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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    Good good, I was hoping you hadn't got bored already. Although how can you get bored of a level where you can win £36 in 2 short sessions :p

    I'll be getting in a sesh later after dinner.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    Got another 2hrs of 6tabling in tonight. Felt nice and confident after stringing 3 decent winning sessions together, and I do believe confidence is a big thing in poker, it certainly is in my game. I managed to make this my 4th winning session in a row, and I'm really happy with some of the folds I made tonight which in previous sessions I'd have probably refused to make and would have ate horrible into my profit. Finished with a profit of £7.01 which I'm especially happy with because I lost a few races where I was well ahead.

    Hands Played:     12,860
    Bankroll:              £221.35
    Profit/Loss:      +£23.06
    Poker Points:       72

    Where's your session results Splashies, I'll be catching up to you in profit soon!
  • DrRunGoodDrRunGood Member Posts: 436
    edited September 2012
    this will be around my starting roll when i get started mate so hopefully we can bounce off each other for support to move throgh the levels
    like a marathon runner using a pace setter ;)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £221.35:
    this will be around my starting roll when i get started mate so hopefully we can bounce off each other for support to move throgh the levels like a marathon runner using a pace setter ;)
    Posted by DrRunGood
    Yeah sounds good, my aim is definitely not to stick round 4NL for any longer than necessary. So the sooner I build my roll, the better.
  • DrRunGoodDrRunGood Member Posts: 436
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £221.35:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £221.35 : Yeah sounds good, my aim is definitely not to stick round 4NL for any longer than necessary. So the sooner I build my roll, the better.
    Posted by Lambert180
    well lets do it mate bankroll building to a stage we can bust redmond ;)
  • PiAnOpLaYaPiAnOpLaYa Member Posts: 554
    edited September 2012
    Glad to see your going to the right direction. 

    If you carry on playing abc poker you'll be flying up the levels in no time. 

    Can you not add any more tables? 

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £221.35:
    Glad to see your going to the right direction.  If you carry on playing abc poker you'll be flying up the levels in no time.  Can you not add any more tables? 
    Posted by PiAnOpLaYa
    Cheers, yeah definitely glad to see my roll going in the right direction.

    I'm a bit torn on that subject, I was considering adding more tables because even with 6 I find myself sat round for periods of time not doing anything and could definitely cope with more. I only play on a laptop so 6 tables on miniview still has a bit of overlap as it is, but I'm sure I'd get used to having loads of overlap after a bit. However a poker mate of mine said there may be more value in just sticking to the 6 tables, but focusing on good note-taking and exploiting some of the nits that play a very tight range.

  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited September 2012
    I think having full concentration on 6 tables is more profitable than having 8 tables overlapping and perhaps going into more autopilot mode. Being fully able to exploit bad regs, which is hard to do when in autopilot, is highly profitable, along with vbetting the **** out of fish, which of course, you can do in autopilot. So if I were you I'd stick with 6 for now, or maybe give 8 a go and see what you think
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited September 2012
    but at nl4 you probably don't need to think about exploiting bad regs and you can probs just put in a sick amount of volume playing abc. So maybe more tables is ok here. But when you move up I'd suggest remaining with 6 for the time being
  • PiAnOpLaYaPiAnOpLaYa Member Posts: 554
    edited September 2012
    You get really used to the overlap. 

    I play 12 on my laptop now and still use the trackpad! Need to really upgrade and use a mouse. 

    How many bi's do you want till you move up? 
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited September 2012
    NL4 is all about volume - max  the volume = max the value

    big hands, big bets

    I used to play only 3 tables at NL4 and probably played a mixture of TAG and LAG but if I were to do it now I would 6 table minimum and just put in a huge amount of volume

  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited September 2012
    GL in the ME lambert
  • PiAnOpLaYaPiAnOpLaYa Member Posts: 554
    edited September 2012
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    Bit of an annoying night all round really. Played really well (IMO) in the main event tonight, was all going well, was about 28th out of 50 then 2 hands just didn't go my way and I busted in 50th. Won a last longer against PatWalsh so he owes me a pint at DTD but then lost a last longer with Cenachav so I owe him a pint, and the ME was a freeroll so break even on that one ;)

    Then I played the HU final with Donk... Donk managed to fail to register twice in a row lol, so I ended up playing 2 randommers and I beat both of them games. Then I finally got set up with Donk, started well and then I started to play like a complete fish, bluffed too much and donked off losing 5 - 2

    So my hypers for the night were 4 wins and 5 losses @ £3.15 so I made a loss of £4.35, bit annoying but oh well. On the bright side, I still got my £7.07 of C4P to come on Friday so at least that's paid for my donkfest, and it has boosted my C4P for this month.

    Hands Played:     12,860
    Bankroll:              £217.00
    Profit/Loss:      +£23.06
    Poker Points:       120

    Cheers for all the recent replies. Not sure what I'll do yet, I'll let ya know next time I play a session whether I decide to up the tables or not. Still gotta get round to recording a session too, by the way is anyone actually interesting in watching it if I do???

    PianoPlaya, I'm sticking to a rule of moving up at 50BIs and I'll step back down if I go to 40BIs at that new level.
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £221.35:
    Then I played the HU final with Donk... bluffed too much and donked off losing 5 - 2
    Posted by Lambert180
    Don't bluff fish. Haven't you learnt anything playing 20nl haha? 

    *sigh*, enjoy the drink..............................
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £221.35:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £221.35 : Don't bluff fish. Haven't you learnt anything playing 20nl haha?  *sigh*, enjoy the drink..............................
    Posted by patwalshh
    That'll teach you to have a little more faith in my game in future.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    Only managed to fit in 1hr 30mins of 6tabling tonight because I had other things to be getting on with, but made it my 5th winning session in a row. I was really happy to make any profit out of it because I started the session with a few spewy calls and set me off on the wrong foot, but I managed to grind it back and make £3.31 profit.

    Slow and steady wins the face :)

    Hands Played:     13,580
    Bankroll:              £220.31
    Profit/Loss:      +£26.37
    Poker Points:       152

    Looking in good shape to win at least another BI from C4P this month too.

    Quote specially for Doh...

    Camels were all right in the Jesus times an' that ,but we don't need 'em any more, we've moved on!
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    I thought I'd add an interesting fact each day on here to keep it a bit more, well...interesting. No poker for me tonight but I'll get started with something interested I read today...

    What's the best floor of a building to throw a cat from?
    (if you were so inclined to do so)

    Any floor as long as it's above the 7th. Apparently cats like many other small animals have a non-fatal terminal velocity (for cats it's about 60mph). Once they relax, they orientate themselves, spread out and parachute to the floor like a squirrel.

    There is evidence of a cat thrown out of a Cessna aircraft at 800feet that survived

    A humans terminal velocity is 120mph btw.

    ...well I thought it was interesting.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    Hello all,

    I'm off to Nottingham in a few hours for the £50 SPT side event and general drinking and banter, so won't be doing any online pokering tonight. I always get really excited about every SPT, partly because I just enjoy playing live so much more than online, and also just because it's nice to meet up with all the people I talk to online.

    I've received my C4P today so that's almost another 2 BIs banked ;)

    Hands Played:     13,580
    Bankroll:              £227.38
    Profit/Loss:      +£26.37
    Poker Points:       152

    The quote I've picked for today, I was telling someone it the other day and as I was telling them I realised just how great a quote it is so thought I'd share. I'm not sure who said it mind...

    "A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they will never sit in"

    People would do good to remember the point of this
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    Thanks to KKrippler, I've now found a way to create graphs on my profit/loss for cash. You'll have to excuse the $ signs, all the figures are correct and are actually £ amounts, and ignore the fact the dates are in american format, there doesn't seem to be anyway to change these 2 things.

    So below is my graph since I started playing cash again on 3rd August.

    Right, now I'm off to get a session in!

    EDIT: The graph above now includes my session last night on 9th Sept.
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