Another really sick session, think this was definietly the worst of the last 3 by a mile because I don't actually think I did that much wrong, I just got coolered over and over again. So 4 hours of 6tabling left me with my biggest losing session to date... £34.82
Sick times folks, but this is why I wanted as big as BR as I said originally, so at least I can take one of these on the chin and still be comfortably rolled.
@LiamBoi - Can't believe you had the **** flush v my nut straight... you're so aggro that I'm miles ahead of your range there
yeah vul in that hand m8 and your totally right I think most times I have a lot worse just one the times i have the goods I have not been running good last few days so need a bit of luck lol.
also I know you have a challenge with splashies you fancy doing a challenge with me for the kings promotion it might drive me 2 play a bit more this month i`ve only played 5 days and usually i play a lot more and usually over 1k but just not felt like playin much.
so im only on 508 so far and for top 20 i reckon we would need 2.5-3k maybe more depending if ppl keep playing as much as they are the now but i reckon it will die down later in the month apart from tintin lol.
Yeah I'm happy to do a challenge with you LiamBoi. I'm only playing 8NL at the mo btw. It's not gonna be easy but I'll be happy if I can get 20th in the Kings promo for £30 on top of my C4P.
I definitely agree with you and said it somewhere earlier in my diary that I think (with the exception of TinTin) it will slow down towards the end of the month as people get burnt out or in some cases go busto. I think 2.5k might just get in the top 20, and that's acheivable for me because I'm now making between 150-200 points per session.
As you can see above, I'm 647 so far, so you aint that far behind considering you aint played much. May see you on the tables tonight then.
just played a just over and hour today playing 8/10nl finished about £17 down if i dont turn it around l8r on tonight will be 3 days losing on the trot aint good lol but but still in profit for the month im on 571 c4p so far.
Last night was another really terrible session, I posted a load of hands in a BBV so as not to clog up my diary but it was painful to watch. Started off sitting at 2 full tables (was on waiting lists for others) and starting off a new one myself, a guy sits down with £4, and manages to run SUPER SUPER good and turn it into £30 within about 15 minutes lol. I managed to win £15 of it back off him and as soon as he lost that big pot he ran off which is always nice. Wish in my first big hand with him my AK would have just held v his QT and he'd have probably called it a day there but oh well, the river binked for him.
Anyway, was pretty brutal all night, so started about 3BIs down courtesy of the HU, but then was doing well to grind it back, but it happened literally 3 times that everytime I got back to break even (I know I shouldn't keep track and I don't most of the time), I'd get coolered. I got to break even, then got it in set over set then got back to break even, then got it in with KK on QJx and he had QJ obv lol.
So I finished -£26.34 for the night which really sucks, but apart from the odd bad/tilty call, I feel like there's really nothing I can do about it.
you on tonight paul I could not get on last nite my internet was down was raging but will be on soon tonight try win a few bi`s and get my poker points up try catch you lol.
As if the last 4 sessions weren't bad enough, I have just had my worst session in my entire poker 'career' ever. People were just flopping sets for fun ALL night against me... Thanks for one of them LiamBoi, your set of 9s v my AA on like the safest board ever lol... don't wory about it, it was just one of many!
Made a pretty sicking loss of £73.44.. don't even know how that's possible @ 8NL lol...but there you have it. I'm not gonna lie and say none of it was due to bad play, some of it definitely will have been, but just so many times I couldn't hold for big pots... in fact I don't think I held for a pot above £3-£4 once all night. So My BR has went from £350 to £192 in the space of 4 sessions at 8NL!!
God this game can be sick sometimes. But oh well, brush myself off, I'll be taking a break from cash poker tomorrow night, then I'm at DTD for the weekend so that'll be a nice break, then I think it's back to the depths of 4NL for me next week. Not sure, maybe I'll give 8NL one more go when I come back to cash and see how I do on Monday. Obviously 4NL means my C4P is badly affected, but couldn't really care less about that atm (sorry LiamBoi lol but I'll still give you a run for your money at 4NL ), it's all about the moniez.
So a really depressing weak in terms of poker, lost 20 BIs in a week, have went from near £150 in profit to being in loss for the first time since almost the start of this venture into cash. But in the grand scheme of things, now I've stood from the tables and collected my thoughts, it's not the exactly the end of the world. I still have more money than I started this challenge with courtesy of C4P and that Top of the Posts game, and I'm still alive and healthy lol and playing the game I love (struggling to love it as much as normal atm).
Looking forward to DTD and a bit of Quasar!
P.S. Thanks for jinxing me IDCU by saying I never lose! lol. My losing streak started literally the day after you said that lol.
yeah vul tonight m8 we all have bad sessions im sure you will recover right away after the weekend.
hope you enjoy your weekend.
also regards the kings challenge im sure you will still give me a run for my money I need to catch up anywayz lol im on 682 now and i`ve kept track of stats this months ive played 7 days (inc tonights) and played roughly 20hrs I really need to improve on that to get anywhere near even the top 40.
ahhhh bad times are spreading, yesterday was similar for me to what yopu experienced tonight, i was really down last night. think that you are away for the weekend might be a big help to you, you should be able to forget about most of it before hitting the tables again.
even if you have to drop down for a couple of sessions i dont think it will take you much doing before your back.
Don,t let it get you down. On my diary it was going steadily in the right direction until i picked a table at random to sit down just to dbl check my account by seeing how much i could buy in for -
It was for £98. Simaltous was sat there with £300 at £1/£2 ( Way out of my roll ) but got greedy and thought i,d try and steal a pot or 2 before running off like a little girl.
15 minutes later i was skint and only got to see about 1 showdown. Was well out of my leaugue, but quit there for the day and started again to build it back up over the last week
I know your going for this king for cash promo but i think to many ppl esp at low stakes are getting blinded by it and concentarting more on points than actual profit
I,d have a day or 2 off and come back fighting - GL
Ps - Theres always the King of the cash Freeroll for 5k for just 1k pts
You wally ) If you find yourself 3-4 buy ins down then stop playing as it's not your night, or nit up - seriously ! & don't get involved with reg v reg battles - no need - just distracts you from concentrating on winning money from the other weaker players at the table
but anyway you know you can win it back and poker is a never ending game so - good luck and have fun at the DTD )
Thanks everyone for the input. Yeah I really wasn't too down about it after it all happened. This is exactly why I insisted on having a big bankroll when everyone was telling me I was being too nitty, because with a bit of runbad this can happen.
As Dohhhhh said to me last night... 'everyone says a recreational player should have 20BIs, and you've just lost that in less than a week'.
As for the leaving the table, to be honest I am a firm believer in the fact you should never leave a table purely based on your results whether it be a big win or a big loss. The only good reasons to leave a table IMO are
1) You want to stop playing, you've got something else to do/somewhere else to be.
2) You can't beat the table you're sat at.
3) You're not playing your A game/you're tilting.
None of these 3 factors were true last, then towards the end of my session factor 3 happened a bit, and that's why I ended at like 10:30pm instead of my usual midnight. Say I'm playing on a table of fish that I know I am alot better than, I am never gonna leave that table because I'm running bad as long as I'm playing my best game.
@Pipunch, I'm surprised you've asked for HHs cos you're one of the people that posted in my BBV thread lol. I'm not gonna post them on here or in the clinic cos no1 wants to sit and see how I ran big PP into bigger PP, set into bigger set, nut str8 into flush etc etc. But if you want HHs, go look at my 2 threads in BBV, and you'll see in total about 20+ hands played over the last couple of sessions, all of which are either pretty sick outdraws or coolers and the sum total of them pots is around £160 I believe.
Dohhhhh said to me last night... 'everyone says a recreational player should have 20BIs, and you've just lost that in less than a week'. Posted by Lambert180
In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £192.56 : ha, bet that was just what you wanted to hear! Didn't really think, sorry Posted by DOHHHHHHH
Lol nah was quite useful actually, helped put things in perspective, and in the grand scheme of things, I can't complain too much that I've just went on a sick run, lost 20BIs and still have £200
you dropping back down then? i personally think you could stay at NL8 until your roll is down to £40 which probably isnt gonna happen Posted by Pipunch
Well tonight is a night off, then I'm away at DTD in Nottingham for the weekend. I think I'll be playing another session @ 8NL when I come back next week but if that goes badly then yes I'm moving down.
The odds of me running like this and losing 20BIs are X, the fact I've already done it now, changes nothing, so the odds of me now doing the exact same thing again and losing 20 more BIs are still X. Sadly, running badly in no way means you are going to have a time where you run super good to cancel it out.
So that money is gone now and I need to treat it like this is a fresh start, because it is. Patterns in luck can only be observed in the past tense, you can't estimate how luck will affect something based on previous info if it's just a random event.
Sick times folks, but this is why I wanted as big as BR as I said originally, so at least I can take one of these on the chin and still be comfortably rolled.
@LiamBoi - Can't believe you had the **** flush v my nut straight... you're so aggro that I'm miles ahead of your range there
Hands Played: 35,636
Bankroll: £292.34
Profit/Loss: +£80.31
Poker Points: 647 (£5.18)
I definitely agree with you and said it somewhere earlier in my diary that I think (with the exception of TinTin) it will slow down towards the end of the month as people get burnt out or in some cases go busto. I think 2.5k might just get in the top 20, and that's acheivable for me because I'm now making between 150-200 points per session.
As you can see above, I'm 647 so far, so you aint that far behind considering you aint played much. May see you on the tables tonight then.
Anyway, was pretty brutal all night, so started about 3BIs down courtesy of the HU, but then was doing well to grind it back, but it happened literally 3 times that everytime I got back to break even (I know I shouldn't keep track and I don't most of the time), I'd get coolered. I got to break even, then got it in set over set
So I finished -£26.34 for the night which really sucks, but apart from the odd bad/tilty call, I feel like there's really nothing I can do about it.
Hands Played: 37,076
Bankroll: £266.00
Profit/Loss: +£53.97
Poker Points: 756 (£6.05)
Here was me a few days ago feeling really sorry for TinTin as he was getting battered by variance and then it comes along and smacks me in the face
I hope your run improves soon TinTin and mine too!
Made a pretty sicking loss of £73.44.. don't even know how that's possible @ 8NL lol...but there you have it. I'm not gonna lie and say none of it was due to bad play, some of it definitely will have been, but just so many times I couldn't hold for big pots... in fact I don't think I held for a pot above £3-£4 once all night. So My BR has went from £350 to £192 in the space of 4 sessions at 8NL!!
God this game can be sick sometimes. But oh well, brush myself off, I'll be taking a break from cash poker tomorrow night, then I'm at DTD for the weekend so that'll be a nice break, then I think it's back to the depths of 4NL for me next week. Not sure, maybe I'll give 8NL one more go when I come back to cash and see how I do on Monday. Obviously 4NL means my C4P is badly affected, but couldn't really care less about that atm (sorry LiamBoi lol but I'll still give you a run for your money at 4NL
Hands Played: 38,196
Bankroll: £192.56
Profit/Loss: -£19.47
Poker Points: 859 (£6.87)
So a really depressing weak in terms of poker, lost 20 BIs in a week, have went from near £150 in profit to being in loss for the first time since almost the start of this venture into cash. But in the grand scheme of things, now I've stood from the tables and collected my thoughts, it's not the exactly the end of the world. I still have more money than I started this challenge with courtesy of C4P and that Top of the Posts game, and I'm still alive and healthy lol and playing the game I love (struggling to love it as much as normal atm).
Looking forward to DTD and a bit of Quasar!
P.S. Thanks for jinxing me IDCU by saying I never lose! lol. My losing streak started literally the day after you said that lol.
even if you have to drop down for a couple of sessions i dont think it will take you much doing before your back.
have a good weekend
It was for £98. Simaltous was sat there with £300 at £1/£2 ( Way out of my roll ) but got greedy and thought i,d try and steal a pot or 2 before running off like a little girl.
15 minutes later i was skint and only got to see about 1 showdown. Was well out of my leaugue, but quit there for the day and started again to build it back up over the last week
I know your going for this king for cash promo but i think to many ppl esp at low stakes are getting blinded by it and concentarting more on points than actual profit
I,d have a day or 2 off and come back fighting - GL
Ps - Theres always the King of the cash Freeroll for 5k for just 1k pts
If you find yourself 3-4 buy ins down then stop playing as it's not your night, or nit up - seriously !
& don't get involved with reg v reg battles - no need - just distracts you from concentrating on winning money from the other weaker players at the table
but anyway you know you can win it back and poker is a never ending game so - good luck and have fun at the DTD )
goes to show what they know
i think its pretty bad to lose so much in one session. if its not going your way its best to probably leave the tables
i saw some quote somewhere once saying the great players know when to call it a day
As Dohhhhh said to me last night... 'everyone says a recreational player should have 20BIs, and you've just lost that in less than a week'.
As for the leaving the table, to be honest I am a firm believer in the fact you should never leave a table purely based on your results whether it be a big win or a big loss. The only good reasons to leave a table IMO are
1) You want to stop playing, you've got something else to do/somewhere else to be.
2) You can't beat the table you're sat at.
3) You're not playing your A game/you're tilting.
None of these 3 factors were true last, then towards the end of my session factor 3 happened a bit, and that's why I ended at like 10:30pm instead of my usual midnight. Say I'm playing on a table of fish that I know I am alot better than, I am never gonna leave that table because I'm running bad as long as I'm playing my best game.
@Pipunch, I'm surprised you've asked for HHs cos you're one of the people that posted in my BBV thread lol. I'm not gonna post them on here or in the clinic cos no1 wants to sit and see how I ran big PP into bigger PP, set into bigger set, nut str8 into flush etc etc. But if you want HHs, go look at my 2 threads in BBV, and you'll see in total about 20+ hands played over the last couple of sessions, all of which are either pretty sick outdraws or coolers and the sum total of them pots is around £160 I believe.
The odds of me running like this and losing 20BIs are X, the fact I've already done it now, changes nothing, so the odds of me now doing the exact same thing again and losing 20 more BIs are still X. Sadly, running badly in no way means you are going to have a time where you run super good to cancel it out.
So that money is gone now and I need to treat it like this is a fresh start, because it is. Patterns in luck can only be observed in the past tense, you can't estimate how luck will affect something based on previous info if it's just a random event.