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Lolpro runs eternally terrible [EvilPingu's Diary]



  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    gl Evil with your new set up,
    sure you will enjoy hours of fun with it.
    glad to see you didn,t just lose it and have treated yourself to something nice.
    best wishes m8,
    have to agree with scotty,
    2 monitors will give you 18/24 tables comfortably.
    although,saying that a 3rd would be handy 4 the home page,re making it more simple loading tables,etc.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited May 2012
    I would say just buy one monitor for now and see how you get on with 12 tables -
    if you get to a stage where you feel your comfortable and need another monitor then just buy another one

    I struggle with 9 running at once, some people run 24 - god knows how they do it

  • GreekWayGreekWay Member Posts: 462
    edited May 2012
    I will agree with what the guys above said. The expensive and most important thing is to build a super good computer that will handle as many tables as possible. That will cost a decent amount of money.

    You can start with 2 monitors and see how it goes. A 24" monitor should cost arounf 130ish so there is no need to worry about that.

  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited May 2012
    Best of luck Evil. The new setup should be pretty sick! Make sure you post a picture when you can. I find it easier to motivate myself when I've withdrawn from my roll, it makes the wins look bigger haha. I'm in the Roller on thursday too, so heres to us HU on final table.

    Edit: Forgot to ask what you study and where? If you don't mind me asking :)
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    Posted by rancid

    Thanks :)

    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    IMO 2 monitors is you're going from a tiny laptop screen to 3 24in monitors like I don't see how you are gonna utilise that kind of setup.  Just buy 2...redeposit the extra hundy or whatever and then if you need it in the future monitors are fairly cheap
    Posted by scotty77

    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    I will agree with what the guys above said. The expensive and most important thing is to build a super good computer that will handle as many tables as possible. That will cost a decent amount of money. You can start with 2 monitors and see how it goes. A 24" monitor should cost arounf 130ish so there is no need to worry about that.
    Posted by GreekWay

    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    gl Evil with your new set up, sure you will enjoy hours of fun with it. glad to see you didn,t just lose it and have treated yourself to something nice. best wishes m8, :-) devon ps, have to agree with scotty, 2 monitors will give you 18/24 tables comfortably. although,saying that a 3rd would be handy 4 the home page,re making it more simple loading tables,etc.
    Posted by devonfish5

    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    I would say just buy one monitor for now and see how you get on with 12 tables - if you get to a stage where you feel your comfortable and need another monitor then just buy another one I struggle with 9 running at once, some people run 24 - god knows how they do it
    Posted by rancid

    My thinking behind 3 monitors was for the reasons Devonfish said - At the moment, I play with the laptop plugged in permanently next to the desktop with the lobby web page open, and all my tables on the desktop with the client logged in on there.

    It'll probably be a couple of days before the money I withdrew is in my bank account, so still got time to decide whether I want 2 monitors or 3. Having 3 monitors sounds more impressive in brag posts though :P

    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    Best of luck Evil. The new setup should be pretty sick! Make sure you post a picture when you can. I find it easier to motivate myself when I've withdrawn from my roll, it makes the wins look bigger haha. I'm in the Roller on thursday too, so heres to us HU on final table. Edit: Forgot to ask what you study and where? If you don't mind me asking :)
    Posted by patwalshh
    Fingers crossed, last time I qualified for the League Stars Freeroll in March, I won it for £1,770, and the guy who came 4th also qualified through the Freeroll, so it's definitely possible to cash. I'm actually surprised that more people don't enter the Sky Roller after the Freeroll, as they surely have to think there's going to be a slightly weaker field that week than any other time of the month.

    As for what I study and where, I'm currently studying absolutely nothing, lol. Still a student, sort of, but haven't had to go to a lesson for ages, basically only going in for exams (AS French and A2 Maths retakes) now. 

    Got an angry letter from the College today actually, which is a "Final Demand" for £23 that I apparently owe them - In reality, there was an exam in January which I paid for myself and subsequently didn't attend, so they're charging me twice for the same thing. However, they aren't having any of it, and said they're going to send debt collectors around if I don't give them £23 within a couple of weeks. 

    Tbh, I can't be bothered with the hassle of not paying, so I'll just give them £23 and tell them to stick their College up their ****, a decision made even easier by the fact they won't let me do any of the courses I want to do next year, either.

    As a result, I've applied to Cirencester College, which is about 16 miles away from my house in Swindon (which is gonna suck next year, but if it gets me to University in 2013, then it's worth it) and I have an interview on Friday. Don't know exactly what I'll be studying yet, hopefully I'll get on to A2 French, see if I can do the whole of A-Level Further Maths in a year, maybe of A-Level Chemisty too, we'll see. I'll definitely post something about it on Friday if things are any clearer by then, which hopefully they will be.


    Anyway, Pokerz!

    Wednesday 16th May

    Barely played today, had a go at the Coach Kendall Freeroll and crashed out early (I wanted a hoodie... Oh well, there's always TSP when it comes back). 

    4 x 4NL, 41 hands, +£2.91, played for 10 minutes or so, then decided I couldn't be bothered, but won a flip before leaving.

    Coach Kendall Freeroll - Out in 750th or something. Limp, and a 4x raise on the button, I'm in the SB with 66. Button had been a maniac from what I'd seen so far, and I thought 66 was the best hand.

    It was actually a really strange hand, thought I had the best hand most of the time, but stack size couldn't have been any more difficult. Calling is going to be really awkward post-flop OOP v 2 opponents with 66. Not deep enough to set mine, 3bet/fold iss yuck, shoving seems like I'm risking everything either hoping to flip or everyone folds and I win 5bb, really awkward spot. 

    Of course, being a donk, I went for the gamble everything option, rather than the safer (and probably correct) option of throwing the hand away. However, in a format where there's 1k people and only 6 get paid, I guess that means you need to win a few races at some point anyway. I was surprised when the limper snap called my 30bb shove with 99, and the button snap folded. Anyway, the 9s held and it was game over.

    Removed the DYM targets and Priority targets following the withdrawal, as neither are realistic while rebuilding my BR.


    Bankroll: £202.91
    Today: +£2.91
    This month: -£250.81
    C4P: 2,489 (£29.87)

  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    Note to self: Smaller post next time, I nearly broke teh forum D:
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited May 2012
    N1 on treating yourself to the set up. No point winning at poker if we cant treat ourselves, I have a 22inch monitor but have always used my laptop and reading this made me wipe off the dust on it and had a go using it yesterday, it did feel a bit weird and resolution wouldnt allow that many open unless i had the mini view on which i generaly hate. It certainly gets some getting used to but i can manage around 6-8 comfortably unfortunately my lap top ends up trying to work to hard and eventualy the tables slow right down and become a little unresponsive after a couple of hours. Anyways gl buddy hope you enjoy it :)
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    gl Evil with re-building your br
    i,m sure u will do it
  • simonnatursimonnatur Member Posts: 330
    edited May 2012
    Just thought I'ld mention I just got a 24" monitor and am using it in tandem with my laptop. This is working well for me and gives me 9 tables in mini with a little overlap on the monitor which is the max i can play comfortably atm anyway. 3 monitors seems a bit ott to me.

    I didnt do a huge amount of shopping around but went for this and am very pleased with it

    If you need them these HDMI leads are a huge bargain compared to the £10 minimum you pay in the high st

  • OopnorthOopnorth Member Posts: 157
    edited May 2012
    Nice one Pingu, I have no idea on the cost of such a high tech set up but others seem to have,, only advice I could dare to give is listen to them on what you need and then shop around the Internet til your fingers are sore and get the right item at the best price,,, then personally I would use what left of that 1200 or so withdrawal and treat yourself to something non poker related. A break, some fun blokey gadgets, a dart board even, just something that you can look, i bought 2 laptops for kids through winnings here, very satisfying, now,  me I need a new shed but thats hardly something useful to a student, just something where you can smugly think,  I won that through poker, I can do it again.
    Good Luck in the roller !
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    then personally I would use what left of that 1200 or so withdrawal and treat yourself to something non poker related. A break, some fun blokey gadgets, a dart board even, just something that you can look, i bought 2 laptops for kids through winnings here, very satisfying, now,  me I need a new shed but thats hardly something useful to a student, just something where you can smugly think,  I won that through poker, I can do it again. Good Luck in the roller !
    Posted by Oopnorth
    Unfortunately, there's nothing left of the £1,300 withdrawal, the PC cost £1,305. Ouch! 

    For those who are interested, from what I can remember:

    - 2 x 22" monitors (1920 x 1080)
    - Intel Core i7-3770k Processor
    - 16GB RAM
    - 1TB Hard drive

    Also bought some decent speakers, a gaming headset, and some other bits and pieces. 
  • SwogSwog Member Posts: 488
    edited May 2012
    hi mate, first of please stay away from my tables when you venture down to NL4!

    You said you are considering doing a further maths A Level next year? i studied both maths and further maths and recieved A* and A respectively. Now i'm at Manchester universtiy and have just finished my 1st year there.

    Anyway, are you looking to study maths at university level? if so i can point you in a few directions....
  • Spad3sSpad3s Member Posts: 269
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary] : Unfortunately, there's nothing left of the £1,300 withdrawal, the PC cost £1,305. Ouch!  For those who are interested, from what I can remember: - 2 x 22" monitors (1920 x 1080) - Intel Core i7-3770k Processor - 16GB RAM - 1TB Hard drive Also bought some decent speakers, a gaming headset, and some other bits and pieces. 
    Posted by EvilPingu
    Is this pc just for poker and browsing the net.
    If it is, its wayyyyy too expensive and specs are too high.

    If its just for poker the screen is the most important thing. I would make sure to get at least 1920x1200 res and if possible splash out on a 27 inch screen with higher res again.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    hi mate, first of please stay away from my tables when you venture down to NL4! You said you are considering doing a further maths A Level next year? i studied both maths and further maths and recieved A* and A respectively. Now i'm at Manchester universtiy and have just finished my 1st year there. Anyway, are you looking to study maths at university level? if so i can point you in a few directions....
    Posted by Swog
    Lol :P

    Congrats on them grades :) Yeah, definitely want to do Further Maths next year if I can, and I'll probably end up doing Maths at University, too. Any advice is more than welcome :)
  • SwogSwog Member Posts: 488
    edited May 2012

    It depends really on your ability and joy for the subject. If you have no real interest you'll go no where fast.
    Further maths is harder than maths A-Level and proably slightly in-line with degree level mathematics. I wouldn't advise learning the whole course yourself unless your super motivated, because it gets slightly tricky in parts.

  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary] : Is this pc just for poker and browsing the net. If it is, its wayyyyy too expensive and specs are too high. If its just for poker the screen is the most important thing. I would make sure to get at least 1920x1200 res and if possible splash out on a 27 inch screen with higher res again.
    Posted by Spad3s

    For the most part, yeah. I play a couple of MMO's though, plus I'm considering picking up a wheel for the PC and getting back into race sims as well, so although it's probably overkill if I'm using it only for Poker, I'll definitely notice the difference with other stuff.

    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    Thanks. It depends really on your ability and joy for the subject. If you have no real interest you'll go no where fast. Further maths is harder than maths A-Level and proably slightly in-line with degree level mathematics. I wouldn't advise learning the whole course yourself unless your super motivated, because it gets slightly tricky in parts.
    Posted by Swog
    Awesome, will take this into consideration, cheers :)
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    Thursday 16th May

    Only played the Sky Roller, which I satellited into through the League Stars Freeroll. My tournament lasted exactly 8 hands, before I got all my money in on the flop with bottom set, only for my opponent to turn over top set. 

    EDIT: And I lost a flip on the live show for a free seat into the 5k Open. Running bad today.


    Bankroll: £202.91
    Today: +£0.00
    This month: -£250.81
    C4P: 2,589 (£31.07)

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    Thanks. It depends really on your ability and joy for the subject. If you have no real interest you'll go no where fast. Further maths is harder than maths A-Level and proably slightly in-line with degree level mathematics. I wouldn't advise learning the whole course yourself unless your super motivated, because it gets slightly tricky in parts.
    Posted by Swog
    Yeah, I never went quite as far as further maths or a degree, but I remember before choosing to do A-level maths, my older brother (who was at uni doing maths at the time) said to me that you shouldn't choose to do A-level maths unless you have a genuine love for the subject.
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited May 2012
    whats gonna be ur plan for grinding ur roll back up? DYMs or 4nl cash?  btw I hope you keep ur mastercash moves well and truly in the locker for 4nl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited May 2012
    +1 to Scotty - we don't wanna see -

    "I triple barrelled this fish who never folds and guess what - he called"

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