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Lolpro runs eternally terrible [EvilPingu's Diary]



  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    Sorry if this is a bit personal but has your Dads attitude changed towards poker has withdrawing a large amount to pay for a new computer that will hopefully aid your studies helped?
    Posted by scotty77
    I don't mind anyone asking anything on here tbh :)

    Dad's attitude towards me playing Poker is still not great. Thankfully, since I withdrew the money and paid for a new computer and he's seen me spending money on real stuff, he's realised that "The house always wins" isn't true. 

    It's definitely one step forwards and two steps back, though - He's got into the habit recently of saying things like "What would your Mother think of you playing Poker?", knowing fully that if my Mum was still alive, the internet would've probably have been disconnected if I was caught playing Facebook Poker. 

    I get asked that several times a week, so it's pretty obvious that he only does it to try and p%^& me off. I think it's his way of saying "I don't want you to play Poker", whilst trying to use my Mum as a way to guilt trip me into doing what he wants. It's pretty pathetic that he feels he has to stoop to that level in an attempt to stop me from doing something that I enjoy, but meh, I'll live.
  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary] : I don't mind anyone asking anything on here tbh :) Dad's attitude towards me playing Poker is still not great. Thankfully, since I withdrew the money and paid for a new computer and he's seen me spending money on real stuff, he's realised that "The house always wins" isn't true.  It's definitely one step forwards and two steps back, though - He's got into the habit recently of saying things like "What would your Mother think of you playing Poker?", knowing fully that if my Mum was still alive, the internet would've probably have been disconnected if I was caught playing Facebook Poker.  I get asked that several times a week, so it's pretty obvious that he only does it to try and p%^& me off. I think it's his way of saying "I don't want you to play Poker", whilst trying to use my Mum as a way to guilt trip me into doing what he wants. It's pretty pathetic that he feels he has to stoop to that level in an attempt to stop me from doing something that I enjoy, but meh, I'll live.
    Posted by EvilPingu

    Just been catching up with your blog, was surprised that you cashed out to get the new computer gear but as you say, you have something to show for your endless hours of grinding. I guess if you manage to bink another mtt and buy a car with the money, your dad will really sit up and take notice. 

    You seem like a very level headed young chappie, its great to hear about your life around poker. Sometimes people forget that poker is a hobby but it can become all consuming. I hope you dont mind me offering you some advice, go to uni, its a great life something I regret on missing out on. Let poker fund your studies and if you become stupendously good at it, you've got a choice when your degree finishes to turn pro or join the daily 9 to 5 grind. This is spreading risk in a way and giving you multiple options. 

    Theres too many blogs that focus on winning at poker, and when the losing streak starts you dont hear a dicky bird. You post whether you win, lose or draw which is to be commended. 

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    hi Evil,
    nice posts as always.
    i encountered a similar feeling to your dads about why i shouldn't,t be playing poker either...
    the house always wins,it,s just gambling,throwing your money away,all that stuff...
    but now...she loves it.
    i just tell her how much i,ve won...
    haven,t seen her since "the other night...that i,m not going to talk about again...ever."  lol
    and she,s happy that i,m happy.!!!
     mind you,i can see why she doesn,t approve of real gambling....
    as her 1st husband(my dad),did lose 3 houses that they owned(were buying),
    1 in Bath
    1 in Bristol
    and 1 in Exeter...i think,never really talked about  it fully.
    all on the gg,s

    just thought i,d share that with you.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    Saturday 26th May

    Finally got back on the tables today. My 4NL session, which lasted about an hour, went badly. Ended up losing just under £10 - Looked through my hand history and I think that about £3 of that is hands that I could've got away from, the rest is just running bad.

    Down to 24 x 4NL buyins now, so will have to reconsider my plans for rebuilding my roll as multitabling 4NL with such a small roll is reckless - The only thing that would tempt me to carry on playing 4NL instead of something else is knowing that I'll get at least £32 in C4P, so that gives me a bit more room to maybe have one more 4NL session, hopefully win a BI or two and start winning again.

    I'm still registered for the Super Roller because I registered before I withdrew my roll, although I'm not 100% sure if I'll still play. Really love the structure in these things, but at the same time, adding that £110 to my roll would be really useful. See how the next few days go and I'll decide closer to the date.

    I'm knackered so I'll reply to the above posts tomorrow.


    4 x 4NL, -£9.51


    Poker Bankroll: £97.19
    Today: -£9.51
    This month: -£249.46
    C4P: 2,683 (£32.20)

  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    Saturday 26th May Finally got back on the tables today. My 4NL session, which lasted about an hour, went badly. Ended up losing just under £10 - Looked through my hand history and I think that about £3 of that is hands that I could've got away from, the rest is just running bad. Down to 24 x 4NL buyins now, so will have to reconsider my plans for rebuilding my roll as multitabling 4NL with such a small roll is reckless - The only thing that would tempt me to carry on playing 4NL instead of something else is knowing that I'll get at least £32 in C4P, so that gives me a bit more room to maybe have one more 4NL session, hopefully win a BI or two and start winning again. I'm still registered for the Super Roller because I registered before I withdrew my roll, although I'm not 100% sure if I'll still play. Really love the structure in these things, but at the same time, adding that £110 to my roll would be really useful. See how the next few days go and I'll decide closer to the date. I'm knackered so I'll reply to the above posts tomorrow. ---- 4 x 4NL, -£9.51 ********** Poker Bankroll: £97.19 Today: -£9.51 This month: -£249.46 C4P: 2,683 (£32.20) ********** 
    Posted by EvilPingu

    I think anything above 20 buy-ins is fine at the low stakes because your edge is huge over the average player. But at the end of the day it just comes down to confidence. Best of luck deciding with the super roller. Maybe try to sat your way into it?

  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited May 2012
    just catching up on the thread evil love reading this thread but don`t really post on it.

    I think you should keep reg in the super roller treat yourself,also think 24 bi`s at 4nl should not be a problem for yourself you are easily good enough to get keep movin up these stakes and be at the likes of 20nl in a few weeks maybe even higher.

    but best of luck at the tables buddy
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited May 2012
    Yeah 24 BIs is definitely enough, and with an extra £32 coming in about 1 week, you got plenty for 4NL. You already know to drop the fancy play syndrome. Rancid said something very interesting and very true to The Don the other day about 4NL, that if you're having tough decisions then you're doing something wrong.

    I'd be tempted to de-reg and get the £110, I'm sure you could satellite in for less if you wanted to use some of that £110 and if you wanna build your bankroll back up, £110 in your pocket is alot more useful than 1 shot at a big MTT.
  • SwogSwog Member Posts: 488
    edited May 2012
    Deregister from roller and move up to nl10. No point messing around with nl4
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    Sunday 27th May

    As mentioned in the previous post, I was considering de-registering from the Super Roller. Decided that I needed the £110 in my roll so have now de-registered for the time being.

    This leaves me with just over £200, which is enough to get back to playing £5.50 DYMs. Just four of these tonight while watching the live show, should've been 4 wins from 4 and a sizeable boost to the bankroll, but ran really bad. As in JJ < J4 when villain calls a shove pre and losing when he rivers a 6 high straight bad. 

    May re-enter the Super Roller, depending on how I do in the next few days - I really want to play it as I love the structure, and the possibility of winning a lot of money at the end of it too. Don't want to do what I did in the Easter Roller, which was spend so much on satellites then buy in direct anyway, and spend so much in the process that a min cash would've still resulted in a net loss.

    Although setting money targets is probably a bad idea, I'm tempted to set one, buy in direct if I grind out enough profit over the next few days, and watch on telly otherwise. Want to play so bad but want to be a bankroll nit at the same time )

    Will start replying to the posts above shortly - Might do all of them before going to bed, might not, idk. If I don't reply to any of them now, I'll definitely reply tomorrow.

    £5.50 DYM - W2 L2, -£2.00

    Sunday Survivor - Out


    Poker Bankroll: £204.19
    Today: -£3.00
    This month: -£252.46
    C4P: 2,713 (£32.56)

  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary] : Just been catching up with your blog, was surprised that you cashed out to get the new computer gear but as you say, you have something to show for your endless hours of grinding. I guess if you manage to bink another mtt and buy a car with the money, your dad will really sit up and take notice.  You seem like a very level headed young chappie, its great to hear about your life around poker. Sometimes people forget that poker is a hobby but it can become all consuming. I hope you dont mind me offering you some advice, go to uni, its a great life something I regret on missing out on. Let poker fund your studies and if you become stupendously good at it, you've got a choice when your degree finishes to turn pro or join the daily 9 to 5 grind. This is spreading risk in a way and giving you multiple options.  Theres too many blogs that focus on winning at poker, and when the losing streak starts you dont hear a dicky bird. You post whether you win, lose or draw which is to be commended. 
    Posted by ACEGOONER

    Agree with all of this, especially the Uni advice. I'm already switching Colleges in September so that I can hopefully go to University in September 2013. 

    Cheers for posting :)

    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    hi Evil, nice posts as always. i encountered a similar feeling to your dads about why i shouldn't,t be playing poker either... the house always wins,it,s just gambling,throwing your money away,all that stuff... FROM MY MOTHER....LOL but now...she loves it. i just tell her how much i,ve won... haven,t seen her since "the other night...that i,m not going to talk about again...ever."  lol and she,s happy that i,m happy.!!!  mind you,i can see why she doesn,t approve of real gambling.... as her 1st husband(my dad),did lose 3 houses that they owned(were buying), 1 in Bath 1 in Bristol and 1 in Exeter...i think,never really talked about  it fully. all on the gg,s anyway, just thought i,d share that with you. :-) dev
    Posted by devonfish5
    Wow :o I can totally understand her not being too keen on gambling after that! 

    I think the only reason my Dad disagrees with me playing Poker is because he hears all these stories of "My friend lost several thousand betting on horses so all gambling, and therefore, Poker, must be bad". Nothing wrong with gambling as long as you can afford to lose the money you're playing with :)

    Lol at "Haven't seen her since the other night" - Yeah, I get that too. If I tell anyone I lost money, I'm suddenly the worst Poker player in the world and I should withdraw everything before I lose it all ) So many people, Poker players and non Poker players alike, don't understand variance. If people think Poker is swingy... I was reading about professional Blackjack players the other day, card counting and all that, the edge is tiny and the variance is insane. Think I'll stick to Poker, lol.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary] : I think anything above 20 buy-ins is fine at the low stakes because your edge is huge over the average player. But at the end of the day it just comes down to confidence. Best of luck deciding with the super roller. Maybe try to sat your way into it?
    Posted by patwalshh

    Tried to satellite into the last one, spent so much money on satellites, then just bought in direct anyway - spent so much money that a min cash would've resulted in a net loss, so I'd rather grind £110 profit then use that to buy back in.

    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    just catching up on the thread evil love reading this thread but don`t really post on it. I think you should keep reg in the super roller treat yourself,also think 24 bi`s at 4nl should not be a problem for yourself you are easily good enough to get keep movin up these stakes and be at the likes of 20nl in a few weeks maybe even higher. but best of luck at the tables buddy
    Posted by liamboi11

    I do the same with most of the other diaries, always read them but don't post much.

    Still really want to play in the Super Roller, I've de-registered for the time being, but I'll see how it goes over the next few days, if I win a couple of hundred quid I can always register again.

    The problem with 4NL isn't so much that I wouldn't be able to build up my roll from 24BI's, but with the amount of tables I want to play, 24 BI's just isn't enough. Although I could play 3 or 4 tables, then add a tables as my roll grows, it's pretty slow in the beginning.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    Yeah 24 BIs is definitely enough, and with an extra £32 coming in about 1 week, you got plenty for 4NL. You already know to drop the fancy play syndrome. Rancid said something very interesting and very true to The Don the other day about 4NL, that if you're having tough decisions then you're doing something wrong. I'd be tempted to de-reg and get the £110, I'm sure you could satellite in for less if you wanted to use some of that £110 and if you wanna build your bankroll back up, £110 in your pocket is alot more useful than 1 shot at a big MTT.
    Posted by Lambert180

    I'd never thought of that, but what he says makes a lot of sense :)

    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    Deregister from roller and move up to nl10. No point messing around with nl4
    Posted by Swog
    As yourself and others have suggested, I've de-registered, will re-register depending on how the next few days go. I think £5.50 DYMs would be the way forward for me, which I was playing before - Difference being I have 40 buyins now instead of 400 :)
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    Monday 28th May

    10PLO, -£0.25. Table broke about 2 minutes after I joined -_-

    £3.30 DYM - W1 L2, -£3.90
    £5.50 DYM - W5 L1, +£17.00


    Poker Bankroll: £217.04
    Today: +£12.85
    This month: -£239.61
    C4P: 2,752 (£33.02)

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    Monday 28th May 10PLO, -£0.25. Table broke about 2 minutes after I joined -_- £3.30 DYM - W1 L2, -£3.90 £5.50 DYM - W5 L1, +£17.00 ********** Poker Bankroll: £217.04 Today: +£12.85 This month: -£239.61 C4P: 2,752 (£33.02) ********** 
    Posted by EvilPingu
    Bet you can't wait for June to start so you can start posting up a + figure for your monthly profit lol. That's not a rub, obviously £200 was a completely different amount when your roll was ten times bigger. Nice work on the DYMs
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    Tuesday 29th May

    Nothing particularly interesting today, although I did deposit elsewhere to take advantage of their new player bonuses, and spent an hour grinding their 2NL tables for a $0.01 profit, and about 1/100th of the amount of points I need to get a few quid of my matched deposit bonus. Sigh.

    10PLO, +£0.84
    4PLO, -£4.00

    £5.50 DYM - W5 L4, +£0.50


    Poker Bankroll: £214.38
    Today: -£2.66
    This month: -£242.27
    C4P: 2,802 (£33.62)

  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary] : Bet you can't wait for June to start so you can start posting up a + figure for your monthly profit lol. That's not a rub, obviously £200 was a completely different amount when your roll was ten times bigger. Nice work on the DYMs
    Posted by Lambert180
    I guess so, yeah - would be nice to stop being on a downswing tbh ) Just gotta grind through it, I guess, keep going through hand histories, etc.
  • FabraclassFabraclass Member Posts: 117
    edited May 2012
    I see you playing are playing some low stakes PLO mate.

    Just be careful as the rake can be huge in PLO.

    At around the 4PLO 10PLO level it can range from around 20bbs per 100 hands and 25bbs per 100 hands. Probably more on some sites.

    Dnn't know what it is no sky, but doubt it is lower then 20bbs per 100 hands.

    It must be extremely hard to turn a profit at these levels with the rake, even if the players are very weak. It can be experience though.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    I see you playing are playing some low stakes PLO mate. Just be careful as the rake can be huge in PLO. At around the 4PLO 10PLO level it can range from around 20bbs per 100 hands and 25bbs per 100 hands. Probably more on some sites. Dnn't know what it is no sky, but doubt it is lower then 20bbs per 100 hands. It must be extremely hard to turn a profit at these levels with the rake, even if the players are very weak. It can be experience though.
    Posted by Fabraclass
    Yeah, it's quite tough - I'm not sure if I'm winning overall at these levels 'cause I've only played a few hundred hands, but the players are definitely poor enough that you can beat the rake. My favourites are the ones that overplay AAxx so much, and it's so obvious that they have AAxx as it's the only hand they'll ever raise with, outflop them and you're going to stack them most of the time :D
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    Wednesday 30th May

    Hardly played on Sky today, only thing I played all day was a HU Shuffle satellite with massive overlay, which I busted after losing a flip.

    -£1.15 today on Sky.

    As I have an exam tomorrow (well, today, in about 3 hours as I write this post), I decided to, err, grind 4 tables of $0.01/$0.02 on another site all night. Probably not the best idea ever, but it's about 9000°c all night atm, so I've not lost much sleep anyway >_< 

    Lots of coffee, crush the exam, sleep all afternoon and wake up this evening in time for the live show :D Oh, and I've got to find a couple of hundred Poker points from somewhere today, to get to 3k for the extra few quid C4P, if I can be bothered. Which I probably can't :')
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    gl with your exam Evil,
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