Played the DTD night. Started so well, ran like god for the first hour or two, just couldn't lose a hand in any of them. Think the high point was me being like 11th, 8th and 7th when they all had like 40-50 runners left, then it all went a bit pear shaped.
DTD3 can't even remember my exit
DTD2 had a massive stack and 3bet jammed with JJ into AJ for the chip lead and lost.
DTD1 I cashed in 10th. Was doing pretty well. Mondo has like 4 BB and I jam A6 into his TT, then I snap him off with his SB shorty jam into my BB with ATs and he's got AA... sigh. Then I jam JTs into his KQo, flopped the goods but he rivered his Q. At least he's using my chips well and is down to the final 4
Played a few Hypers in the early stages when I was only 1/2 tabling to get to 3k points, didn't quite get enough in before the 3rd table loaded though, won 5, lost 5, so £5 down on rake. DTD cost £5.50 and I cashed for £9.75 so after all that I'm 75p down lol.
Good to meet you t'other day. After reading of your success in the hypers and getting fed up of mtts, I decided to give them a spin. I'm playing really small to start with, but after clocking in 435 since Friday I have an ROI of 8%. Do you think this is sustainable? If not, what kind of ROI do you think is achievable in these?
Yeah good to meet you too. Shame I was having to get off or I would have joined you at the cash tables.
Very impressive start to your Hypers. Looking at earnings from the best players in the world online, I think most of them get like 3-4% over like tens of 1000s of games but they're probably
1) Playing against better players where the edge is small 2) Playing a TON of tables at once where you will lose some edge.
I only play 2 tables of Hypers and reckon 5% is more sustainable. It was Dohh that got me into them and he has sustained 5% over 1000s of games last I looked.
Thing is though, they are ridic swingy, so say you play £5s and you're playing 50 games in a session, you're regularly gonna have like +£70 sessions and -£70 sessions. I aint superstitious, don't believe any online poker BS/conspiracies but it does always seem to come in runs, sometimes you just can't lose a game, and sometimes you can play against the biggest fish in the world and can't win a game to save your life.
Playing them and nothing but them is risky with 30 BIs.... I'd say 40-50 is ok. Obv if you're keeping yourself going with cash/MTTs it's not so bad.
Yeah good to meet you too. Shame I was having to get off or I would have joined you at the cash tables. Very impressive start to your Hypers. Looking at earnings from the best players in the world online, I think most of them get like 3-4% over like tens of 1000s of games but they're probably 1) Playing against better players where the edge is small 2) Playing a TON of tables at once where you will lose some edge. I only play 2 tables of Hypers and reckon 5% is more sustainable. It was Dohh that got me into them and he has sustained 5% over 1000s of games last I looked. Thing is though, they are ridic swingy, so say you play £5s and you're playing 50 games in a session, you're regularly gonna have like +£70 sessions and -£70 sessions. I aint superstitious, don't believe any online poker BS/conspiracies but it does always seem to come in runs, sometimes you just can't lose a game, and sometimes you can play against the biggest fish in the world and can't win a game to save your life. Playing them and nothing but them is risky with 30 BIs.... I'd say 40-50 is ok. Obv if you're keeping yourself going with cash/MTTs it's not so bad. P.S. 95% of Sky Hyper players are MASSIVE fish Posted by Lambert180
95% of all hyper players are massive fish. Isn't that why you've gone back to them anyway haha?
1000 game sample size at hypers is almost meaningless too. But I think 5% is sustainable on Sky anywho. Best of luck, I'm rooting for you Paul.
Course that's why I played them Pat lol But yeah another good point from Pat is that 1000 Hypers is pretty meaningless in terms of pure results, but after 1000 you should easily have a feel for whether you are better than your opponents or not and I'd be amazed if you aint Wilhelm.
Logged into the forum tonight and the £2k Mini Turbo BH loaded... I did have no idea when I won free entry for that but just looked at Sunday's thread and I got it for 1 stupid comment on there Either way I donked about, never got going ended up getting it in A9 v AK.
That left me 2 points shy of my 3k points goal so I played a £3.15 Turbo (double points day) and won it, so a £2.85 profit for the day and earned my extra £10 ish C4P.
So that's me done for the month now, so will be finishing up on £729.64 when I get my C4P. Don't even know what I started the month on tbh, will have to go back and look, but pretty happy with the end result and the fact I've been going along well at 20NL.
Do you really think 5% ROI at Hypers on Sky is acheiveable? With the rake at 5% i think even a really solid player would struggle to turn a profit never mind a 5% ROI.
I may be wrong but it seems like a really tough ask. Not sure if ive worked it out right but i think you would need to win 56 out of every 100 on average to turn a profit. Some of the better players on stars dont even come close to that sort of average.
Hey Decent thread so far, enjoyed reading it. Do you really think 5% ROI at Hypers on Sky is acheiveable? With the rake at 5% i think even a really solid player would struggle to turn a profit never mind a 5% ROI. I may be wrong but it seems like a really tough ask. Not sure if ive worked it out right but i think you would need to win 56 out of every 100 on average to turn a profit. Some of the better players on stars dont even come close to that sort of average. Posted by stuart376
Well 5% definitely aint easy, especially when the rake here is more than double other sites but think it is do-able.
From what I've seen (I've played Hypers on here and Stars), the standard here is massively worse, I couldn't count on 2 hands the number of opponents that will limp/fold from a 4xBB stack for instance. Also, I know it sounds mad including this but I have perfect internet connection whereas I reckon I get at least 1-2 players who disconnect for the whole match per 100 games played, so that's 1-2 free games per 100 that you will never get on stars cos it never happens.
Tough going but just about do-able. I believe Dohhhh was around 5-6% over about 4000-5000 games, might be wrong about the exact figures though.
would be nice to see what his EV line was like for them games. Dont think HEM or PT work with Sky do they so probably aint possible to see anything like that.
its always nice to have people disconnect when your playing haha kinda feel bad stealing blinds as fast as you can but i guess they would do it to you if it was the other way round.
Yeah good to meet you too. Shame I was having to get off or I would have joined you at the cash tables. Very impressive start to your Hypers. Looking at earnings from the best players in the world online, I think most of them get like 3-4% over like tens of 1000s of games but they're probably 1) Playing against better players where the edge is small 2) Playing a TON of tables at once where you will lose some edge. I only play 2 tables of Hypers and reckon 5% is more sustainable. It was Dohh that got me into them and he has sustained 5% over 1000s of games last I looked. Thing is though, they are ridic swingy, so say you play £5s and you're playing 50 games in a session, you're regularly gonna have like +£70 sessions and -£70 sessions. I aint superstitious, don't believe any online poker BS/conspiracies but it does always seem to come in runs, sometimes you just can't lose a game, and sometimes you can play against the biggest fish in the world and can't win a game to save your life. Playing them and nothing but them is risky with 30 BIs.... I'd say 40-50 is ok. Obv if you're keeping yourself going with cash/MTTs it's not so bad. P.S. 95% of Sky Hyper players are MASSIVE fish Posted by Lambert180
Glad you've said this, was worried it might just be the micros.
I didn't play that cash table for too long anyway, think I only got 3 orbits in before the PLO started. I considered multi-tabling, just to look baller.
Can't help myself can I lol. Got a bit more pokering in before the end of Feb. Played the £3.30 THS Donk-a-fun the other night, finished about 10th out of 20, nothing eventful happened.
Played a £5.50 HU BH Shuffle tonight, would have been nice to get off to a good start with a dribbler but I got Shaun09 instead who'd already doubled (I late regged) and he took me out.
Played the £11 2k BH tonight too, again didn't get going, couldn't find any good spots, just ending up whittling away a bit until I jammed 77 into QQ.
Then whacked up the cash tables, couple of nasty spots like getting it in with the nut straight v a set on the turn and him rivering quads. But then I did smack a lot of flops tonight, made about £10 on the night. Still down slightly overall cos of the MTTs above.
Not sure on my exact C4P cos it's just gone midnight so it's been reset.
I won't drone on too much but my thing this month is to stop hiding away from the cash tables. Not sure if you noticed but after that horrendous patch where I just couldn't sit at a cash table without spewing multiple BIs, I've been shying away from it a bit. But this whole thing is about me beating the cash games, building my roll and beating bigger cash games so can't hide away forever.
You'll have seen I've been playing a bit of cash for like a week or so to dip my toe back in the water, and this month is gonna be more in that vain. I'll still be playing some MTTs but probably not many (if any) HU SnGs.
Got the month off to a cracking start tonight... started not so great by me playing another £5.50 BH HU Shuffle and busting against my first opponent. Then I played some cash and made a tidy profit of just over £50. Nice to start the month off on the right foot, more to come I hope.
(Will post some hands in the clinic tonight or tomorrow)
Youll have to excuse my lack of apostrophies in this post tonight, Im at my mums house and that key is broken. As if that wasnt enough, her laptop is also rubbish and can only handle 2 tables and even that is a bit of a push and lags.
So tonight, I played a £3.30 (I think) satellite which went badly. Then I played the £5.50 £200 GTD, that was going really good, started with 24 runners, we were down to 11 and I was 5th, got it in AQ v AT for a massive stack... river is the T... sigh. Left me with like 8xBB which I ended up jamming K4s from the button into the BBs AK.
So was like £8-£9 down after them two.
Then I decided to play a bit of cash, was a really swingy session, started badly was about £40 down. I took a break for a bit, then when I came back I was £50 up (£10 up overall) within about 5 mins of sitting down. Donked some more off, won some back, and in the end managed to finish just over £10 up on cash for the night.
So made a very small profit tonight overall. Quite impressed to see how quickly Im racking up the points at 20NL, especially considering I could only play 2 tables tonight.
The most i've had is £4.75 or somethin lol that was for January, dunno when it's paid. So far this month its about 100 but thats cause im playin the diddy limits haha
Cheers Larson. Yeah it is a nice boost, probably wont be getting £44 again this month, I earned a lot of them points last month from playing £10 HU SnGs which I wont be playing this month. Im picking up points quite quickly at 20NL and at this rate could get 3k again, but that would mean Id need to play near enough every day of the month (judging by current numbers) which just aint gonna happen.
I must be getting the whinging out of my routine... just looking through last nights HH and shocked I didnt even mention in my post last night that I got in 120xBB on a 7TQdd flop with QQ v A6dd and lost. Although I have mentioned it now lol... but just took it on the chin.
I've got work in the morning so just a quick post tonight. Bit of a frustrating night, started off quite badly just getting it in with draws and missing mostly, won most of it back, lost a big pot (think like 350xBB) against one of the big nits, paid to get that note I guess to confirm some thoughts I had.
Finished about £25 down for the night so nothing too nasty.
Cheers Rancid, things are going well. For some reason I seem to be a lot more tilt-proof than last time I played cash. Took a few nasty ones, as is expected, since I started cash again, and glad I've been able to take it on the chin and carry on.
Tonight started off badly again, seems to be the pattern, start badly, grind it back. Got it in KK v AA for full stacks, again should have known the massive 4bet means only 1 hand, but hey I've got a note now. That trick only works once and from now on they'll just lose mass value V me. So lost a couple of BIs, grinded it back to being break even, then had a pretty sick pot (I'll post below) for 500xBB where I ran like Thewy which made a decent comeback turn into a very decent winning session. It's funny I was saying 5 mins before this hand that I aint got it in behind and sucked out once yet since coming back to cash then this happens...
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Unmatched bet
Four Queens
Must be nice!
Pretty sick by my standards to have reached the 500 point mark only 4 days into the month Only 4tabling atm cos I've changed my game a bit recently and think I can pay a lot more attention to player tendancies etc when I'm sticking to 4tables. Nearly back at the £800 mark when I get my C4P
Bankroll: £743.25 (£44 C4P to come) Points: 510 (£4.08)
Lambo had a pretty brutal session last night. I know he's close to packing in the cash, so any words of encouragement wouldn't go a miss He doesn't listen to me, so I've had to come on here and grass him up. Sorry Lambo. Had to do it. Posted by Llamas
Had a brutal session last weekend, took a few days off-excluded myself as would never actually stay off otherwise, took stock, remembered how important poker is in the grand scheme of things, and how i would of jumped at having even a quarter of the roll i have this time last year, having followed this diary i'm your still in much better shape than you were and despite the set backs you know your good enough to make money in poker long term so just review the session, consider it a setback that can motivate you to carry on with your target of beating cash. This diary was what made me want to track my own progress on the community and is always a good read, also appreciate the advice you have given me in the past, this in particular is probably relevant right now..
"Since my diary my BR has went from £15 - £800 and everything in between, plenty of ups and PLENTY of downs. If nothing else, it'll be something good to look back on when you realise at one point you were £100 down and a month later you're £100 up"
DTD3 can't even remember my exit
DTD2 had a massive stack and 3bet jammed with JJ into AJ for the chip lead and lost.
DTD1 I cashed in 10th. Was doing pretty well. Mondo has like 4 BB and I jam A6 into his TT, then I snap him off with his SB shorty jam into my BB with ATs and he's got AA... sigh. Then I jam JTs into his KQo, flopped the goods but he rivered his Q. At least he's using my chips well and is down to the final 4
Bankroll: £684.78
Points: 2992 (£35.90)
Hi Paul
Good to meet you t'other day. After reading of your success in the hypers and getting fed up of mtts, I decided to give them a spin. I'm playing really small to start with, but after clocking in 435 since Friday I have an ROI of 8%. Do you think this is sustainable? If not, what kind of ROI do you think is achievable in these?
Very impressive start to your Hypers. Looking at earnings from the best players in the world online, I think most of them get like 3-4% over like tens of 1000s of games but they're probably
1) Playing against better players where the edge is small
2) Playing a TON of tables at once where you will lose some edge.
I only play 2 tables of Hypers and reckon 5% is more sustainable. It was Dohh that got me into them and he has sustained 5% over 1000s of games last I looked.
Thing is though, they are ridic swingy, so say you play £5s and you're playing 50 games in a session, you're regularly gonna have like +£70 sessions and -£70 sessions. I aint superstitious, don't believe any online poker BS/conspiracies but it does always seem to come in runs, sometimes you just can't lose a game, and sometimes you can play against the biggest fish in the world and can't win a game to save your life.
Playing them and nothing but them is risky with 30 BIs.... I'd say 40-50 is ok. Obv if you're keeping yourself going with cash/MTTs it's not so bad.
P.S. 95% of Sky Hyper players are MASSIVE fish
Logged into the forum tonight and the £2k Mini Turbo BH loaded... I did have no idea when I won free entry for that but just looked at Sunday's thread and I got it for 1 stupid comment on there
That left me 2 points shy of my 3k points goal so I played a £3.15 Turbo (double points day) and won it, so a £2.85 profit for the day and earned my extra £10 ish C4P.
So that's me done for the month now, so will be finishing up on £729.64 when I get my C4P. Don't even know what I started the month on tbh, will have to go back and look, but pretty happy with the end result and the fact I've been going along well at 20NL.
Bankroll: £687.63
Points: 3001 (£42.01)
Well 5% definitely aint easy, especially when the rake here is more than double other sites but think it is do-able.
From what I've seen (I've played Hypers on here and Stars), the standard here is massively worse, I couldn't count on 2 hands the number of opponents that will limp/fold from a 4xBB stack for instance. Also, I know it sounds mad including this but I have perfect internet connection whereas I reckon I get at least 1-2 players who disconnect for the whole match per 100 games played, so that's 1-2 free games per 100 that you will never get on stars cos it never happens.
Tough going but just about do-able. I believe Dohhhh was around 5-6% over about 4000-5000 games, might be wrong about the exact figures though.
I didn't play that cash table for too long anyway, think I only got 3 orbits in before the PLO started. I considered multi-tabling, just to look baller.
Played a £5.50 HU BH Shuffle tonight, would have been nice to get off to a good start with a dribbler but I got Shaun09 instead who'd already doubled (I late regged) and he took me out.
Played the £11 2k BH tonight too, again didn't get going, couldn't find any good spots, just ending up whittling away a bit until I jammed 77 into QQ.
Then whacked up the cash tables, couple of nasty spots like getting it in with the nut straight v a set on the turn and him rivering quads. But then I did smack a lot of flops tonight, made about £10 on the night. Still down slightly overall cos of the MTTs above.
Not sure on my exact C4P cos it's just gone midnight so it's been reset.
Bankroll: £676.39
Points: 3150ish (£44.00)
I won't drone on too much but my thing this month is to stop hiding away from the cash tables. Not sure if you noticed but after that horrendous patch where I just couldn't sit at a cash table without spewing multiple BIs, I've been shying away from it a bit. But this whole thing is about me beating the cash games, building my roll and beating bigger cash games so can't hide away forever.
You'll have seen I've been playing a bit of cash for like a week or so to dip my toe back in the water, and this month is gonna be more in that vain. I'll still be playing some MTTs but probably not many (if any) HU SnGs.
Got the month off to a cracking start tonight... started not so great by me playing another £5.50 BH HU Shuffle and busting against my first opponent. Then I played some cash and made a tidy profit of just over £50. Nice to start the month off on the right foot, more to come I hope.
(Will post some hands in the clinic tonight or tomorrow)
Bankroll: £721.32 (£44 C4P to come)
Points: 109
On another front, I'm happy to announce that I've bagged myself a seat in the APAT HU Tournmanent in DTD over the easter weekend.
It's a £50 + £5, capped at 64 entrants. The structure hasn't been announced yet but I imagine it'll be the same as last year which was...
2.5k starting stack
25/50 blinds (level 1)
20 minute clock
so nice fast one which suits me down to the ground. Wish me luck!
So tonight, I played a £3.30 (I think) satellite which went badly. Then I played the £5.50 £200 GTD, that was going really good, started with 24 runners, we were down to 11 and I was 5th, got it in AQ v AT for a massive stack... river is the T... sigh. Left me with like 8xBB which I ended up jamming K4s from the button into the BBs AK.
So was like £8-£9 down after them two.
Then I decided to play a bit of cash, was a really swingy session, started badly was about £40 down. I took a break for a bit, then when I came back I was £50 up (£10 up overall) within about 5 mins of sitting down. Donked some more off, won some back, and in the end managed to finish just over £10 up on cash for the night.
So made a very small profit tonight overall. Quite impressed to see how quickly Im racking up the points at 20NL, especially considering I could only play 2 tables tonight.
Bankroll: £724.40 (£44 C4P to come)
Points: 252
The most i've had is £4.75 or somethin lol that was for January, dunno when it's paid. So far this month its about 100 but thats cause im playin the diddy limits haha
Well done on tonights profit.
I must be getting the whinging out of my routine... just looking through last nights HH and shocked I didnt even mention in my post last night that I got in 120xBB on a 7TQdd flop with QQ v A6dd and lost. Although I have mentioned it now lol... but just took it on the chin.
Finished about £25 down for the night so nothing too nasty.
Bankroll: £699.26 (£44 C4P to come)
Points: 400
Beware of the nits )
Tonight started off badly again, seems to be the pattern, start badly, grind it back. Got it in KK v AA for full stacks, again should have known the massive 4bet means only 1 hand, but hey I've got a note now. That trick only works once and from now on they'll just lose mass value V me. So lost a couple of BIs, grinded it back to being break even, then had a pretty sick pot (I'll post below) for 500xBB where I ran like Thewy which made a decent comeback turn into a very decent winning session. It's funny I was saying 5 mins before this hand that I aint got it in behind and sucked out once yet since coming back to cash then this happens...
Pretty sick by my standards to have reached the 500 point mark only 4 days into the month
Bankroll: £743.25 (£44 C4P to come)
Points: 510 (£4.08)
He doesn't listen to me, so I've had to come on here and grass him up.
Sorry Lambo. Had to do it.
If you taking shots at higher level then you need a number of bins you can lose before you have to step back down
chin up
"Since my diary my BR has went from £15 - £800 and everything in between, plenty of ups and PLENTY of downs. If nothing else, it'll be something good to look back on when you realise at one point you were £100 down and a month later you're £100 up"