Congrats on scoring the SPT seat Paul, you deserved the Poker Gods to smile on you after your recent travails!!! Now back to smashing the cash!! Well done m8. Posted by SJspanky1
Cheers mate. Yeah I definitely felt like it was payback for running like a 2 legged donkey at cash for weeks. I'm gonna be getting back on the cash wagon now. Binking the SPT seat definitely helped a lot with my confidence which was at an all-time low in recent weeks, and I think it was really affecting my game.
Well it's gonna be a change of tack for me tonight...
Me and Emma were talking last night about her bad run on DYMs which tbf was pretty sick for someone who is easily a profitable player at her level.
I (foolishly) pointed out that no matter how bad the run is, unless you're Phil Ivey, you can always reduce how bad the downswing is by getting better lol. Which resulted in me commenting on a few things I think she could do with improving so she challenged me to 6table DYMs for 2 hours like she used to and see how I do lol. So I'll be doing that tonight @ the £3s the same as she did, and see how I get on.
Well tonight was very interesting, I used to play DYMs and do ok but only 2-3 tables, tonight I was 6tabling and it's fine in them early stages with lots of folding, but it doesn't half get crazy when you got 3-4 tables all on the bubble at the same time, trying to constantly keep track of stack sizes everywhere, and no doubt I probably made a few mistakes cos of it... there was one time when I shorty went all in for 350, folds to me on the button and I see Q8 and nearly snap fold til I see I already have 300 in for the BB lol.
Started off running fairly bad, few times I got it in with AA and lost which is always sigh, but started running pretty good towards the end, think it probably evened out if not maybe slightly in my favour a bit.
So in the end I Won 19 games and Lost 11 for a £15.00
I also played a couple of Hypers earlier, Won 3 and lost 2 for a £3.75 profit so not a bad day.
I played a few Hypers last night after posting and didn't bother to update, and I played a few this morning so I'll just combine the two in this update...
I Won 18 and lost 12 for a £22.50 profit, another pretty sick Hyper session compared to expected winrates, was a 14% ROI.
So glad to finally have my SS for SnGs back in the black now AND while my I've still got a way to go on the MTT front, binking the £110 seat for Luton definitely made my SS look alot better. And more importantly, it's just such a good feeling to see my BR going back in the right direction.
If I play tonight it will be back to 10NL definitely. Will still probably play Hypers on and off for the rest of the month to take advantage of the fact I have the chance to get to 3k+ points and make the next payout band which ok isn't massive but it's still gonna be like 4-5 BIs for 10NL which is not to be sniffed at, especially when I'm only playing with 20 BIs.
So tonight I was back on the cash again which is mostly what I'll be doing for the rest of the month and the forseeable future really. I did 2hr 30 mins of 4tabling 10NL.
Started off feeling pretty sigh when I got it in pre KK v AQ and lost a 200xBB pot and thought the cash demons were out to get me again. But I stuck with it, played pretty well imo and got back on top, was a bit up... then had a nasty 300xBB pot that went the wrong way... see below
The limp behind pre was because I wasn't folding but the open limper was too short for me to iso (imo). Was loving life when he was getting it in, thinking it could be loads of PPs and QJ/QT... just sigh when he turned the cards over lol
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Unmatched bet
Full House, Queens and Aces
But to be fair, I did win a decent pot off Shaun09 earlier when the cards went my way. You aint half **** aggro by the way Shaun09!! lol, what's with 3betting me everytime I open!
Anyway, that hand pretty much crushed my profits and then some for the night, but then I took a few quid off someone right as I was standing from my tables when someone called down with 2nd pr V my flopped bottom set. I made a very small profit of 68p lol but I'm happy with how I played and as will always happy in 1 cash session, the result will generally be decided by 1-2 big hands, and this time they both didn't go my way, so I'm happy to not be down.
Evening all, So tonight I was back on the cash again which is mostly what I'll be doing for the rest of the month and the forseeable future really. I did 2hr 30 mins of 4tabling 10NL. Started off feeling pretty sigh when I got it in pre KK v AQ and lost a 200xBB pot and thought the cash demons were out to get me again. But I stuck with it, played pretty well imo and got back on top, was a bit up... then had a nasty 300xBB pot that went the wrong way... see below The limp behind pre was because I wasn't folding but the open limper was too short for me to iso (imo). Was loving life when he was getting it in, thinking it could be loads of PPs and QJ/QT... just sigh when he turned the cards over lol Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance shaun09 Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £12.69 dub1 Big blind £0.10 £0.15 £9.90 Your hole cards K Q 1066AVFC Call £0.10 £0.25 £4.98 Lambert180 Call £0.10 £0.35 £23.55 Dons1983 Fold lurcha Fold shaun09 Raise £0.25 £0.60 £12.44 dub1 Fold 1066AVFC Call £0.20 £0.80 £4.78 Lambert180 Call £0.20 £1.00 £23.35 Flop 4 Q Q shaun09 Bet £0.50 £1.50 £11.94 1066AVFC Call £0.50 £2.00 £4.28 Lambert180 Call £0.50 £2.50 £22.85 Turn 6 shaun09 Bet £1.88 £4.38 £10.06 1066AVFC Call £1.88 £6.26 £2.40 Lambert180 Raise £4.20 £10.46 £18.65 shaun09 All-in £10.06 £20.52 £0.00 1066AVFC All-in £2.40 £22.92 £0.00 Lambert180 Raise £15.48 £38.40 £3.17 Lambert180 Unmatched bet £7.74 £30.66 £10.91 shaun09 Show A Q 1066AVFC Show 9 5 Lambert180 Show K Q River A shaun09 Win Full House, Queens and Aces £29.26 £29.26 But to be fair, I did win a decent pot off Shaun09 earlier when the cards went my way. You aint half **** aggro by the way Shaun09!! lol, what's with 3betting me everytime I open! Anyway, that hand pretty much crushed my profits and then some for the night, but then I took a few quid off someone right as I was standing from my tables when someone called down with 2nd pr V my flopped bottom set. I made a very small profit of 68p lol but I'm happy with how I played and as will always happy in 1 cash session, the result will generally be decided by 1-2 big hands, and this time they both didn't go my way, so I'm happy to not be down. Hands Played: 46,276 Bankroll: £194.64 Profit/Loss: -£146.98 Poker Points: 1759 (£17.59) Posted by Lambert180
Yeah after talking to you earlier and thinking about it, I think it is an easy iso with a hand like KQ, I just don't think I can necessarily iso with some of the other hands I normally would.
Got another 2hrs of 5tabling 10NL tonight and made a profit of £14.31 which (as I say all the time) I'm happy with after how things went.
Was another session full of nasties... got it in bottom set v middle set and nut straight v FH. On the str8 v FH hand, I suppose I should count myself lucky because he only raised the river, didn't jam, so saved me like £4-£5.
I also got AA twice all session, once it was folded to me on the BB, the other I opened and got all folds, sigh, aint had action on a cash table with AA in my hand for AGES!
But all in all, I can't complain cos I'm 1.5BIs up which is miles better than recent results.
Played most of the speed MTTs and didn't get a single cash, despite having a massive CL on the FT bubble in one of them. Even mis-click rebought in one of them for a 3xBB stack so wasted £2.20 there lol.
Also played alot of Hypers and finished just under break even, can't remember the totals cos I played tonight too and included them in the same totals.
So in total I Won 40 and lost 37 for a £4.25 loss.
Played about 1 hr of 4tabling cash tonight though and made £12.82 so that's a positive.
Poker points have shot up too since all the hypers...
Siiiiigh... another sick session of cash, flopped set over set 200xBB pot, flopped set over flopped str8 for stacks 200xBB pot, lost all my flips blah blah.
Results to come later after I've played some Hypers
God this is a frustrating game sometimes (don't worry this aint a complete moan lol)... Cash is the game I want to play, the game I want to improve at etc... Apart from the odd session here and there, recently whenever I sit at a cash table I just get completely smacked in the face by variance, then I go and sit on Hypers and run like god, I mean ok I'm playing well and know I'm way better than 99% of people who play £5 hypers but it's ridic how good I've been running at them recently lol.
I wish I could run as good in cash as I do in Hypers...
Another soul destroying cash session where I lost £62.81... when are the poker gods gonna stop coolering me and refusing to let me win a race!
Check out this for a SIIICK session of Hypers JJ... I Won 21 games and lost 8, for a £57.75 profit.
So all in all, I've lost about £6 which is pretty amazing for how terrible I felt after my cash session. Still well on target for my aim of 3k poker points by the end of the month which I think is something like £40.
God, what does that say about my cash results recently... I started this with £170ish, so my BR is £50 up and yet I'm £180 down on cash... massive SIGH!
Another pretty great session on the Hypers tonight. Was doing even sicker than I finished up, then I said I'll play on till I lose 1, lost the next one and obv said 'well losing 1 aint enough, I'll play 1 more and then if I lose that it's a good time to stop'. Lost that one, and that's where I called it a day.
Still a pretty juicy ROI despite losing my last 2 games. I Won 27 and Lost 16 for a £44.25 profit. That's now £100 profit from Hypers in 2 days
Didn't bother updating last night after the forum games cos I was too tired, but I mincashed one for £4 and nothing in the other so I was 40p down there.
Then I remembered this morning that I had won free entry into the mini tonight (on 861). Being the nit I am, I was actually quite pleased to see it had been changed to a BH tonight (I don't really like BHs), cos it meant I was in with a better chance of getting some free cash from my freebie lol.
It got 616 runners which is pretty mental for Sky, good news imo that they are able to get a field of that size.
I think I did really well throughout, certainly had a good few spots like min-raising with button with AA and getting jammed on by the BB with QQ. Frustrating though, when I was like 5th in chips and get it in AQ v AT for a massive stack but he binks From that point on I was pretty short, but my table was ridiculously soft (it was a joke lol) so I was just stealing blinds over and over without anyone putting up a fight.
Eventually got down to the final 8, so I'm playing 4handed and I jam K8s from the button into the BB's AQo and don't manage to bink. Perfectly happy with the shove, think it's super standard with the stack sizes, especially how nitty they all were.
Lambert180 0 8 £30.80 + £23.28 Head Prizes 7
Still binked for £54.08 in total which aint bad for a freebie, but really thought it was gonna be my night to go real deep. Can't complain though, aint gone deep for ages in an MTT with a big field.
Played the £3.30 speed tonight, busted really early getting it in JJ v T9 on 45T and the turn came a 9 As it was still so early so 2k was still very playable and the table was full of fish, I rebought and got my way up to 6.5k pretty quick. Got in a few nasty spots though and ended up busting so -£6.60 there.
Played the DTD, no cashes there, think my best finish was like 30odd or 40odd, something like that. So another -£5.50 down.
So what dya do when you're down a bit, go to the games you've been crushing recently.... HYPERS!!!
I Won 32 and Lost 26 for a £15.50 profit so that was my MTT BIs back and a feq quid for my troubles. Got to get a move on cos I want 3k C4P cos it's like an extra tenner. Feel so much more comfortably rolled for 10NL now aswell which is nice. My goal about a week ago was to reach £250 (including C4P) again, but I'm smashing that now, so my new aim is £400 including my C4P (which I think will be £40ish) so got another £35 to make in 4 days.
As sad as it may sound to some, I've never got my BR to £400 before cos I've never deposited big and always played small. Well I did go over £400 when I cashed at SPT Cardiff for £375 (brag lol) but I withdrew a chunk of that.
I (foolishly) pointed out that no matter how bad the run is, unless you're Phil Ivey, you can always reduce how bad the downswing is by getting better lol. Which resulted in me commenting on a few things I think she could do with improving so she challenged me to 6table DYMs for 2 hours like she used to and see how I do lol. So I'll be doing that tonight @ the £3s the same as she did, and see how I get on.
Started off running fairly bad, few times I got it in with AA and lost which is always sigh, but started running pretty good towards the end, think it probably evened out if not maybe slightly in my favour a bit.
So in the end I Won 19 games and Lost 11 for a £15.00
I also played a couple of Hypers earlier, Won 3 and lost 2 for a £3.75 profit so not a bad day.
Earned some of them pokery point things too...
Hands Played: 45,476
Bankroll: £171.46
Profit/Loss: -£147.66
Poker Points: 1597 (£15.97)
I Won 18 and lost 12 for a £22.50 profit, another pretty sick Hyper session compared to expected winrates, was a 14% ROI.
So glad to finally have my SS for SnGs back in the black now AND while my I've still got a way to go on the MTT front, binking the £110 seat for Luton definitely made my SS look alot better. And more importantly, it's just such a good feeling to see my BR going back in the right direction.
If I play tonight it will be back to 10NL definitely. Will still probably play Hypers on and off for the rest of the month to take advantage of the fact I have the chance to get to 3k+ points and make the next payout band which ok isn't massive but it's still gonna be like 4-5 BIs for 10NL which is not to be sniffed at, especially when I'm only playing with 20 BIs.
Hands Played: 45,476
Bankroll: £193.96
Profit/Loss: -£147.66
Poker Points: 1687 (£16.87)
So tonight I was back on the cash again which is mostly what I'll be doing for the rest of the month and the forseeable future really. I did 2hr 30 mins of 4tabling 10NL.
Started off feeling pretty sigh when I got it in pre KK v AQ and lost a 200xBB pot and thought the cash demons were out to get me again. But I stuck with it, played pretty well imo and got back on top, was a bit up... then had a nasty 300xBB pot that went the wrong way... see below
The limp behind pre was because I wasn't folding but the open limper was too short for me to iso (imo). Was loving life when he was getting it in, thinking it could be loads of PPs and QJ/QT... just sigh when he turned the cards over lol
Anyway, that hand pretty much crushed my profits and then some for the night, but then I took a few quid off someone right as I was standing from my tables when someone called down with 2nd pr V my flopped bottom set. I made a very small profit of 68p lol but I'm happy with how I played and as will always happy in 1 cash session, the result will generally be decided by 1-2 big hands, and this time they both didn't go my way, so I'm happy to not be down.
Hands Played: 46,276
Bankroll: £194.64
Profit/Loss: -£146.98
Poker Points: 1759 (£17.59)
Won 12 and lost 9 for a £9.75 profit
Hands Played: 46,276
Bankroll: £204.39
Profit/Loss: -£146.98
Poker Points: 1822 (£18.22)
Was another session full of nasties... got it in bottom set v middle set and nut straight v FH. On the str8 v FH hand, I suppose I should count myself lucky because he only raised the river, didn't jam, so saved me like £4-£5.
I also got AA twice all session, once it was folded to me on the BB, the other I opened and got all folds, sigh, aint had action on a cash table with AA in my hand for AGES!
But all in all, I can't complain cos I'm 1.5BIs up which is miles better than recent results.
Hands Played: 47,076
Bankroll: £218.70
Profit/Loss: -£132.67
Poker Points: 1894 (£18.94)
Might play some hypers for the rest of the night to get me over 2k points, or might not...
Played most of the speed MTTs and didn't get a single cash, despite having a massive CL on the FT bubble in one of them. Even mis-click rebought in one of them for a 3xBB stack so wasted £2.20 there lol.
Also played alot of Hypers and finished just under break even, can't remember the totals cos I played tonight too and included them in the same totals.
So in total I Won 40 and lost 37 for a £4.25 loss.
Played about 1 hr of 4tabling cash tonight though and made £12.82 so that's a positive.
Poker points have shot up too since all the hypers...
Hands Played: 47,556
Bankroll: £215.52
Profit/Loss: -£119.85
Poker Points: 2183 (£26.20)
Pretty happy to only be £4 down over the last few days after bricking a ton of speed tournies and earning another £6-£7 of C4P
Won 17 and lost 13 for a £12.50 profit
Hands Played: 47,556
Bankroll: £228.02
Profit/Loss: -£119.85
Poker Points: 2273 (£27.28)
Results to come later after I've played some Hypers
I wish I could run as good in cash as I do in Hypers...
Another soul destroying cash session where I lost £62.81... when are the poker gods gonna stop coolering me and refusing to let me win a race!
Check out this for a SIIICK session of Hypers JJ... I Won 21 games and lost 8, for a £57.75 profit.
So all in all, I've lost about £6 which is pretty amazing for how terrible I felt after my cash session. Still well on target for my aim of 3k poker points by the end of the month which I think is something like £40.
God, what does that say about my cash results recently... I started this with £170ish, so my BR is £50 up and yet I'm £180 down on cash... massive SIGH!
Hands Played: 48,516
Bankroll: £222.96
Profit/Loss: -£182.66
Poker Points: 2482 (£29.78)
Still a pretty juicy ROI despite losing my last 2 games. I Won 27 and Lost 16 for a £44.25 profit. That's now £100 profit from Hypers in 2 days
Good times.
Hands Played: 48,516
Bankroll: £267.45
Profit/Loss: -£182.66
Poker Points: 2611 (£31.33)
Playing a forum SnG or two now so maybe an update later or not
Then I remembered this morning that I had won free entry into the mini tonight (on 861). Being the nit I am, I was actually quite pleased to see it had been changed to a BH tonight (I don't really like BHs), cos it meant I was in with a better chance of getting some free cash from my freebie lol.
It got 616 runners which is pretty mental for Sky, good news imo that they are able to get a field of that size.
I think I did really well throughout, certainly had a good few spots like min-raising with button with AA and getting jammed on by the BB with QQ. Frustrating though, when I was like 5th in chips and get it in AQ v AT for a massive stack but he binks
Eventually got down to the final 8, so I'm playing 4handed and I jam K8s from the button into the BB's AQo and don't manage to bink. Perfectly happy with the shove, think it's super standard with the stack sizes, especially how nitty they all were.
Lambert180 0 8 £30.80 + £23.28 Head Prizes 7
Still binked for £54.08 in total which aint bad for a freebie, but really thought it was gonna be my night to go real deep. Can't complain though, aint gone deep for ages in an MTT with a big field.
Hands Played: 48,516
Bankroll: £321.13
Profit/Loss: -£182.66
Poker Points: 2620 (£31.44)
So I'm back to £320 with £30 of C4P to come, so I'm basically back to the £350 I was on before blowing 20BIs on 8NL in the space of a week.
Good stuff
Played the DTD, no cashes there, think my best finish was like 30odd or 40odd, something like that. So another -£5.50 down.
So what dya do when you're down a bit, go to the games you've been crushing recently.... HYPERS!!!
I Won 32 and Lost 26 for a £15.50 profit so that was my MTT BIs back and a feq quid for my troubles. Got to get a move on cos I want 3k C4P cos it's like an extra tenner. Feel so much more comfortably rolled for 10NL now aswell which is nice. My goal about a week ago was to reach £250 (including C4P) again, but I'm smashing that now, so my new aim is £400 including my C4P (which I think will be £40ish) so got another £35 to make in 4 days.
As sad as it may sound to some, I've never got my BR to £400 before cos I've never deposited big and always played small. Well I did go over £400 when I cashed at SPT Cardiff for £375 (brag lol) but I withdrew a chunk of that.
Hands Played: 48,516
Bankroll: £324.53
Profit/Loss: -£182.66
Poker Points: 2805 (£33.66)
12months !! going to be old and grey before you reach nl20 )
Nice to see your br rolling in the right direction