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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    I got a session in last night but was tired I just wanted to go to bed, so here's the results. Obv they aint good results otherwises I'd have had the energy to post them last night lol.

    So last night I 6tabled 8NL for 3 hours, it was pretty annoying to be kicked off all tables during the outage, and even more annoying that when I got back, loads of player hadn't got back so really struggled to get full tables going at 8NL. In the end I lost £6.55, sucks to lose another session but apart from a few spots, I'm pretty happy with how I played, just got in a few bad spots like KK v AA aipf.

    Results feel bad at the mo, but I know it looks worse cos I'm losing at a level which is twice the stakes I was recently winning at, so I aint too worried.

    Only one hand I was really annoyed about where I completely stationed the river, I had the nut straight and had been betting flop and turn, then villian donk overshoved the river when the flush draw came in, I called like a complete fish and obv he had the nut flush.

    Hands Played:     24,540
    Bankroll:              £235.62
    Profit/Loss:      +£31.37
    Poker Points:       813   (£6.50)
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited September 2012
    I,ve read a fair bit of this , but is this amount from your original roll of £200 after you took some out from the Cardiff SPT?
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £235.62:
    I,ve read a fair bit of this , but is this amount from your original roll of £200 after you took some out from the Cardiff SPT?
    Posted by MP33
    Yeah, I aint deposited on Sky in 2-3 years. Well I deposited recently but I don't count it because I withdrew £20 from Sky, spun it up a bit on Stars and then put it back in here, so none of the deposit came from my bank, just poker on another site.

    So yeah I withdrew after cashing at SPT Cardiff and this is the same roll. It's not exactly gone far since then but I'm happy to just be playing for free basically. I was up to about £350 (if I remember rightly) after doing well at HU Hypers, but then went on a horrible dowswing and lost about £150 at them.
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £235.62:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £235.62 : Yeah, I aint deposited on Sky in 2-3 years. Well I deposited recently but I don't count it because I withdrew £20 from Sky, spun it up a bit on Stars and then put it back in here, so none of the deposit came from my bank, just poker on another site. So yeah I withdrew after cashing at SPT Cardiff and this is the same roll. It's not exactly gone far since then but I'm happy to just be playing for free basically. I was up to about £350 (if I remember rightly) after doing well at HU Hypers, but then went on a horrible dowswing and lost about £150 at them.
    Posted by Lambert180
    As long as its going North, rather than South - keep it going - GL
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    Ahhhh it's such a good feeling to bag a winning session after the run I've been on during the last few sessions. This one started off pretty badly, thought I was on to destroy all my profit. Within 5 mins, I got it in with KK as an OP v a set of 7s, and then guy open shoves 39J flop, so I call with A-high, he has 3T and goes runner runner flush lol.

    So after a brutal start, I was really not feeling good about things, and then, as is the way with poker, it changed in the blink of an eye, and I went from being about 2 BIs down to being about 3 BIs up in the space of 5-10 mins lol. In the end I was £24.35 up which I'm well happy with.

    Hands Played:     25,260
    Bankroll:              £259.97
    Profit/Loss:      +£55.72
    Poker Points:       867   (£6.94)
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited September 2012
    Afternoon Paul, here to update my progress over the last week. Think we were briefly on a few tables together one night this week. It was a very up and down week for me, most sessions I had to claw my way back after a poor start.

    Sunday - 843 hands (+£5.22)
    Monday - 570 hands (+£9.23)
    Tuesday - 652 hands (-£5.68)
    Wednesday - 398 hands (+£4.33)
    Thursday - 558 hands (-£12.03)
    Friday - 794 hands (-£4.78)

    nl8 stats
    Hands: 5,336
    Profit: £24.79
    Win Rate: 5.81bb/100

    Overall Hands: 15,920
    Overall Profit: £133.53

    Maybe see you on the tables over the weekend, gl if you're playing.
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited September 2012
    To carry on from my above post...

    Saturday - 608 hands (+£30.44)
    Today - 967 hands (+£34.03)

    nl8 stats
    Hands: 6,911
    Profit: £89.26
    Win Rate: 16.14bb/100

    Overall Hands: 17,495
    Overall Profit: £198.00 (exactly)

    I'm now moving up to nl10 as of tonight. Been a mental weekend on the tables :)

    You got nl8 all to yourself now mate, see you at nl10 soon.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    Nice one Splashies. I've really back slacking recently on the volume front, but I'm gonna be getting in a good session tonight (some of which will probablly carry into 1st Oct), then once October is on, I'll be trying to really batter the volume for this cash promotion. Will probably be hard for me to make the top 20 while working 9-5 and having my volume limited but I dunno, I'm certainly gonna give it a shot.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    Well my session didn't go into 1st October, but I didn't cut it short, it's just that I started alot earlier than planned. Just finished 3 hours of 6tabling 8NL, I would have carried on but it's the struggle to get games going normally at 8NL and tonight was worse (maybe everyone is watching the golf!), so towards the end I was playing HU on 2 of my tables and 4-5max on the other 4. I'm not that confident in my HU cash game and don't fancy paying tons of rake at these low levels but anyway, the point is, I stopped after 3 hours.

    It was my best (profit-wise) session at 8NL so far, and not just saying this but definitely my best session for a long time in terms of how I played IMO. Obviously I'll post some hands and people may disagree, but there was no spewing tonight at all, no loose calls, think I played really well. Made a profit of £33.33 in all, so a good end to the month and a few extra points for my September C4P.

    Hands Played:     26,700
    Bankroll:              £293.30
    Profit/Loss:      +£89.05
    Poker Points:       973   (£7.78)

    Bit annoyed that I just missed out on the 1k points threshold but it's only worth like £2 more and it'll take quite alot more time for me to get the extra 27 points at 8NL, don't think it's worth chasing it. My C4P is gonna push my over the £300 mark which is a nice feeling.

    Will probably post up more about it tomorrow, but I'm gonna be making a real effort to get into the top 20 cash players for the low tier in the October promotion. Also, I'm aiming to reach the £500 mark by the end of October, so getting in tons of volume for this promotion should make it much more acheivable.

    Just looking through my September Goals post and I started the month on £177 and aimed to be around £250 by the end of the month, so I've smashed that :) and I've also reached my highest point so far in terms of profit.

    However, I never got round to recording a session for Youtube... will definitely do that during October.

    I'll finish the month off with graph, some ups and downs, but definitely going in the right direction :)

    Wish me Luck!
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    Thought I'd post this hand from tonight, just cos I thought it was pretty sick for the opponent, and it's not every day you flop a straight flush :)
    BOBBYDAZLA Small blind   £0.04 £0.04 £7.12
    Lambert180 Big blind   £0.08 £0.12 £10.42
      Your hole cards
    • 9
    • 8
    stax2227 Fold        
    DAZ_ACER Fold        
    banana69 Call   £0.08 £0.20 £3.91
    BOBBYDAZLA Call   £0.04 £0.24 £7.08
    Lambert180 Check        
    • J
    • 7
    • 10
    BOBBYDAZLA Check        
    Lambert180 Bet   £0.08 £0.32 £10.34
    banana69 Raise   £0.38 £0.70 £3.53
    BOBBYDAZLA Fold        
    Lambert180 Raise   £1.04 £1.74 £9.30
    banana69 All-in   £3.53 £5.27 £0.00
    Lambert180 Raise   £5.58 £10.85 £3.72
    Lambert180 Unmatched bet   £2.79 £8.06 £6.51
    Lambert180 Show
    • 9
    • 8
    banana69 Show
    • 5
    • 4
    • Q
    • J
    Lambert180 Win Straight Flush to the Jack £7.45   £13.96
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited October 2012
    So as I summarised last night, September was a good month. I went from £177 to £293 (just over £300 with C4P), playing mostly 4NL and then a bit of 8NL for the last bit of the month. Also, there are definitely noticeable differences (for the better) in my cash game since I started this.


    October Targets

    1. Record one of my grinds and stick it on Youtube (like I said I would in September).

    2. Do my best to try to scrape into the top 20 for the lower tier of the Kings of Cash promotion.

    3. Get into the 5k Freeroll for the Kings of Cash promotion.


    I'm not counting this as a proper goal, as I think setting financial targets in poker is a bad idea, but my 'aim' is to have increased my BR to £500 by the end of October, so I have 50 BIs to start playing 10NL.

    I earn around 6 poker points per hour, per table at 8NL, so 6tabling, I'm earning 36 points per hour. I probably play around 18 days of the month, for an average of 2.5hrs so that would give me 1620 points. I'll call it around 1800 points because virtually every single session I play is during the 11pm-midnight happy hour.

    Saying it like that has just reduced my chances of getting in the top 20 to near zero lol... but I'm not one to shirk a challenge. I think I can grind like crazy to get maybe 3-4k, and cross my fingers lol, but if nothing else, the increased volume will improve my chances of getting to the £500 mark.
  • bugaloobugaloo Member Posts: 487
    edited October 2012
    good post paul

    silly question were do you get the graph from and how do you use it?

    im going to be having a go at grinding for the cash promotion this month and it will be useful

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited October 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £293.30:
    good post paul silly question were do you get the graph from and how do you use it? im going to be having a go at grinding for the cash promotion this month and it will be useful thanks
    Posted by bugaloo
    Cheers :)

    I'm at work at the mo, and have the website bookmarked so I'll post it up later, but basically it's a site where you input your session results and it will give you graphs on loads of different things. You can do graphs based on specific stakes or specific games (if you play NLHE and PLO) and loads of different things. And you can get tons of stats like your average win rate, per hour, per session, your average session length etc. KKrippler told me about it recently and I've found it really useful just for creating graphs.
  • bugaloobugaloo Member Posts: 487
    edited October 2012
    ok thanks np
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited October 2012
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited October 2012
    Only managed to get 1hr of 5tabling in tonight which was a bit frustrating, but had to go sort out spiders for Emma lol. Pretty boring session really, there was only really 1 hand of note in the hour, and to be fair, I got quite lucky in the sense that I was playing against very passive opponents who let me get there before putting the money in.
    Lambert180 Big blind   £0.08 £0.08 £7.60
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    Betheeboo Call   £0.08 £0.16 £8.09
    mellor72 Raise   £0.24 £0.40 £9.32
    rightwrigh Call   £0.24 £0.64 £4.31
    dekus Call   £0.24 £0.88 £5.68
    Lambert180 Raise   £0.85 £1.73 £6.75
    Betheeboo Call   £0.85 £2.58 £7.24
    mellor72 Call   £0.69 £3.27 £8.63
    rightwrigh Fold        
    dekus Call   £0.69 £3.96 £4.99
    • A
    • 7
    • 6
    Lambert180 Check        
    Betheeboo Check        
    mellor72 Check        
    dekus Check        
    • Q
    Lambert180 Bet   £1.49 £5.45 £5.26
    Betheeboo Call   £1.49 £6.94 £5.75
    mellor72 Fold        
    dekus Call   £1.49 £8.43 £3.50
    • 8
    Lambert180 All-in   £5.26 £13.69 £0.00
    Betheeboo Call   £5.26 £18.95 £0.49
    dekus All-in   £3.50 £22.45 £0.00
    Lambert180 Show
    • Q
    • Q
    Betheeboo Show
    • A
    • 4
    dekus Show
    • K
    • A
    Lambert180 Win Three Queens £21.05   £21.05
    So another £10.63 profit made tonight, which means I'm just a smidge off the £100 profit mark. Glad to get the month off to a good start profit-wise, but really can't have many more mini sessions like this if I wanna challenge for the top 20.

    Hands Played:     27,100
    Bankroll:              £303.93   (£7.78 due soon from C4P)
    Profit/Loss:      +£99.68
    Poker Points:      12
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited October 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £293.30:
    Profit/Loss:      +£99.68 Poker Points:      12
    Posted by Lambert180

    Tintin & co must be quaking in their boots!
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited October 2012
    Again, not as much volume as I would have liked but I'm putting in some more Emma time because I know I've been a bit of a neglecting *insert insult here* recently. I did manage 2 hours of 6tabling though. I was well pleased to see more than 6 tables running when I logged on, seemed like this cash promotion was gonna help me get tables going.... but yet again towards the end of the session I found myself playing HU and 3 handed.

    As Dohhhhh tells me all the time, it's all about momentum, and I've got it going again. Made a profit of £4.15 so that's now 4 winning sessions in a row and a good start to October :)

    Only a small one, but every little helps, and I've now broken the £100 profit mark.

    Hands Played:     28,060
    Bankroll:              £308.08   (£7.78 due soon from C4P)
    Profit/Loss:      +£103.83
    Poker Points:      57

    I've as good as written off any hopes of getting in the top 20 by playing 8NL after my calcs in my previous post and seeing how much some are grinding, and how little I've done in the first two days. It was always gonna be very hard for me playing 8NL and the amount I'm limited to playing due to work , so I was gonna have to be full on sicko from start to finish so just 2 days lost is probably too much.. I also still want to have a girlfriend by the end of October lol.

    To be honest, I think alot of people will go mental for the first week or two but get bored/burnt out/whatever and not do half as much in the 2nd half of the month.

    Quote of the Day

    Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.
  • IVxXBiGDXxIVxXBiGDXx Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2012
    won 7 out of 7 £5.50 turbocharged today wooo!:)
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited October 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £303.93:
     Points:      57 
    Posted by Lambert180
    THAT'SSSSSSSSSSSSS more like it ! ;)
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