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Acceptable behaviour on the Sky Poker community

Sky_PeterSky_Peter Member Posts: 5
edited October 2009 in Poker Chat
Firstly I'd like to thank everyone who has been involved so far in the Sky Poker community. From our point of view we are absolutely delighted with how quickly you have all become involved and also with the quantity and overall quality of the contributions. 

There have been some fascinating discussions on poker strategy to follow as well as a great deal of humourous observations on poker, life and software randomness.... (I'm thinking of asking Rich to add a new topic area called "The Grassy Knoll" so all the conspiracy theorists out there can have a dedicated home-from-home on the site - let me know what you think).


It's been our hope to take a very light touch in the management and moderation of the community - we see the community as your area - where self management is the rule. However, we do need to ensure that all our customers; new or regular; novice or expert, feel welcome and can enjoy the experience.

 Unfortunately we've had a small number of posts / threads where derogatory comments about other players have been made - this is not acceptable.

 Any comments or threads containing content that could cause offence to another player will be removed - it's not what this community is about and we won't allow it. Also if we get any repeat offenders then we'll take away their ability to participate in the community. 

 Sorry if this is coming over heavy-handed but I think it's important to establish the rules now to avoid any confusion. Although we've had to get involved on a couple of occasions so far, the overall standard of contributions has been excellent - so thanks once again for your support.

 Please help us by reporting any content you feel is inappropriate.



Customer Operations Director

P.S. Here are the official community House rules that can be found at the bottom of the community homepage -

We want you to enjoy your Sky Poker community and use it as a place for open, friendly conversation. We also hope that every player sees this as a place to learn about poker, perhaps teach some others too and generally have a great, fun Sky Poker experience. To help make this possible we would ask that everyone follows the following simple rules.

You must not post comments that:

•    Make unfounded or unproved allegations (especially of wrongdoing) against a person, organisation or group.
•    Contain swear words or language which may offend. This may include swear words with asterisks replacing some letters.
•    Break the law, or encourage/support breaking the law.
•    Advertise goods or services including other betting and gaming sites and affiliate websites.
•    Include URLs of third party websites which may contain offensive or illegal material
•    Are racist, sexist, homophobic, abusive or otherwise objectionable.
•    Include personal details (yours or someone else's, such as phone numbers and addresses).
•    Are made to appear as if they have been posted by someone else (impersonation).
•    Are repeated more than once (spam).
•    Deviate wildly from the topic of the thread or blog. 

Any threads, postings or remarks which could cause offence to other players for whatever reasons will not be tolerated within the Sky Poker Community, and all such threads will be removed. 

Please note that each user is solely responsible for the accuracy and authenticity of content that they post. We accept no liability for false, misleading, inaccurate, infringing or other actionable material.

As the community owners we reserve the right to monitor and remove any content that breaks the rules set above. Any user that repeatedly breaks these rules may be permanently excluded from participating within the community.



  • Grimstar30Grimstar30 Member Posts: 1,400
    edited June 2009
    Seems fair enough to me. Enjoying the forum, really has added an extra element to the Sky Poker experience.


  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited June 2009
    In Response to Acceptable behaviour on the Sky Poker community:
    Unfortunately we've had a small number of posts / threads where derogatory comments about other players have been made - this is not acceptable.   
    Posted by Sky_Peter

    Peter, I sincerely apologise to Richard and the forum if me calling his suit "Amstrad" was considered derogatory - it won't happen again.

    until he puts it on again and shows up on TV wearing it of course

  • dowzerdowzer Member Posts: 218
    edited June 2009
    In Response to Re: Acceptable behaviour on the Sky Poker community:
    In Response to Acceptable behaviour on the Sky Poker community : Peter, I sincerely apologise to Richard and the forum if me calling his suit "Amstrad" was considered derogatory - it won't happen again. until he puts it on again and shows up on TV wearing it of course
    Posted by NoseyBonk
    The AUP should be modified to prohibit slagging off of others with the except of Rich :)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,561
    edited June 2009
    In Response to Re: Acceptable behaviour on the Sky Poker community:
    In Response to Acceptable behaviour on the Sky Poker community : Peter, I sincerely apologise to Richard and the forum if me calling his suit "Amstrad" was considered derogatory - it won't happen again. until he puts it on again and shows up on TV wearing it of course
    Posted by NoseyBonk
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,561
    edited June 2009
    In Response to Re: Acceptable behaviour on the Sky Poker community:
    In Response to Re: Acceptable behaviour on the Sky Poker community : The AUP should be modified to prohibit slagging off of others with the except of Rich :)
    Posted by dowzer
    Even Spotter-onner.
  • JAMIEPJAMIEP Member Posts: 218
    edited June 2009
    In Response to Re: Acceptable behaviour on the Sky Poker community:
    In Response to Re: Acceptable behaviour on the Sky Poker community : The AUP should be modified to prohibit slagging off of others with the except of Rich :)
    Posted by dowzer
    Like it infact a person should be handed out a fine if they didn't abuse rich imo ;-)
  • kirstiikirstii Member Posts: 787
    edited June 2009
    Loving the conspiricy theorist idea! They should have to follow the path of a da vinci code-esque code to discover it!
  • jimbo31jimbo31 Member Posts: 294
    edited June 2009
    does this exclude he is pulliing in the traffic....and to be fair he needs a few deragotary remarks to keep his poker strategy mind ticking over... tick tock ...;-)))
  • we-r-leedswe-r-leeds Member Posts: 8
    edited June 2009
    why dont people say sorry when they get lucky we no they dont always mean it but come on guys own up 2 the bad call or bluff when you get lucky
  • Supa_PhilSupa_Phil Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2009
    Acceptable behaviour?

    Well, what about acceptable behaviour on the tables?

    I was at a table the other day, and someone was hurling homophobic and racist abuse left right and centre.

    Reported to Sky customer service, but said player is still on the site!

    Don't get me wrong, im not one of those pc muppets, but this was taking it too far. Swearing etc is fine with me, but this was something else.
  • lemster127lemster127 Member Posts: 41
    edited June 2009

    Whats the point in having a forum if people cant say what they really want

  • dowzerdowzer Member Posts: 218
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: Acceptable behaviour on the Sky Poker community:
    why dont people say sorry when they get lucky we no they dont always mean it but come on guys own up 2 the bad call or bluff when you get lucky
    Posted by we-r-leeds
    I dont for exactly the reason you elduied to - Im not sorry, Im glad I got lucky and when someone says it to me it actually pains me more than the silence as its like rubbing salt into the wound!
  • BULLBULL Member Posts: 55
    edited July 2009
    the only way to go . respect to all fello felter's gl see u soon . o great forum sky wd ;)
  • BULLBULL Member Posts: 55
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: Acceptable behaviour on the Sky Poker community:
    In Response to Re: Acceptable behaviour on the Sky Poker community : Even Spotter-onner.
    Posted by Tikay10
    cmn tk more spotter's please lol
  • TaxicabTaxicab Member Posts: 68
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: Acceptable behaviour on the Sky Poker community:
    Loving the conspiricy theorist idea! They should have to follow the path of a da vinci code-esque code to discover it!
    Posted by kirstii
    i havent seen the film, i will only know good, hope good and be good....
    the rest is up to him upstairs (God) not stressball managers and
    post bullied over-dramatising moderators...

    is anyone elses roulette board fixed? mine cant not be so far!
    its like someone is trying to get me that paranoia
    to expell? nah, it defies maths non stop :(
    skyvegas is tight/bent, in favour say "Aii"
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,561
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: Acceptable behaviour on the Sky Poker community:
    In Response to Re: Acceptable behaviour on the Sky Poker community : cmn tk more spotter's please lol
    Posted by BULL

    That do you, Mr Bull Sir?
  • JPDERRYJPDERRY Member Posts: 112
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: Acceptable behaviour on the Sky Poker community:
    acceptable behaviour on skypoker?,UR site tht WE pay to upkeep? i wanna b nice but ur makin it so difficult!
    Posted by Blight1
    here here well said, sky poker the nicey nicey goody 2 shoes poker site,that banned my chat for life for calling some1 in the sky poker click a idiot on ptp cash table while tk was there
  • JPDERRYJPDERRY Member Posts: 112
    edited July 2009

    i had my chat banned 1 2 3 times,and was told if banned again it would be for life, fair enough so i was on my best behaviour, then i called some one a ?? wait for it,,,,,,,,, idiot ,,,,,,ohhhhh dear. tk said dont do that jp,i said why tk whats wrong with the word idiot? i got my chat banned for life for that, no 1 will chat to me about the matter because they no they where harsh,

  • joker69joker69 Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2009
    i am all for banter at the tables live or on internet, however IMO any one being overly rude and using really bad language (especiall the C word) ought to have a monetry fine and a ban for a period of time, i am not a prude or anything but sometimes it is not nice especially if ladies are present. thats wat i think anyway  Joker69
  • BULLBULL Member Posts: 55
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: Acceptable behaviour on the Sky Poker community:
    In Response to Re: Acceptable behaviour on the Sky Poker community : Spottererer-onnererer. That do you, Mr Bull Sir?
    Posted by Tikay10
    TK u ledgend lol ask michelle to try get me another sky bounty hunter web cam came please was exellent last time many thx shaun.aka bull
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