Don't think you will have received your c4p yet. Hasn't been 5 working days. Posted by percival09
I did think it seemed a bit early, cos with the weekend it's barely been 2-3 working days. I hope you're right, cos then I messed up my calcs last night and only lost £19 lol and considering I thought it was a bad session @ £5s and earned almost £5 in C4P, that's not bad.
You know me... nitty to the end, so it's been wrecking my head about the whole incorrect calcs thing on my Hypers lol. Then it occured to me on the drive home from work that I worked it out with the wrong rake. Usually what I do is...
47 (wins) X profit per game = UP
44 (lost) X loss per game = DOWN
Take wins away from losses and voila!
For some reason last night I thought the rake was 10% (which would be ridic even by Sky's standards lol) so I did...
47 X £4.50 = +£211.50
44 X £5.50 = -£242.00
= Loss of £30.50
BUT the rake is 5% so it should have been
47 X £4.75 = +£223.25
44 X £5.25 = -£231.00
= Loss of £7.75
Which means I obviously counted the number of games wrong lol. But oh well. Didn't even get a birthday bonus from Sky, how bad do I run lol.
Well I've been talked into playing the DTD tonight so I'll update later when I win one
I played the DTD, nothing special happened really, built up a decent stacks in both the deepstacks then think I just had my foot on the gas a bit too much, took a couple of races I maybe didn't need to and lost them so £5.50 down there.
Then played a few Hypers, won 9, lost 9, sighaments @ just paying Sky rake again. So down £4.50
Played some more Hypers tonight, won 10, lost 7 so bit better. Profit of £10.75
Hands Played: 45,036 Bankroll: £162.54 Profit/Loss: -£123.79 Poker Points: 504 (£4.03) Broke the 500 point barrier super early in the month which is always nice. Don't worry btw, I haven't completely ditched cash, the journey is still on, was just having a few days of playing some other stuff, cos just losing session after session of cash gets pretty boring imo... at least losing at Hypers is exciting lol.
Total sighaments... went back to 10NL again, and the runbad hasn't went anywhere, just cannot believe how bad I'm running and for how long. Lost another £33 and here are a few bad beats for you all to enjoy lol. I've held off posting them for a while, but just can't believe how unlucky I am!
Flop the nuts, and even redraws to get even nuttier but it aint enough...
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Full House, 10s and 9s
Boom! another chance to win a big pot and get ahead for the session... oh wait
Couldn't be bothered giving the final update last night but after my battering on cash again , I played some hypers, won 11 and lost 9 for a £5 profit. And I got my C4P paid today, so thankfully my BR doesn't look quite as dreadful as it did when I stood from cash last night.
But stubborn and determined as I am, I will not be backing down from the runbad at cash, I know it can't last forever.
I'm playing the 7:15pm £5.20 Sat into tonight's SPT Semi in a bit so fingers crossed on that front. We only got 3 runners and 10 mins to go so get in it people or it won't run!!
Hands Played: 45,276 Bankroll: £142.86 (that includes the fact I've bought in to the £5.20 SPT Sat) Profit/Loss: -£157.01 Poker Points: 586 (£4.69)
Binkity bink. There ended up being 6 runners, so 1 seat and 2nd got his BI back (almost). I only went and crushed it So I'm in the Semi tonight for £5.20 at my first time of asking.
I'll forgive Sky for all my cash runbad if I can bink a seat to Luton tonight
Well after late reg the SPT Semi managed to get 21 runners so 4 seats + £22 for 5th and I finished 12th. Pretty frustrating cos things were going well but I don't think I could have done much else with the cards. Stacks were pretty shallow due to the fast blinds, and I called off a V-bet on the river with TPTK (AK) against a flopped set of 2s so that hurt a bit, took me down from like 4k to 2k @ 50/100 but obv still playable, especially in a sat. Then I lost a race against a shorty, then I was the shorty and jammed AT from the BTN into AK on the SB, and that was that.
But oh well, at least I only lost £5.20 and I got 20 poker points for the Semi so that's 20p back lol.
Played a few hypers after obv... won 5, lost 1 so a profit of £18.50 so a positive night overall which is quite a rare thing recently.
Well I logged on tonight at 9pm and said to myself, I'm gonna load up some hypers and if I win the first 4 in a row, I'll buy in direct to the SPT Semi... unfortunately I lost my first 1 so that went out the window lol, so just carried on playing them for an hour or two.
I won 22 games, and lost 18 for a £10 profit and another 100ish poker points so another £1 banked there... it all adds up. I'll continue this rule of trying to fund SPT sats through my profits, if it doesn't work out, so be it.
awrite m8 you seem to rack up a load of points in those hypers also you enjoy them and you make profit why not stick to playing them this month? Posted by liamboi11
Yeah I do enjoy them, and know I profit from them long term, although they are super swingy!
The reason I don't stick to them is cos I really want to improve at cash, it's the one format I'm most eager to crush.
lambert u ever tried multitabling dyms for £5.50 games u will earn more points doing this then 1 tabling hypers dyms are easy to multi table ? Posted by IDONKCALLU
I don't 1table, I 2table them, and I'd earn more poker points, but that's cos the rake is ridic. And to be honest, I just get too bored with DYMs, but Hypers are always exciting and fun. I also like that cos they only take 3-4 mins, I can come and go as I want, easy to fit in small sessions etc.
AND on top of all that, I just don't think I'm good enough at the end game of DYMs. I do ok at them, but think I'm better at hypers
No ground breaking profits tonight, but it was a profit nontheless so can't complain. And I'm gonna say it was my first winning cash session in absolutely ages... even if it was at forum cash.
So I did the same system of starting on hypers abuot 9pm, if I win the first 4 in a row I buyin to the SPT Semi... lost the first one again lol. In the end I won 30 games and lost 27 for a total profit of.... *drumroll* ... 75p! So I actually earned more money in C4P from them 57 games than I did in profit.
Then I played forum cash from about 23:30 til about 00:30, was a good bit of fun took down a few pots cos people gimme way too much respect cos 'I'm a nit' lol. Finished with a whopping £2.36 profit there.
Well last night was pretty brutal, got a mammoth Hypering session in and just got crushed by variance. Jammed into AA/KK about 7 times in the space of like 12 games! Was pretty sick. Managed to half my BR which is pretty disgusting but I knew playing £5 Hypers that it was always possible cos the swings are sick, so I knew what I was letting myself in for.
So I won 35, and lost 47 (siiiick) for a loss of £98 dead on.
Was really hating poker last night/today, and just did not want to play at all. I was forced to play tonight cos I'm a life nit and won't tuen down freebies, and I was in the £250 loyalty freeroll for earning 250+ poker points and won a mini primo seat on last Sunday's live show. Cashed in the freeroll for £1.25 which wasn't hard considering it paid top 80 and got about 110 runners lol.
Completely donked about in the mini Primo like an idiot, don't even know where I came but just wasn't in the mood to play.
Talking to JJ on FB and he was trying to convince me to play the £3.30 Speed (£100 GTD), which to be fair I probably should play more often cos they deffo suit my style of play... these days I only seem to play well when we all have jamming stacks lol.
I only went and A) binked it and helped Dohhh ladder lol.
Such a nice feeling to bink what is my first MTT win in roughly 2 years!! I'm not completely terrible at MTTs by the way, I just don't play them that often and you know how I run so at least I've won back about half of last night's donkfest.
So yeah I played a bit of everything tonight (almost). The plan was to make another attempt to get into SPT Luton. I started off with £5.20, only 1 seat going and I came 2nd for £19.20 which I wasn't too disappointed with, just a few more freebies at the £5.20s. Played another £5.20 and busted with nothing.
Played the £3.30 Speed and bricked
Played the £5.50 Speed and bricked
Played 1 Hyper (£5.50) and won it.
Then thought I might aswell just buyin direct to the £24 SPT Semi. And yet again, I was made aware that I really need to improve my satellite game, there's a few people who just seem to get their seat to every SPT really quick and really cheap without any problems, dunno how!! Anyway I had AK (with TPTK on the flop) and got it in against a set...
Loaded up a load of Hypers to try to pay back some of the SPT Semi, and won 21, lost 16 for a £15.75 profit which is a good session as Hypers go. Earned some poker points too JJ!
So all in all, I'm a tenner down tonight but not too disappointed with that cos I bought in direct to the £24 SPT Semi, so I basically played that for a tenner.
Missed the SPT sats again tonight and didn't fancy another direct BI yet, bit annoying but will play the sats again probably tomorrow.
Played the £3.30 speed and bricked
Played the £5.50 Velo, built up a very nice stack, was about 7th out of 20odd, then jammed JJ into 77 and he binked the river, would have put me CL but left me crushed.
Played the £5.50 speed, again built a good stack then did massive spew on 1 hand when Dohhh happened to pick up AA .... you could say you owe me 10% of your first place for that JJ lol.
I played the £5.20 SPT micro sat when I got home from work tonight, only 1 seat going in it and I took that down.
So I was in the £24 Semi, 12 runnners in the end so 2 seats + some cash, and I only went and binked one of the seats!
It's the first time I've ever qualified for an SPT through Sky, I just buy-in direct usually cos I suck at satellites but tonight was obviously my night. So tonight I got in for £5.20 which is pretty sick... but to be a bit more sick, I played 2 x £5.20s the other night and bubbled one for £19.20 so I've actually got my seat for free/made a profit!
Not much to update BR wise... oh yeah that reminds me, after I won the £5.20 sat, I decided to play a Hyper just so if I won I'd be freerolling the Semi lol, and I did win
But I played 2 more while waiting for the Semi to start, so I won 2 and lost 1 today which is £4.25 profit. So all-in-all today my BR has went down by about £1 but I'm 1 x £110 seat better off
Then.... *drumroll* I played my first cash 'session' in AGES, I told you i'm not stopping cash, just took a quick break, the plan is still on as always.
Played 10NL for abou 1hr 30 mins, and although it's only small, after going so long without a winning session anything feels good. I made £6.99 profit
I also played 3 hypers... won 2, lost 1 for £4.25
Bankroll is slowly going in the right direction, which I'm especially with after playing quite a few speed MTTs with only 1 bink and have won an SPT seat.
47 (wins) X profit per game = UP
44 (lost) X loss per game = DOWN
Take wins away from losses and voila!
For some reason last night I thought the rake was 10% (which would be ridic even by Sky's standards lol) so I did...
47 X £4.50 = +£211.50
44 X £5.50 = -£242.00
= Loss of £30.50
BUT the rake is 5% so it should have been
47 X £4.75 = +£223.25
44 X £5.25 = -£231.00
= Loss of £7.75
Which means I obviously counted the number of games wrong lol. But oh well. Didn't even get a birthday bonus from Sky, how bad do I run
Well I've been talked into playing the DTD tonight so I'll update later when I win one
I played the DTD, nothing special happened really, built up a decent stacks in both the deepstacks then think I just had my foot on the gas a bit too much, took a couple of races I maybe didn't need to and lost them so £5.50 down there.
Then played a few Hypers, won 9, lost 9, sighaments @ just paying Sky rake again. So down £4.50
Played some more Hypers tonight, won 10, lost 7 so bit better. Profit of £10.75
Hands Played: 45,036
Bankroll: £162.54
Profit/Loss: -£123.79
Poker Points: 504 (£4.03)
Broke the 500 point barrier super early in the month which is always nice. Don't worry btw, I haven't completely ditched cash, the journey is still on, was just having a few days of playing some other stuff, cos just losing session after session of cash gets pretty boring imo... at least losing at Hypers is exciting lol.
Flop the nuts, and even redraws to get even nuttier but it aint enough...
Bankroll: £129.32
Profit/Loss: -£157.01
Poker Points: 526 (£4.21)
But stubborn and determined as I am, I will not be backing down from the runbad at cash, I know it can't last forever.
I'm playing the 7:15pm £5.20 Sat into tonight's SPT Semi in a bit so fingers crossed on that front. We only got 3 runners and 10 mins to go so get in it people or it won't run!!
Hands Played: 45,276
Bankroll: £142.86 (that includes the fact I've bought in to the £5.20 SPT Sat)
Profit/Loss: -£157.01
Poker Points: 586 (£4.69)
I'll forgive Sky for all my cash runbad if I can bink a seat to Luton tonight
But oh well, at least I only lost £5.20 and I got 20 poker points for the Semi so that's 20p back
Played a few hypers after obv... won 5, lost 1 so a profit of £18.50 so a positive night overall which is quite a rare thing recently.
Hands Played: 45,276
Bankroll: £161.36
Profit/Loss: -£157.01
Poker Points: 628 (£5.02)
I won 22 games, and lost 18 for a £10 profit and another 100ish poker points so another £1 banked there... it all adds up. I'll continue this rule of trying to fund SPT sats through my profits, if it doesn't work out, so be it.
Hands Played: 45,276
Bankroll: £171.36
Profit/Loss: -£157.01
Poker Points: 748 (£5.98)
The reason I don't stick to them is cos I really want to improve at cash, it's the one format I'm most eager to crush.
AND on top of all that, I just don't think I'm good enough at the end game of DYMs. I do ok at them, but think I'm better at hypers
So I did the same system of starting on hypers abuot 9pm, if I win the first 4 in a row I buyin to the SPT Semi... lost the first one again lol. In the end I won 30 games and lost 27 for a total profit of.... *drumroll* ... 75p! So I actually earned more money in C4P from them 57 games than I did in profit.
Then I played forum cash from about 23:30 til about 00:30, was a good bit of fun took down a few pots cos people gimme way too much respect cos 'I'm a nit' lol. Finished with a whopping £2.36 profit there.
Hands Played: 45,276
Bankroll: £174.47
Profit/Loss: -£154.65
Poker Points: 922 (£7.38)
So I won 35, and lost 47 (siiiick) for a loss of £98 dead on.
Was really hating poker last night/today, and just did not want to play at all. I was forced to play tonight cos I'm a life nit and won't tuen down freebies, and I was in the £250 loyalty freeroll for earning 250+ poker points and won a mini primo seat on last Sunday's live show. Cashed in the freeroll for £1.25 which wasn't hard considering it paid top 80 and got about 110 runners lol.
Completely donked about in the mini Primo like an idiot, don't even know where I came but just wasn't in the mood to play.
Talking to JJ on FB and he was trying to convince me to play the £3.30 Speed (£100 GTD), which to be fair I probably should play more often cos they deffo suit my style of play... these days I only seem to play well when we all have jamming stacks lol.
I only went and A) binked it and
Such a nice feeling to bink what is my first MTT win in roughly 2 years!! I'm not completely terrible at MTTs by the way, I just don't play them that often and you know how I run
Hands Played: 45,276
Bankroll: £139.62
Profit/Loss: -£154.65
Poker Points: 1174 (£11.74)
(I just got timed out while posting my update)
So yeah I played a bit of everything tonight (almost). The plan was to make another attempt to get into SPT Luton. I started off with £5.20, only 1 seat going and I came 2nd for £19.20 which I wasn't too disappointed with, just a few more freebies at the £5.20s. Played another £5.20 and busted with nothing.
Played the £3.30 Speed and bricked
Played the £5.50 Speed and bricked
Played 1 Hyper (£5.50) and won it.
Then thought I might aswell just buyin direct to the £24 SPT Semi. And yet again, I was made aware that I really need to improve my satellite game, there's a few people who just seem to get their seat to every SPT really quick and really cheap without any problems, dunno how!! Anyway I had AK (with TPTK on the flop) and got it in against a set...
Loaded up a load of Hypers to try to pay back some of the SPT Semi, and won 21, lost 16 for a £15.75 profit which is a good session as Hypers go. Earned some poker points too JJ!
So all in all, I'm a tenner down tonight but not too disappointed with that cos I bought in direct to the £24 SPT Semi, so I basically played that for a tenner.
Hands Played: 45,276
Bankroll: £123.37
Profit/Loss: -£154.65
Poker Points: 1334 (£13.34)
Quote of the Day:
"If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed" - Einstein
Played the £3.30 speed and bricked
Played the £5.50 Velo, built up a very nice stack, was about 7th out of 20odd, then jammed JJ into 77 and he binked the river, would have put me CL but left me crushed.
Played the £5.50 speed, again built a good stack then did massive spew on 1 hand when Dohhh happened to pick up AA
Then I played some Hypers to help pay for my MTT buyins and just for some fun. I won 19 and lost 10 for a nice £37.75 profit. Good times.
Hands Played: 45,276
Bankroll: £144.62
Profit/Loss: -£154.65
Poker Points: 1436 (£14.36)
Quote of the Day:
"That it will never come again, is what makes life so sweet" - Emily Dickinson
I played the £5.20 SPT micro sat when I got home from work tonight, only 1 seat going in it and I took that down.
So I was in the £24 Semi, 12 runnners in the end so 2 seats + some cash, and I only went and binked one of the seats!
It's the first time I've ever qualified for an SPT through Sky, I just buy-in direct usually cos I suck at satellites but tonight was obviously my night. So tonight I got in for £5.20 which is pretty sick... but to be a bit more sick, I played 2 x £5.20s the other night and bubbled one for £19.20 so I've actually got my seat for free/made a profit!
Not much to update BR wise... oh yeah that reminds me, after I won the £5.20 sat, I decided to play a Hyper just so if I won I'd be freerolling the Semi lol, and I did win
But I played 2 more while waiting for the Semi to start, so I won 2 and lost 1 today which is £4.25 profit. So all-in-all today my BR has went down by about £1 but I'm 1 x £110 seat better off
Hands Played: 45,276
Bankroll: £143.67
Profit/Loss: -£154.65
Poker Points: 1469 (£14.69)
Quote of the Day:
If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles - Sun Tzu
No more SPT sats for me, as you know
I played the £2.20 speed and bricked it.
Then.... *drumroll* I played my first cash 'session' in AGES, I told you i'm not stopping cash, just took a quick break, the plan is still on as always.
Played 10NL for abou 1hr 30 mins, and although it's only small, after going so long without a winning session anything feels good. I made £6.99 profit
I also played 3 hypers... won 2, lost 1 for £4.25
Bankroll is slowly going in the right direction, which I'm especially with after playing quite a few speed MTTs with only 1 bink and have won an SPT seat.
Hands Played: 45,476
Bankroll: £152.71
Profit/Loss: -£147.66
Poker Points: 1492 (£14.92)
Now back to smashing the cash!!
Well done m8.