In Response to Re: Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey ***[GUKPT Play Review]*** : Haha, sadly small things tend to have a habit of snowballing on forums. I thought your initial post was more than valid and a lot of the players should be more conscious of what they're typing into the chatbox. Moving swiftly on haha, are you trying to qualify for Nottingham? Posted by patwalshh
To be honest mate i don't know how i would go about doing it. Just been concentrating solely on the Dym's recently. Sats through Sky?
Thinking of playing The £150 at DTD Saturday, wife away chance to play
In Response to Re: Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey ***[GUKPT Play Review]*** : To be honest mate i don't know how i would go about doing it. Just been concentrating solely on the Dym's recently. Sats through Sky? Thinking of playing The £150 at DTD Saturday, wife away chance to play Posted by Jac35
Yeah sat through, just treat it like a DYM. Saturday as in tomorrow? I really want to play the grand prix next week! Might just go
In Response to Re: Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey ***[GUKPT Play Review]*** : Yeah sat through, just treat it like a DYM. Saturday as in tomorrow? I really want to play the grand prix next week! Might just go Posted by patwalshh
I'm back in Bath now, feeling refreshed and ready for the online grind. I've played a fair amount of live poker the last week, with the GUKPT and a couple tournaments at the casino in Torquay, which made a welcome change. When things are going well: live poker > online (mainly because it's more profitable). But for the day to day grind, I'll be an online player for the forseeable future. Will probably play some live cash in London sometime soon. I'll just try to avoid £400 pot flips lol.
Results have been pretty poor this month online, but then again so has my volume. I've been playing a fair amount of tournaments on a different site for the 'micro-millions' the last couple days, but they're eating into my DYM volume and I'm yet to bink one of a decent score. So for now, it's back to the DYM grind.
Friday the 13th in January I lost like £300, so I just wanted to wrap up a small profit. (Fu Friday the 13th lol)
(Even more so than expected) My volume month has been dreadful this month. Definitely not helped by the fact my best friend from home invited himself to Bath for the weekend. When you move away, it soon becomes clear who your real friends are and it makes the time with such friends all the better.
So on Friday we had a few drinks and went out to a club. Bath is a beautiful city, with an abundance of equally beautiful local women. The only problem is how difficult they are. They really elevate themselves and it makes trying to 'meet' (lol) them so much more difficult. Anyway, come the Saturday, another very good friend of mine decides that he wants to come to Bath too. So we end up starting to drink at 5. By 7, we're all in high spirits. Bath is an unbelievably expensive place to go out on a Saturday night. Every other day is very reasonable, apart from a Saturday. Spirit and a mixer is something along the lines of £6 each. We end up in the same club as the night before because it's the cheapest place - Fail, I know, but we had a great time. To take my mind off poker, and to unwind for a couple days was just what my mentality needed.
Today's results were fantastic. How I managed to play 12 tables when I wanted to be sick and could bearly see straight is beyond me, but having an ROI of 26.9% over 43 games under the same conditions, is nothing short of a miracle. Key difference between today and a break even day:
1) I ran into great hands. For example, player from sb shoves, and I'm in bb with A8ss and call. From their 'shoving range', they could have a number of different hands, A9+, 99+. However, with the blinds high, the same player could also have K8, Q8, 108 and loads of random hands. Today, many of the players had things like 108 when I called with A10, and I held.
2) I won the majority vital flips.
3) I got hands in the latter stages, when I needed them the most.
I also min cashed the big HU shuffle tournament for 17/150 something. Built up an above average stack, and 3 bet shoved someone's min raise and then called (fairly deep) with K5 lol, for a huge pot.
DYM wise: 43 games, 26.9% av ROI+£63.50
On a sidenote, I often get people talk to me at the tables after recognising me from this blog. Please feel free to post, and ask any questions. I like to pride myself on being open and honest. The posts I recieve, is what drives me to continue writing this blog, through the good times and the bad.
So I finally moved house yesterday. Feels good to be in a place, that has it's own living room! Moving was a pain though, you never realise how much stuff you have, until it comes to moving it. Not to mention trying to relocate a 20kg desktop computer with 2 monitors down 2 flights of stairs, in the back of a car, and into the new house without damaging anything. Thankfully, all went well. Also found out that I passed my first year of Uni which was nice, meams that I don't have to put myself through Summer retakes.
Poker wise, the 2 days back have been good, with fruitful results. According to Sharkscope:
So I finally moved house yesterday. Feels good to be in a place, that has it's own living room! Moving was a pain though, you never realise how much stuff you have, until it comes to moving it. Not to mention trying to relocate a 20kg desktop computer with 2 monitors down 2 flights of stairs, in the back of a car, and into the new house without damaging anything. Thankfully, all went well. Also found out that I passed my first year of Uni which was nice, meams that I don't have to put myself through Summer retakes. Poker wise, the 2 days back have been good, with fruitful results. According to Sharkscope: 81 games, 7.7% Av ROI & +£58.50 -- patwalshh Posted by patwalshh
hi Pat, nice results m8.... well done. good wishes for you in your new home too. dev
In Response to Re: Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey ***[GUKPT Play Review]*** : hi Pat, nice results m8.... well done. good wishes for you in your new home too. dev Posted by devonfish5
Another solid day, I'm mixing the £5s with the £10s and the new house is giving me rungood so far. Nothing much else to say. I'm on day 3 of a new workout and diet, which is killing me. It'll be fun to see how long my body takes to adjust, without aching like a 90 year old man.
According to Sharkscope: 31 games, Av stake £5.97, Av ROI 23.2% +£66.50
I CANNOT BELIEVE I misread the stack sizes - I could see I was 3/4 and assumed u must have been 4/4 cos u called ficino's shove so thought I would call and we could go 2 on 1, uhfuekrgfweurueuhrfuerxxx.
The 1010<99>KK hand was pretty sick. I've honestly done nearly the exact same thing before, and the game ended that hand, I was like yee another win... wait wtf... I lost?!??!
Ah, the good ol' 93 - u learn quick! IF u had been 4/4 on the 1st hand, I gotta call with KK to go 2 on 1 vs u, rite? Posted by JingleMa
In game I probably snap, but no idea if it's right or not. OMGggggggg BUBBLE at 300/600 blinds today, I'm sb with like 4.8k, bb has 2.6k and the button has 90, yes 90 chips.... Folds to me and I shove from sb with AQ, and bb tank calls with KK... We all know what the river was..
Will update tomorrow morning. Been grinding hard. Even played a £22 DYM, which actually gave me food for thought.
The previous two days have been fairly average. Once you go on a heater, you have have to expect a slight downswing/period of break even to occur at some point. As I've said, a 4-7%(maybe 8) average ROI is possible on this site playing lower stakes DYMs. Anything above that, and eventually it'll come to an end. I was on something like 14% ROI over my first few hundred games, but sadly, it just isn't sustainable.
Played a £22 DYM yesterday (surprisingly not out of tilt either). It was definitely beatable and I felt I had a fairly large edge. Even the REG/s in the game weren't that great. However, there was a lot more min raising, which were getting through a larger % of the time, even at the 50-100 blinds. Also more 3 bet shoving in the latter stages, which is also to be expected. I'm currently playing both the £5s and £10s, but eventually I'd like to play slightly higher during peak hours. I definitely want to play a ton more live cash at some point in the forseeable future.
Graph for the previous two days:
(Interestingly, I've included a profit excluding rake line. Which means how much I would have made if rake wasn't taken out. Rake is seemingly something we have to live with unfortunately.)
111 games, Av stake £6.52, Av ROI 3.2%, Total profit +£13.60
You've mentioned as few times that you don't think a roi above 8 is realistic long term. Why? and what do you class as long term?
I agree standard isn't that much better as you move up a couple of levels Still players limp folding every hand and raise folding from 6 bigs
I'm gradually moving up again myself. When i started on here i was mainly playing 10s but found a bit of a comfort zone at 5s
Interestingly for me my roi at 3s is pretty rubbish, about 4, but is higher at the next 2 levels. Trying to work it out i think it's probably due to having to win at showdown far more at the 3's.
Good luck with moving up, just use sensible game selection. Also stay away from me!! I seem to lose every game when at same table as you!
OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I wrote out a huge reply and just got deleted by accident...... I want to cry right now.. Will just post hands from today instead..
Funny hand. Basically on flop I was either massively ahead or massively behind. So decided to let me opponent bet out. On turn, I wanted to induce a raise/spass from my opponent by leading. Got min raised which freaked me out a bit, but I just couldn't see what my opponent would have that's ahead, so easy call. On river snap call and there's no value in raising in my opinion.
July has now finished and for me the month flew by. My first (much needed online break of the month) came with the Gukpt. Day 1 was a great experience (Day 2, not so much) -all in all, I felt that I had a lot to take away and reflect upon from the Gukpt. After busting day 2 (the Saturday) I went out and drowned my sorrows.
On the Sunday I played a £50 live MTT at my local casino with a ridiculously bad hangover and somehow managed to chop it 4 ways for a cash of £400 (my largest to date). Chop was agreed 4 ways on the bubble because of the standard top heavy payout structure, added to the fact that the loose cannon was to my left with about 65%+ of the chips in play.
(Pic taken just after chop was agreed. You can see my stack to the right of the moutain of chips (closest to the dealer). Whites are 1k, Green 500, Red 100)
Shortly after, I drove back to Bath and had to move house. Everything had to be moved from a sort of communal building, down 2 flights of stairs, 50 meters to my car. Rinsed and repeated about 19 times. After moving, I did manage to play Poker in the new house for 9 days or so.
On the 22nd I drove to Linconshire to stay at a family friends. I had a week long placement at a Financial Advisors planned for the week commencing the 23rd of July. The week flew by and I feel as though I learnt a huge amount in the area of Financial Advising, from mortgages to pensions, to specific investing (bonds, equities etc). The placement was a great experience and finance is definitely an area I'm interested in career wise.
After my placement, I made a short stop off at DTD in Nottingham and played in the £100 Grand Prix. I late regged at something like level 7 and quickly busted through 2 buy-ins. It was the sort of tournament I wasn't going to wait around 3 days to min-cash, so I was pushing edges. The two biggest pots were really peculiar and I obviously lost them vs fish #whenwillIlearn.
Played online for roughly 12-14 days in July. It started off as a very slow month and I was around B/E after 200 games. Picked up there-after and I was about to get some nice results. Ended the month:
495 games (down from over 1100 last month), Av stake of £5.99, Av ROI 10.2%, +£349
Managed to earn just 3168 Poker points in July totalling £44.32.
In June I posted a number of goals:
- Play at least 650 DYMs - Play at least 150 £11 DYMs - Play 3x 20nl cash sessions - 8+ cardio sessions
I played just 495 DYMs, 95 or so of which were £11 DYMs. I did indeed have at least 3x 20nl cash sessions and 8+ cardio sessions. Nevertheless I owe £20 to a charity and I will post proof of me donating online before the months end. Not entirely sure which one, so if the forum could help me choose I'd be greatful!
I'll only be playing half the month due to going to the olypics and venturing to America on the 15th for 12 or so days (sadly no vegas or any real drinking as I'm only 19). Nevertheless, I'm aiming for 4500+ poker points! I'd definitely like to make priority club in September.
I'm sorry for the delayed end of month review, and I wish everyone all the best in August!
Just been concentrating solely on the Dym's recently.
Sats through Sky?
Thinking of playing The £150 at DTD Saturday, wife away chance to play
I also min cashed the big HU shuffle tournament for 17/150 something. Built up an above average stack, and 3 bet shoved someone's min raise and then called (fairly deep) with K5 lol, for a huge pot.
DYM wise: 43 games, 26.9% av ROI +£63.50
On a sidenote, I often get people talk to me at the tables after recognising me from this blog. Please feel free to post, and ask any questions. I like to pride myself on being open and honest. The posts I recieve, is what drives me to continue writing this blog, through the good times and the bad.
All the best
nice results m8....
well done.
good wishes for you in your new home too.
Rungood song of the day: (I actually listen to completely the opposite music for the majority of the time I play)
Another solid day, I'm mixing the £5s with the £10s and the new house is giving me rungood so far. Nothing much else to say. I'm on day 3 of a new workout and diet, which is killing me. It'll be fun to see how long my body takes to adjust, without aching like a 90 year old man.
According to Sharkscope: 31 games, Av stake £5.97, Av ROI 23.2% +£66.50
How fish win, exhibit A:
I hope insanity breaks u!!!
Also, could u stop pwning me, ty: (knew i shud hav snapped off ur A here)
Ah, the good ol' 93 - u learn quick!
IF u had been 4/4 on the 1st hand, I gotta call with KK to go 2 on 1 vs u, rite?
The previous two days have been fairly average. Once you go on a heater, you have have to expect a slight downswing/period of break even to occur at some point. As I've said, a 4-7%(maybe 8) average ROI is possible on this site playing lower stakes DYMs. Anything above that, and eventually it'll come to an end. I was on something like 14% ROI over my first few hundred games, but sadly, it just isn't sustainable.
(Interestingly, I've included a profit excluding rake line. Which means how much I would have made if rake wasn't taken out. Rake is seemingly something we have to live with unfortunately.)
111 games, Av stake £6.52, Av ROI 3.2%, Total profit +£13.60
Why? and what do you class as long term?
I agree standard isn't that much better as you move up a couple of levels
Still players limp folding every hand and raise folding from 6 bigs
I'm gradually moving up again myself.
When i started on here i was mainly playing 10s but found a bit of a comfort zone at 5s
Interestingly for me my roi at 3s is pretty rubbish, about 4, but is higher at the next 2 levels.
Trying to work it out i think it's probably due to having to win at showdown far more at the 3's.
Good luck with moving up, just use sensible game selection.
Also stay away from me!! I seem to lose every game when at same table as you!
Funny hand. Basically on flop I was either massively ahead or massively behind. So decided to let me opponent bet out. On turn, I wanted to induce a raise/spass from my opponent by leading. Got min raised which freaked me out a bit, but I just couldn't see what my opponent would have that's ahead, so easy call. On river snap call and there's no value in raising in my opinion.
On the Sunday I played a £50 live MTT at my local casino with a ridiculously bad hangover and somehow managed to chop it 4 ways for a cash of £400 (my largest to date). Chop was agreed 4 ways on the bubble because of the standard top heavy payout structure, added to the fact that the loose cannon was to my left with about 65%+ of the chips in play.
(Pic taken just after chop was agreed. You can see my stack to the right of the moutain of chips (closest to the dealer). Whites are 1k, Green 500, Red 100)
In June I posted a number of goals:
- Play at least 650 DYMs
- Play at least 150 £11 DYMs
- Play 3x 20nl cash sessions
- 8+ cardio sessions
I played just 495 DYMs, 95 or so of which were £11 DYMs. I did indeed have at least 3x 20nl cash sessions and 8+ cardio sessions. Nevertheless I owe £20 to a charity and I will post proof of me donating online before the months end. Not entirely sure which one, so if the forum could help me choose I'd be greatful!
I'll only be playing half the month due to going to the olypics and venturing to America on the 15th for 12 or so days (sadly no vegas or any real drinking as I'm only 19). Nevertheless, I'm aiming for 4500+ poker points! I'd definitely like to make priority club in September.
I'm sorry for the delayed end of month review, and I wish everyone all the best in August!