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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited September 2012
    I just put in my information for that site was quite chuffed with my graph and profit for this month but lost a lot today prob half my profit from this month so going to suck tomorrow when i see it lol 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    I got back from Nottingham at about 6:30pm today so here's a bit of an update...

    Well the poker side went a bit rubbish, played the Friday night side event which had a pretty fast structure and I just didn't get any hands or walked into bigger hands. I lasted about 1hr 30mins but only got properly involved with 2 hands.

    First hand (this is about 15 mins in), it gets minraised then GoldenB 3bets, I flat call with AK, then the girl next to me shoves, GoldenB reshoves and I think 'right AK aint good anymore lol', and they turn over AA and KK, so dodged a bullet there.

    Table was full of people limp/calling with rubbish, so it goes limp, limp, I only have 20BB so shove AQ... again it goes, shove, and reshove lol... I think oh god what's going on here! I think I'm completely dead, find out I'm pretty lucky to be against 99 and JJ but can't hit the board.

    But apart from that, was a really good night, I always enjoy meeting up with all the Sky people and having a drink. I experienced my first ever Tighty SnG as well which was crazy to say the least. All in all though, didn't cost too much and was a really good night.


    While the SPT weekend was great, my early exit did leave me hungry for more poker so I got in a cash session tonight. It was my first ever time playing 7tables tonight, thought I'd give it a go because I know I can keep up with the speed required just wanted to see how I coped with the overlap. Think it went pretty well to be fair, could probably go up to 8-9 and still be ok, but gonna take it one step at a time, wait til I'm comfortable before I go crazy.

    Session went ok, lost a few small pots JUST before standing from all my tables which always feels annoying but still finished with £3.29 profit. So can't complain too much as this is now my 6th winning session in a row. Slow and steady but really happy to see my BR going in the right direction for once.

    Hands Played:     14,700
    Bankroll:              £230.67
    Profit/Loss:      +£29.66
    Poker Points:       192
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited September 2012
    Morning all, finally back and played a session yesterday. Managed just less than 1000 hands for the day and ended up 71p for the day. 

    Six winning sessions in a row is v impressive Paul, wp.

    My stats:

    Total Hands: 3137
    Total Profit: £37.22
    Win Rate: 29.66bb/100

    Lamberts Win Rate: 5.04bb/100
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    Cheers Splashies. Yeah it's been going well recently, I think mostly cos I've cut out my horrible spewy calls where I'm just refusing to admit they've gone ahead even though I know they have.

    I've nearly caught up to you in terms of £ profit, so just need to catch up with you, then you play about 11,000 hands and break even, then we'll be about even  for win-rate lol.
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited September 2012
    Managed to get in 918 hands today for a profit of £13.71. I've got good momentum going at the minute and people just keep on wanting to donate, as i'll show a couple of hands I'm going to post.


    Hands: 4,055
    Profit: £50.93
    Win Rate: 31.40bb/100

    The run good continues mainly thanks to these two donations from the same person...

    bokata Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £3.82
    normarg Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £1.84
     Your hole cards
    • J
    • A
    hanad Raise  £0.08 £0.14 £2.45
    ??? Raise  £0.12 £0.26 £3.85
    splashies Call  £0.12 £0.38 £6.52
    toffeeefc Call  £0.12 £0.50 £6.23
    bokata Fold     
    normarg Fold     
    hanad Call  £0.04 £0.54 £2.41
    • A
    • 5
    • 2
    hanad Check     
    ??? Bet  £0.04 £0.58 £3.81
    splashies Raise  £0.35 £0.93 £6.17
    toffeeefc Fold     
    hanad Fold     
    ??? Call  £0.31 £1.24 £3.50
    • A
    ??? Bet  £0.04 £1.28 £3.46
    splashies Raise  £0.80 £2.08 £5.37
    ??? Call  £0.76 £2.84 £2.70
    • 6
    ??? Check     
    splashies Bet  £1.40 £4.24 £3.97
    ??? All-in  £2.70 £6.94 £0.00
    splashies Call  £1.30 £8.24 £2.67
    ??? Show
    • Q
    • 3
    splashies Show
    • J
    • A
    splashies Win Flush to the Ace £7.62  £10.29
    toffeeefc Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £6.79
    normarg Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £2.30
     Your hole cards
    • A
    • K
    hanad Raise  £0.12 £0.18 £2.29
    ??? Call  £0.12 £0.30 £8.09
    splashies Raise  £0.48 £0.78 £3.14
    toffeeefc Fold     
    normarg Fold     
    hanad Fold     
    ??? Call  £0.36 £1.14 £7.73
    • K
    • J
    • K
    ??? Bet  £0.04 £1.18 £7.69
    splashies Raise  £0.64 £1.82 £2.50
    ??? Call  £0.60 £2.42 £7.09
    • 5
    ??? Check     
    splashies All-in  £2.50 £4.92 £0.00
    ??? Call  £2.50 £7.42 £4.59
    ??? Show
    • 10
    • 6
    splashies Show
    • A
    • K
    • Q
    splashies Win Three Kings £6.86  £6.86
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    You bribing these people off the table Splashies?!! lol.

    I know people like to call off light but T high!! Send them my way

    Names left in next time please lol... only joking
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    BOOM! That is now 7 winning sessions back to back. I really don't feel like I'm running good, I'm just folding alot more post flop than I used to rather than spewing off chips being a non-believer. I played 6tables for about 1hr 30 mins and made a profit of £6.90 so still maintaining the slow and steady profit :)

    Will probably stick up another graph in a week or so. Broke the 200 poker points mark at 4NL wooo lol, reckon I can grind that up to at least get a BI or two in C4P.

    Hands Played:     15,420
    Bankroll:              £237.57
    Profit/Loss:      +£36.56
    Poker Points:       212
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    Urgh, really tilted by the fact I just wrote a massive post and lost it! So am gonna write the very very quick version.

    I had free entry to the DTD games, felt really confident and was really focussed. Was really crushing it in DTD 1 + 2. DTD 2 I 3bet jammed 66 into AA to leave me pretty short (about 5xBB), so shoved next hand KJ into TT and couldn't bink.

    DTD 1 went the best, was crushing from the very start, the highest point in chip count was 38k when I was 13/23, then I min-raised K9 5handed, 1 caller, I c-bet K9x flop, villian raises, I jam, he snaps with KQ... runner runner straight :) So i was crip pled after that and ended up shoving something like KT into AQ and missing.

    On the upside, I earned a few poker points for free and made £3.15 for the min-cash, Freerolling can never be bad.

    Hands Played:     15,420
    Bankroll:              £240.72
    Profit/Loss:      +£36.56
    Poker Points:       227

    It's a great feeling to see my BR going in the right direction, and I still think I'm looking good to meet my target of having £400 for 8NL before the end of October.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    Tonight I played a live sweat session over joinme with a couple of poker chums. I'd be thinking recently, that I was maybe being a tiny bit nitty on some of my BR rules. I'm still gonna stick to it largely in terms of playing 4NL mostly, but I may just stick the occasional table or two of 8NL in.

    So as I was playing on JoinMe and didn't want it to lag for the viewers, I stuck to 3 tables, so decided to play 2 x 8NL and 1 x 4NL. I would have done 3 x 8NL but there was a massive lack of 8 NL tables running. I made a small loss on my 4NL table of £2.24 but I made £12.02 profit on my 2 x 8NL tables, so a total profit this evening of £9.78 and yes that is now 8 winning sessions back to back.  Momentum FTW!

    Hands Played:     15,900
    Bankroll:              £250.50
    Profit/Loss:      +£46.34
    Poker Points:       253
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited September 2012
    awwwwww poker friends
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    Sorry Splashies, I realised I've completely messed up our challenge by playing 8NL last night. You won't be able to work out my BB/100 when you don't know if my profit was made at 4NL or 8NL. Bit annoying, but I guess it was always gonna happen because there was no way I was ever gonna still be playing 4NL by Xmas.

    Maybe we can figure out some other way of measuring results or something. Gaining on you in terms of profit now, who cares that I've put about 10 times more volume in than you to get it! lol.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    No poker for me tonight, but just thought I'd whack up my latest graph

    Some of you may have already seen when I posted on FB but I've recently replaced real cigarettes for electric ones that a lad in work told me about. They're much cheaper than real ones, they're obviously miles better for you, you can smoke them indoors or anywhere, and they're so similar to real ones. Ok I know it's not ideal still being addicted to something, but I'd rather swap a deadly, expensive addiction, for a cheaper, much healthier one, then I can cut back on this.

    My mate in work told me a promotional code for this which changed the cost from £50 to £12 which is ridic cheap for the stuff, 5 cartridges (100 cigarettes worth) chargers and case. If anyone wants to know the site and promotional code then feel free to PM me. Would definitely recommend them to any smoker. I've only had it for 2 days now, but haven't had a real one since then and there's genuinely not even a tiny bit of me that has wanted one the entire time.
  • DumbmoDumbmo Member Posts: 80
    edited September 2012
    Good luck with this challenge, im doing a similar one trying to get to 50nl ASAP.

    Quick question, how do u change the title of your thread to show your current bankroll?


  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £250.50:
    Good luck with this challenge, im doing a similar one trying to get to 50nl ASAP. Quick question, how do u change the title of your thread to show your current bankroll? Thanks, Stu
    Posted by Dumbmofo
    The title of the thread is determined by the title of the first post. So everytime you wanna change the title, just go to your first post in the thread, click Edit, and change the Headline in there.

    Good luck with your challenge by the way. I notice you say ASAP though, try not to rush it, it'll come when it comes, all ya can do is make the right decisions and wait for the money to come to you.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    Evening ladies and gents, it's now been 3 days without me smoking and thanks to this new gadget, I literally haven't had a single moment of missing it. It's also nice to be able to have a 'smoke' indoors while grinding the cash lol. So played another session tonight and made it my 9th winning session in a row. I 6tabled 4NL for 2 hours and made a profit of £16.88. Was a really crazy session tonight, alot of big hands, I won alot of BIs and lost a fair few too, and was up to £18 on one table and £14 on another.

    Hands Played:     16,860
    Bankroll:              £267.38
    Profit/Loss:      +£63.22
    Poker Points:       280

    So I've finally overtaken Splashies in terms of profit now, and things are looking good to meet my target of having the £500 for 50BIs @ 10NL by the end of October. The next target after that is having £1000 which is 50BIs @ 20NL by around January 2013.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited September 2012
    9th winning session in a row - dead jealous - and quitting smoking as well - wow!
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited September 2012
    Evening Paul and all. Great to see you doing well. We can just do a profit challenge if you like because I will move up eventually too. It seems we play similar volume anyway as we both work full time.

    I've played smallish sessions all nights this week..

    Monday - 573 hands (-£3.67) - Immensely swingy session, dropped around 3 BI's staright away, managed to claw some losses back.

    Tuesday - 342 hands (+£8.55) - A short fruitful evening session whilst watchin the footy.

    Wednesday - 478 hands (-£2.97) - Played like a fish, probably shouldn't have played at all as was quite tired.

    Thursday - 419 hands (+£8.55) - Exactly the same profit as Tuesday, very spooky that. A very enjoyable session which included my quad Aces stacking someone who bluffed 3 streets dohh styleee.

    Total Hands: 5,867
    Profit: £61.39
    Win Rate: 26.16bb/100
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    Nice work Splashies, impressive to see you've made as much profit as me but in a 1/3 of the hands. Glad to see we're both cruising along nicely though.

    Good luck with ya next session.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited September 2012
    keep going solid - a little bit everyday keeps the bill collectors away )
  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited September 2012
    its good to see you stringing some results together, it looks like things are falling into place after a slowish start,

    ive had to step back down for a short time for a couple of reasons, hopefully we wont bump inot each other too often at the tables
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