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Real life.Hard times,they are over.



  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life!:
    am expecting the next words to be TILT,RAISE,BUBBLE,FOLD,CALL paul. Glad the weeman is doing so well Nigel
    Posted by chopos180
    Ha!Probably the way I'm playin at the mo.More sessions yesterday.Really impressive progress accordin to the speech therapist.Have now got to double figures re words learnt.Most recent has been pippin(a dog on telly).Not a word per say,but when it comes on cbeebies he knows what to call it.That'll do for me lol.If only my poker could progress as well :))
  • lozgolozgo Member Posts: 1,124
    edited August 2012
    hi paul, great news about the weeman. on the up!

    keep well
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited August 2012
    Hi all.Been a while since I last updated,so here goes.We're comin to the end of the weemans 1st block of speech therapy sessions and like I have posted previously,remarkable progress has been made.A different child from my 1st post on this topic.So many words its now its difficult to see what my wife and I were doin wrong to begin with compared with the therapist,but anyway such a different child now its amazin.With regards to the possible autism situation,we are no nearer knowing due to waiting lists and various tests etc,so thats frustrating.I have actually this week printed this thread out and sort of made it into a wee book of sorts.Read through it last night and it was weird going over all the stories other posters had to offer and the well wishers posts which truth be told brought a wee tear or two to the missus' eyes.So thats it really just another wee update and thanks again for all the wonderful contributions to this thread.Really has been a joy goin through it again.
    Also as this is a poker forum I better add that my play still sucks at the mo lol!!
    Will be on tonight to try again.
    Best wishes
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,384
    edited August 2012

    Do try & keep the thread going with those updates, Paul. Everywhere I go, in "real life", people mention it to me.  
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,633
    edited August 2012
    Nice update Paul. 
  • profman15profman15 Member Posts: 1,808
    edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life!:
    In Response to Re: Real life! : Absolutely my friend.Weeman will be force fed liverpool till he likes it lol.Silent or not hes a kopite!In Brendan we trust my man. Cheers Paul
    Posted by bignoise10

    Hi Big'

    Nice to see things are going well but please, feeding the little one on Liverpool and the Spion Kop....c'mon, it must be Everton. You don't want the wee man tearful ALL the time do you?
    Keep the smile on the family's face mate. As socrates said "Live life as play..." Best wishes....hope to see you at the tables on a monday sometime...
  • cenachavcenachav Member Posts: 2,682
    edited August 2012
    Hey bignoise10, keep the faith.  In Brendan we trust.  Both my girls are being brought up as Liverpool fans.  I hope the weeman keeps improving at this speed.  If you can get to the SPT final it would be great to see you and I'm sure there are a few peoplewho would get you a pint!

    Take care and run better
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited August 2012
    TY For updates Paul!!

    Am sure we are ALL inspired & supportive of this continued story!!

    ANYTHING CAN BE ACHIEVED!!..........for Instance.....


    A,  EASY....................

  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited August 2012

    ...........With Patience, AND LOTS AND LOTS OF VERY SMALL BITES!!!!

    SEE!!  Believe!!
  • cenachavcenachav Member Posts: 2,682
    edited August 2012
    Don't forget the brown sauce.  Elephant tastes so much better with brown sauce.  If it was Giraffe then you need red but deffo brown for an elephant :)
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited August 2012
    Cheers for responses guys.Still means a lot readin supportive messages.Re the elephant thing,weemans a greedy wee ****,so its highly likely he'd tackle it.Though chocolate spread would be the topping of choice lol!!Play well tonight folks and hopefully my game will go the same direction as the weemans progress.
  • cenachavcenachav Member Posts: 2,682
    edited August 2012
    Hope so too Paul.  keep running well on and off the tables and YNWA
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life!:
    In Response to Re: Real life! : Hi Big' Nice to see things are going well but please, feeding the little one on Liverpool and the Spion Kop....c'mon, it must be Everton. You don't want the wee man tearful ALL the time do you? Keep the smile on the family's face mate. As socrates said "Live life as play..." Best wishes....hope to see you at the tables on a monday sometime...
    Posted by profman15
    M8 as much as the weemans progress is givin our family a boost, I may have to disown him if he went all bluenose on me lol!!I fully expect the fields of anfield road to be his next words ha.
    Be good m8

  • lisar83lisar83 Member Posts: 426
    edited August 2012
    Hi Paul

    Love reading about your wee mans progress! So nice to see something positive on this forum.  Try not to get yourself too frustrated about the lack of autism diagnosis, I'm still waiting for answers a year later.  I used to let it frustrate me but now I realise that as soon as the professionals know I'll know!!

    Good luck at the tables :)

  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited August 2012
    Poker update.I have actually won money tonight!!!! yeee ha.Only 20 notes but hey ho.Got to final 8 in bh.Lost a few hypers won a few hypers along the way so for the 1st time in a long time poker results are of a positive nature. weemans speakin!! he says hello ha!!
    Be good and run good.
    Best wishes.
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life!:
    Poker update.I have actually won money tonight!!!! yeee ha.Only 20 notes but hey ho.Got to final 8 in bh.Lost a few hypers won a few hypers along the way so for the 1st time in a long time poker results are of a positive nature. weemans speakin!! he says hello ha!! Be good and run good. Best wishes. Paul
    Posted by bignoise10
    N1 Paul!!

    say 'hello ha' back to weeman!!

    ps Is there a bit of 'Hawaian' in your family, pmsl!! 
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life!:
    Poker update.I have actually won money tonight!!!! yeee ha.Only 20 notes but hey ho.Got to final 8 in bh.Lost a few hypers won a few hypers along the way so for the 1st time in a long time poker results are of a positive nature. weemans speakin!! he says hello ha!! Be good and run good. Best wishes. Paul
    Posted by bignoise10
    nice to hear you have won again Paul,well done.
    also,say "hello ha"to the weeman from me.
    best wishes
  • chopos180chopos180 Member Posts: 176
    edited August 2012
    When you play Paul you must get a huge railing community considering
    the input you have put into this thread is tremendous.
    Keep up with the thread as it has inspired me to become a much better poker player mentally.
     Run Good at the tables

  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited August 2012
    Hi folks.Now the houes is quiet,I can get to writin.This Monday comin will be the weemans last speech therapy for 3 months.Apparently my wife and I have the enjoyable task of continuing this by ourselves until a proper assessment can be made.Scary!!However,the progress that has been made has been so marked the speech therapist says we should have no worries about the weemans eventual leap into "full time talkin".Since I started this thread(with litle or no expectation of replies might I add) way back the massive difference in the weeman now has been uplifting to say the least.It sort of seems this chapter is comin to an end re the original post.However,after Monday I will probably continue to update the weeemans progress as well as my own at the tables.The autism situation has taken a back seat atm cos of waiting lists etc,so thats always at the back of our minds.BUT progress has deffo been made and I know I've posted something along these lines before but cheers to you all who posted your stories and messages of support.Been a real boost to not only me,but also the missus.To be fair,the poker side of things has sucked for a good couple of months now,which normally would be cause for rants etc lol,so i have to say I've mellowed  a **** of a lot during this wee journey.Will deffo keep updating after Monday,but would like to say a big cheers to you all and like I posted some time back"May you run as golden as my weemans smile"
  • bearlytherbearlyther Member Posts: 1,757
    edited August 2012
    All the best to you and your family mate
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