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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited October 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £185.90:
    Played for about 1hr 30 mins of 6tabling 4NL again tonight, and made a profit of £13.72. A nice profit but shame it wasn't slightly bigger thanks to a couple of hands at the end. I had a guy on my table who was just open shoving any old junk for like 30-40xBB, I snapped him off twice, AK v KT and AQ v A8 and lost both of them... sigh :( But hey can't complain at winning just over 3BIs in 1hr 30 mins. Just pennies short of the £200 mark again. Hands Played:     42,276 Bankroll:              £199.62 Profit/Loss:       -£12.41 Poker Points:      1066 (£10.66) Poker points are going up depressingly slow nowadays but that's low on the list of priorities atm and at leat I've already made £10+
    Posted by Lambert180

    good goin m8 just keep those winning sessions in and dont worry about the points.Also when you movin back to 8/10nl then any ideas like £240 start playin 8nl again something like that?

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited October 2012
    Cheers Liam, yeah I'll probably be dipping my toe in the water of 8NL again around the £240 mark, but this time round I'll be table selecting much better, so if there's only 2 x 8NL tables that aren't reg filled then I'll only play them two and have some 4NL or 5p/5p on the side.

    Played the Friday Rebuy ME tonight because I was very kindly given a free entry by Tikay/Sky for doing all the scores for Ryan's cash grinding comp on Mondays. Ryan was also a generous chap so thanks all :)

    Had a really good run tonight, and thought it was could have been my night to finally bink a big cash in an MTT but sadly it was not to be. Last time I checked before my exit I was 42nd out of 88 players, and had about 18k @ 250/500, but I had no intentions of trying to just sneak into the cash, so I was pretty happy to 3bet jam all in with TT... sadly they had KK :(

    Oh well, it's not all bad, I had some fun, it was nice to not play cash for once and I got 10 poker points so that's 10p banked ;) lol.
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited October 2012
    Keep going Lamb.

    I admire your ability to take a beat at micros, and be able to move down and start grinding again w/o showing much tilt. You have the nuts in terms of the mental aspect of the game, and if you carry on playing and improving your game like I'm sure you will, then you'll probs be a v.v.v.sick high limit player. 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited October 2012
    Cheers Percy! Dohhh has said the same in the past about me having the nuts when it comes to the mental aspects, like tilt control, BRM, discipline etc. We've had many a discussion about how it drives me mad and just generally confuses me when I hear of people who have the technical skills and just mess up the other bits.

    If i had the technical ability to crush the games, or rather, when I get the technical ability I will be sick :p

    Just seems like such a horrible waste when there's people who crush the game and can't get the bits that IMO are a piece of p*ss like BRM right. That bit is easy, you say you need X amount to play X level, and you do it, zero skill involved. It's the skillful bit I struggle with lol. I'd give anything to have the technical skill and yet there's plenty who have it, and completely waste it by doing some things that are just plain stupid.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited October 2012
    I won't go into why but an interesting turn of events meant I had $20 in my account on Stars, and as I was at my mums for tonight and can't multi-table on her laptop, thought I'd have a bit of a splash about on there.

    I managed to keep up my habit of being unable to lose on Stars lol.. playing some $1.50 Hypers and won a couple of dollars, then finally unlocked $10 of my welcome bonus, then played a $1 9-man BH and took that down for about $5, then fancied some PLO so played a 10-man 50/50 PLO for $1.50, managed to come 2nd in that for $2.93

    So all in all, turned my $20 into $40 and had a nice refreshing break from playing cash! :)
  • Wacko90Wacko90 Member Posts: 906
    edited October 2012
    Keep grinding away mate it will turn soon :) your good enough to grind this up
  • DrRunGoodDrRunGood Member Posts: 436
    edited October 2012
    hi mate good grind was reading for some inspiration for my new challenge how do you find out how many hands you played?
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited October 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £199.62:
    hi mate good grind was reading for some inspiration for my new challenge how do you find out how many hands you played?
    Posted by DrRunGood
    Well my hand numbers aren't 100% accurate but it's as close as can be given the amount of time I'm willing to put into finding out (not much) lol. Basically I have a spreadsheet to track all my cash results and this spreadsheet just works it out for me based on the fact I estimate you will play 80 hands per hour online. So I just put my number of tables and amount of time played and it does the maths... obviously sometimes it's less than 80 per hour, and sometimes more, but I think it's pretty close to 80 on average.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited October 2012
    Sigh... getting pretty annoyed with how bad I'm running recently on Sky. Played 2 hours of 4NL, things went really well for about 1hr 50 mins, then in the last 10 mins I had...

    QQ v AA
    KK v JT
    AK v JJ
    AA v JJ
    AK v QQ

    4 out of 5 of them were for full BIs, all of them aipf, and I lost all of them. So was a good session til that happened lol, but ended up finishing £11.28 down for the night

    Hands Played:     43,236
    Bankroll:              £188.34
    Profit/Loss:       -£23.69
    Poker Points:      1122 (£11.22)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited October 2012
    Page 5 I was on which means I must be turning into Doh... bad results = no updates, sigh

    Things haven't been too bad on Sky to be honest, haven't played much, got a freebie into the Friday Main and ended up busting about 8 off the cash getting it in AK v QQ and not binking... sigh, that's 2 freebies into the Friday ME in the last month, and twice I've just missed out on a cash. Was annoying because I was 4th out of 61 (top 40 cash) and just lost a bunch of races v shortys round bubble time, then lost my flip above when I was the shorty.

    Donked off my moniez on  *s... had about $40, dropped to $30 on Hypers, then started playign 10NL Zoom, was doing really well was up a couple of BIs towards the start, then lost my profit through just some standard flips, coolers and outdraws. Played a few hands I shouldnt to win back my profit, then tilt donked off the rest, was only 3 BIs and was freerolling, sighz

    Since then, played a few MTTs, few HU Hypers (can't help myself lol), a 4man HU SnGs on Sky. Ended up with a very small profit from these.

    Not played any cash for ages now cos just really not been feeling like sitting down for long periods of pokering, hence why it's mostly been Hypers. Will get back into the grind sometime soon though. So none of my stats have changed apart from my bankroll increasing VERY slightly and my poker points, but won't be updating profit/loss and that figure only includes cash.

    Hands Played:     43,236
    Bankroll:              £189.34
    Profit/Loss:       -£23.69
    Poker Points:      1169 (£11.69)

    Now I got that out the way, think I'm gonna relax with some xbox.
  • mewillowsmewillows Member Posts: 406
    edited October 2012
    i just dont understand why your bankroll is what it is???

    You clearly know what your talking about and give sound advice in the poker clinic, i doesnt make sense.

    My only thinking is that the micros might be a harder way to grind because people are more inclined to call with any 2 due to the low stakes.  Now i may get burned for this but i think you should go up a leel or two where the poker is more "uniformed"?

    Trying not to sound like a douchebag btw and im def not trying to degrade micro players in any way.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited October 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £189.34:
    i just dont understand why your bankroll is what it is??? You clearly know what your talking about and give sound advice in the poker clinic, i doesnt make sense. My only thinking is that the micros might be a harder way to grind because people are more inclined to call with any 2 due to the low stakes.  Now i may get burned for this but i think you should go up a leel or two where the poker is more "uniformed"? Trying not to sound like a douchebag btw and im def not trying to degrade micro players in any way.
    Posted by mewillows
    Thanks for the compliment Jamie. You wouldn't believe how many really good, solid players (I'm including you in that group) who know my game have said they can't believe why my results aren't better!

    I'm considering upping stakes a little bit, but lowering my number of tables. I know I definitely play alot better on like 2-3 tables than I do on 6 when I can focus more.

    But yeah, so many good players have said the same as you.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited October 2012
    have to be careful though - i pushed for dev to up stakes during his challenge - for all the right reasons - but he was hit by the absolute worst downswing ever when he tried it. bad timing, maybe, who knows why, but it certainly happened. fortunately dev was smart enough to retreat to his comfort zone and grind it back from there.

    no reason to doubt you couldn't crush the higher levels, but you are very focused on brm and that's not a bad thing.

    gl & expect to see a nice profit spurt as & when it wants to happen.
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited October 2012
    I see you've been playing nl10 (clinic hands), any success? Are we still doing this profit challenge? I stopped posting my updates when you hit the skids, but hopefully you're back on track now?  I'll give my figures below, I've played nl10 for the whole of October. Managed 2.8k c4p too which gives me 27th in promo, not bad considering I only play couple hours a day. 

    nl10 stats
    hands: 30,773
    profit: £236.67
    win rate: 7.69bb/100

    Overall Hands: 48,268
    Overall Profit: £434.67

    I'm really pleased with how the month went, especially with Rancid, TINTIN and EvilPingu hogging all the tables. 

    I'm moving house over next few days, but when I get internet set up etc I'll give nl20 a crack.

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited October 2012
    Cheers for the advice Geldy

    I'll give a proper update tomorrow when I'm not tired but for now just a quick one so I can reply to you Splashies. In short, no I am not back on track at all, I have had a really horrible couple of weeks, I just can't win a single hand, I think over the last 3-4 sessions I've won 1 pot that was over 50xBB. Everytime I make a hand, they've already made a bigger one, or manage to make a bigger one by the river.

    Definitely some bad play in the mix too through tilt, but I'm just getting smacked in the face by variance and just can't get going in any of my sessions. I'm getting completely owned by the regs like LiamBoi and Rancid, and it doesn't help when LiamBoi picks up AA when I get KK.

    Anywayz, tonight was kinda the final straw, I was just sick to death of getting butchered by variance, so what's the best thing to do in these bad patches, when you're tilting.... jump up stakes and play really high variance games obv!! lol.

    So went on tilt and started with £5 Hypers, won a few, lost a few, about break even, so I go on massive monkey tilt even more and thought I'd whack on some £11 Hypers instead lol. Played 5 games against Spad3s and seriously ran like god, I mean I literally won every single race even things like K3 v AK  and A2  v A8.    Sorry mate!

    So I played 5 of them, and won 5. I also had a £3.30 Scary SnG running on the side which I won for £13.50.

    My bankroll after this escapade is now back up to £160.90 and it'll make you see how bad things were when I tell you that being back up to £160 is a great result!!

    Earned a few poker points too lol... finish the month on 1374 so £13.74

    Hopefully this has gotten it all out of my system and I can come back to cash with a clear head for November. Will be playing 10NL (more to come about my new BRM etc in a post tomorrow)

    So there you have it, even the bigger BR nit, and most disciplined nitty player on the site can still go on crazy monkey tilt sometimes :)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2012
    Never got round to making that post I said I would, been really lazy with the diary recently. But basically, I've decided that I'll be playing 10NL from now on because I believe my game is easily good enough to beat it and finally admitted to myself that I'm way nittier with my BR than I would be about the same money in real life. Like me and Emma do pretty well for ourselves, and I know that even if I did runbad/play bad for a while at 10NL and lost my roll, it's not really that big a deal and I can easily top up.

    I've been a bit obsessed with not re-depositing because it is good I've lasted like 2-3 years without having to deposit on here, but playing at low stakes, with high rake for ages  is just slowing down my development. So in essence, I can comfortably afford to play higher, so I am.

    Won't be depositing any extra, just keep what I got and see how I go.


    Now I got that out the way... I seem to have really lost my patience in cash poker recently.

    I went back to cash again tonight, was going ok, slowly chipping away, winning a few small pots, then boom a few coolers and bad beats took me from a few quid up to 3BIs down. I wanted to carry on playing poker but just knew I wasn't in the right mindset to have the patience to wait for hands etc....

    So I did what I did the other night and went back to my old hunting ground, the hypers lol... but £11s. Played 14 and won 10 for a £53 profit, so got my 3 BIs back +£20.

    So my last 2 sessions have went like this roughly like this...

    Lost £20 on cash, won £50 on Hypers
    Lost £33 on cash, won £53 on Hypers

    Aint updated for ages but the profit/loss for my cash is now pretty horrendous. I'm just so sick of getting butchered, but I know I am definitely playing well with no tilt since I started 10NL again (I've left as soon as I felt any tilt) so I know it'll turn at some point.

    Hands Played:     45,036
    Bankroll:              £180.04  (still got £13.74 C4P to come)
    Profit/Loss:       -£123.79
    Poker Points:      115

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2012
    I kept meaning to mention it the week leading up to it but forgot (I definitely have issues with my memory), but today was my birthday, and I'm now 26... still clinging on to my mid-twenties.

    Emma had the day all sorted in advance, her mum had the kids, we went to see Skyfall and then went to an all you can eat chinese. Firstly, I have to say that Skyfall really wsa pretty great, we're not talking greatest films of all time kinda great, but as James Bond films go, it was most definitely up there.  I won't give any spoilers but it is definitely worth going to see.

    I've thought it over a few times and after Skyfall, I definitely think Daniel Craig has taken the lead and is now the best Bond. Granted it's a very different Bond to the ones of old, a bit more 'gritty' etc, and just a generally more much believable chartacter imo. This is partly thanks to the writing of the last 3 bond films but still think he pips Connery to the post now.

    And the litmus test... Emma has a really short attention span and generally hates sitting through most films over 2 hours, this was 2hr 30 mins and she said it flew by. Just a thoroughly enjoyable good old fashioned action film.

    The all you can eat chinese was decent, one MAJOR downfall.... what chinese doesn't have curry sauce?!! Apparently the lunch menu isn't as good as the dinner menu though so I'll let them off a bit lol. All you can eats suit me down to the ground though cos I have an endless stomach.

    One of the prezzies Emma got me that I'm most looking forward to getting into is a poker book called 'Kill Everyone' with commentary from Elky. Had a quick flick through so far and it looks really good. I haven't read a new poker book in ages so should be good.

    Has anyone read this before, how did you find it? IMO any input from Elky can't be bad!

    Also Emma made me a chocolate fudge cake so satisfy my massive sweet tooth...

    Feeling like playing some poker tonight, but not really sure what to play yet, fingers crossed things are a bit more smooth if I do play and not so much relying on crushing Hypers to keep me going.
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited November 2012
    happy birthday m8 hope ya had a good day
  • wujialewujiale Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2012
    Nice win for the freebie to the Primo

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2012
    Cheers Wujiale, although I think it was only a freebie for the Primo mini, but hey don't look a gift horse in the mouth and all that. I'll have to get reading my new book and see if I can put some of my new found knowledge to use.

    Didn't update last night just cos I was really tired.  Ended up playing a few Hypers thinking I'd just get a couple in before deciding what to play... turned out I just played them all night. I forgot how bad the rake was on the Hypers, sigh. Was only playing £5s this time

    I'm a little confused cos according to my records I won 47 and lost 44 which is a loss of £30.50 but my BR has only went from £180.04 to £161.79

    And I've just realised while writing this that it's Monday and I have probably got my C4P today which explains the above (I think it adds up). Racked up a few C4P on the old Hypers last night which is nice.

    I will be going back to cash, but just been feeling a bit bored with it recently and it's a recipe for disaster if I sit down to play it and can't even be bothered.

    Hands Played:     45,036
    Bankroll:              £161.79
    Poker Points:      394
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