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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    @Harry - That sounds like a brag... but not lol. I dunno ;) Yeah will see you around no doubt.

    @Diminuendo - Yeah don't worry I'm not 'chasing' anything, I'm gonna be playing the same (hopefully) good poker that I always play, it's just that I've never really put any proper volume into MTTs so now that I'm going to try to I just wanna keep track of the results. Again it doesn't mean I played back cos I bricked 20 MTTs in a row or w/e so I won't take my results as a measure of success but still good to keep track. FWIW, I keep track of every single cash session, SnG or MTT I ever play in a spreadsheet anyway.
  • iGoWaWaiGoWaWa Member Posts: 105
    edited November 2013
    Man it gets worse

    Sky Poker have changed my ScreenName

    Long Live iGoWaWa, Goodbye iGoWeeWee

    Anyways, Paul i hope to see you playing lots more MTTs so i can get on crushing the Cash Tables....

    Quick Q tho,

    If i satty into the £240 final for eg tomoz, if i then make the final again the rest of the week do i get the seats as ££££ (as i am already regged in the final?)

    If so satty time!!! :)
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited November 2013
    Looks like multi accounting to me.

    RTR has a lot to answer for.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    Was hoping as a nice twist of fate my first night of MTTs might gimme one bink... wishful thinking me thinks lol. I'll just give a very quick summary of what I played...

    £5.50 Mini - Started very well despite having Rancid to my left, ran pretty good like I won't lie, took 2 heads pretty early doors. Busted ages later jamming I think A3 into AT, I was dominated anyway. £3.76 of heads so nearly got my BI back.

    £11 BH - Late regged this and nothing to post really as it was very short, shipped a flop over a cbet with OESD, called by an OP and didn't get there.

    £11 Turbo - First time I've ever seen this tourney and looks like my kinda thing so gave it a go. Went pretty well and again I ran pretty well early doors and got stacked up, made one potentially bad call (I'll post details below) only for a small pot but that seemed to be the turning point. I didn't tilt or anything, things just didn't go my way, blinds where increasing pretty sharpish.... it was a turbo.... I ended up shoving, probably in a bad spot now I think about, jammed 10xBB w/ AT on the BTN over a minraise from UTG who had about 12xBB, I just don't think he's opening wide enough there for my shove to be good. He had AK anyway and I bust that in 11th out of 52 with 6 paid.

    On the topic of this... why does this £11 Turbo seem to have a good structure while the £11 Turbo ME seems to be a complete crapshoot?

    £6 sat into the £55 BH - 2 seats were up for grabs with £11 for 3rd and I was sitting 3/7. I was on the 4handed table and had been shoving a fair bit because 1 player was disconnected so often dead money in the pot with less people to get through. Shoved 'UTG' w/ J5o just cos I think the guy to my left was never calling, the next guy was disco'd and the BB had just a smidge less than me but still a decent stack so thought he'd fold tons but he made the call with A5o and held for me to bust in 7th.

    £5.75 BH - Not much of interest, lasted quite a while grinding a shortish stack in the later stages and shipped 77 into KK. Took 1 head for £2.46


    The hand from the Turbo that was questionable... Goodylad had taken a big knock and went from near enough CL to last in 1 hand, the thing that makes me doubt the call is that he'd been quite tight since the knock, there was a few spots like BvB where I thought he'd jam pretty much ATC but had folded. Anyway, folds to him unopened on the BTN and he jams 2.8k @ 200/400, SB folds and I call in the BB with K9... I have about 10k which is a very healthy stack. Thoughts?


    So a total MTT loss tonight of £33.03

    Target                        :  £1.5k profit
    Current                      :  £656.97 profit
    Amount left to go      :  £843.03


    I bust my first bullet of the DTD £110 megasats quite early, will use my other one tomorrow night.

    Cash wise, I finished +£32.22 so at least I covered my MTT BIs. Pretty annoying that it was +£30 cos I lost a £30 literally the last hand before I stood with AA against DTM when he'd cold called a 3bet to setmine, I really should have known when he clicked back the turn, it's just a set ALL the time but I'm such a fish.

  • iGoWaWaiGoWaWa Member Posts: 105
    edited November 2013
    Paul, its a close one

    If he is a good thinking player, and i have no reason to doubt it, he sould be shoving about 31% (any pair, any Ace, Any Broadway and suited connectors/1 gappers to 76s and 86s)

    You have 41% equity in the hand vs his perceived range and are getting 1.5/1 on the call.  Its as close as close could be.

    When its this close, i tend to lean with call
  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited November 2013
    Did the missed flush get me paid in that hand?

    Still profit, keep up the good work.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards:
    Did the missed flush get me paid in that hand? Still profit, keep up the good work.
    Posted by Donttelmum
    Honestly... no lol.

    I was sat there telling myself over and over again it was a set, and I knew it was, it was just an awful decision to not fold by me imo. You're never clicking it back there with a FD, it's never any sort of bluff and it's never a worse 1pr hand. FWIW, The reason I just clicked it back was cos my maths was obviously dodgy lol and I'd decided to go with it and thought that would put you all in but it ended up leaving like £1 behind which obv I'm never folding for.

    Hand if anyone is interested
    Donttelmum Small blind   £0.10 £0.10 £28.26
    dunn_on Big blind   £0.20 £0.30 £19.80
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    DimTzar Raise   £0.60 £0.90 £18.32
    Lambert180 Raise   £1.80 £2.70 £31.51
    SEANB2009 Fold        
    Donttelmum Call   £1.70 £4.40 £26.56
    dunn_on Fold        
    DimTzar Call   £1.20 £5.60 £17.12
    • 3
    • 10
    • 2
    Donttelmum Check        
    DimTzar Check        
    Lambert180 Bet   £3.20 £8.80 £28.31
    Donttelmum Call   £3.20 £12.00 £23.36
    DimTzar Fold        
    • 8
    Donttelmum Check        
    Lambert180 Bet   £6.95 £18.95 £21.36
    Donttelmum Raise   £14.20 £33.15 £9.16
    Lambert180 Raise   £14.50 £47.65 £6.86
    Donttelmum Call   £7.25 £54.90 £1.91
    • 9
    Donttelmum All-in   £1.91 £56.81 £0.00
    Lambert180 Raise   £3.82 £60.63 £3.04
    Lambert180 Unmatched bet   £1.91 £58.72 £4.95
    Donttelmum Show
    • 3
    • 3
    Lambert180 Show
    • A
    • A
    Donttelmum Win Three 3s £56.92   £56.92
  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited November 2013
    I guess its a situation where you have to play the player and not the cards.  You would be beating alot of inexperienced players in this situation but against me the turn raise does look mega strong.  Sometimes it just hard to lay them.  They do get me into alot of trouble!
  • NColleyNColley Member Posts: 1,178
    edited November 2013
    lol he cold calls 3bets oop with 33

    fwiw lambert, fold >>>> call >>>>> raise on that turn imo
  • iGoWaWaiGoWaWa Member Posts: 105
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards:
    lol he cold calls 3bets oop with 33 fwiw lambert, fold />>>> call >>>>> raise on that turn imo
    Posted by NColley
    So would I, if I had a 97% flop set ratio.

    He runs pure!!

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited November 2013

    Don't think his cold call is bad against A v tight 3b range 130 deep ?

    Been ages since I played cash like. Maybe it is.

    Easy turn fold for hero.
  • NColleyNColley Member Posts: 1,178
    edited November 2013
    Well in todays games it should be pretty bad, but obviously its not gonna be bad if lambert can't make the folds!

    I kinda just find it more funny with the fact so many people claim the games are boring/tight w/e and here is a high volume reg making a loose peel oop and turning his hand face up ott.
  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited November 2013
    Love the comments
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    Agreed turn is easy fold I was just being a massive fish. FWIW, JJ I don't think it's that great tbh, the implied odds aren't there unless I just stack off my entire range postflop every time he hits a set which I'm not... this is obv top of my 3b range and even this I'm folding most of the time when I'm not playing poor so no way the implied odds are there, and cold calling there we can't even guarantee we're gonna see a flop with UTG still to act.



    Only got a few MTTs in today...

    £5.50 Timed Tourney - Played about 2 hands in the whole 15 mins lol due to just getting no spots to jam but got £5.75 back.. WIIINNNNEERRR!

    £3.30 BH - Did pretty well in this but ended up busting 4 off the money in some kinda flippy type situation. Got £2.53 of heads so small loss

    £5.75 BH - Played with GaryQQQ in this for a while and was doing very well again, ran pretty well but managed to get to the FT (74 started) without a single bounty. Then went on the sickest mini heater ever lol, got AA to take my first bounty.... very next hand AA again and I take my 2nd bounty... about 3 hands later I get AKo and take my 3rd bounty... so now we're 3 handed and about 5 hands later I get KK and take the CL from the guy who had a MASSIVE chip lead. Massive like I went into the FT with a very good stack which was 20k, and he had 80k lol. After that it was fairly plain sailing. I had a really good HU battle with Smokey_Hud, suprising cos it's usually jam/fold on Sky FTs but this HU was like 40xBB effective so it lasted probably 40 mins.

    Got it in good for the win 2-3 times like QT v JT on J89 but didn't hold in any of them, then I got repaid by luckboxing AQ /> KK aipf and it didn't last much longer with stacks being like 130k v 20k @ 1k/2k.

    So my first win since I've started trying to put more volume in, total cash was £83.17 which is decent for a £5 BH.

    Lambert180 148000 1 £53.65 + £29.52 Head Prizes 4 £9.25

    So total MTT profit today of £76.90

    Cash wasn't so good, finished about -£30... didn't help getting coolered by DTM KK<AA. I even flopped the K and thought 'ooo is this some justice cos I'm always on the wrong end of these v DTM' lol nah he turned his A.

    Target                        :  £1.5k profit
    Current                      :  £733.87 profit
    Amount left to go      :  £766.13
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited November 2013
    I swear every time I've hit a set with KK vs AA the AA manages to bink a set as well! Never happened the other way around though as far as I can remember! Nice win in the tourney :)
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited November 2013
    Mentioned my thoughts on certain mtts to you next door Paul so wont go into that. 

    Those mini heaters are insane in a bh. Much more powerful than a normal mini heater imo. Purely because people stop beluieveing you (standard) head prizes etc and on a FT the ladder and stack sizes make it soo much easier.

  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited November 2013
    Surely I didnt do anything wrong getting it in aipf with AA?  I'm sure there will be a few with something to say.

    Congrats on ur mtt success.

    Ohh and my decision to peel in that hand was also influenced by the other player in the hand.  I still believe it was fine.
  • DiminuendoDiminuendo Member Posts: 222
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards:
    Surely I didnt do anything wrong getting it in aipf with AA?  I'm sure there will be a few with something to say. Congrats on ur mtt success. Ohh and my decision to peel in that hand was also influenced by the other player in the hand.  I still believe it was fine.
    Posted by Donttelmum

    100% ok to peel there imo
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards:
    Surely I didnt do anything wrong getting it in aipf with AA?  I'm sure there will be a few with something to say. Congrats on ur mtt success. Ohh and my decision to peel in that hand was also influenced by the other player in the hand.  I still believe it was fine.
    Posted by Donttelmum

    And lol no I think you're safe to get it in pre with AA mate
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards:
    Average ROI is a silly stat that should always be ignored. If your average is £1.05 profit from a £5.13 buy-in clearly you're not making 100%. To get the real figure click on the 'statistics' tab, its near the bottom of the left hand column, look for 'total ROI'. Good luck.
    Posted by GaryQQQ

    So true 

    10913155MicroGaming11/13/2013 09:00 PMNL Hold'em €1 + €0.165/87
    10844551MicroGaming11/06/2013 09:00 PMNL Hold'em €1 + €0.18/73
    10775754MicroGaming10/30/2013 09:00 PMNL Hold'em €1 + €0.144/90
    10705452MicroGaming10/23/2013 09:00 PMNL Hold'em €1 + €0.131/93
    3570947MicroGaming07/24/2010 01:30 PMNL Hold'em €2.5R + €0.25462/540
    3533963MicroGaming06/22/2010 11:00 PMNL Hold'em €25R + €2.525/119
    3530523MicroGaming06/20/2010 08:00 PMNL Hold'em" alt="" title="Rebuy : The tournament allows rebuys or add-ons." />€20R + €2193/201

    7 games - ($115 loss) 1 min cash - 180% ROI

    GL with the MTT,s . Persononally i,ve found they,ve got a bit harder in last few months. ( low stakes ones )
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