -£237.97
    C4P: 2,660 (£31.92)

  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    Tuesday 22nd May Started off with a short but frustrating 4NL session, kept missing everything or hitting one pair and then having to sigh fold ¬_¬ Got bored of sigh folding, and bleeding money every time I raised and missed, so I tilted and snap called a 3bet shove from a random with 88, he had JJ. Decided to stand shortly after. Not sure whether to be gutted or delighted with the main and mini. Got into the main for free, and registered for the mini. Felt like I played really well, I was in the top 20 or so of both for a long time, and there was a time when I was chip leader in the mini and in the top dozen or so in the main when I thought the jackpot was mine. Unfortunately bubbled the main JJ < AA all in pre flop, then had my Kings cracked by 4s in the mini with 9 left. Delighted with how I played but at the same time, only £20 to show for it, which is really disappointing and also shows why I'm probably never going to be a tournament grinder any time soon ) 4 x 4NL, -£7.09 £5k Open (Free) - 31/263, £0.00. Bubbled, sigh. £1k Mini Open (£3.30) - 9/332, £20, KK < 44 AIPF, first card on the flop was a 4. ********** Bankroll: £185.68 (+£23) Today: +£9.61 This month: -£237.97 C4P: 2,660 (£31.92) ********** 
    Posted by EvilPingu
    how did you get the free open ticket?
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    fellain734 Small blind   £0.02 £0.02 £3.28
    EvilPingu Big blind   £0.04 £0.06 £3.82
      Your hole cards
    • 5
    • 7
    jokev10 Call   £0.04 £0.10 £6.18
    diablo1020 Call   £0.04 £0.14 £3.61
    jra126 Fold        
    sephen1960 Call   £0.04 £0.18 £4.77
    fellain734 Call   £0.02 £0.20 £3.26
    EvilPingu Check        
    • 3
    • 4
    • 6
    fellain734 Check        
    EvilPingu Bet   £0.20 £0.40 £3.62
    jokev10 Raise   £0.80 £1.20 £5.38
    diablo1020 Fold        
    sephen1960 Fold        
    fellain734 Call   £0.80 £2.00 £2.46
    EvilPingu All-in   £3.62 £5.62 £0.00
    jokev10 Call   £3.02 £8.64 £2.36
    fellain734 All-in   £2.46 £11.10 £0.00
    fellain734 Show
    • 2
    • J
    EvilPingu Show
    • 5
    • 7
    jokev10 Show
    • 4
    • 3
    • 8
    • A
    EvilPingu Win Straight to the 8 £10.26   £10.26
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    ^ Posted a big 4NL pot from today's session above, got to love a free flop :)

    Got a free flop with K4 and got stacked by K6 though, flop K42 and all the money went in, turn J, river J, which meant my opponent's 6 kicker played. Ouch :(

    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary] : . Yeah i agree, there is a huge jump from A-Level mathematics to Degree level mathematics. I think i've got in the swing of things as the first year draws to a close. For your interest the fist year consisted fo the following modules: Calculus, Sets, Probability, Linear Algebra, Statistics, Mechanics and Sequences/Series. I think in my 2nd year we get a little flexibility modules-wise. Probably going to go for alot of mechanics with it being the most interesting.
    Posted by Swog
    Idk why I didn't reply to this sooner, lol

    I think you said that you did A-Level Further Maths, too? If so, then how much harder is the first year of Degree level Maths compared to A2 Further?

    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary] : how did you get the free open ticket?
    Posted by Dazler
    Because of what happened in last Thursday's live show draw - Somebody, either myself or Djblacke04 wasn't actually put in the draw for whatever reason, and either myself OR Djblacke04 got free entry to make up for it, I ended up getting the free entry.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    Wednesday 22nd May

    Won some money at 4NL, lost it all trying to win the free BH seat in Richard Orford's Timed Tournament Play the Presenter thingy. Too much added value to not go for it though, given the very beatable highest ROI at the time, which was basically a double up and a couple of blind steals.

    Just playing for fun at the moment, I'm hoping my computer is delivered before the start of June, so I can do some serious grinding and get my roll back up next month.

    I've also signed up on another site (The one with the "I want in" advert), having got somebody to refer me. I plan to deposit something on there, get whatever deposit and welcome bonuses I receive from them, as well as their refer a friend bonus, then probably not play on there again except for the occasional live satellite if there's anything that interests me :P

    4 x 4NL, +£8.12
    4PLO, -£3.05

    £3.30 Timed (30 mins), Out
    £5.50 Timed (15 mins), Out

    £2.25 PLO8 DYM - W1 L0, +£1.75


    Poker Bankroll: £183.70 (+£23 to be deposited)
    Today: -£1.98
    This month: -£239.95
    C4P: 2,675 (£32.10)

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited May 2012
    I'd suggest not deviating from your bread and butter too much Pingu, especially now that your BR is alot smaller. Are you still playing DYMs along side your cash? Maybe £3 games.

  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    I'd suggest not deviating from your bread and butter too much Pingu, especially now that your BR is alot smaller. Are you still playing DYMs along side your cash? Maybe £3 games.
    Posted by Lambert180
    Agree, the only reason I played the timed tournaments yesterday was because of the added value of the Bounty Hunter seat, plus how easy I thought the target was to beat at that time - Thought I'd be stupid to not give it a go.

    As for DYMs - I'm not playing them at the moment. I think that 4NL is probably the quickest way of building my bankroll for the time being. £3.30 DYMs won't give me a massive ROI, and below that the rake is ridiculous, so although I could play them, it'll take forever to rebuild my roll that way. May play a few at the end of the month if the C4P is really close to 3k, and I can get there with DYMs but not 4NL, but I can't see myself playing anything other than 4NL for a while tbh.


    Thursday 22nd May

    Withdrew another £77 today, bringing my total withdrawals in the last week to £100, as everyone seems to want money from me all of a sudden -_- Real life FTL. So glad I don't have bills to pay every month.


    Poker Bankroll: £106.70
    Today: +£0.00
    This month: -£239.95
    C4P: 2,675 (£32.10)

  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    Friday 25th May

    Yes, I have just noticed that according to my diary, it's been the 22nd of May since Tuesday. Epic Fail.

    Once again, no Poker today. With exams, Poker isn't at the top of my list of things to do at the moment, unfortunately. No more exams until next Thursday, then a week off, so hopefully I'll get a few hours in between now and then, and build my roll back up a bit.
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited May 2012
    Sorry if this is a bit personal but has your Dads attitude changed towards poker has withdrawing a large amount to pay for a new computer that will hopefully aid your studies helped?
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